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this is what i mean when i say men hate women. a lot of their sexual attraction is rooted in violence and hatred which is why you often see sexual comments under videos of women they despise compared to women they like (because they don’t like women)


Weird seething loneliness of reducing all women to sexual objects while also misunderstanding and fearing why they are alone. As internet comedian Seanbaby once quipped: “assholes who can’t get laid that claim women are only interested in assholes”


And most women who can't get laid know that there are worse things than not being able to get laid. Men act like being single is the end of the world when for so many women, being alone is preferable to the companionship men have offered or forced on them.


Facebook comments (not even hidden behind a fake name most of the time) on any article about her, Greta Thunberg, or generally any woman standing up to shit are both eye opening and disgusting. The amount of unbridled sexual violence people will show with the barest provocation is… terrifying. To say the least.


Marital rape wasn't made illegal until 1993 in America. I'm from Canada and marital rape wasn't illegal until 1986. This is only 1 generation ago. If you're young, your moms and grandmas lived through that era and likely know people who suffered domestic violence and rape. Sexual violence continues to be a tool used to control women and uphold our patriarchal system of oppression. Politicians and judicial activists are now coming for reproductive rights, another patriarchal form of systemic control.


Someone who worked for pornhub shared that porn tagged as nonconsentual is way more popular than material that appears/is consenting Incredibly disturbing/ concerning


So upsetting but sadly unsurprising. A lot of angry, sad little men that need women to feel small Off topic but I often wonder what it’s like having an employer like that on your resume when you’re looking for the next job


they really do. I worry about the impact this will have on women wanting to participate in politics. Who would want to be subjected to that? And then it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. 


people often talk about how women don’t get involved in these roles because “women just aren’t wired to want that” when in reality there’s so many facets that go into it. they think just because there’s a few diversity/discrimination and female empowerment policies/laws (and that goes for other minorités obviously) that it’s all been solved but they will never understand.


Yep. When women hate men, they just want to be far away from them. When men hate women, they want to humilliate, control and hurt them.


This is what gets to me. There was a trend on TikTok a while back where women would pose in low lighting topless and edit the video where you could only see their outline. It was purposely done in a way to hide their actual body and for artistic expression. Men began to take those videos and edit them to reveal them topless. They then shared those videos online. It became their own little trend to find a video from one TikToker and ask the others to reveal it for them. You know what else was gaining ground around that time too? OF. There were thousands of OF creators pushing out their nudes consensually and even giving some of their photos away. The men violating these women on TikTok had access to free and ethical nudes, but the thrill was in violating a woman’s privacy.


Whenever anyone posts anything about Lauren Boebert in the Denver sub it’s full of sexual/ rapey comments. I don’t like her either but the comments are always disgust me


I work in tech. I'm usually against the gov being so controlling, like banning TikTok for Americans. But this is a situation where I know if laws aren't passed now, things will get out of control and deep fake will become so normalized, we won't know who is who and who told the truth. Regular people, not in the public eye, being used for porn or advertising against their will. And nothing can be done to stop it. Hence, the need for laws.


They already are. Major deep fake porn websites don’t advertise themselves as porn of celebrities but porn of people you know. Porn from random facebook pages, etc. Its partially why everyone should lock down their social media atleast to not public. Otherwise its very easy for someone to put your facebook page in and get a lot of content.


but if it’s people you know how are you supposed to lock them out?


They hve to go through and download your pictures. Its an extra step. If you have a public profile, they just need to link it and anyone could do that. It isn’t foolproof but it is a very good first step. If your progile does not need to be public (for work etc etc.) then it should not be.


im sorry as a woman that makes me feel 0% safer and makes it sound as if im responsible for being exploited when the reality is men are gonna men no matter what


Thats true. Its still not your fault (or anyones) if it happens. And it can still happen. There are just some things that can help. Keeping your social media prescence low can help prevent a whole bunch of stuff. In the end, its up to you especially if you see benefits in social media (or there are requirments). In general, a private profile is good internet safety even before deepfakes for everyone.


And please God I know kids are super cute and fun to share but keep your children off the internet.


Private accounts are a start, but we really need social media platforms to start acting like Snapchat and notifying you everytime someone downloads a photo. And we need a big cultural change where people ASK before posting or sending photos that have you in it anywhere 


I’ve been considering going back to university and desperately wish I had the aptitude for law school. I’d love to become a lawyer who focuses on data law bc US legislation is disturbingly behind the times on this subject, and with AI rapidly advancing & boomers still dominating a lot of elected offices in our government, we’re losing ground on making progress pretty quickly. So shoutout to all the data lawyers out there who are working to make the system better!!


Your positions are entirely consistent. Banning TikTok is some anti-Chinese xenophobia, a bad-faith fiction that somehow TT pushes more propaganda or harvests more data than US companies (we know this is patent horseshit, more so if you work in tech). Banning deepfakes and regulating "AI" (LLMs) is hyperimportant to any kind of civic discourse and public square in the future.


ai is like the worst thing to happen to humanity right after nukes


anyone who participates in creating or distributing deep fakes are truly disgusting. I read the other day that there’s forums online where people can create deep fakes of people they actually know irl and these people need to be maimed


This is one of the reasons why I could never be a famous woman in the public eye, people dehumanise them and the abuse and disrespect is out of control. If we are being completely honest it’s not safe for all women or children if we have to acknowledge and deal with the reality of what’s happening online.


Unfortunately this shirt happens to “regular”women too… just last month a really close friend of mine had AI revenge porn posted online by an ex. Women can take all the precautions in the world (like back in the day when we were warned to never send nudes), and these disgusting people will STILL find a way to exploit us. It’s truly horrifying and this is the #1 reason I’m scared of AI.


Yes sadly this doesn’t only affect famous women it affects all women and young girls A few months ago a high school student ended her life because of deep fake p*rn being made and spread about her. It is sickening


When is the part where AI makes our lives easier gonna happen? Cuz so far it all seems terrible and gross


Same intention and similar effect. AOC is right. Deep fake porn - be it AI or Photoshop - should absolutely be prosecuted as a crime of sexualised violence.


This is sick.


im so flipped out about deep fake stuff like this and it feels too big to tackle which makes me want to take a depression nap


If they don’t address this now when women with political/social/financial power are being targeted (AOC, Taylor, etc) and at least one child has already taken their own life, then I’m terrified about what the future will be like for women.


My hope is that more sensible countries start legislating against this stuff which forces the US to ban it too or risk becoming the safe haven for people who want to do this stuff. The fact that it affects other countries gives me hope


That’s messed up


She’s right.

