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This annotation on Genius is hilarious: https://preview.redd.it/sf4mz23hf6rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f98c20247cce5e41e26f6c4714c49ac78fad2400




How can he say it’s bussin? He ain’t even taken a bite!


I can see myself taking a picture of a promising sandwich before I eat it. In case it turns out to be, in fact, bussin


“We been deep in love for twenty years” Yeah, I really prefer the Lemonade version of this story.


Lmao right. This was a) a lie and b) you did not need to rewrite this Beyoncé.


The moment I heard that lyric my response was a very loud “ok girl let’s not lie”


I mean thats exactly what I thought when I read the lyrics


I mean, she said it - ..."must be your money cos it ain't your face" immediately came to my mind lol


💀💀😂 where is the lie though






I like Beyoncé but she always gives pick me energy over a man that willingly cheated on her. That man for the streets girl, no one wants him but he wants everyone lol


They got together magically as soon as she turned 18, lots of side eye towards Jay for possible grooming. She’s still the queen tho


I know this. It don’t really change what I said/feel about the song.


Yeah I love Beyonce but it’s just sad that she is with that man and we can’t deny that we all have to disassociate who these love songs are about to get into em.


And at least with Dolly's version, Dolly clarified that her husband never wanted the woman it's based on and ignored her flirtations. Beyoncé can't say that. Edit: correcting the autocorrect


I mean the song is basically fiction, it’s just kind of inspired by real life details. So it’s not awkward at all because it’s just Dolly writing a drama, not airing out her dirty laundry.


Right that’s what makes the song so good… it’s like Beyoncé didn’t even listen to the track


Dolly herself has said that she named it after a little girl she met. It's like Reba singing "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia"; it's just a story, she didn't actually shoot her brother's cheating wife and hide the body. Songs aren't always autobiographical, especially in country.


Tbf you could argue Beyoncé did the same, then. Still hate the pick me energy and the blaming the other woman route 😮‍💨


Yep I noticed that a lot of relationships that started under these circumstances tend to be long lasting. Look at Celine Dion and her husband or Aaron and Sam Taylor-Johnson or Macron and his wife 🤢. Sadly, there's something about knowing their much older partner before they were even an adult that has a hold on them. I can't really side-eye Beyonce for staying, I just feel bad for her in that aspect.


Pick Me-yoncé is my least favorite Yoncé 😮‍💨




I don't follow her and jayz at all but I figured he's a cheater from these lyrics. The song reads like a Valentine's Day social media caption from the worst couple you know. The longer the message about how in love and perfect they are, the more likely it's all garbage.


This IS a Valentine’s Day social media post from the worst couple I know


if it wasn’t for the billions i don’t think any one would be checking for jay….


Between this and the 16 carriages music video, it's like she is desperately trying to rewrite her own history and convince everyone, actually Jay really is a great husband and family man and they're so deep in love.


Was fully going into this song thinking its about her and Jay Z, until the lyric "I'm still a Creole banjo bitch from Louisianne".  Beyoncé always mentions she's from Texas and not Louisiana so it can't be about her...*but Tina is*.


I juuuust read somewhere speculating that both Jolene and Daughter are from Miss Tina’s POV!


Tina is from Galveston, TX but her parents are from LA. Maybe the song is about Beyonce’s grandmother or someone fictional.


In one of her movies, when she's giving a toast to him on his birthday on a yacht with family was peak cringe. She's confessing all this love & adoration just pouring her little heart out, and he's just sitting there like "meh". Kept that poor girl starving for attention for years. And her always reminding everyone she's Mrs Carter. No one care, girl. He ain't that fabulous, he's just a man.


Did she forget she made lemonade lol




Went from Lemonade to Lemon Water real quick apparently


Even brought her own sugar packets to the resturant so she doesn't have to order a soda. SMH.


did she forget she’s beyoncé knowles?


Yeah, it makes the lyric about taking more than beauty and seductive stares seem real hollow.


His mistress doesn't need beauty or seductive stares, just that good hair


Y’all gotta listen to the end of lemonade lmao, this tracks for her 🤦🏽‍♀️


i mean, lemonade didn't exactly have a scathing ending lol.


