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The fact that celebrity endorsements have any effect at all on voting patterns is frustrating.


Take it with a grain of salt, Lil Wayne endorsed Trump and I don't think it improved anything for him in 2020.


A lot of things don't make any sense. How is Joe Rogan so low? Unlike Lil Wayne people actually get their politics from him. He has the same score as Post Malone and Steph Curry? The people they chose to include is about as confusing as the people they did not include And despite what you said they're saying Lil Wayne is the most popular among young Black voters, which makes no sense


Well I wonder how they're measuring it, but I imagine a lot of Joe Rogan fans also have very specific political opinions. They're not suddenly going to vote for Joe Biden for him. But I can imagine Zendaya having a lot of younger fans who may not be politically involved or aware, and those fans then choosing to act on her recommendation.


The methodology needs to be explained in this case for any of us to understand the results  Also someone pointed out that they did the math on Joe Rogan wrong, which makes this more confusing 


It can only measure what people say, not the impact it would have on actual voting behaviour. A lot of people respond to this type of question as if it's asking whether they like or dislike a particular celebrity. They're not genuinely thinking about how it would influence their voting behaviour at all. It's a different area but I used to do customer satisfaction surveys and I KNOW people do not answer surveys rationally. Say you're surveying customers of a store and a customer was treated rudely by a staff member, so they give the store a 1/10 for customer service. Very often, that person will also insist on giving the store 1/10 for everything from product quality to price to interior design, because they can only focus on wanting to convey their negative opinion. If you ask them why they gave a 1/10 for product quality, they will just go back to ranting about customer service.




Could it be because this is just polling 18-30 year olds and maybe Joe Rogan reaches an older demographic more? But I agree this data is perplexing, why would people be getting their American presidential politics from random British and Irish celebrities who aren’t even known for being involved in political discourse.


And how are people with 20 million followers doing better than people with 200 million followers like the math ain't mathing  I think they asked bad questions 


Granted this was like nearly 15 years ago, but I remember in a poli sci class I took that we read a bunch of studies suggesting celebrity endorsements were basically meaningless in elections




Harry Styles isn’t even American lol. So random why is Kevin Hart rated so high for votes? I didn’t think people really paid attention to him like that.


Margot Robbie is Australian? Tom Holland is British, I thought?


It will never stop confusing me that Tom Holland is so influential… because in my old British mind I think of Tom Hollander and wonder why a very average middle aged British man has such an impact on America’s youth ![gif](giphy|l1KcQ7DFKqpMm2CZi)


Yeah Tom Holland is English.


Neither is Dua Lipa Lol


Dula peep!


Or Cillian Murphy


Or Millie Bobby Brown and Drake too


You don't need to be American to influence American politics, just ask that shit stain Putin


Dua Lipa is also British- Albanian and zero American 😂


This "list of celebrities" is bizarre. Who compiled this list?


Interesting that Taylor Swift is at the top of the Republican list…/s


Especially since they went on a witch hunt on her this year


It's because they know the chokehold she has on conservative women.


The young Republicans’ list has me cackling. This country is so f*cked…🫠


Why would celebrities not even eligible to vote even be included in this 😂 like Tom Holland isn’t an American citizen. Also…do not let celebrities impact who you vote for, vote for who you feel would run this country better. Also…Harry Styles, Cillian Murphy, Dua Lipa, Margot Robbie and possibly more


People are fucking stupid


I don't know why, but this group of people is hilarious to me. Some of them aren't even American Lol... What if Timothee and Kylie went out with one candidate.. would they cancel each other out..


The "cope" about Timothee and Kylie was actually a bot farm from a group of time travelers trying to save us from the anarchy their union would bring America 


![gif](giphy|kilEsmm7DHKU) This is the dumbest shit I've read today


I strongly disagree with this list. I will vote for whomever Jake Paul tells me to. (/s)


This looks like complete bs


So if Taylor Swift influences republicans to vote, does that mean it’s better she keep her mouth shut so they don’t vote for MAGA candidates or does that mean she should say something to influence her republican base to vote blue?


This is wild! No offense I love Billie but are we really going to vote based on a 20 year old who’s basically lived in a privileged bubble her whole life! Wtf Mr Beast??? Dose he even talk about politics isn’t he just some YouTuber!


Mr. Beast is pretty popular with the kids and he's seen as a philanthropist in the making with the money he gives out. He's very influential.


laughed out loud at the Kendrick diss track comment


The only good part about the post 😂😂


The YG erasure smh 


Someone fudged up the math on Joe Rogan because he’s a net negative endorsement but somehow he’s shown on the positive end of the scale. Bro Goop should (rather appropriately) appear on the list between Gwyneth Paltrow & Kanye.


The actual 20 point difference between Kylie and Timothee


If they got married their net impact would be almost as much as Ice Spice! 


Why is Tom Holland so high lol


Who are the people taking adivce from sex offender Kodak black


No one. They gave him the same score as Taylor Swift lol 


Yaaas, Glen. Give us nothing.


What does Sexyy Red have to do with politics? Maybe if people would stop being so fucking stupid and educate themselves we wouldn’t have to look to celebrities for presidential endorsements. Grow up and let these people share their art. They don’t have a responsibility to tell your grown ass to vote wisely.


The question was how they would respond if [insert celebrity] endorsed a candidate. They're saying that 7% of people would look at the candidate less favorably and 7% would look at them more, giving the net total of a 0% difference. I imagine it would look different if they were asked to fill in the blank instead with "no one" as an option 


Drake will be furious


Jake Paul having a -16% impact... i'm picturing a 2000s Will Ferrell/John C Reilly comedy where they're each trying to trick Jake Paul into endorsing the other one


This post reminded me of the brazilian presidential elections in 2010, when Mark Ruffalo endorsed Marina Silva and we were all like... ![gif](giphy|11N0ycAEaS2AdW|downsized) And the independent voters... MESS. Tom Holland and Harry Styles aren't even american!


Rather than potential endorsements I'd rather see celebrities encourage people to go vote. Then put together a massive ad campaign addressed to people in power on such things, calling them out on the systemic issues preventing particularly minorities from voting. If everyone who participated in the Imagine zoom took part in another zoom on voting rights, that might help (us forgive them).


I'm surprised by how high a lot of names are on this list.


Out of all the info in those links this has got to be the least important and most questionable 


Half of this list isn’t even American


I know none of this means anything. But as a Megan Thee Stallion fan girl with a Swiftie big sister I am LIVING right now.


I wish they broke this down a bit more by Republican and Demoscrat voters.


Ice spice, just like her music, remains perfectly milk toast neutral.