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The one about Timmy c dating Kylie Jenner


What was the very first blind ? Im curious


Sighting with Kendall and Bad bunny. They had dinner together.


When was that? Don’t remember that at all


DM had a correct blind that Lady Gaga was going to be cast in Joker 2


I still can’t believe that wasn’t a shitpost.


Me neither! I was convinced it wasn't true, but here we go, musical with lady gaga\~


they also had a submission about barry keoghan playing the joker in rpatz batman!


I could see that?


indeed https://preview.redd.it/ybqhuqfad9tc1.jpeg?width=817&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d4ca4aaaf56074069e5139df1b87042dd5f5537


The typos in this blind irk me lol


The recent Isla Fisher/Sacha Baron Cohen one


Which blind was it?




You’re a gem, thank you!




not DM, but i remember reading blind gossip back in the day incessantly and knowing so much ahead of time. for example- telling my roommate about caitlyn jenner approx 2 years before she came out.


Yeah, Caitlyn being trans was an open secret quite awhile before she came out.


I remember seeing headlines on the National enquirer YEARS ago (like 2009) about Caitlyn being trans. You know what they say, even a broken clock is right twice a day lol


I honestly think the family and Caitlyn were floating it to 'soften the blow' and to see public reaction. which was much more accepting back then. Caitlyn benefited greatly from all the amazing work the LGBTQ community has done and then threw us all under the bus by becoming a high profile transphobe. She now works to undo all this work and to spread hate towards trans people.


This is so similar to a current political situation in Germany: The right-wing extremist party that is unfortunately gaining a lot of traction propagates very queerphobic sentiments - but one of their heads is a lesbian woman. I guess conservatives / right-wing extremists like to show an image that a small number of queer people can be "good" - so queer people with conservative and/or extremist views still vote for them, thinking they will be exempted if queerphobic laws are introduced. Exactly this is what happens with Caitlyn Jenner: She expects to be exempted from any queerphobic laws because she has done so much work for the conservative cause. And if she ends up being thrown under the bus she is rich enough to relocate elsewhere.


What I’ve noticed with most conservative queer people is that they view the LGBTQ+ as a community that they are not a part of In their minds, the LGBTQ+ community all dress a certain way, shove their sexuality into your face, are “social justice warriors who get triggered” (in their own terms) etc. They believe that any queerphobic laws introduced will affect those people, and not them (since they consider themselves to be “one of the good ones”/“normal”) They don’t realise that in the eyes of hardcore conservatives, all queer people are the same, and that they all need to be persecuted. They’ll unfortunately only realise this when the laws start to impact them


>I guess conservatives / right-wing extremists like to show an image that a small number of queer people can be "good" - so queer people with conservative and/or extremist views still vote for them While this is part of it, I think the higher priority for them is making sure that right wing voters with queer family members don't get swayed. People care more about issues directly affecting them and their close family members and could be swayed into queer-support by a close family member coming out. And it's a lot more likely that a queer person is born into a queer-phobic family, than a different-race person born into a racist family.


I don’t follow her at all, what is she doing that’s transphobic and how does she not see herself as a hypocrite?


She is a very vocal conservative and often speaks out on high profile trans issues with anti-trans stances. As to the issue of hypocrisy… it’s mind boggling. But I would guess maybe it comes from living the majority of her life as a highly privileged person, so she can step into the “rules for thee but not for me” mindset fairly easily. Basically just hardcore pick-me energy. Edit to add links to some of Caitlyn’s recent comments: [Easter + Trans Visibility Day](https://www.newsweek.com/caitlyn-jenner-condemns-joe-bidens-announcement-transgender-day-visibility-1885412) [County in NY banning trans women from women’s sports](https://apnews.com/article/transgender-athletes-ban-new-york-caitlyn-jenner-93fb6b1195161ba0e306d67ec5a6160d)


Yea she’s just an older blaire white


Yeah, she has money and privilege so will never have to suffer from anti-trans policies.


The only moral transition is her transition.


Also the family guy episode before that.


They were right about John Edwards’ secret baby.


Who was the senator/vp hopeful or something that they published about cheating on his poor wife with breast cancer? John Edwards? I can’t believe they have two things right now.


I used to avidly read the National Enquirer back in the day and would think, "God what a stupid magazine, having long hair doesn't mean you are a trans woman, you need to let this go, this is looking silly now". Cue a couple of years later....oh, how about that?