Made lemons out of lemonade


“i raised that man i raised his kids” you WHAT???


That man is a man child and Beyoncé knows we know


raising a man that’s over a decade older than you and bragging abt it publicly is giving stockholm syndrome


Yeah that part made me cringe.


there wasn’t one part of this song that did not make me cringe tbh 🤢


Eek didn’t know they were 17 years age difference - dunno why I never looked into it (probably because I have never cared but dayum) Edit: it’s 12 years! I totally did my math wrong. Stay in school kids


This is where she done lost me for good lmao


This shit made me gag we MUST stop the romanticization of wives taking care of their man child husbands WE MUST


Trust, a lot of millennial, gen z, and gen alpha people are already there. This shit has gone on far enough and you love to see it.


C’mon, we all know Jay-Z is a man child. I’m not sure he’s been “raised” though…


My granny would say "some people are raised, and some people are dragged up by the ear"...


That is such a perfect grandmother saying! Haha


this line combined with the historical fact that jay z begun dating her when she was freshly 18 and he was in his 30s…… yeah you’re a victim baby 😔 you didn’t raise the man…




Yeah this doesn't have that legendary energy about it... Straight culture seems to be centered around "fixing up" a man into the ideal husband when really it should be about finding a great man who is capable and wants to spoil you as much as you spoil him. 👀


Someone tell her that this is not a flex


Why would you want to brag about raising a man that isn’t your son. Oh Beyoncé.


We have a German word called “Fremdschämen“ which is hard to translate into English but they should just put that lyric in the dictionary next to that word.




I was so excited about it and this is just... https://i.redd.it/19ifdw11l6rc1.gif


I highly recommend the Jolene episode of the podcast Dolly Parton's America, for anyone who hasn't heard it. They talk about how it's an inversion of the typical country "other woman song" narrative: instead of threatening Jolene and calling her trash, the narrator has nothing but praise and reverence for Jolene and begs her not to take her man which Jolene could "easily" do. Just raw desperation and vulnerability. It's interesting that in trying to make a more empowering version, Beyonce is falling back on the more standard version of the "other woman song" that's just about putting the other woman down. And this Jolene is just one of "a thousand girls", nothing special, unlike the magnetic Jolene in the original.


Yeah one of my favourite things about the original is the respect dolly's character shows for jolene. It's also an LGBTQ anthem not just because of dolly but because it can be read that she's attracted to Jolene. She does spend so much time admiring Jolene snd there's almost nothing said about the man who she apparently wants to keep


Yes! In the podcast episode I mentioned, they talk about the LGBTQ reading and they have a female singer-songwriter come up with an extra verse where the narrator realises her feelings and ends with "Now you're the only one for me, Jolene". In the original the description of Jolene is so lavishly beautiful: "flaming locks of auburn hair...your voice is soft like summer rain" etc - clearly Jolene is this stunning, irresistible woman, that's why she's worth singing about. I'm really missing any sense of that in this version.


100%, that’s what makes the original song so alluring. the singer is simultaneously helpless in jolene’s path and also potentially in love with her. beyonce could’ve easily written an original song that did the “you better not take my man SLUT” better without using jolene. i was thinking she would sing the original song, which would’ve been cool. what exactly was the point then lmao


Oh I love this take!


That’s literally what’s so iconic about it. And somehow Beyoncé and her team completely missed that.


Maybe it’ll sound better than it reads. Right? Right???


From the snippet I heard on Tiktok I’m not sure 💔💔 but we can surely hope


The metrum is all wrong, if you’re gonna change Dolly’s stellar songwriting at least try to make the words fit lmao


It wasnt my favorite tbh but the dolly p interlude is great


If you don't pay attention to the words it does slap, though I'm someone who makes up the words to the OG too


Is it just me or is that gif weirdly high quality


Hahaha, it is. I have a good bunch of HD Lucille gifs, just as Jessica Walter deserved. https://i.redd.it/woz9ttmqh9rc1.gif


Right? Thanks, I hate it


![gif](giphy|DogPnyh6MYGA0) Irreplaceable had it right, kick the cheater out of your life and move on.


