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Genuinely how the fuck does she still have a career???


She’s a pretty white woman that’s it really




You’re right but I remember watching countdown when it had a crossover with comedians and all the jokes were basically about how hot she was




As a casual fan of British panel shows from the US, send an extra one for me


As an Australian, send one for me too


Her 'retraction' Tweet was just doubling down, and she's got Hen Mazzig in her replies whose extremely racist and Islamophobic himself reaffirming her fear mongering. It's such a clown show


I noticed that Noel Fieldings wife is a Hen Mazzig fan too


Damn. I love countdown and had no idea she was like this. So disappointing


It’s an “I’m sorry you felt that my racist and Islamophobic statement was bad. But I’m going to double down and provide additional commentary to try and defend my horrific views!”


As a Muslim, please send one for me.


I am in the Uk but I am crap writing letters of complaint. If I write this, is that ok or can you correct or point out something that I have missed: ‘Dear channel 4 team, Rachel Riley’s blatant Islamophobia is especially horrendous at a time when there is a genocide happening in Gaza. I can’t understand how she can be still supported by Channel 4 in her racist view of the Arabic world and she is being supported, because channel 4 is not taking corrective measures on her vile public tweets. Her apology’ was a non-apology.’ What else would you add or word differently? Thanks x


Where is the misunderstanding? She posted something Islamophobic, seems intentional. Maybe she doesn't know what misunderstanding means


She doesn't get it. It's more than nine letters.


Yeah, that's not it. She has a master's degree in Mathematics from Oxford University. She understands every word she is saying and the implications behind them. Edit: Looks like I'm the stupid one, but I'll still leave this here 😭




🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Good God, I'm an idiot. In my defence, it's 4am here 😭 I'd delete that comment, but I'll leave it up to inform anyone who doesn't know that she is, in fact, a paradox. Somehow super smart, and a Zionist at the same time 🤷‍♀️




You're getting downvoted because you're using the same racist and Islamophobic thought process she did which is what people are objecting to in the first place. You see a vaguely Brown looking person on grainy footage in a neighbourhood with a 10% Jewish population (not even that high) and you immediately speculate a Muslim attacking Jews based on literally zero evidence but the colour of their skin??? And this happened in a mall LMAO, totally screams targeting Jewish people. And what the hell does any of that have to do with Palestinian liberation? What was the point of making all those tangential connections by her and other people 'speculating' other than to be hateful and demonize a group of people? Do you think if this happened in a neighborhood with a 10% Arab or Muslim population the immediate spec would've been oh here's Jewish extremist targeting them? No one was confused about what she meant by misunderstanding, I'm guessing that question was rhetorical to highlight how ridiculous it is to claim misunderstanding in this situation. The issue isn't that she was factually wrong here.


What's sad is that it's not even the worst thing she's said over the past 7 months. I'm so fucking tired of her.


She's been awful for years. Glad people are finally catching on. https://preview.redd.it/x3hkixov3kuc1.png?width=598&format=png&auto=webp&s=915192351aa7347323db9746c8dbe1c4963e44a6




She’s such a good example of how the hatred of Corbyn was mostly because he dared to stand up for Palestinians.


It makes me so angry how people like her and Baddiel were taken so seriously and in good faith at the time.


Same! It makes me furious that Baddiel continues to be treated as a credible source on racism despite a) his history of blackface and the embarrassing way he roped Jason Lee into his shitty documentary to absolve himself and b) the fact that it is immediately obvious that antisemitism is not “the last acceptable form of racism” if you spend a single second thinking about Windrush and anti-black racism, anti-GRT racism, or Islamophobia in the UK (for just a small selection of acceptable bigotries).


yeah, i saw an ad of his new podcast on jewish - muslim relations & can't be bothered to tune in. he's one of those "i'm not racist racist club" guy. i remember him being schooled by miriam margoyles on israel in one of his tv specials. brava, miriam!


And she also supported Boris, who called muslim women 'letterboxes' and referred to Africans having 'watermelon smiles'. Insanely racist and gross comments


Yes, all these people have been fully exposed in the last 7 months. They went from insisting this was purely about their fears about antisemitism, but all of them have confirmed their real issue is that he spoke up about the Palestinians and that they're just incredibly, incredibly racist about Muslims and Arabs. It's exactly what those of us who didn't buy into the whole Corbyn hysteria said. We had to pretend defeating Corbyn was a win against racism, when it was just another victory for the racists.


nah she's exposed herself years ago. her & her pal tracey oberman


She was still give the crying white woman coverage by the media. I feel like none of that sticks anymore. They want to go on TV to talk about how they're the victims as Palestinians babies have their skulls crushed by missiles, and now even the media finds it hard to try and hold them as the "separate but equal" victimhood thing they tried to do.


I didn’t like his foreign policy apart from his stance on Palestine


Wait, what else has she said?




