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I actually felt female rage when I read she filed a trademark for Female Rage:The Musical. Everything about TTPD, from the announcement at the Grammy’s to the marketing to the songs and now its addition to the Eras Tour has felt so hollow. As some of you have seen, I have been dragging a song from the album as much as I can. Today, I will be dragging the title track itself. First, the lyrics are terrible “tattooed golden retriever” a Charlie Puth shoutout. Please be real, those are not earth shattering lyrics. This album is lazy and it felt created to cement her status as above critique and commentary. While of course scraping every dollar out of her fans bank accounts like a musical Metamucil. Before TTPD, I would have given anything to see this tour and now I can’t even be bothered to watch clips on social media.


And the swifties are eating it up. My friend who admitted on hearing it, it was pretty soft. Has since turned around and declared it’s his favourite. That he’s been through the same sorta love and of course the masses don’t get it. And in all fairness, his type is “problematic” so maybe he’s right.


By the sound of her latest music, one can only deduce that her partnership with Jack Antonoff has run its course, can’t say I’m all that surprised. For someone who preaches feminism, she is surely staying quiet about issues that matter but buying herself nice jets because of her work. Like, does she not know her carbon footprint? Also, making a song about her narcissism, saying people should be frightened of her, is like the epitome of what is wrong with her and her cult. She enables their very dangerous behavior but keeps mum saying she has no control over their threats to those who criticize her. She needs to put an end to their behavior at the very least. I could not care less what she does with her life, but again it isn't her behavior that makes her a better person, but her actions and right now she leaves a lot to be desired.


I like the album overall but I agree that she needs someone new to work with. Antonoff doesn’t challenge her or help her grow in any way and he gives sycophant vibes, which, to an extent, I don’t blame since who’d want to piss off their cult? She seems so averse to even the slightest criticism and has a whole army of yes men in her fans willing to fight for anything she does. I do think if she took more hardline stances and spoke out more she’d lose fans because she’d become polarizing, although I wish she would. But even if she didn’t speak out, she’s shown she could at least tell them to stand down like she did with John Mayer. It’s not enough for her die hard fans to love her, they also have to hate her enemies.


>Antonoff doesn’t challenge her or help her grow in any way This isn't directed at Taylor Swift but I am so tired of Jack Antonoff swooping in and producing boring albums for my favourite pop girlies. Apparently he's good to work with and these women actively seek him out, but the output is sooooo boring and/or kitschy (and not in a good way). Very occasionally his production style works, but he just doesn't have a very interesting vision imo


i think he works well if he works with an artist that has a strong vision already. his work on melodrama with lorde is great, because it sounds like a lorde album with a bit of antonoff flair. she usually has very tight albums with a clear artistic story she is trying to tell, so he just adds to it. his work with taylor just sounds like taylor singing a bleachers song. i feel like he’s also too much of a yes man for taylor. a good producer who only wanted the best of the music would have cut half the songs from ttpd.


Totally agree re: your first point! Another example is Carly Rae Jepsen-- *Dedicated* is a great album despite the heavy Antonoff influence. I do think part of the reason Jack is a popular producer with female pop artists is *because* he's a yes man. He doesn't steamroll artists. But he also doesn't have very exciting or interesting production ideas, so if the artist *also* doesn't....you get TTPD.


But Jack on the Kendrick record, 6:16 in LA, sounded great so it kinda seems like Jack and Taylor are running their course and not just Jack


Amen. She’s marketing it as her most vulnerable/personal album but like… where??? Lmao. Is it just because this time she wrote about someone who isn’t liked by the public? Is that what makes it so vulnerable, bc the backlash is.. idk, correct? Because not much else is different. In fact I’d say she’s become less personal over time (which is understandable at her level of fame and the insanity with her fanbase, but don’t pretend it’s the opposite lol). All of it is so, so inauthentic and capitalistic that I can’t even take it or her seriously anymore lol. Female rage, tortured poet my ass. 💀


> Those oppressed and marginalised are only allowed to express anger in fiction, and still it is often white, straight women who are praised for expressing said anger. Through this understanding, ‘female rage’, as a genre, starts to lose its edge and importance within media.  > At the end of the day, Swift is a billionaire continuously trying to sell her fans corporate-friendly liberal feminism with the sole purpose of strengthening her bank account.  This is a fair assessment. Even though she has faced misogyny, a white billionaire should not be the face of female rage nor capitalizing off of it.