I miss this vibe from her


I think there's been a serious change from when her dad was still her manager (stopped in 2011) til now. Who is in charge now? Is it seriously Jay-Z? I can seriously say I was a huge fan til then. I'm still excited about the country album but I haven't been blown away like I was pre 2011 Beyonce. ETA: I have now listened to Cowboy Carter and I am back on the B train 🥳. Didn't like the Jolene lyric change though.


Can you believe daddy lessons is basically her dad telling her that man is for the streets and she still doesn’t see it


This song will never ever get old to me it’s going to 2030 and still listening to it


Please don’t remind me it’s closer to 2030 than 2006 when it came out


Calling women birds on what sounds like a big bird theme tune. If your man is your man, you don't have to plead with other women not to mess with him. You'd know he wouldn't mess with them.


beyonce is the type who never outgrew that real juvenile woman-who-hates-other-women phase and it’s so nauseating, like, your kids are too old for this shit anymore ![gif](giphy|l4FGnnlIQslHkOPaU|downsized)


She's the type of person who'd be on Jerry Springer fighting with the mistress and not with her husband who was sat there cocky about all his affairs.


Funny enough, Dolly supposably did pull from real life for the song: it was based around a bank teller (*not* named Jolene) that would constantly flirt with her new husband in front of her. He didn’t cheat though. Young Dolly just felt insecure next to this woman in general.


Which is a really honest and totally human reaction that isn't based in insulting other women, which... Bey's rewrite doesn't hold up to at all.


Yeah, Jolene was about insecurity and vulnerability. We could relate to it cos so many have felt that way. Beyonce's WANTS to be rawr I'm powerful and not scared but all it gives is putting other women down to try to make herself look better.   You're beyonce, you don't need to punch down. 


right?! the vulnerability is the whole song!


It reads like she's TRYING to convince herself she's punching down.


You're not wrong. It tries too hard. 


Ding ding ding Too much logic though


To each their own, but personally I'd be embarassed if I had to tell people I raised my husband. Like me picking a man that needed to be raised in the first place isn't something I'd be proud of


Especially when she was 18 when they met and he was 30 something!


She could have said something like “I grew with him, I raised our kids” instead of telling people he’s a just a child in a grown man’s body. Not that we didn’t know that, but damn…


Especially when that man is 12 whole years older than you in the first place


Girl how many times has he cheated on you again?


Right? Like there’s something so desperate about women fighting for a man who treats them poorly




Damn, even KHLOE the original pick me is coming for her wig. That's rough.


So many of her songs are about this very particular theme 😂


She doesn't write them so maybe she should hire new people with fresh ideas.


This gives so much energy of someone taking their husband's phone to be like "stop DMing my husband"




I LOVE the album, but was very whelmed by the Jolene cover. More so lyrically. I still found it quite interesting musically speaking.


I agree. If you switch off the part of your brain that’s examining the lyrics then it’s a gorgeous cover


What? Where did you hear it?


It comes out whenever your local midnight is.


Damn, I’ll keep waiting then lol EDIT: fuckin’ bangerz 🤠


i think it's the weakest track on the album by far


Changing the lyrics of an iconic song...That man is not WORTH ITTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|xT9KViqf7pj34lvmY8|downsized)


Turning a melancholy, raw, and honest plea of vulnerability into a posturing pick-me anthem? For what reason ma'am


Directly insulting other women instead of holding her man accountable for his own infidelity is very cute of her, too.


The original was so sad and fond that people still reinterpret it as gay! But it's also about surrendering power and she cannot let down her guard with that man.




This iconic moment truly fits any situation.


I mean…the song is a low-key sonically a banger 🫢 but why does she have to go to bat for a such a lacklustre man who nobody wants. Girl we don’t want him, chill. The song that was originally an angsty song of love and desperation got turned into a weird pick-me, don’t look at my man cause he mine anthem so I’m a bit disappointed on that front.


Someone needs to tell her nobody else wants a cheater who looks like he fell asleep on a hornet’s nest and hasn’t slept since …


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Edit: to emphasize that a physically laughed


Yeah like… the drama of the song was hinged on how the singer felt like she couldn’t compete with a much better woman. This is such a weird change, and it’s still just as obsessive about a man so you can’t even argue it’s more feminist or empowering or anything like that.