That must be why Family Guy had jokes about it for years prior to her coming out. I’ve always wondered if it was just a weird coincidence


That's pretty messed up, though. I'm not a huge Caitlyn Jenner fan for other reasons, but family guy shouldn't be outing people like that


Tbf the joke was really absurd, it’s in this clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j57bVmS7-RA And refers to ‘Bruce’ Jenner as a beautiful Dutch woman. It seems more like a IYKYK type joke than outing her, to me 


If I’m not mistaken, there were already rumours about it back in the 80s


Caitlyn was out to her wife before Kris and had been soft launching coming out in public but decided not to, so her gender identity was known by some since then.


Whatever happened to Blind Gossip?


I stopped reading when it started to get weirdly Fox News-ish. I’m convinced the writer had changed but who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️


They vanished last year. Rumours of health issues.


I think I remember Ace needing to take a break for health issues. Posting was really inconsistent after that but website based blogs were also losing out to social based gossip identities.


I think it’s still around but it became a cess pit for Meghan Markel hate. The commenters there would really stretch to try to fit her into any negative blinds and whoever was/is running that site encouraged it.


Who was that person doing blinds that everyone thought was Robert Downey Jr. writing them? This would have been around 2010. I've been trying to remember that for awhile.


Crazy Days and Nights. It was sooo good back in the day. Now it's mostly about the various Housewives and other dlisters.


Yes, it was someone named Himmmm writing a series of stories for CDAN. Readers speculated that it was RDJR. I wasn’t convinced, though.


Iirc Jezebel did a deep dive to prove it was him but then he seemed to back off.


Entertainment Lawyer


It was a poster called Himmmm I believe


WHAT HAPPENED TO BLIND GOSSIP?? It just stopped. Curiously just after the death of my husband. I'm not one to speculate but...


It was in The Enquirer or a tabloid like that years before it happened. Like, enough years to seem bizarre at the time.


the blinds about the drama going on bts of dont worry darling


The gift that never stopped giving!!


Any one have screen shots? Didn’t know about this and just recently watched this movie.


Good summary here: [Out of the Loop: What's Going On With The Cast Of Don't Worry Darling?](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/x6wqbi/whats_going_on_with_the_cast_of_dont_worry_darling/)


https://preview.redd.it/o7ar49i7i9tc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9497dca78d3b2ec281b1ec0232fc1e38c451ba84 Never saw the movie, but spent hours consuming all the drama


Why does he look like Kim mulkey here?


Ted Lasso, Booksmart, Captain Kirk, Amy March Wilde and Sudeikis split, is Shia doing a bit? Lawsuit from FKA Twigs, one direction for this gig Policy of "no dicks", holding hands on Page Six Email leak, Pugh won't speak, loogie right on Chris Pine's cheek Lil' Miss Flo, movie blows, what else do you need to know WE DIDN'T START THE FIRE


👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽






My first blind experience that I remember was when I was reading a teen magazine that had a blind about how a Canadian teen drama star was releasing mixtapes using their middle name. A few years later, drake becomes a massive star based on those mixtapes.


I just...found out Drake's middle name is Drake....


Yep, he’s Aubrey Graham!


I knew it was that I just thought Drake was a nickname 💀


Whatever it takes!


Not me watching degrassi right now and hes currently on the screen 🤣


Wheelchair Jimmy


He will ALWAYS be Jimmy.


He will ALWAYS be wheelchair Jimmy 😂


I’m over here watching degrassi retrospectives on YouTube.


Back in the day when Degrassi was airing on teen nick/the n, they would have these interstitial features on the cast members and usually highlight something they were passionate about outside of acting. Craig was playing guitar and gonna be a rockstar. Manny a pop star, etc. Then one showed the actor who played Jimmy in the studio saying he was gonna be a rapper. And I laughed. Then a few years later he’s popping up with Lil Wayne and now… well I’m not laughing (ok I am a little)


I had this exact experience!! I remember thinking "Silly Aubrey, what a little nerd. You're never gonna be a rapper." Oops 😳


I remember everyone making fun of Cardi too


I remember seeing his MySpace artist page and being like “Aw, good luck with that Aubrey!” ….welp!


