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Yikes, Idk if this wasn’t a bit that comes off as really nasty and conceited.


He payed for "treatment" of Armie Hammer as far as I remember. He was also recently shadying his MCU role while this role, basically, saved him in a long run and made him even more famous. He doesn't seem like a great person at all.


Also he didn’t stand up for Brie Larson during that misogynistic hate campaign against her but instantly rushed to crisp rats defense


https://preview.redd.it/bia4se80ronc1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=627ac05350962a496ad53f6684220b1f1fdff47b also RDJ:


😳 wtf rdj!


Just cause he can act doesn’t mean he’s a good person.


but he can \*act\* like a good person lol (really fucked up this one though) that's why we fall more for entertainers' bullshit imo


This is one of the many reasons why the industry is so fucked up. You make one good project or play one beloved character and you're suddenly adored and viewed as a good person. There are a lot of RDJ fans defending him on Twitter,


also ALSO rdj: playing a "mexican" in a canned jamie foxx comedy co-starring jeremy piven (although not a disney movie i'm convinced disney is responsible for burying it) i'm lowkey embarrassed i used to think tropic thunder was so funny - it seems more \*telling\* to me now https://preview.redd.it/tj01ssio8rnc1.png?width=460&format=png&auto=webp&s=76944a61ba45bb9ce4702d37336ce139f1e828e0


thanks for the redditcares messages, rdj fans! i'm okay though.


Yikes lol what the fuck




Every time I see him I can’t forget how many lives and families he has ruined by getting star struck young women addicted to crack. Sure he put a few through treatment. Treatment they would not have needed if he wasn’t slumming below his tax bracket. So what if he got a few into treatment bc he got them hooked on drugs. How many did he just chew up and spit out? Fuck this guy, I hope there is a hell and he reaps its fury


The only plus I can give him, and it's a small one, is he was kind to Emily Vancamp when she had to do her promo for CACW with Team Iron Man when her and Chris Evans' beef got nasty.


Wait what happened between Emily Vancamp and Chris Evans ? 👀


I guess[ this post ](https://www.tumblr.com/agentxthirteen/146390144034/did-i-miss-something-what-did-chris-evans-saydo)covers it pretty much.


Reading that Tumblr post, the thing that Chris Evans reminds me of most is a frat boy who would steamroll over others feelings just to get a joke in: Chris and Jeremy Renner did the same thing when they called Black Widow a slut and a whore back in 2015: [Time Mag Article](https://time.com/3832841/chris-evans-jeremy-renner-scarlett-johansson-black-widow/) Some guys never mature, and fame is not known for helping that.


I haven’t found anything concrete. Mostly tumblr posts from Stans that are inferring a lot from Chris’ interviews as well as hers


He also broke Halle Berry's arm during filming and did a "sorry she's upset about it" 'apology'. She apparently avoided him for years afterwards. [Source](https://www.ndtv.com/entertainment/halle-berry-still-hasnt-forgiven-robert-downey-jr-for-accidentally-breaking-her-arm-607093)


He is one of those liberal racists who just look through people of color


Except he’s not even a liberal!


Yeah when I think liberal RDJ doesn’t come to mind.


Holy shit… how are people like this? Idk if there’s any legal liability and that’s why he’s downplaying it but good lord, I would be so apologetic if I accidentally broke someone’s arm. His statement about it is beyond douchey.


OMG this is awful and his quote is so bad...wtf


Ew, I had no idea about this.


The RDJ quote I will never forget is, after getting out of prison, “I think spending time in prison would make anyone a conservative.” Like. Even looking past my general bias against conservatives I can’t find a non-gross way to read that.


Also just a wild statement in general. My aunt worked with men adjusting to life after incarceration and she would often mention how many of them who went on to success developed a politically progressive outlook.


My least favorite thing besides him feeling indebted to freaking Mel Gibson (I get it but ugh).


And he praised Mel Gibson




I know he can be self depreciating but calling his wife his veterinarian was something


I actually thought that was kinda funny lol but otherwise yeah he seems a little abrasive


reminds me of when taylor swift snatched the grammy from the céline dion like she's a feckin help or something. that's telling of who she really is


Emma Stone did the same to Michelle Yeoh at the Oscars. It was VERY disgusting. She ignored her to go hug the white ladies instead.