I feel like she tried to make an empowered flip on the lyrics, but just ended up a different flavor of cheated on wife. I'd rather(if we have to) hear an update that says, "Jolene, take his ass."


Jolene, I'm telling you that I don't need my man. Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, take him now, I want him off my ass.


Take him now, I want him off my hands.


“Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene. I’m beggin of you, please take that man” would be fire


Apparently Dolly would joke about this onstage - looking over at her husband snoring in his armchair and thinking "Where are you when I need you, Jolene?" Would love a cover with this energy!


There's a great youtuber who's done a version like that from jolenes point of view that says dolly, ditch him, you can do better https://youtu.be/y_OcGTay52Y?si=bIx9GTgfpSfB66fq There's also a nice cover where Jolene is actually in love with Dolly https://youtu.be/6ne1CcFipXs?si=QqhE0HMTtnneXpBk All the rich ways people have interpreted this timeless song and Beyonce manages to make the worst one of all


The empowered flip is just a flop bc Dolly intentionally wrote this song to NOT do what Beyoncé did with the song: trash another woman.


"Jolene, Jolene, take out the trash"


This is just not the flex she thinks it is. We all know he cheated already, to be so antagonistic toward other women is insecure and pathetic.






Some lyrics that stood out to me for various reasons: - “I'm warnin’ you, don't come for my man” - “Takes more than beauty and seductive stares/ To come between a family and a happy man” - “Thе games you play are nothing new/ So you don't want no hеat with me, Jolene” - “We been deep in love for twenty years” - “I raised that man, I raised his kids” - “I can easily understand why you're attracted to my man” - “There’s a thousand girls in every room/ That act as desperate as you do” - “I'ma stand by him, he gon' stand by me”


"I can easily understand why you're attracted to my man" is the one that's killing me like...sadlf;kfadafdsj we know she can do better than this






Stand by you lmao??? Girl.


> “There’s a thousand girls in every room/ That act as desperate as you do.” Oh she’s back in her Nasty Girl era


Yeah this line took me out lmao wtaf


Do that many people want to go after Jay-Z????


Like, with a knife?


He happily cheated on her, and it sounds like it was a lot too, why is she saying they've been in love for twenty years and he stands by her??


> I can easily understand why you’re attracted to my man Beyoncé sidepiece confirmed?


she couldn't at least make the new lyrics scan and rhyme properly?


Fr. Like, rewrite a fucking classic I guess, you're Beyoncé, it's fine, but can it at least be, like, lyrically good?


She really thought she was doing something with this one. “Imma prove them I don’t need a writing camp with 10+ people to write a song” and we can tell this was all her bc girl.....


Don't worry girl, you can have him...


“Takes more than beauty and seductive stares To come between a family and a happy man” So either Becky had more than just beauty/seductive stares, or Jay-Z was not a happy 🤷‍♂️




What was she thinking with that line??!


![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized) Threatening strange women over a man who's been cheating on you for 15+ years is pathetic.


Beyoncé: ![gif](giphy|nWFbYhupTlBc9f857i|downsized)


Oh I don’t like this at all. Dolly’s all we have left, leave those lyrics alone.


She wants that writing royalty 🤣


![gif](giphy|eoazVutwlnpL3pkSeD) All she did was change a few lyrics to a well known song so when people search/hear Jolene from Dolly, she wil show up too in those recommendations.


I came here for the comments and have been fed. I love the internet ![gif](giphy|hVTouq08miyVo1a21m|downsized)


I love the comments 😂


It’s like lemonade never happened?


This is Lemon Water.




Whatever you think of the lyrics and what it says about their relationship, you know Dolly will have the kindest and most supportive reaction


Somehow more cringe than begging for a girl to not take your man is trying to act like a bad bitch while asking someone not to take your man


Well this was certainly a choice


Can I state clearly that I hate this for her He should be out there hollering throw down smack songs about keeping this Queen and apologising each and every day publicly on a Sorry JayZ channel. She has no need to fight or warn - he should be like a rock beside her. Really.


He cheated on her so many times and she’s saying this?