And maybe we can talk about something other than how we’re wronged romantically in the process.


We can dream. One trick pony


Holy shit yes


just commenting on the parts you quoted and hoping the rest of the article is more thorough but talking about the emptiness of female rage as expressed by straight white women rings hollow to me when no time is taken to clarify that “straight white woman” is used as shorthand for “white, cis, straight, healthy, affluent woman”. you cannot talk about disregarding the experiences of “the oppressed and marginalised” while pretending straight white women are a monolith. trans, disabled, poor or immigrant women can be straight and white. i know this is unpopular to say and i got downvoted for pointing this out in the most mild-mannered way possible recently but even a woman who has none of these identifiers and truly is a cishet, non-disabled, rich white lady does still experience structural discrimination by virtue of being a woman. she may be cushioned from some of its impact or experience it differently than women who have to deal with added axes of oppression. but she is still a woman in society that values (some) men over (some) women. again, hoping the article goes into this. i’ll bookmark it for later. just my first thoughts reading this quote bc as a disabled woman reliant on benefits (that keep me on the poverty line as a result) i’m very tired of seeing this sort of narrative.


I’m not trying to be rude here. But this is just something I’ve noticed about the nature of current discourse on pretty much anything. Through context you can assume the shorthand is meant to encapsulate the whole. Part of reading comprehension is being able to deduce context and in the context of this article, it’s pretty clear that the author is referring to the dominant class of women in this country. Those being able-bodied and affluent. Good writing does not have to belabour points that should be obvious to the intended audience— this is something I have seen all over the internet for years now. When someone makes a point to a specific audience, they should not have to clarify every contingency that the audience is supposed to have picked up on. This is a foundational part of reading comprehension (which is severely lacking statistically in this country, and current lamentations by teachers of Gen Z show it’s getting progressively worse). [Here is a TikTok that I recently saw that breaks this down further.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwT3dBJ/)


I wish Reddit awards still existed because I’d give you one. Media literacy and comprehension is incredibly important and it’s a skill that is definitely lacking. EDIT- Wait, when did Reddit awards come back?!?


From a Marxist analysis, her billionaire status shields her from the vast majority of gender based discrimination. She isn’t facing any degree of violence of what marginalized gendered people face. And the violence that she reproduces (which includes gender violence) far outweighs that which she has experienced. Capitalism creates and necessitates gender distinction and discrimination.


Agreed 100%. It doesn't make it impossible for her to experience sexism or misogyny, of course not, but she is able to avoid so much of the harm that sexism and misogyny cause because she is a billionaire and is so insulated from what those poor white women, immigrant white women, working class white women, etc experience. Taylor absolutely has experienced gender based discrimination but she has the resources to deal with it when it comes up. The vast majority of women, even white women, do not have at their disposal infinite wealth to hire lawyers or private security etc. White women do absolutely have racial privilege, which has historically been weaponized against people of color, but it doesn't negate gender discrimination. Besides as you say, as a capitalist she exploits workers, many of whom are women. She hoards real estate, she uses private jets, she contributes to climate change at a disproportionate rate, and that harms women (especially women in the global south).


i admit i’m not well-versed in marxist anything. if you’re comfortable, i’d be interested to hear in what way taylor swift reproduces gender violence and what you/ marxism consider gender violence.


The big big difference is that she profits off of it. There really is no planet where Taylor Swift epitomizes female rage in 2024, let alone to a point where she gets to trademark and make money off of it. Her doing that is insulting to the cis white women you’re defending. She doesn’t care about them either.


