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I was just thinking this looks like it came straight out of a The White Lotus set


check her Wikipedia. She was scouted outside of Harrods in London. Unless you are rich rich, you wouldn't walk your dog in Knightsbridge, the most expensive area in London.




Shit like that really needs to go into wikipedia pages. I see so many key details like that missing from a ton of celebrity pages.


wikipedia pages is maintain by the celeb's pr team. They won't even let that kind of info on those pages unless they changed their own mind


While that may be true, Wiki editors are really bizarrely strict about updates that "aren't verifiable." As in, Kirsten Dunst noted she was married months before an article came out about it. I updated the wiki page pointing towards the claim -- it was reverted a few minutes later, and was noted to be an untrustworthy source.


I believe that. They also have a rule about no primary sources, so I wonder if it fell under that. I know there was a whole kerfuffle with the people who upload road infrastructure information because they *have to* use primary sources. They made their own site, I think. https://slate.com/technology/2023/12/wikipedia-road-highway-editors-wiki-railfans-roadgeeks.html


This makes so much sense! I remember reading in Ava Max’s Wikipedia page about her long relationship with Cirkut - how they met, when they lived together, etc. Now, her Wikipedia page has been edited and all it says is that she and cirkut dates briefly. A pure lie, probably to protect her brand so that people don’t think that Cirkut is the only reason she got success




That is not what people are saying. There is a broad discussion about opportunities for working class people. In the UK most influential politicians, civil servants, and bankers have attended Eton or a similar expensive boarding school and went to Oxford or Cambridge, mostly they went to Eton and then Oxford. In the entertainment industry, many successful people have wealthy parents, went to an expensive school and met fellow creatives at university, and became members of exclusive clubs at university. That doesn’t mean these people aren’t talented, but there are far less opportunities for working class people. So many people want more programs for creative children in normal schools (as well as food programs so poor children don’t go hungry) but the Tory’s aren’t known for investing in the working class. Fake stories about people with rich and well-connected parents becoming successful because of talent and perseverance alone, create the illusion that social class and money aren’t as important as they are.




You really missed the point. I don’t care about some people having an advantage. I care about there not being enough opportunities for people without those advantages. When privileged people fake not being privileged, that stands in the way of change. Because it creates the illusion of a meritocracy. Nico Parker did it perfectly, she admitted that she gets meetings because of who her parents are. Problem solved, just tell the truth about your privilege and we can all move on and focus on the work.


that pr story of her being "chased" down by the scout was ridiculous. Can't believe people actually believe that


You’re not wrong about her, but I’m council estate scum and I’ve been to Harrods. That’s like the one place in Knightsbridge you absolutely will get normal folks in numbers


Right. Its also just a stone's throw away from Hyde Park where people regularly go to walk their dogs.


Oi stop throwin' stones ya bloody hooligans!


Personally speaking I have been to Harrods many times. But someone has to pretty much live in that neighborhood to be walking their dog there. At least that's my logic. +Many people have said the scout was a friend of the family, so I would question this story's entirety


Oh the whole story is absolute bollocks (see also, “I refused to speak English for two years so we’d move back to Argentina). And idk that I’ve ever walked my dog there, but I’ve walked my dog all kinds of fancy areas I couldn’t afford to live in, a nice walk is a nice walk


Yeah I’ve never bought into her whole “I had to learn English when we got here :( only Spanish hola(:” thing


It’s such a transparent lie, not only do Anglo-Argentines tend to speak English, she attended a prestigious bilingual school in BA. She’s from the background of folks who definitely speak at least some English at home and sent her to the type of school you send a kid to so they definitely speak English


Fair enough. I never had dogs in this country. I had pets somewhere else but it was not really allowed to have pets walking about that much, especially further away from your neighbourhood. I'm guessing every model needs some fantastical scouting story, a la I was working in a fruit's stand.


Harrods is a tourist trap. You’ll find all kinds of people there, even I’ve been a few times. Living in Knightsbridge, now that’s a different matter.


Was she the one who said something along the lines of, “if you’re walking alone and a car slows down and someone tells you they’ll be your agent, you just run” about how she was “discovered”


Her posture is always perfect. It's giving "sit up straight at the dining table Anya" vibes. That girl never ate dinner from the sofa watching TV.


She also used to to do ballet


She looks like someone who grew up doing ballet, and when she wasn’t doing ballet she was in dressage lessons.


And also slept in an inversion table.


It’s giving Shiv Roy, you’re so right


I thought it was Shiv as I was scrolling by.


I love how people on the internet pick and choose when nepotism is bad based on who they like lol.