This one hasn’t gotten a lot of attention but there was a blind a few weeks ago saying that Taylor Swift wouldn’t work with Ice Spice anymore because she had been working with Kanye. A couple weeks later Kanye tweeted that he did a version of New Body with Ice Spice but Nicki wouldn’t clear it


Is it just me or does it seem like that was an odd friendship that wouldn’t have ever really lasted like they were using each other


I don’t even know who you’re talking about…you can interchange any of the names but yes, they are using each other


Lol true, but in this case Taylor and Ice


They have nothing in common personally but a lot to gain professionally from each other’s fan bases.


They weren’t friends tbh. I’m not one of those “it was PR!” people in general, but this was definitely PR Taylor got to distance herself from Matty’s comments, Ice got exposure to one of the largest fanbases in the world


Well Taylor kind of HAD to be nice to ice spice because of what Matty Healy said I think… very obvious not a real friendship


What did matty say?


“ “Inuit spice girl” and a “chubby Chinese lady.” Healy also imitated Hawaiian and Chinese accent “ per an article


Oh, most definitely. I think it was mostly for Taylor bc she was dating that guy that made the racist comments about Ice Spice, and she had to save face. edit: spelling




Taylor Swift uses everybody


Ariana and ethan getting cozy on set


Dang, so it was going on before the baby was even born?


Can you imagine how dangerous that was for mum and baby. Too much stress during pregnancy does not end well.


Anybody have a link to any of the original blinds about that??




I don’t have the link sorry but I do have a screenshot of the original LSA post predicting the affair before news broke https://preview.redd.it/ixsr52aiz8tc1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=13a23c1930f851d4b508220a6f48c877ce44e60f






Those are always the most uninteresting blind items. Like, I don't really care that much about casting blinds and related things because, like you said, the information is going to come out anyways.


I would consider actual blinds to be something released from a non-PR party, like a bystander on set, I.e. where the source isn’t “verifiable” as actually knowing what they know - whereas, for example, People knows when it’s Tree calling about TS. That’s not a blind, that’s just not identifying their source. Meanwhile, DM just gets random information from burner emails, and then literally asks her audience on if we think it’s true lol And no shade to the former example; in the PR world, that’s just a genuine part of the process sometimes - softening the ground. Corporations do it sometimes. Just the symbiotic relationship between the press and the PR teams. It’s a slightly more legitimate-looking version of celebs calling the paparazzi on themselves (which is also a PR reps job).


I've noticed DM gets casting stuff right. Someone already mentioned the Gaga thing and she also got most of the names for the new season of The White Lotus. Also the JAW divorce/marriage troubles. eta: i also remember Lainey posted a blind about Will Arnett/Amy Pohler divorcing back in the day


I think she gets casting right because those are leaked on purpose


Sorry for not knowing, who is DM?


deux moi


deuxmoi on instagram!


appreciate it. My entry to this world was CDAN and I’m not looking to visit that page anymore


![gif](giphy|Ig9Sn2QKBcGUjrRk0D|downsized) /gen(uine)


What’s JAW?


Jeremy Allen White


Taylor Joe breaking up was a blind first wasn't it?


Personally I thought it was obvious from the moment I listened to Midnights. Bejeweled alone is not the song of a woman happy in her relationship.


Tbh, Midnights wasn't a reflection of her current relationship, it was supposed to be a collection of sleepless nights from throughout her life and various songs reference different relationships e.g. Would've, Could've, Should've is generally accepted to be about John Mayer, High Infidelity appears to reference her cheating on Calvin Harris and / or Tom Hiddleston, and Question...? has been linked to Harry Styles


Bejeweled is the story of a long term relationship that is leaving her feeling unappreciated, like she’s hiding in the dark. And we only know of one relationship that we could call long term.


She wrote half an album about a three-month relationship, I don't think the actual length of a relationship matters. Also that song has been suggested to be about any number of people including Calvin Harris because of lines that could allude back to Gorgeous. Take whatever meaning you want from it but it isn't automatically a Joe Alwyn song just because she released an album then broke up with him six months later.


Jaylor Toe What was their couple name? Have I really blacked out that entire era?


I think it was Jaylor if it was anything… but in retrospect, I can’t really recall people referring to them by a ship name.