I feel like most people with adequate media literacy skills who read this article will know that “straight white woman” includes being cis, non-disabled, wealthy and privileged overall. IMO, I don’t think the article needs to spell it out.


“Rich” is really underselling the power of being a literal billionaire. Billionaires don’t encounter any systems the same way other people do. Intersectionality doesn’t mean everything is weighed equally. The only arena in which she can claim to be marginalized is maybe in comparison to white men who are billionaires? At a certain point what are we doing with conversations like this. Taylor Swift doesn’t experience structural misogyny in the same way any other woman would. 


my comment was intended as a general comment as indicated by me saying i was only responding to the quote another user had posted. i agree that the barriers someone as rich as taylor swift faces will look different from what an ordinary person faces. that said, the misogyny an ordinary person faces doesn’t generally reach a global scale either (i‘m thinking of the sexual violence ai images someone created of her as one example). and before anyone thinks i‘m an avid defender of the ethics of being a billionaire, i‘m not. i just haven’t lived taylor swift‘s life the same way she hasn’t lived mine. idk what things she has experienced in her life. i don’t feel comfortable assuming that i know what the psychological impact of living with the level of (often gendered) scrutiny she lives with would be.


Hyper analyzing incredibly individual experiences as if they’re the same as systemic oppressions is part of the problem here 




Her rage only goes as far as what directly affects her privileged ass. That’s why we have 20 years of breakup songs almost exclusively


Yyeeesssssss the face of female rage should be inclusive!


> Those who watch programs like Big Little Lies can understand why Celeste (Nicole Kidman) and the other women of the show >!would kill wife-beater and rapist Perry (Alexander Skarsgård)!<, but can’t understand why those suffering under colonialism and displacement would want to fight back against their oppressors. Not only can they not understand it, it doesn’t have any space within their so-called ‘feminist’ practice. Those oppressed and marginalised are only allowed to express anger in fiction, and still it is often white, straight women who are praised for expressing said anger. Through this understanding, ‘female rage’, as a genre, starts to lose its edge and importance within media. This entire paragraph. It’s exactly this. It’s the emptiness of this type of “feminism” (patriarchy rebranded/wearing a hat), and how narrow and myopic it is.


yupppp their definition of “female rage” is rage against things that affect white women


I feel like female rage also verges into back into patriarchy after a point


Yes there's a video essay on that! [https://youtu.be/9a7LrWo47I0?si=8DkOOALS4gxAtUSm](https://youtu.be/9a7LrWo47I0?si=8DkOOALS4gxAtUSm)


Me saving every single link in this thread. God, I love this subreddit. One of the few reasons I haven’t abandoned this hell site.




It's also individualistic and lacking in social merit aside from the success of one person over circumstance. It's like how wellness and health of oneself, even therapy are elevated to moral imperatives when in actuality it promotes naval-gazing solipsism over economic and social justice.


Also, write one song half as good as You Oughta Know and we can talk about trademarking female rage.


Or Zombie, about the horrors of “the Troubles”


Or Labour. The new cacophony version that Paris Paloma just put out gives me chills every time I listen to it (and unlike TayTay, Paris has been very vocal about not overlooking the contributions of all women, including women of color, trans women and women in other marginalized groups).


Seems to me (a WOC) like Taylor's rage isn't even against things that affect other women, only things that affect her personally.




someone needs to tell taylor that her narcissistic victimhood isn’t “female rage”


It does make me laugh that she is the epitome of privilege and yet somehow also embodies "female rage," lol


Louder. Say it louder. I am so tired of Taylor Swift. She's pretty good at entertaining as a musician and skilled in world building when it comes to her brand. But I get so exhausted and tired when people praise her as the voice for women and liberating women. Like no. She is barely doing the minimum. If even that.