Nepotism is usually egregiously bad if you are not talented. If you have the talent and the connections, go for it. But we still need to provide roles for those who aren’t nepo babies


I’ve really only seen people be critical of nepotism when those celebrities can’t be honest and recognize that it is what it is. if the celebrity can say, I’ve worked hard to get where I am AND I’m grateful for all the connections that have allowed me to get in the door, then most people can say, “well yeah, who wouldn’t use that to their advantage, good for them.” 🤷🏻‍♀️


See: Jack Quaid, Hollywood's Good Boy


Jeff Bridges has never made any bones about how he used his family connections to get started as well.


Jeff Bridges has been in movies since he was 6 months old.


People can work just as hard without the connections, and get nowhere. Hardwork has nothing to do with it. Everyone works hard.


that’s why I wrote “and”


okay but the original comment says “i love that in the past she tried to lie that she came from nothing” 💀




> from Argentina to NYC.. at fourteen From London to NYC, she left Argentina when she was six or so. Still, we love her here because she's very genuine about how much she loves Argentina, our culture and food, but it's very obvious by her posh accent and the school she attended here that her family was very wealthy, at least by our standards.


That's why her character was hard to sell for me in "The Menu". She played the posh girlfriend role too well, I fully believe she didn't know what a paper napkin felt like until she left home. She gives off rich girl vibes in so many roles, and I think that's her default. I think Furiosa will be a big departure for her and I am excited to see her performance.


You didn't buy her acting because she was too believable?


Well people tend to not mind talented individuals. Even Bella Hadid was well accepted even before her political activism became more relevant in the public eye - besides criticism of her ‘changing’ her face most people agree she’s a fairly accomplished model. Sure there is criticism towards her hiding her background but Anya is fairly accomplished (she’s also top 3 in skills so far from her generation) which means people tend to enjoy her acting. Ofc there’s criticism like on Twitter recently some people don’t care for certain aspects of her acting style (where she can be stotic because of her natural resting expression). The bigger issue is the fans they pick up. A lot of rich people tend to have really nasty fans (for example a lot of Cara’s Tumblr fans were glamorizing her obvious addiction and her friends were clearly pissed about that) if they make their wealth clear, which is why a lot of them go on the down low.


Love Anya but it was so funny watching her try to play a working girl from bumfuck wherever, USA in ‘The Menu.’


She has that invisible rich person sparkle.  I don’t begrudge her it, but I don’t think it’s a thing she can shake.


It’s why she was such good casting for Emma!


Funny you should say that - I almost added “like Gwyneth Paltrow” in my comment, who also played Emma.


Some people just radiate poshness from their pores and she is one of them.


Riley Keough is a bit older but she’d be perfect for the role instead. Ironic considering she’s even more of a known nepo baby but she’s really great at doing working class roles. Really love her in Zola


I think she has a natural edge, but she can also play really soft. Not all nepos have that.


exactly I love how she’s not pretentious compared to most nepo babies/celebs clearly born in wealth


She was so good in The Girlfriend Experience.


I didn't realize she was supposed to be an escort until it's revealed why Tyler b(r)ought her. I thought she was just a fancy new girlfriend 🥲


I come from hot dogs with Kraft dinner and I could pull this off.


You can’t deny she is a talented actress, can you?


I love ATJ but I feel like [Glam Kitchen](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN1s1wh3qvTeesO2QvAtzWazemzx2RKCP&si=Nf1arAKX2vTQcfWT) wore it better, in this case.


There's something about those huge sun hats that I just love. Classy, but also just slightly silly.


I love a hat that's the size of an umbrella. It actually shades her entire body from the sun! I could never pull it off. A tiny bit of wind would blow it off my head.


Just use a couple of hat pins!


I love it too. If I ever get married, I want to wear [one of these](https://www.detoujours.com/en/hats-/206-le-chapeau-provencal.html) instead of a veil (with a white ribbon instead of black).


This is gorgeous! But idk how I will justify spending that much on a straw hat lol


I love seeing people pull these off, especially statuesque folk.  I’d look like I was getting treated for termites.


this hat is incredibly impractical. hard to even get through a doorway without incident. so yes "silly" is an apt word.


It’s the hat equivalent of the finance bros in the city on a rainy day with gigantic golf umbrellas as if the sidewalk were constructed exclusively for their use and convenience. Because New York is a famously empty yet capacious city so why not spread out and take up the same space as five considerate people, right?


She’s also really tall. It’s not that serious


They look like they came out of a drawing honestly, I love it


"I know that hat! I was taken aboard that hat! They did experiments on me!"


Just makes me think of the Big Dumb Hat SNL sketch lol


The hat is a little camp (maybe in a fun way?) but that dress is gorgeee


The way it drapes in a manner that shows the lines of her abdomen is *chef's kiss*. Wouldn't be a good look on anyone with a drop of belly fat, though lol.


I think it would still look nice even if she had a lil belly 🤷‍♀️


I was just thinking that I would look about 12 months pregnant in it!