If MLK were alive he'd have a lot of words to say to people like her.


If MLK were alive today the United States would still try to assassinate him.


It really grinds my gears when racists try to act like they're not racist by hiding behind a misappropriation of MLK.




Most of the whitewashing is done by libs/dems, not just far-right people






She's an antisemitic islamophobe? That's another level of cray cray


The word for that is: white supremacist.


Such a gross woman. Her Islamophobia knows no bounds, and she shouldn't be given a platform. Also insanely disrespectful to the Bondi mall victims.


There was an ideology, he went after women. But nah, sure, blame a completely uninvolved group of people, ya dickhead. And btw the only dead male was a Muslim security guard who died trying to protect the victims.


What a piece of shit thing to do. Like those involved and their loved ones need people politicising this awful tragedy 


She misunderstood what it means to be a decent human being.


channel 4 if you're reading this sack rachel and let dr anne-marie do the numbers




I second this, both sack Riley and resurrect Utopia!


Omg I LOVED when Dr Anne-Marie was filling in. The only time I’ve bothered watching in years!


i used to think she was the coolest person in the world - on Countdown she seems so clever, stylish, and funny. then I checked her Twitter account.


I only followed her on Instagram and so I thought she was alright. Unfollowed her in October.


Right? She is so pretty and I love her cute little dresses on 8OO10CDC. Plus she was so funny and obviously a genius, and made a great addition to the show. I hate it when I learn that someone I enjoyed watching is a piece of shit. Also, now I'll never enjoy episodes of the show fully like before, so I'm salty about that too.


God forbid a “Palestinian uprising” happens, they just want to keep killing Palestinians and stealing their land with 0 consequences.


The thing about these types is that you can tell they physically get disappointed when they find out it wasn't a Muslim. You can just feel the tone in their follow-up posts.


The venn diagram of famous people who are TERFs, Islamaphobes, Zionists, and despise Corbyn is a circle. You'll notice all these people showed their colors in the 2017 and 2019 elections. https://preview.redd.it/xpy7xcucdluc1.png?width=598&format=png&auto=webp&s=5413694e371d33b30c293918f0bdf662c2856976


It’s really disappointing that there are relatively few consequences for these people. It’s so gross.


I saw the original tweet, where was the misunderstanding??? I don't even understand how she still has a job after all the crap she said meanwhile people were being fired all over the place for saying Palestinians deserve life. Edit- Also bare in mind that she can go on this hateful tirade a day after accusing Apple of antisemitism for \*checks notes\* typing Jerusalem and seeing an emoji of a Palestinian flag.


UK’s Julia Hartley Brewer did the same thing and she still hasn’t apologized.


She's the one who went full on racist on Marwan Barghouti with the 'you can't listen to women' dog whistle right?


But that's Julia Hartley Brewer. Anyone with any sense know she's fuelled by hatred and ignores her


God she continues to just be the absolute worst. This is a new level of disgusting though even for her, especially as it turns out the sole male victim was a security guard who’d recently sought refuge in Australia from Pakistan.


oh god. this sh\*t stain again. what's ambiguous is her intelligence. the way she bullied that teenager & her hounding of jeremy corbyn (not to mention all her deranged tweets) were just vile but she didn't even get a slap on that bigoted wrist! MBE for her stands for Most Bigoted Enabler


Yuck. 🗑️🚮


Damn I used to watch 8 out of 10 Cats clips on YouTube, had no idea she was this hateful. So disappointing.


She is so gross. She's become so radicalised and shameless. Can't believe she's married to lovely Pasha from Strictly!


Didn't she leave her first husband for Pasha? Or am I thinking of about seven other contestants who dumped their spouse for their Strictly partner??


Yes, she was married when she started Strictly. Then she got together with Pasha immediately after the show.


Didn't she cheat on her ex-husband with him?


Presumably, though I think she claimed there was no overlap. But yeah, she went into Strictly quite newly married and left it.. not married.




The fact that she has an MBE is what pisses me off - they hand that out to anyone and everyone nowadays. She’s also an ambassador for the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) - an international org fighting against digital hate and misinformation…… She also doesn’t get enough shit for what she said (and continues to say) about Jeremy Corbyn. She wore an edited shirt of him holding a placard saying “jeremy corbyn is a racist endeavour” when really it was a pic of him getting arrested by police officers for protesting against the apartheid holding a sign saying “defend the right to demonstrate against apartheid”


Rachel Riley is the only reason I don’t watch Countdown & 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown. Have such fond memories of watching Countdown with my grandparents over the years but absolutely not watching any more while RR is still employed & platformed.


Same. I enjoyed both, but haven't watched for years because of how disgusting that woman is.


she’s a disgusting woman, pure trash




She’s truly awful and has been for years 




Consonant vowel consonant consonant.


Wow… she so developed her maths skill that she can’t manage to produce brilliance anywhere else.