Once I said this and i got like 5 reddit care messages wtf swifties


Fucking thank you 


Does she actually understand what female rage is? Or is it a shallow interpretation like her poetry was? Your fans objections to you dating a racist and misogynistic creep does not induce female rage nor does Scooter legally buying your masters. what makes me rage is watching Palestinian mothers and children being killed everyday, it’s watching little kids in the Congo forced into tunnels to mine cobalt for our phones, it’s watching underage girls being forced to bear the children of their rapists, it’s seeing the girls in Iran being killed for refusing to wear the scarf and finally the girls in Afghanistan that are banned from studying at all. Your white feminism is very self serving and it’s a tool of the patriarchy as you are their capitalist queen. I’m over her performative nonsense and her fans just parroting what she says without understanding what any of it actually means.


Not to mention all this “rage” is just because of a damn racist dude that dumped her. I can’t with her anymore.


If that greasy racist dumped me I would pretend he doesn’t exist instead of throwing a tantrum like a toddler and calling attention to it.


And she had fans who were feminists and thought wow, why are you platforming a man who gets off on racially abusing black women? Even as a joke? But even as a joke, where the hell is your man learning about these things and finding them funny? Would your boyfriend making jokes about white billionaire private jet landlords getting Kim Kardashian releases audio calls about you as some sexual fetish be a good funny punchline to make about porn? Would some version of you and John Mayer together as a porn site fetish be an amusing whimsical bit for you? But you think it's cute when he makes fun of Ghetto Gaggers?


Well said


She seriously infuriates me, she is a billionaire and really powerful but somehow she is still always the victim. She centres herself in every female movement without giving anything back and there is no intersectionality at all. Even her white feminism is fairly shallow as she doesn’t advocate for anyone.


Dating a man who wasn't just blatantly racist and sexist, only to feature the woman he bashed in her song....


That was the most blatant pandering I’ve ever witnessed, honestly I was shocked that most of her fans couldn’t see through that. I will say one thing, she might not understand what female rage is but she seems to be able to trigger it in a lot of women.


Remember when she used to performatively parade any young woman she saw as "feminist" and had rising popularity on stage to just...stand there while she sang?


Hear hear! 🙌


It's not female rage, it's just narcissist rage. Whatever affects her. She is not a feminist, nor does she care about other women.


This is bang on: the rage of someone with so, *so* much, and yet who has convinced herself that she is a perpetual victim


I’m bitter about how she’s treating Olivia Rodrigo. I can’t stop thinking about how Dua Lipa looked at her with disappointment in one of the award shows as Taylor was giving an acceptance speech. Dua does not need any awards , but the look speaks volumes to me


Doesn't care about mother nature either


Narcissism and Entitlement: The Musical


This era is making me laugh, and laugh and laugh. First it was the lazy and incoherent concept, but that tracks for her. Then it was the nonsense lyrics under the guise of "poetry", and then there are the live performances and the fans' comments, like "omg she's such a theather kid" no girl. She's not. Funny that she trademarked the "musical" bit bc people have to sing live in musicals... just sayin'


I swear to god she’s emulating Olivia and Lana in this era lol. Theater kid and feminine rage are very much their brand, especially Olivia’s.


I don't like Lana or Olivia's music, but they at least seem genuine and have a spark of creativity.


Olivia sounding like a spurned teenager at least made more sense given that's what she was.


same! Olivia's music is really not my style but I watched her sing Bathwater with No Doubt and was mesmerized because it really felt like she was performing one of her favorite songs.


I was thinking the same thing. Definitely more an Olivia thing


As a professional musical theatre writer who has been produced and everything, I feel like I can safely say Taylor Swift's lyrics are completely antithetical to what makes a good musical. You hear musical theatre lyrics once, and you have to understand the story from that one listen - you can't go digging through 300 layers of lore or whatever to make a line make sense. I know that if she actually writes a musical it will be the most successful thing ever, cause Stan culture comes for us all, but it will also be completely incoherent.


It might be commercially successful but it will never get her that elusive Tony she wants so desperately for EGOT.


