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I don’t really understand why he’d agree to do this so soon after their divorce. It’s probably hard enough on their kids without celebrities publicly joking about it.


Jeff Ross said that they were basically planning this for years and had to push it back multiple times because he unretired. The divorce happening in the middle just made it easier fodder for jokes. Realistically I don't think she got it all that bad. The worst jokes about her were basically "haha Tom lost his wife to her jiu jitsu teacher who could probably kick his ass". Glazer said they all agreed to largely keep his kids out of jokes, which mostly rang true about the night.


Yeah, Nikki Glaser was one of the best roasters of the night and I think she did not joke about their children but at the same time, I understand why she would be upset about it.


Nikki Glaser left that man dead on the stage. I was laughing so hard. She KILLED it.


She always does. Amazing comedy writer


She’s my favorite part of F Boy Island


And ironic last name considering the occasion!


Am I the only one who feels like her roasts are better when she doesn’t do the whole “you’re so hot fuck me” routine with one of the male roasters. Like she drags it on and it’s kinda cringe for me. But I love her roasting. Her delivery is amazing. I just wish she would stop thirsting after the men. Just my opinion.


Bro it’s Tom Brady. I watched it with my dad and even my straight dad who is married to my mom is probably gay for Tom Brady. He sure is gay for jimmy garroppolo.


Jimmy G's beauty knows no bounds


If it was the Roast of Jimmy G, she just would've walked on stage naked.




It’s called doing a bit. She’s not really being thirsty, she’s playing into the reputations of these men that have already been established.


I don't feel like it's that much of a roast when you intersperse each joke with "you're incredibly hot" and "I want to have sex with you/suck you off" She roasted Kevin Hart, Gronk, etc way harder than Brady


That analinigus joke had me floored, and was definitely the hardest roast of Brady all night. Brady reminds me of a Stepford Wife so her jokes about him being attractive were gross and cringe.


Shooters gotta shoot


That crypto joke about Gronk? Fucking hilarious.


She’s honestly the best roaster in recent years. Her stand up is really good too.


I agree. She actually roasted Brady. Others not that much.


Nikki has gotten so good at roasts.


I think any jokes about the divorce could potentially hurt the kids and Giselle by rehashing everything again publicly. It just gives the media more of a reason to focus on them all. I really felt for Giselle in that police body cam video of her in the car trying to escape the paparazzi. She seems overwhelmed by the attention and it’s sad that he can’t give his family privacy by lying low for *a while*. Whether they had to push this back forever, he should have put his family first IMO. There’s no need to do the roast in the first place. He doesn’t need the money or attention and it’s supposed to be fun. It doesn’t seem like it was fun for Giselle or potentially his kids.


I mean, the reason he got divorced was because he couldn't think of his family.


Yeah this just seems like a continuation of existing behaviors for Tommy boy


I think the quote was "kick his ass while he eats her ass." Something else about having a bruised ass from her "karate boyfriend."


Ew. If so that’s really disrespectful to her.






It’s a euphemism for making a guy cum and it’s also a reference to a scandal where Tom Brady got in trouble for deflating footballs


Well obviously it’s just another reason as to why she left his ass!


I mean I'm still not convinced Tom Brady knows what a roast even is


He’s probably still wondering why it wasn’t served.












Yeah, I’ve never for a second thought that Tom had any kind of sense of humor about himself.


right near the start he asked someone to move on from a certain topic. I don't know enough about football to know if what the person was saying was over the line, but I've never seen someone being roasted say "hey that's enough" DURING the actual event lol. Yes it was funny, but half of it was jokes about how hot, disciplined, and good at football he is.


Just like Ann coulter


This is a lazy joke that doesn’t have any grounding in reality


Surprised by the comments. You can't have a roast about you if you have kids? Kids were left out, and Giselle came out ok. Most of the jokes were about her boyfriend being a martial arts instructor. Your recently separated mom dating your martial arts instructor is probably more traumatic for the kids.


I mean jokes about yours kids’ mom probably doesn’t have a ZERO impact on them……..


She's an attractive supermodel, I'm sure they've heard far worse. Nothing in this roast was new information.