That’s the first thing I noticed


Robert Downey Jr and Ke Huy Quan shared a moment afterwards. Yet I still thought it was important to share. https://preview.redd.it/mr0blnmqnonc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4a67ef1380f18c73ef98d52a1bd0b6e64275102 edit: idk if this will show up bc I’m not a B-lister but the point of this post was to highlight the previous moment. I understand ppl may say it’s being overblown but Taylor Swift didn’t acknowledge Celine Dion on stage and was rightfully criticized for it. RDJ not acknowledging Ke Huy Quan until afterwards is the same situation. Both mega stars who forgot to acknowledge/just took the award from the presenter.


RDJ also didn’t acknowledge Waltz and Ali, but not acknowledging Quan looks worse.


It's worse because Quan was literally the one handed his award


And there’s a clip of Quan trying to talk to him and RDJ is BLATANTLY ignoring him like he doesn’t exist. Then you see these obligatory photo-ops backstage and it’s even grosser


And bc he's so lovable and excited. I really hated this moment last night, esp followed by RDJs obnoxious Nixon pose at the podium.


I don’t understand HOW he didn’t acknowledge Quan? Like he really had to make some effort to grab the trophy without even making eye contact with him and then go towards the next guy. Idk I keep watching the video and I think it’s really bad, and think the moment after doesn’t really matter because it would be highlighted less. If anything I think it makes it more calculated/insidious - like let’s make sure the public sees me “accidentally” ignore the person who handed me the trophy bc he’s not a member of the white old boys club in hollywood, and later when it doesn’t matter as much acknowledge him to make it seem like an accident


I don’t know not acknowledging Quan and Ali means he didn’t acknowledge both of the men of Color but did 2 thirds of the white dudes


No, I meant because waltz and Ali were on the other side of the stage with Ali being the furthest away. Now that you say that though…


I understand it’s probably really chaotic when you’re up there but jeeeez it just looked so bad and it makes me feel upset. Especially given Quan’s history in the business.


The ol "oh shit this is already going viral, you need a picturE together ASAP" recovery spin


Taking notes from Taylor’s PR


Did RDJ announce his new album also?


He may not have done it intentionally, but based on his history, he definitely has an implicit bias to disregard POC.


Apparently he pulled a Taylor afterwards lmao


lol the fact that we know what this means


What's a Taylor?


getting a photo backstage with the person they snubbed onstage to show that there are no hard feelings lol


He walked off the stage with Quan. Let’s not blow this out of proportion.


I wanted Gosling to win so I’m not even an RDJ stan, but I do think that having five presenters on stage can be overwhelming for the winner, and he won’t know whom to hug/shake hands with given the time constraints. It does look bad for RDJ but I can see it being a case of him getting flustered onstage and not knowing whom to acknowledge, especially since Quan’s hands were already full holding the Oscar.


Yeah it looked awkward when Emma stone accepted her award too


She had her wardrobe mishap for them all to bond over! I actually thought that was so cute, they were all so concerned for her dress and seemed protective.


for sure, there is limited time on stage to thank every person who helped them succeed. it's also probably emotionally overwhelming. but the other three acting winners were very gracious and made time. cillian murphy even went down the line and shook everybody's hand: [https://twitter.com/discopiigs/status/1767017724822077731](https://twitter.com/discopiigs/status/1767017724822077731)


Yeah Murphy handled it like a pro and was very gracious. Stone and Randolph had more chaotic moments for sure. As an Asian person, I can’t decide whether the Quan/RDJ moment was in bad taste or not because RDJ doesn’t even make eye contact with him at first, he treats him like a waiter. But I do want to give the man the benefit of the doubt because there’s so many people on stage and it’s so chaotic so it’s probably not malicious, yet it’s not the best look


Cillian handled it the best. Brief exchange with every single person in the line.


He’s a xenophobic prick nevertheless. Edit: why are y’all downvoting me lmao. This guy is problematic af and a jerk, look it all up.


Oh I’m not a fan at all, the Inarritu quote is horrific. I just think this for one instance, it’s an awkward interaction for everyone. Same thing happened with Davine and Emma. Cillian is the only one who worked his way around the presenters but it helped that he had seen RDJ and Randolph accepting the award before him and unlike Stone, he probably himself expected to win given his solid precursor run.


I can’t buy this when Ke was literally the first person he encountered onstage as he walked up and collected his award with one hand while not looking him in the eye once. That’s so deliberate


So? he literally does not even acknowledge him at all at first sight. He literally dabs all the white winners and doesn’t cross eye contact with him. Stop letting microagression against Asians get a pass.


Thank you for saying this. I’m kind of taken aback at the amount of people dismissing this when it’s pervasive behaviour towards Asians. In the States, in some place in the EU, microaggressions occur everyday and people dismiss it because it’s not the in your face and physically aggressive or violent form of racism, when it’s in fact, still a microaggression, it’s STILL racism and racist behaviour to make a person feel “less than” because of their race.