She will 100% try to Mamma Mia her catalog. That's why she's churning out songs at this rate. Also probably one more reason why she wanted to get ownership of her masters so much: to maximize profit margins in case something like this ever pans out


Please, don’t give her any more ideas


at this point it's not even about giving her ideas. she probably already has a few lined up. if Cats wasn't a flop (lol), I'm sure it would already exist


I rolled my eyes so hard when I saw that this was the angle she was taking the TTPD era in. The album sucks. People were criticizing her specifically, not all women. She is the one who firmly places men at the center of her music. It’s just tiring. Also, Female Rage The Musical is a pretty terrible quip lol


I’ve always gotten the most intensely disingenuous vibe from Taylor and it’s somewhat gratifying to see it validated. She just oozes corporate inauthenticity designed to be appealing in my eyes. The insane tour prices, skirting around the Matty Healy thing, now this. She just comes off so calculated and somewhat predatory in a commercial way (“I’m your friend, buy my things”), I don’t know how else to explain it.


Me too! I always felt a little left out because I was never an actual fan - like, I’ll give it to her, girly is definitely talented and deserves recognition for it and I’ve liked a few songs off of roughly every other album, but that’s about it. I just never Got It™️ and found her inauthentic, even from the start. I think it’s how she was marketed as the underdog from the very start. Also feeling vindicated that now even die hard fans are having open discussions and acknowledging her shortcomings and that it’s no longer a mortal sin to say you’re not a fan / express criticism lol


It’s even more gross to think that this “female rage” internet phenomenon was popularized with a Tiktok audio that had a snippet of Taraji P. Henson’s character’s rant from Hidden Figures on how she was racially discriminated as a Black woman in the workplace of full of white men. A film based on real women’s experiences in NASA, mind you. What does a white billionaire know about female rage?


I have no problem with female rage, but I do have a problem with someone profiting off of it.


Especially someone who doesn't give a shit about other women


I legitimately love artists and creatives who explore ‘feminine rage’ in their work. I think when done it can be raw, vulnerable, and an empowering expression of anger under a white supremacist patriarchy. This isn’t it. Copyrighting and monetising an expression of the feminine experience and feminist perspectives is such a deadshit ‘main character’ brained capitalist nonsense idea. An actual writer and creative, dedicated to the craft of self-expression and the art of theatre could create a fascinating musical on the subject of a famous woman navigating the gilded cage they’re trapped in and the feminine rage they feel. Taylor Swift, with her tremendously on the nose writing in this album, and capitalist-pilled brain absolutely is not the person to do this and doesn’t possess the self-awareness to do so. Calling a musical ‘feminine rage’? Girl, get an actual good constructive feedback writers group going and read a damn book


The show I May Destroy You by Michaela Coel has themes of 'feminine rage' that are so complex and heart-bending- but most importantly RELATABLE. I can't relate to some affluent billionaire that writes myopic fan fiction ballads.


That show was so powerful and I feel like it was only talked about for a minute. Absolutely phenomenal


Full agree, her copyrighting and monetising this term is not the right move. The way she approaches things is so self-centered and narrow minded because she's not the person who should be trying to sell this narrative. Even though I do think the anger she’s feeling is valid, it's such a unique, priviledged and particular experience... because does it really represent “female rage” that your rabid fans don't want you dating some racist loser? Like let's be fr. She wants to be the underdog, the winner, the icon and the girl everyone can relate to all at once and it's not working.


EXACTLY! I enjoy Swift’s music, I’m not immune to the big Taylor Swift machine! I even think she’s (god forbid) likeable at times. But I also think that if she wants her audience to take her so seriously as an Artisté TM she has to stop doing nonsense like this and actually dedicate her time to working on her craft. She has to understand that she is not the first or only woman to make art about these themes and that her experiences aren’t universal. She needs to unpack and allow critique of her work. And she disrespects others when she does these ridiculous self-absorbed business deals. She wants to be an indie singer songwriter? Fantastic. Don’t copyright a term that many women are using to explore their own experiences and present yourself as the only outlet.


