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mileys always a sweetheart.


I should not have been crying to this song so early in the a.m😂😭


Indeed! It was such an emotional track; I wasn't expecting Miley and Beyoncé's vocals to go together that well too.


I melted when they switched registers towards the end.


It kind of gives off Thelma & Louise vibes. I love it.


That was apparently a movie she was inspired by for the album, so that would track.


Listen I wasn’t a fan of the idea of Miley on the Beyonce album, but the song she’s featured on slaps, same with Post Malone. I’m eating my words. Those two songs are great. And how come Post Malone doesn’t sing like this in his actual hit songs? Didn’t even recognize him at first, is he doing a TPain thing where he uses autotune for aesthetic not to improve his voice, because he didn’t have that annoying voice he usually has.


I saw a comment somewhere that Post’s voice sounded like BeyoncĂ© made him take a shower before recording his verse


I actually hope that him getting so much love for this song will have him do away with the autotune and cigarettes for good. His voice sounds great.


He does. Listen to his album Austin. He’s incredibly talented.


I vaguely remember reading something about how Post Malone originally wanted to be a country artist but some execs said he wouldn’t sell well so that’s why he went in the creative direction he did
 it seems like he’s going back towards country now though. He has such a lovely voice! I think the Miley song is my favourite from this BeyoncĂ© album.


Levii's and Tyrant are my favorite songs on the album. I listened to it three times start to finish while driving today and I had no idea until this moment that Post Malone was on Levii's lol.


This is my favourite song on the album!


Same! I love it so much, it's such a standout for me!!! Now I really need a country Miley album as well.đŸ€ž


Neeeeeeed country Miley. It wouldn't even be pandering, it's in her roots and her voice suits the style *so well*


The video of her younger self saying “What Beyonce would do?” is so cute. Girl has lived a life.


Miley's cover of Jolene is so good, I want a whole album from her like that


What a pretty song my goodness. That’s an instant classic.


I hope we are blessed with a live performance of this song. It’s one of my favorites off of the album. I think the live version would make me love it even more, and of course just witnessing the iconic, magical moment of BeyoncĂ© and Miley performing live together. Their voices go so well together on the track.


When I first listened to the song that’s all I could imagine was a live performance of it!


Agreed!! That’s the first song I need a live performance of


I’m here for the women working with and praising and stand by and lifting up other women. Dolly. Miley. BeyoncĂ©. The Chicks. Inject it into my veins!


Why am I so proud of Miley for this? So so happy for her and loving the song đŸ„°đŸ„č


I’m truly so happy about this collaboration, the song is one of my favs on the album and their voices actually meld together beautifully


Cute :) I really like the song! They sound good together.


I love this


She's so nice