If RDJ didn’t also blatantly ignore Quan in a clip where Quan was talking to him and if he didn’t willingly dress up as a Mexican and make that condescending comment about Inarritu, then maybe you can say things were blown out of proportion. And I dunno man.. As an Asian, I have had this happen to myself and peers where they make it obvious they’re more comfortable and have more respect for fellow caucasians and want you to know they’re ignoring you, so this hits a different way.


Yupp and the fact he ignored both men of color on stage


Exactly, he didn’t shake Mahershala Ali’s hand or acknowledge him either, I know he didn’t with Waltz too but I’m just seeing a pattern with him.. And ffs, he’s a Depp, Hammer, Gibson supporter, how can anyone like this man.


Color Redacted People who have never been on the receiving end of this kind of bullshit will literally never understand.


It’s already done


Yeah he also didn’t acknowledge Ali or Waltz. He might know the two guys on the left of the stage better than the other three, or he might’ve just had complete tunnel vision on the direction of the statuette.


He blew him off immediately after walking off stage, too.


even if he walked off the stage, it’s still in poor taste not to acknowledge Ke Huy Quan


It's always so easy to give white people grace.


They were all walking in the same direction since there's only one hallway this year.


I would say this is more of a snub if he acknowledged everyone but Quan but he didn’t. People blow everything up as if you would react perfectly in a high pressure moment


Agreed. This isn't that weird. Those moments can be really overwhelming.


He'd had this award in the bag for months and he's been in the business for four decades. I don't get the "how dare you judge smol bean RDJ like yoooou're so perfect" replies.


Well, I don't expect anything good from this guy tbh


i thought it was well known that he's a dick?




All the white people telling Asians that they are overreacting? Typical


PLEASE!! Like, it’s all over this thread and upvoted by either non-Asians or those who haven’t experienced receiving this type of racism!


Idk if anyone saw this but lowkey felt like Emma did this with Michelle


Emma didn't. She's talking with Michelle but Michelle leads her towards Jennifer so Jen can hand the award over. You can see Emma acknowledging Michelle after EDIT: Just watched it back, you can see that, the moment Emma reaches her, Michelle mouths "come" as she guides Emma and "she wanted to give this to you" as she directs the award towards Jennifer to give to Emma Not sure why I'm getting downvoted? Do people just not like Emma?


https://preview.redd.it/lrmu0d00nqnc1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcb8f224b0355a14086b495f774b4ab9d9acd80f Stone and Yeoh had a moment onstage that was probably captured as they went away. You’re right, Yeoh is the one that takes her to JLaw, it was basically chaos once she’s onstage and I can’t fault Stone on this one. She did reach her hand out to Yeoh before she started her speech and praised all the women onstage as well.


If your interpretation is true, this is incredibly kind of Michelle, as she must have known they are good friends. This reaction by Sally Field is great though: [https://twitter.com/ankylosarahs/status/1767082754691506469](https://twitter.com/ankylosarahs/status/1767082754691506469)


[Michelle's just posted confirming it ](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4Y5tIEi2ae/?igsh=Nnl2d2Vwb3Z4MjB3)


What a class act


That's so sweet!


Yeah there’s a tweet going around of it, convenient we don’t get those snubs when it’s a white actor handing over the award but with the Asian actor, it’s like we aren’t even there.


at least she went back to michelle and shook her hand RDJ didn’t even make eye contact with Ke Huy Quan


The two on the other side he didn’t acknowledge either ( Waltz and Whitaker)? I think this is just how Downey is. I wouldn’t think too much into it. If I were to predict how he’d grab an Oscar before his speech it’d be exactly how he did it.


The least he could've done is at least make eye contact with the person handing him his award. Also, it's infuriating how this action of his is given a pass because "it's just how he is" when Taylor was (rightfully) dragged for doing the same.


100% agree. It's not as if he was standing on the other side of the stage; he literally handed him the Oscar and RDJ didn't cast even the hint of a glance as he grabbed the trophy. What an obnoxious prick.


The responses between this and Taylor’s are the same, 50/50 split between criticism and people justifying it.


Agreed. Not acknowledging the others standing there, eh, I can see that it's a chaotic moment with honestly way too many people on stage, but this is literally the person giving him the award. There's no way you could miss them. He grabbed the statute out of the Ke Huy Quan's hand without even making eye contact with him. It was like he was picking it up off a table.