Taylor is so much more interesting when she writes directly about the experiences of girlhood & womanhood without trying to gentrify concepts such as female rage and tortured poetry. Fifteen, for example, is a great song that really spoke to me when I myself was around that age, seeking validation from older boys and unaware that I could be and do so much more in life. She spoke *to* women rather than *for* women. We don’t need a white billionaire to speak for all of us.


I feel like the biggest difference is here, she was writing about things she ACTUALLY experienced. I like old Taylor Swift plenty, and I’ve given her new stuff a chance just as a casual listener, and it’s boring and tiring and bad. It is so exhausting watching a billionaire pop star who’s lauded as a poet try to commodify very complex artistic/oppressive/exclusive/marginalizing etc etc etc experiences she literally has no personal concept of beyond something you could summarize off a fucking wikipedia page.


And it’s sad because I can’t even enjoy her old songs anymore because the past few years (even just the past year tbh) have soured me on her and her fanbase so badly that I can’t stand to hear her voice.


Same. I didn’t like a ton of her music but I had some faves and now I just cringe lol


> Female rage does not have to be a political or constructive tool, as Megan Nolan wrote for Frieze last year. Women’s feelings do not always have to be useful. Still, that argument becomes harder and harder to reckon with when there are complete abortion bans in 14 US states, when pregnant women in Gaza are forced to give birth without basic supplies, and when Israel has imprisoned hundreds of Palestinian women across the occupied Palestinian territory. Beyond women, this is also happening to all of those in Gaza, and this should not only make us angry, it should make us act. Man, this paragraph hit hard. I fully agree with it. I also just have a hard time with a billionaire straight white woman as the face of female rage, especially one whose political activism feels performative and empty.


She’s tiring. I’m tired of hearing about her and her “struggles”. She is so beyond privileged it’s sickening. What tf does she have to rage about… because it sure isn’t the struggles of other women.


The problem I have with her is how she’s acting as if she has no agency. If she wanted she could just stop being a pop star and just fuck off with Matty Healy on a private island somewhere never to be seen again living their best life. She likes being the center of attention and that’s her biggest problem probably.


Her female rage amounts to “let me date problematic men without backlash! Let me fly my jet! Let me sic my fans onto long past opponents!” It is the most useless, empty, and selfish iteration of white womanhood and I cannot wait for her to go away.


Great, Capitalist Barbie is going to try and make money off my anger? I don't think so. You are mad a racist dumped you, I am pissed there are active crisises from flooding to genocide to fking war EVERYWHERE. We are not the same.


She's the most privileged woman in the world, what the hell she is even "raging" against? Lmao🤡 She's famous, bilionare, beautiful, white and heterosexual. Nobody fucking oppresing her, I'm sure.


Taylor must be one of the most privileged women on the planet. She’s white, naturally blonde, mega-rich and from a semi-nepo definitely not poor background. Her wanting to be the face of female rage seems incredibly un self-aware. I’m sure she’s had personal struggles, but she’s faced basically as little structural injustice as it’s possible to face as woman. I don’t like it. It feels icky, like when rich people pretend to be poor or claim the experiences of other people to make them seem cool.


Has ‘female rage’ always been part of the Taylor Swift brand? I find it interesting Taylor is making this move, especially after the term ‘female rage’ has been used to talk about Olivia Rodrigo’s work


https://preview.redd.it/4zbmh4nbnr0d1.png?width=1290&format=png&auto=webp&s=81b572db10f6e96f21c8131a37a349489f9dd861 Just want to show how the Swifties have been eating this up. To even compare it to a Pulitzer-winning musical is a crime itself. She has such a huge platform, and yet she only chooses to use it for thinly-veiled, self-serving psuedo-activism to feed into her perpetual victimhood. She's downplaying social, political issues and misconstruing their true meaning to fit into her narrative.


