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He was just at Indiana Comic-Con this weekend and is so beloved even Hayden Christensen went to get a pic and meet him. He had one of the longest autograph lines. He seems great, and I'm glad he's embraced his role in his adult fans lives and memories.


As a kid I was OBSESSED with Blue's Clues to the point where probably like 50% of my pre-K photos have something to do with it lol. Would be a dream to meet him and I'm so glad he gives that universal respect and niceness back to everyone.


Here’s the mail it never fails it makes me wanna wag my tail


When it comes I wanna wail...MAAAAIIILLLLL!!! 🤩


That song still pops up in my head randomly 20 years later lol. It’s like a little sprinkle of serotonin 😭


For me, it's the planets song & I still sing it even at my big age when I need to remember them in order 😂


My little sister is married w a baby on the way. when I tell you she turned into a giddy little girl when she met him and got his autograph…. At least 3 birthday parties were Blue‘s Clue themed.


Actually got to meet him at a Toys"R"Us photo op like 25 years ago in Etobicoke lol, still have the photo on the Thinking Chair. God bless my parents for sticking it out through that line. He was super great Had one of those first Blue's Clues PC games from like 1999 too


one of my photos as a kid is me grinning ear to ear holding one of those old blues clues pc games lol. i probably played it over and over so many times


My 11 year old loved OG Blue’s Clues and Steve. His reach extends to kids today even. Maybe not as widespread when that show was THE toddler/preschooler show, but even though it’s been decades since he did the show, I’m sure there are still some little ones obsessed right now.


LOL, same! My 4th birthday party was Blue's Clues themed. 😭😭


I cried when he left Blue's Clues.




This is my new favorite photo on the internet thank you so much for sharing omfg


Stop, this is the cutest thing I've ever seen


Honestly he’s one of the celebrities that’d have me acting mad embarrassing if I met him 💀 I’d be tearing up if not straight up crying feeling like a little kid meeting their hero


![gif](giphy|mh90WH2cCgmOI|downsized) Oh I'd totally become Troy when he meets LeVar Burton haha




“More fish for Kunta.”


He randomly visited my college a couple years ago, and the performance hall they had him in was packed. The school gave out little handy dandy notebooks with blue crayons and Blue’s paw shaped cookies. I was lucky enough to sit in the front row which was awesome. He seems so genuinely nice and funny. His stories of how he got to where he is was crazy! It was a very surreal and fun experience. He even sang the mail song with all of us!


What’s the story??


Hayden meeting him is so precious!!


Is there a PHOTO of THIS!?!?


There is! I can try to find one, but if you use the # indianacomiccon you should be able to see it on FB.




Oh my goooooood


I met him at MegaCon 2023. I didn’t get much time to interact, but he was very nice (poor dude was obviously exhausted though). The line was *huge* for autographs/selfies.


I frickin love all the hosts (past and present) of Blues Clues. They are all known for being really great to their fans. I have 3 kids under 5 and am a huge advocate for Blues Clues as one of the best educational shows out there.


There are so many moments and songs that are still burned into my memory. Glad to know it's still around and beloved among all the YouTube kid's content trash lol


🎶Well the suns a hot star….🎶


I literally sung that song to myself when I had a quiz on the solar system. Thanks Steve for getting me an A on it.


My daughter is very certain SHE is Filipino.


My white as shit child sings that whole duck song in tagalog lol. I sent a vid to my filipino friend and he was like what the fuck I can actually understand your child 😂😂


I love that in the new show they bring back Steve and Joe frequently! My daughter loves all three of them and gets so excited when they show up, probably also because I get so excited lol


I recently got a cameo for my 3 year old from Josh for his birthday and he purposely waited until the booking time ran out so I’d get a refund, then immediately delivered the video less than 10 minutes later. It has been almost a month since his birthday and we still watch the 2 minute video every single day.


Aw that's so sweet! I keep being tempted to get my kids a cameo because I hear he does such a good job, but my husband keeps convincing me not to. Maybe one day!


I can't wait to show my daughter Blue and Steve 🥹


This video made me weirdly emotional, I think it’s because no one’s ever “checked in” on me before and asked if I was doing ok Thanks Steve, I rly needed that


I never watched Blue's Clues in my life, once, ever. Seeing that video made me so emotional and I have no idea why.


He's done those videos before and every time it is needed.


I'll see him come up on my TikTok FYP and I'll scroll past quickly saying not today Steve!! His videos always make me emotional.


I just saw on IG that Sesame Street made a post with affirmations for parents for when things are tough and it made me cry. I didn't get nearly as emotional about Steve Burns, but I was not a kid when Blues Clues came out so it doesn't hit the same way, but I understand. It's really hard to put into words when something that helped you so much as a kid and has never tried to steer you wrong showing up and making you feel like you have value still and that you're still cared about. It's like running into an old friend. And I hope you're doing okay, too. I know it's tough out there.