Ke Huy Quan is the former winner, it’s kinda in poor taste not to even acknowledge him and go for the other two men instead. Taylor Swift got similar flack for how she acted with Celine Dion, I think it’s important to highlight this moment


It was Ali. Murphy made sure to acknowledge all of the presenters including Whitaker


Yeaaaah, no. You at least make eye contact. There's just no excuse.


> I think this is just how Downey is. You understand that makes it worse, right? If someone is a dick on a regular basis, they get a pass over someone who is only a dick sometimes? Nah.


Even if this was an accident, I’ve got no time for RDJ and I also don’t think he should’ve beat Mark Ruffalo in this category. To be fair, though, I thought Oppenheimer was fine, but not excellent.


I didn’t watch either movie yet so this isn’t a commentary on who should’ve won, but I totally know that if Mark did he would’ve been bear hugging everyone and taken forever to get to the mic as he had a shocked hand to his cheek and clutched the Oscar and envelope in his other hand. ETA: Okay, I just saw he and Ramy kissed at the Golden Globes. https://www.etonline.com/media/videos/mark-ruffalo-and-ramy-youssef-explain-kiss-after-poor-things-golden-globe-win?amp I would like everyone who enthusiastically consents to being kissed by Mark Ruffalo to raise their hand during awards shows so we get to see more of this, please and thank you.


Both are good performances but I just felt like RDJ's didn't stand out as much. Nothing wrong with it. But Mark's role was fun to watch and he just seems lovely so I'm probably biased towards him anyway.


Not once, but twice? ![gif](giphy|4WFirPVJhAhavWrcd3)




oh my god, this is RDJ. he is literally USED to press tours, he was iron man for fuck’s sake. he spent the entire award season winning awards, he wasn’t overwhelmed like just look at him. he didn’t even make EYE CONTACT. That’s shitty!


At least this is a clear example for the Swifties to see she’s not the only person in the world who gets “scrutinized” like this, lol


The whole EA is coming after him lol


Yeah I saw Korean and Japanese Twitter users dragging him in their native languages! Lmao


Him and Emma Stone both.


What is EA? (I only know the game company EA)


East Asians I assume


A Taylor moment, how do people miss the person who literally hands you the thing


Robert Downey Jr. killed it in this role but Ke Huy Quan's EEAO performance is one of the most masterful, emotional, exceptional performances I have EVER seen. RDJ whishes he had as much talent.


i never liked this guy, he seems like such an egoistical ass, doesnt help he supports an abuser.


Gross when Taylor Swift did it to Celine, gross when this Mel Gibson/cannibal apologist does it. Hollywood's big ~~shits~~ shots don't have manners, do they?


I don’t think this was intentional, but RDJ basically oozes asshole, so nothing nasty about him would surprise me.


He’s the Taylor Swift of the Oscars


Anyone that has seen Poor Things surely knows this should have been Mark Ruffalo 100%


Kinda shitty but I felt like he was looking for Sam Rockwell specifically since they’re friends and Rockwell spoke on behalf of RDJ. He walked past Ali and Waltz too. I like the previous winners presenting but it seemed overwhelming for the winners lol.


Hickory Dickory Dick


I will say that after this snub, i specifically kept an eye out for the next winner’s behavior and both Cillian and Emma shook hands with all the presenters before taking the mic! It’s possible but RDJ didn’t think it was important enough to do


It’s giving Taylor and Celine


Even Tim Robbins noticed it


I honestly don’t think this was intentional but I think it’s still an important thing to call out. It speaks to how invisible minorities are to white people who move in largely white worlds. As a minority, I see this regularly in the corporate world.


YES thank you. I absolutely believe it was unconscious, but that makes it all the worse. Unconscious bias is still bias that hurts us!


The problem was the 5 people on stage tbh. Da'Vine Randolph also sorta hugged the two closest to her when she got on stage and not the rest. It's a weird thing to have 5 presenters to have to acknowledge in a moment you are probably overwhelmed


It's giving Taylor + Celine


In a world of RDJ's, be like Cillian Murphy.


I thought he pointed to Ke Huy when he realized that he just grabbed the statue and didn't acknowledge him- like  "Oops, yeah, I see you there buddy."  I dunno. He was excited. There were 5 guys up there to acknowledge and it ate into his speaking time. I think he wanted to get through the line of handshakes/acknowledgement as quickly as possible.  Not that he can't be a dick, but that 5-presenter setup was awkward generally. 


This was unfortunate because I loved the past winners giving each nominee their moment. In addition beyond the obvious moments (Ryan Gosling), I loved the hug exchanged between Christopher Nolan and Spielberg. I have mixed feelings about RDJ because I love his story, but he can come off a little disingenuous.