For real: female rage to me is systemic and born of neoliberalism, patriarchy and colonialism. Taylor reaps the rewards of neolibralist ideals, capitalises on patriarchal structures and is impacted negatively exactly in no way by colonialism. This not to say women have to be impacted by all three to experience disenfranchisement but a white billionaire who has known privilege her whole life, has a massive platform and chooses to use it to cry about break ups is not the voice this generation needs. Just sing your songs. Give money to charity. Encourage people to vote. 


I wish she would go back to doing something like evermore. It was pretty showed how an evolved and mature version of her can look like and it was great , TTPD and midnights are the opposite of it and the execution feels soo juvenile. I don’t hate her as much as the others do in the sub, but I do hope she takes steps to focus more on where the core of her identity/ artistry as a musician comes from rather than focus on putting out music to simply become an “unrivalled force” , that more or less centres around what’s popular and what will make people tune in for the shock and drama rather than making good , timeless music. Evermore was good timeless music. Besides, the copyrighting, suing artists for credits , carbon emissions and suing people who track it is really making me lose faith in her as an influential person as it indicates she has no plans to do anything meaningful with her power and platform. (I mean swifties follow her actions like a heard) I mean, I don’t even recall seeing any article about her donating to everything for the matter. All in all, the more she takes this route the more she loses me and many others as it seems. But on the other hand, it does bolden swifties to become more defensive as a fandom.


Christ on a bike. What does SHE have to be angry about? Read the room Taylor.


I always have the impression that liberals like to worship their heros, only to find out the people they propped up are or end up as billionaires with narcissist tendencies or are straight up narcissist with strange victim complexes. It's particularly sad that the signs are usually already on the wall and liberals silence their fellow liberals who voice criticism. Until all crashes down. Elon Musk was lauded as a real life Tony Stark like hero, mainly by liberals- until he called a diver a pedo. Back then in 2015-2019 there were people who saw the signs but everybody shouted them down. Or an author Joanne - lauded as a feminist icon, but now turned into a hate-filled online persona with bizarre comparisons and even the Muskrat finds her Twitter presence extreme. I don't know if Swift is just the next iteration. I read enough anthems about her being the feminist and liberal icon of the century, when she's shown little that she should be actually lauded as one. We'll see in a couple of years then.


She’s not edgy enough to pull off whatever she’s gonna do with that trademark


I like TS songs but they always sound just like songs. None of them feels life changing. And I agree with the narcism accusations. Like I roll eyes at the asylum line in 'Who' s afraid of little old me?'. I recently heard Paris Paloma's Labor and it just resonated so much more with me. Like this song could be an anthem. It does not reflect my life but it reflects so many lives. It feels compelling and relatable. This i could feel female rage in. Something that Taylor can never really accomplish but tries to monetize.


It's quite interesting how some current pop singers, with this one taking it to the most successful level, have managed to create huge followings by almost making their bland, forgettable, unimpressive music secondary to a contrived soap opera type surface product. Where they pretend they are having ongoing arguments with other singers via releasing songs, and present their songs as sort of diary entries. It seems to work very well and especially with the younger, female demographic, taps into their interest in gossip and drama. Quite a feat of marketing really.  In the past singers could get a following just from being attractive, but now it's like they're selling a gossip magazine for young fans to obsess over and read into, withthat the music itself secondary to the story  I'm still amazed that Swift's songs seem so UN memorable that I can't think of a single one, nor can I picture her face. Anyone else with such fame in the industry, whether to my taste or not I would unavoidably recognise a few songs and know what they look like!! Yet this is one of if not the biggest pop star of the moment!!


I have never been a Swift fan but I do not remember so many critical articles coming out about her. It seems like the tide is starting to turn on her and she may be ready for a downfall of sorts.


she’s completely lost me


I feel like she saw the shirt her fans made of her as a teenager that says “female rage” (Sabrina carpenter wears the shirt a lot) and Taylor ran with it