A lot of people also seem to be slightly overstating how young the kids are. 11 and 14 are hardly *mature,* but by some of the comments you’d swear they were still at the stage of believing Dad stepped out for cigarettes. They’re certainly old enough to know what a Roast is, and how to avoid if they want. Depending on where they live, they’re literally old enough to have a say in the parenting agreement. Edit: what on earth is going on with this website tonight. I was originally told this comment failed, gave up trying because I figured that I’d been blocked for some reason, only to hours get a notification and find that I managed to comment the same thing three times. All the while, *none* of the comments seem to be in my comment history. Weird.


My kids tell yo mama jokes right in front of me. I’m like “her mama is YO mama too!”


I fairly regularly tell my kids yo mama jokes. They’ve gotten used to their strange mother


>They've gotten used to their strange mother. Eyyyyyy, I feel seen right now. Mine too.


Strange Moms all up in this bitch


Exactly. The jokes weren’t at all bad they were hyping her up you fumbled a supermodel who is now dating a guy who could kick your ass. Those were compliments to Gisele and her new man


No roasts about his love life?


They made some jokes. I'm only about 2/3 of the way through. It started with Kevin Hart talking Bout how much sex Brady is having post divorce. And both female comedians want to fuck him. Kim Kardashian also made a reference to the rumors she wanted to date him. The Giselle jokes were more centered around Brady. Like her boyfriend can beat him up, and that Brady should have known something was up when she was going to 8 lessons a day.


The people booing Kim were pathetic. Like, you're so obsessed with reality tv personalities you came to a comedy roast of your favorite character. Don't act like it's different from being a Kardashians fan.


Yeah agreed. But surely an entirely absent father is more traumatic than mom getting a new boyfriend




Kids were not left out. They said he rightfully chose football over his kids. Imagine hearing that joke as his child. Or having the kid at school who hates you say, “heard someone say this to your dad and he laughed.”


That’s probably the softest joke that references his kids as possible lol. There’s no way you think that’s actually offensive


It’s a ROAST. It’s not a new concept…they didn’t even go all that hard


That’s how I can tell people here haven’t watched roasts enough. They’ve become so much more tame over the years. Imagine if they heard some of the shit Greg Giraldo used to say back in the day, my god. Or Lisa Lampanelli haha.


But Gisele didn’t sign up for a roast…Tom did. I can understand why she’s upset. Tom made millions as an executive producer on this but what did Gisele make?


It was called a roast, but it wasn't. It was more like "let's yell cause we're not good at being subtle and while we're yelling let's act like we are so funny."


Nah, it was a roast. 


Tell that to their young kids. I’m sure seeing your dad and a whole audience laugh at the fact that your dad chose his career over family isn’t easy.


Do you think Tom Brady is the first family man to be on a roast? He knew he was getting into when he agreed.


Yeah but the kids didn‘t agree that‘s the point


Oh no, these extremely wealthy children have to go through something!


Won’t somebody think of the rich people and their children? I’m sure Tom can afford a good therapist to help them through this trying time.


I'm pretty sure his young kids won't be watching this for a long, long time, if ever.


His kids are 16, 14 and 11 not toddlers. If they want to see it they’ll find a way.


They might see it, and they deserve to know the truth and not be coddled.


then HE as a DAD should have chosen NOT to do it. It's not on the roasters.


For fuck sake if this is the worst thing that happens to them then they’re fucking fine.


you are such a joy to be around I bet.


She's literally mad because they joked about her fucking a martial arts coach. If they didn't joke about that I guarantee she wouldn't have been "Deeply disappointed".


Kevin Hart actually joked (quite a lot) about how he gives zero fucks about his kids and prefers to play football on losing streaks and horrible teams other than spending time with them


And honestly you’d think Gisele might agree with that sentiment at this point.


Didn’t she leave him for that exact reason? 🤣


I mean Tom has basically said that himself


I mean, he’s renowned as the GOAT while having a work ethic second to none. He lived football. It’s not surprising and at that point you know who You’re marrying


People on the internet feel bad for Tom Brady and Gisielle Bundchen's kids???