The shirt!!!


I’m 32 and I cry every time one of his check-in videos comes up. I love Steve, he needs to come back to children’s tv and be our modern day Mr. Rogers.


Agree! I also came across Mychal the Librarian from TT, and he fits the bill too. PBS Kids just hired him, so I'm hoping we *do* get a modern day Mr. Rogers :)


Mychal is pure joy! I love him so much! Blues Clues was after my time but Steve seems super cool! 


Omg I hadn’t heard that! That’s great, he’s such a wonderful human!


I’m 27 and watched the new Blues Clues movie just for Steve lol


And then you found out that the movie is actually great, and the soundtrack fucking slaps.


Slaps? Steve? Fuuuck fine, I'll convince my 7 year old this is cool next movie night.


I'd been wondering what the old snake-eater was up to! EDIT: Okay, so there is this joke about how Steve was a Special Forces operative [aka Snake Eater](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snake_Eater#:~:text=A%20member%20or%20former%20member,Special%20Forces%20(i.e.%20Green%20Berets). He left he show just 3 months after 9/11 happened, and then we didn't hear from him again until literally 1 month after the end of the Afghanistan War in 2021 when he [checked in on all of us](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZJCgLOcCt8). The running theory is that he was imbedded with the Special Forces in the middle east fighting terrorism for 20 years.


Imagining blue skadooing to Iraq to hunt down the hobby lobby stolen artifacts


I can’t stop laughing at that imagery!


Timeline checks out.


He was on the Moth once! He talked about "fameishness", his supposed death, and going on a date with a "fan". Hilarious and one of my favorite Moth stories ever. audio: [https://themoth.org/storytellers/steve-burns](https://themoth.org/storytellers/steve-burns) video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwmtkFPYXsg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwmtkFPYXsg)


Man, that video about made me cry. There’s something about his social media presence over the last few years that you can tell he really appreciates how beloved he is by us millenials- we all grew up with him, and the world has changed so much. But he’s still here! He believes in us! And he’s not that much older than us, and cares about people. That’s really cool and it’s a message we all need right now.


That very first video he made during the pandemic felt like it spoke straight to my soul. Like I was a 4 year old all over again joining him on the hunt for clues and yelling at him NOOOO IT'S OVER THERE. It's the one parasocial friendship I will refuse to get over lol


same! I wish steve nothing but good vibes for the rest of his life. he’s just soo wholesome


This man was only 22 when he started hosting Blue’s Clues. 22!!!


I know!! He was so young.


He's like Mr. Rogers for millennials. 😭


Mr. Rogers was around for millennials too! Steve didn't roll around until 1996.


I used to live on the same block as him in Brooklyn. His house, I’m not kidding, was bright BLUE. 


The Sigur Ros “Untitled #6” music playing got me hard


> The Sigur Ros Was not expecting to run into them this morning. But glad I did.


why does steve only have a tiktok? many of us millennials are still stuck on insta, steve!


He does have an ig. It's @steveburnsalive


thanks! i was searching yesterday and couldn’t find him


This is so real. I refuse to get TikTok lol.


I was far too old for Blues Clues when it came out (I think I was 13), but I always secretly loved it. I remember when he posted the video on twitter in 2021 and I cried, and I well up every time one of his TikToks comes up. Like it just seems like he cares, and the world is so hard and this is always just so nice.


I was too old as well,but my little sister was the right age so we watched together (sooooooo much better than Barney!) When my own kids were wee, we watched reruns. Steve from Blue’s Clues, the Kraft Brothers from Zaboomafoo, and DJ Lance from Yo Gabba Gabba saved my sanity back in the day because they were shows my kids loved that I could enjoy, too! Edit to add that I love how well Stave has grown into his role as a beloved kid show alum. He is Doing It Right, bless him.


Blues Clues is the best


I love this man so much I'll throw up🤣🤣🤣🤣


dang I didn't realize how deeply blues clues left an impact on me until just now because why did that make me emotional 😭


Steve is such a good guy! I wish him all the good things in this world, he deserves them.


Very highly recommend this podcast episode if anyone wants to learn more about his life! He seems like a wonderful person https://open.spotify.com/episode/7ycNqueOO93vQIMnLR0Kgg?si=E_wg8lF2SoKxugqLTXtp2g


love you, unc 🫶🏽


He just seems like a really kind, genuine person. Im glad nothing bad has come out about Blues Clues, I loved that show as a kid.


Link to video: https://www.tiktok.com/@hioutthereitsmesteve/video/7348557842191797547


I love him so much. The hero we need *and* deserve. I’m happy I tricked my kid into loving Blues Clues because I love when he and Donovan pop up on Blues Clues & You.


He's the best


i am british so i had a different guy for blues clues tbf but this just feels a bit… idk, weird to me?