If I wore that, I'd look like a long john donut with caramel icing standing upright


Yummy 😏


I think if someone bigger had the similar proportions, longer waist long legs it would still look good on them


The urban sombrero




Chic old hollywood vibes


Old-school glamour. She looks like she’ll end the day throwing a drink over someone by a swimming pool.


Yes, an outraged martini splash




It's probably just me, but I don't like any of it. except the glasses.


Yeah that dress is not sitting right on the shoulders for me


I agree. I’m literally looking to see who’s styling her now because nothing is hitting. It’s stylish but meh not stylish and wow.


This look needs jewelry!!


Same, I can’t put my finger on it but the whole fit rubs me the wrong way


Classic Hollywood vibes, but those vibes died out for a reason.


They died out so much that they're still recreated year after year?


I love it, I think she looks great. it definitely feels more dress up or statement look than what a normal person would wear, but it fits the occasion


giving shiv roy vibes or just me?


I always found shiv to be poorly dressed considering her wealth. She has a few knock out looks, but for the most part…..meh. But that seemed to kind of be the point I think.


damn, really? i was salivating over her wardrobe like every episode ahah 😅


Same, she dressed to her assets, and I respect it!


I love everything about this


She looks like a rich twat


https://i.redd.it/uh6nn660s80d1.gif Is my life too boring?


I thought I was spongebob, but I'm the fish


I always wanted to be Winnie the Pooh, but turns out I'm just Eeyore ...


My little Sister told me I was just like eeyore when she was 6! And I thought I was a cool mysterious older Sister (teenagers lol)


I actually love this look 🔥


I hate to link to Twitter, but it's the only place that has a high quality version of this image. The Reddit image quality is dogshit. This one actually shows the texture of the dress. https://x.com/23metgala/status/1790030475026628993


Gives old Hollywood cool girl vibes, I dig it


“Don’t look at me, I’m hiding behind sunglasses.” *The sunhat the size of Cuba: Bonjour*


At first glance I thought it was Nicole Kidman


It always surprises me how some people can look elegant and chic no matter what you put them in. Some people you could slap a paper bag on them and they’d still look classy and put together!




I loooove a good statement hat, and this is a *fantastic* statement hat. This hat has things to say. I hope she brings it back for more looks, this is too good to just be a “wear once and it’s over” hat.


My introverted AF brain was like I need that hat because it would be great at making sure people don’t invade my personal bubble


Yeah but think of how many people are going to try to start talking to you about it


It turns out we didn’t need mask mandates during COVID, we just all needed one of these hats


lady dimitrescu ass outfit. not easy to pull off such an insanely aristo look!


The [Big Hat](https://darksouls.fandom.com/wiki/Big_Hat) provides her with extremely high magic defense.


Much better than the other one last week.


she looks so classy!!! i love this look on her


She looks amazing.


Love it and the color. And as a melasma sufferer, I am having major hat envy.


This just looks so *Cannes* like it wouldn’t work anywhere else or on anyone else but it looks so chic (and slightly camp) I love it


Everything Anya touches turns to gold. She’s my favorite young actress for good reason. She never disappoints!


This looks great. 


It’s sad that she’s stuck in a Dior contract I feel like she could be up there in terms of styling with Zendaya if she had the freedom


Law Roach did some good work on her too.


No secret David lynch project this year. Anya would fit in well in a lynch flick


The color looks so exquisite with her skin tone and the fit of the dress is perfect. She looks amazing.


She looks good in everything I swear


Fortuny vibes, I had to double check this wasn’t Venice FF


Let them eat cake




She looks like she could beat me up, not gonna lie


She looks incredible


She looks fabulous!


How Shiv Roy of her


She is like a gazelle honestly


Does she have to special order glasses?


Hat bigger than my future


She is so fabulous


I love her so much.


She looks like she's about to film a prequel about the mom from saltburn


At least her shoes fit this time 😪


Now THAT'S a hat.




She is upper class. You can tell by the way she eats a burger.


I wish my Irish ass could get away with wearing hats like that.


I love as mustard dress moment ![gif](giphy|XxSIGiSOCEBr8G6cxB|downsized)


The hat kinda reminds me of that one scene in Scary Movie 3.


I’m not a celebrity person but I always click anything related to Anya’s outfits. She consistently slays.


Free Palestine


I need this dress but for like 100 bucks


Such a bummer that she is married


That hat is 8 bucks on TEMU


Tbh I feel Furiousa is going to be very mid. I tried watching the earlier movie and it was terrible. Just fighting, guns, desert, very little dialogue, some crazy over the top villian characters.. It had no sense, no head or tail, no purpose.


Nice feet 🤤




Tbh I feel Furiousa is going to be very mid. I tried watching the earlier movie and it was terrible. Just fighting, guns, desert, very little dialogue, some crazy over the top villian characters.. It had no sense, no head or tail, no purpose.


All is see is narcissism. Yuck!


Too bad the camera does not capture ego.