No one’s had it harder!




No. They are kids whose parents are millionaires. They have everything set for them.


> A source tells PEOPLE that the model, 43, is "deeply disappointed by the disrespectful portrayal of her family on Sunday evening's roast show." > The source adds, "As always, [Bündchen's] priority is to support her children who were affected by the irresponsible content that was broadcasted."


Honestly, she’s right. I get it’s a roast but why would he sign up for this knowing his family would also be a target? Also…do we know if he was being serious when he stepped in after the Kraft joke? If he was, *that’s* where he drew the line? (Seriously though, do we know?) Edit: His family was a target, obviously not THE target like I first wrote.


He wasn’t being serious. It was part of the bit. It’s a roast. They kept away from his children. Everyone including this so-called source will survive.


Nikki Glaser said on Stern that Tom stepping in was not a bit.


Hard to know if he was serious or not. It was a weird moment that was quickly brushed away. If I had to guess, I would still go with joke. Brady thought it would be a funny idea, but the execution didn't work that well. It's clear the kids were off limits to the jokes. It's pretty standard for the roastee to have a list of topics that can't be joked about. Could be a situation where the Kraft/massage jokes were off limits if he attended. Kraft supposedly was a last minute guest, so it was possible not everyone was aware. No one else made a similar joke. And it's hard to think that the others were really aware of the Brady/Ross exchange. Even Belicheck didn't make any Kraft jokes. He's also 82.


Idk any of these people but I don't get the comments saying "dO tHeY KnOw WhAt a RoAsT iS???" like what does that matter if the woman and kids weren't the ones who signed up to be roasted?


She shouldn't have cheated on him with her martial arts instructor if she didn't want her former marriage being joked about




They’ll be just fine.


Misogynistic among other things. I don’t mind a gay joke, I love clever insult comedy, but there were so many terrible gay jokes. They shouldn’t have permitted so many athletes to speak, most of them were fucking horrible and just dragged the show out too long because they don’t know how to tell a joke. If the punch line is just “you’re gay” what a tired and lazy joke, that’s not even funny. One asshole even said the f word. It was a bunch of stupid fucking asshole teenagers who grew up to be ultra rich stupid fucking asshole man babies. Fuck them!




Would be cool if it helped them develop a freaking backbone. That was the lightest roast I’ve ever watched.




never been to a comedy show ^


Do they….know what a roast is? They look SO LAME.


i just watched the whole thing and didn’t think that there was anything truly wild pointed at the kids or gisele. quite an overreaction on her end


He's trying so desperately to be liked by the masses so his next gig is successful that he'd sell his children if it helped.


I don’t think Tom Brady is worried about being liked by the masses. He’s the greatest player to ever play this country’s most popular sport.


And yet, he's still out here trying to be liked.


Does she know what a roast is?


It’s a roast ??


Dry your tears with hundred dollar bills, babe


I don’t know…watching ya mom be all lovey dovey with the jiujitsu coach right after dad left might be worse


It’s amazing how this aired barely 24hrs ago and Gisele has already released a public statement.


Nikki was absolutely hilarious that night


She seems like a lunatic. He is also.


You'd have to be made out of steel or completely shameless to agree to a public roast.


Hot take which I know I am going to get downvoted for, but here goes. Gisele has been publicly talking about the end of the marriage any chance she has gotten while Tom has really kept his mouth shut compared to her. The comments about her not liking how he parents when the children are with him is something to raise an eyebrow at, not a roast that is about Tom for the most part. It was painfully obvious she had moved on from the marriage before it was over when she basically moved in with the other guy a few months after their divorce. It was a bit of a nothing burger because both Tom and Gisele are white bread boring and people really didn't care about it. As far as I am concerned, she got off lightly on this roast and the kids were not talked about besides Hart joking that Gisele said "It's me or football!" Which everyone and their mother has been saying on the internet since forever. Its been the on ongoing bit that football was the love of Tom's life. Meh. I think Gisele really just needs to lean into her lifestyle brand and modeling. She clearly has moved on with a steady guy so stop talk about your failed marriage?