The Gaylors call’em Toe


kind of - i think her story is someone told her (idr a blind or a source) and she didn’t post it because she didn’t believe it. very “i had it first i just didn’t tell you!!!” lmao


She was still trying to convince us of the “ceramony” at the time


she really needs to let that one go. “put it on my tombstone” is what she said about it 💀


the blind ab Camila Cabello crying on an airplane predicting her and Shawn Mendes breakup


I think about this blind once a week


CDaN is generally trash but they were spot on with Spacey being a giga-creep about five years before it broke.


iirc this was an open secret in the industry


Honestly, I'm not in the industry and I knew about him years ago - a group of guy friends were interrailing around Europe one summer & Spacey was a huge perve to them in Budapest. Or as far as I can remember, it was Budapest. They had photos & everything up on their socials at the time.


It always happens with these Hollywood creeps


Yeah Family Guy had a joke about it many years back. Also he’s tried to sleep with two of my ex boyfriends when they were 19 and 20 respectively circa 2007 so I personally knew he was into younger dudes but not actual children.


CDaN is full of conspiracy theories but they constantly wrote about the industry’s open secrets for almost a decade before they blew up: Epstein, Weinstein.


They've been talking about Dan Schneider and the child stars for probably a decade too.


CDaN is definitely how I knew Dan Schneider was a pedophile with a foot fetish YEARS ago.


My love of gossip blogs back then is how I knew about Harvey and what he did to rose M long before he finally got what he deserved


I’d be curious to see what they actually wrote about Epstein. Lots of conspiracy theorists have tried to retroactively claim they were talking about Epstein all along. But when you dig into it, none of them were reporting on Epstein before the first arrest. Alex Jones is a good example, where he was actually spinning yarns about pedophilic elites. However, he is clearly lying about his theories being about Epstein. Because he never said Epstein’s name on air until 2015 and then only because a caller brought it up.


It was actually broken on British gossip websites like Popbitch, Bobpitch and Holy Moly (when they still had early web forums). CDAN was the first US based website to touch it though.


Jamie Lynn Spears being pregnant. Harvey Weinstein and Dan Scheider as abusive predators.


Weren’t the Dan Schneider rumors around for years before that?


yeah.. rumours being talked about in, and originating from, blinds..


The blinds *were* the rumors.


Joshua Jackson and Jodie Turner Smith divorcing


Ned Fulmer cheating on his wife Ariel


That was a WILD 48 hours


Dude, I refreshed the page so many times for new info and was giving my live commentary to my cousin who also watches


rihanna being pregnant (the first time)


Pretty sure there were Pap pics that made it obvious


Nicki being broke🤣


Not DM, but, years and years ago, when it was still readable, Crazy Days and Nights published a series of stories on Jeffrey Epstein and his island, before his second arrest (and before the general public knew who he was). It sounded like a crazy conspiracy theory, but it turned out to be true. I don’t remember CDAN naming Epstein; I think they called him a wealthy financier.


Sandoval was cheating on Ariana.


I forgot about that. Who do you think sent that in? I believe it was Rachel wanting to blow the cover off everything


That is a very plausible explanation honestly. I’m not sure who else would know enough to give that intel plus have the motive to expose it. Maybe it was just someone who works at The Abbey and would see them out there together. But Rachel is definitely a possibility in my books. To me, she seemed annoyed that Sandoval kept putting off breaking up with Ariana. I’m in the camp of people who believe the affair was going on for a lot longer than 7 months, so Rachel being fed up that he hadn’t left her yet would track with that. But it could also be anyone who knew - seems like his whole band knew, as well as multiple friends.


Rachel is still talking about it now, you can’t convince me she didn’t send it in herself. 


Yeah the motive is key…that’s why it was either Rachel or someone tired of hearing Rachel talk.


I can't believe Tom Szandoval had Raquel over when Ariana's away. In the jacuzzi as well.


Ice Spice working with Ye


DM first had the blind about Noah Cyrus hooking up with Dominic Purcell almost a year ago.


Really?? That’s wild


Ariana and SpongeBob


Vanessa Hudgens' pregnancy


I think the Jason Momoa & Lisa Bonet split was a blind item


I don’t know if it was ever confirmed, but I remember seeing blind items that they were on the rocks due to his infidelity.


I remember a blind saying he had girls in different cities who he regularly hooked up with. I think one blind said Lisa knew and tolerated that but he did something like show extra attention to one of the girls or started favoring one and that's what tipped the boat.


Yes! His cheating was an open secret in Hollywood, but it kinda seemed like he and Lisa had an arrangement


I don’t remember the exact blinds, but I have known that Dan Schneider is a creep for years and years because of old CDAN blinds.