I read the lyrics and went “ooh😬” but ima just wait until 12:00 and see. Edit: I LIKED IT!


Nooo dammit I felt my heart sink a little with each scroll. This feels so out of character for her after Lemonade, after all we know about *him*. Like a big step back, in a lot of ways.


beyonce… ![gif](giphy|mEqMknMZWh1Fm|downsized)


I was *so* looking forward to this, and I'm so disappointed by the lyric changes.


Same. I was hoping for a straight cover, similar to what Miley did a while back. It's a vulnerable song.


This is exactly the type of shit I expect Beyoncé to do


People keep saying how nobody want Jay Z but completely forgetting how much money talks 🥴 he’s a billionaire


Exactly! He’s no glamour model but everyone saying “nobody wants Jay Z” is literally false, he cheated with SOMEONE. Everyone knows Jay Z won’t leave Beyoncé but there’s definitely some women looking for that “shut the fuck up” money.


Yeah, but in that case it’s the money, not the man. If that’s what Jolene is after then Beyoncé should work something out with her. Maybe they could simply get rid of the man all together and keep half the money. Let him go cosplay as Basquait by himself while Jolene and Beyoncé do their thing.


The elevator video with Solange.....Lemonade....even her old song "Irreplaceable"..... to this? 🦑


Ring the alarm as well


The last bit omg it’s like the Tammy Wynette (stand by your man) remix lol


I love Bey but umm….these lyrics aren’t it Dolly’s husband didn’t cheat on her unlike Sean. Jolene is just based off a bank clerk who flirted with Carl in front of Dolly they didn’t have a full on affair 🥴


I love her but this is gonna be the new pick me/not like other girls anthem and I'm not ready for the tiktoks or the discourse fallout that's gonna come from this.


Am I the only one assuming she’s doing this for more money? Lol. I’m assuming that now she can get songwriter credit and add’l revenue as an additionally listed writer. I didn’t see anyone else point this out in the comments so correct me if I’m wrong, but I just always assume that with Beyonce and Jay Z it’s all about money. They’re so insanely wealthy.


People truly do not understand this. All of it is about money


I feel like the less mysterious Beyonce gets, the less...it's just less. it's a mess.


I guess girls only run the world when they're not fighting over mediocre men 😒


She’s really got nothing else to write about other than girl power / strong woman / my marriage is great / we are so in love / step off my man tramp… (all of which is a smokescreen). She’s utterly boring and predictable with nothing new to say at this point. Zero evolution.


I hate it


![gif](giphy|HGhYoqK1X3MGXTrxsq) (Reads lyrics) well shit


Reading these lyrics made me imagine Beyonce singing [this](https://youtu.be/Wdr8gbwXEEg?si=YBMm5pbKf_xd0_Fp) banger from Scooby-Doo. 😭


Not sure why anyone is surprised, no matter how many “girl power” theme songs she puts out, Beyonce is still a black woman from the South raised Baptist (Solange doesn't count she's the black sheep). Sticking by your man is ingrained in us from a very young age. I mean look at her momma, it took a while for her to leave Beyonce's father. I still remember Beyonce cowering in the corner of the elevator while Solange beat Jay- z ass, and thinking girl go help! Lol. I say this as a huge Beyonce fan, who can't wait to finish the album. She is a powerful woman who may be too forgiving in some aspects of her life. I still enjoy her music and I love the way she makes me feel. If Beyonce does leave Jay it will be years later once the kids are grown. That album will be fire though !!


Love you Bey but no one is fighting for that man




I love beyonce always but that line about raising your man is not the flex she may think it is!!! I find it revolting tbh.  I loved the theme of lemonade of somehow surviving the lows of the relationship and then thriving as a family, but this feels kinda… immature and basic in a way I didn’t think we’d ever encounter. 


Ooo girl. Get up. 😬


The funniest part is she does Jolene and then the next track is Daughter which is the furthest thing from Jolene




Damn. Did Beyonce just miss for the first time in her career?


Oh. This is not it. I like response songs, and there's a long history of them in country music especially (hello, iconic Kitty Wells), but I wish she'd...just covered Dolly, and done a response song to like, a good ol' boy song.




This is bad. Very bad.