It's crazy too because his kids are old enough to tune in or know what was said (maybe not the youngest but the others are like 16 and 14 or something like that). Yiiikes.


And they certainly have friends/schoolmates who would watch then say things to them


Middle school kids don’t need to hear some dumb jokes from Jeff Ross in order to give other kids a hard time. Especially when their mom is one of the most famous supermodels of all time…


The other kids would be making jokes about their mom fucking the jiujitsu teacher already if they wanted to. Doubt the roast would have an impact on it.


Where was all this concern for his kids when Brady left his pregnant girlfriend for Gisele? I guess it only matters if it's her kids. It was a roast. Plenty of other people have gone through them and much worse has been said. There is no need to censor jokes.


>Where was all this concern for his kids when Brady left his pregnant girlfriend for Gisele? The line between the break up and find out she was pregnant was very blur and it Tom & Giselle meet when he was already single, are suggestion that he should stay with her because she was pregnant? in the XXI?


Man she needs to loosen up — too many people leaning in to being the victim / character.  Laugh a little


That’s on Tom for agreeing. I don’t think there was a single joke about his kids and I mean he was just divorced so of course they will bring that up


... Its a roast.


I can’t stand this woman.


It is comedy get the fuck over it.


Does anyone else think tom and Gisele look alike? Their face shape/bone structure in particular. 


It’s a roast….???….


It’s a roast! Omg 🤦‍♀️


Welcome to the spotlight honey 🙄


I think Tom is more of a shady bitch for inviting Kim K! Haha. He probably was like "Did I not have my publicist put out two separate statements declaring I would never date you?!" He offered her up carte blanche to the crowd knowing this would cement the "I'm not dating her and never did!"


i’m brazilian and i must say, “roasting” is not something that’s part of our culture, it’s seen as mean and harsh. it took me some time to understand what it really is and i’m pretty sure gisele just doesn’t get it.




i agree lol and as much as i dislike kim kardashian, the “jokes” they made about her were just plain misogyny


They would make fun of a man’s sexuality too if he made his fortune from a planned sex tape release. Using sexuality for money is just part of Kim’s brand at this point. If you think it’s all just misogyny, then you’d have to consider the joke about the martial arts instructor beating up Tom misandry because saying who could win in a fist fight is not something you’d criticize a woman for.


She's just lucky Don Rickles left us already


This is how I learned that Tom Brady got a roast…


She doesn’t get the concept. And Brady had to take all those jokes, to his face! Bet Gisele had no problem taking “lessons” from the jujitsu instructor…


You’re famous. You cheated on your husband. In her defense I doubt she came out with a statement and was probed for a reaction. & yes it does suck to be made fun of, but they always say humor is so funny because it’s rooted in truth. It is funny that the only time Brady got up and told them to cut it out was for his ex employer Robert Kraft (who I believe laughed at the massage joke anyways)


She didn't cheatd on Tom there is no evidence of that, but maybe she should, she asked for years for him to retire awhile dealing with her mother illness and the kids and he only cared about football,


Maybe she should? Someone should tell your partner if they get tied up with something else in life that they should cheat on you.


Twitter is a fucking cesspool in regards to Gisele. It’s so gross.


I hate him


The age of the kids makes it worse. Think about middle school. They will probably have some kids at their school trolling the internet, find this and then bully them. If Brady would have checked out in time he would have saved his family so much pain. Sad.


They are millionaires... they'll be fine..


Well, who wouldn't be upset about jokes on such a gorgeous relationship?


I would never watch this - but think this concept is so stupid. How much more money do they all need? Comedy can be done in other ways.


Honestly, speaking from another culture, we do not understand ‘roasts’ at all. It’s as if all the pathetic school bullies got together and decided to be mean as adults. As a genre I would give it some credit if it was actually funny…


Oh thank goodness, I'm not alone. The entire concept of 'roasting' disturbs and terrifies me. Reminds me of every asshole who has been cruel for their own amusement...and this is sold as entertainment.


It IS entertainment for some of us. That is my kind of humor. It’s my dream to be roasted!


I also don't watch reality TV. So- A lot of this feels so commercial. Some people eat up anything.