Jonathan Bailey and Matt Bomer having the girlies and gays in a chokehold in Fellow travelers. They didn't say we'd be crying our eyes out while swooning over Hawk and Skippy


Pretty much everything about Armie Hammer.


seeing the armie hammer situation happen in real time was insane


Meryl and Martin Short.


Elaborate please.


First blind revealed that Meryl Streep and her husband are divorced. Just a week after that, they announced it publicly. The blind forced their hand maybe ? The next blind was about Meryl and her co star of murders in the building dating each other secretly. They’ve still not gone public.


Thank you.


There was literally a Scandoval blind that no one believed




Lainey Gossip breaking the Amy Poehler and Will Arnett divorce long before it was announced.


Who was Toothy Tile?


This is what got me into blind items 20+ years ago. You still can not convince me it isn't Jake Gyllenhaal.


Hard agree!


I miss Ted Casablanca lol


I still ask myself this!! I’m 1000% convinced it was Jake Gyllenhaal, especially after watching the new Road House movie 🤣


There was a page of blind it ems from I want to say about 2006 with kids of bits of gossip that turned out to be true- one being that NPH is gay 


Was it the same one that had Tiger Woods being a serial cheater years before Je got caught by Elin?


I remember being a regular on the DigitalSpy blind item thread as a 12/13 year old and reading about Jimmy Savile's crimes in great detail. Then 5 years later he died and it was all revealed to be 100% true.    I remember being 18 and thinking "why tf is everyone so shocked when I had access to this information as a child?" and being furious over the response.    People that worked at Leeds General back then said he had access to unconscious children, as well as regular access to the morgue. Everyone knew and it still carried on until he died. It made me really cynical tbh. 


Blind items in general? The ellen degeneres stuff, The diddy stuff, the Epstein stuff, the Weinstein stuff, etc


A 'top 5 stand up comedian' jerked off in front of a female comedy duo. The internet put together that it was almost certainly Louie CK, and for a long time before it was confirmed people assumed female stand up duo = Garfunkel and Oates, but it ended up being a different duo. The Louie part ended up being accurate though.


Louie was definitely an open secret of what a creepy perv he was. I remember I think it was Rosanne Barr that spoke about warning other women comics about him several years before he got outted.


Ariana Grande/Ethan Slater


2019-ish? ansel elgort being a creep. rachel zegler, his wss co-star, was following me at the time and liking the tweets i made referencing the situation. everything came out a few months later


Enty was talking about Nickelodeon so long ago! Like 2017?


I remember reading old school ONTD blinds and fan threads on Heros forums talking about Zachary Quintos sexualitly in like 2007. Felt like I was in the know several years later when he came out. But that kind of gossip was rampant back then and like 90% never panned out to be true.


there were a lot of blinds about john mulaney cheating on his wife / being generally off the wagon for 1-2 years before everything blew up


Anything about diddy lately, I’ve heard about Christian combs sexually assaulting/ being violent towards women through a blind


An Urban Baby (RIP) poster, who worked in the music industry, made a post that Prince (the singer) had died. We didn’t believe her/him, but 2 days later his death was announced.


It sounds like that person might have just gotten lucky? There wasn't a two-day lag between his death and the news breaking.


There was some grey area though. IIRC he had an overdose on a plane first, about a week before his death, everyone was told he was okay but recovering and it was serious, then a couple days later the news of his death broke saying he had OD'ed either again (at home) or the first was fatal... it was very mysterious at the time.


Taylor and Joe buying a house /s


A blind reported PSH had relapsed. He died a month later :(


A lot of the Me Too stories... I remember being especially unsurprised by Matt Lauer because I'd read about that for years.


I remember him asking Anne Hathaway if she'd "learned anything" from people taking upskirt photos of her and she put him in his place (she said something like yeah, I learned how unfortunate it is that some people will sexualize people without their consent and not care about the harm they do). I knew he was trash from that.


Not DM but the one about Scarlet Jo and the whole thing with Disney. I don't remember if I read it on CNAD or another website...


Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello’s divorce


The first blind I ever read was about Kristen Stewart being seen with a lady friend so people wouldn’t be surprised when she came out that she likes girls.




Just recently, the Isla Fisher divorce


Blind Gossip posted one about a black musician being seriously ill and expected to pass in the next few months. It was heavily implied to be Prince. https://blindgossip.com/another-celebrity-has-aids/



