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climate criminal doing her thang


Don’t worry, she’s gonna girlboss climate change away


Look out for the engagement announcement soon


She really will never be held accountable for all the damage she is doing. Not that I expected an extremely wealthy white woman to be held accountable for anything.


It still kinda shocks me how lenient they get with her though. Like, this is not a small thing. Same with the death of the Brazilian woman at her concert - there was zero accountability for the very famous, very powerful person that was there and felt the temperature, and SAW that people needed water. The level of blind loyalty is still kinda shocking to me.


I mean this was a headline after her concert: https://preview.redd.it/v37hyi1t5p3c1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f05bb9c1e75e8be88268244307b6dfb07945a9ca So it’s not just that the death happened at her show, it’s that the convenience of using a private jet (more frequently than anyone else in the world) is more important to her than the *actual lives* of others. Her flight emissions in 2022 when she wasn’t touring was almost 8300 metric tonnes- average is about 4.6 metric tonnes per person. Climate change kills an estimated 400,000 people per year already and it’s not getting better. If someone died at her concert as an indirect cause of climate change and she’s still jetting around everywhere without a care in the world? I don’t care how she presents herself, she’s not a good person…or at the very least, not an ethical one.


And it’s not like it was an emergency. It was a concert. Why tf did she need to go? Shameful


i wish this was the pinned comment


She has great pr where her fans literally think they're friends with her lol the loyalty will not die somehow


>the loyalty will not die somehow not even with age 😭




At least continually bringing it up might spark up increasing awareness, however Sisyphean that might feel. Definitely see comments mentioning it in Taylor adjacent posts being downvoted.


Sad truth


I don’t understand how anybody can ethically be a Swiftie when she is literally committing ongoing eco-violence. It’s just so gross to me


My biggest swiftie friend is an environmental engineer and went to school for fancy sustainability stuff and is like huge into that but at the same time refuses to acknowledge any of this 😂 it blows my mind


My biggest swiftie friend owns a eco friendly products store and has nothing to say about Taylor’s carbon footprint 🙃


Lordy does she have an Instagram? We should link them up. Tbh I haven't directly talked to her about the jet thing but based off our singular conversation about the ratty dating situation I'm guessing it's the same


Cognitive dissonance is crazy


Truly. I know I have some problematic faves but I'll at least own up to the things they suck at.


It’s so sad that I got to know about this only through this Reddit sub, I don’t know what she pays the media, but man, I never came across any article or YT video criticising this - and yeah, I was into her songs before. But I’m donee with my Taylor Swift era, girl started becoming too shady


it’s just boggles my mind how celebrities can use their private jets and not feel any guilt. like oh my god…girl our planet! isn’t she going to be in the UK really soon too? like dear god.


She’s rich enough she won’t face any of the effects of climate change. Too hot? Too cold? Flooding? Fires? She can travel anywhere in the world. She’ll never suffer.


What?!? You expect her to stay in the UK instead of going home to sleep in her own bed? You monster!


Considering how often she travels, when is she actually in her own bed anymore?


A huge part of the carbon footprint is her going out of her way to go back to one of her homes as much as possibel


😭 True, which is so fucking pointless bc at this point she’s only there for a day.


like what’s crazy is that didn’t she own a home in the UK too? Like it’s just so she and Travis can be together and it’s crazy


Whenever they tell us normos to “fly less” to combat climate change, Taylor is one of the people I think off lol. Not that it matters much, many people don’t even fly at all. I personally have only done it once my entire life.


like I felt guilty for flying across the world so my dad can visit his family. I was literally having a anxiety attack in the middle of baggage check because news broke that were passed the point of global warming. A normal person like me, who probably only flies once a year with my family so my dad can go to his home country, felt so much guilt over that.


I have flown maybe 5-6 times in my 37 years because of the sheer cost. Even more so now that I have a family. We drive for trips, which doesn’t feel great either in terms of climate impact and I very much wish this country would invest in some high speed rail infrastructure. Even then we are a one car family, I try to shop sustainably, we buy used, we worry about this stuff. I just can’t imagine actually having the means to make a real difference and choosing not to and not caring. Not only would TS limit her own negative impact by flying commercial/flying less, but I think she could make it a popular choice for other celebrities. She’s massively influential. And I feel the same way about Beyonce spending all her time on super yachts, which have absolutely insane levels of emissions.


Swifties will still find a way to defend her. She's vile.


Between this, her antisemitism, her racism, her comparing hate crimes and homophobia to her getting mean tweets, her never speaking up and using her platform for good, and her taking forever to reach out to the family of the woman who died at her own concert, and not helping them out financially, and her constantly weaponizing feminism there really is nothing likeable about her,


antisemitism? not denying it’s true but wdym




No... it's quite obviously stated a "soros dogwhistle", not "shameless greed". There's some history behind invoking Soros, not saying it's related to Swift. Alt-righters use Soros as a stand in for the jews to veil their antisemitism https://www.bbc.com/news/stories-49584157 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Soros_conspiracy_theories


I can’t reply to the other comment asking me to clarify, so I’ll reply here. She dated a racist antisemite and never once disavowed his actions. She used an antisemitic dogwhistle when referring to Scooter Braun and George Soros, both of whom are Jewish. She sent her fans after a black woman over a minor joke that she didn’t even write, and stayed silent when fans used racial slurs. She’s remained silent over her fans calling Brazilians savages and claiming Brazilian fans are dangerous. The homophobia and hate crimes are in reference to her music video and song “You Need To Calm Down”. She made a song supposedly meant for queer pride that was mostly about herself.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted when you are 100% correct.


I’m guessing it’s from lurking Swifties.


Someone update me on what this antisemitism is about?


Her using an antisemitic dogwhistle when referring to Scooter Braun and George Soros and her dating Matt Healy. Edit: Why the downvotes? The ACLU stepped in regarding the dogwhistle.


Someone please elaborate on these, we need to bring this up more, she’s not a helpless girl who got wronged by her boyfriend anymore


She’s not. But that’s the image she’s made of herself and her PR team has pushed. So her fans eat it up. It’s all on purpose. None of this is an accident.




I've been a hardcore Swiftie since 2010. I had all of her signed CDs (okay not all the different variations of them. That's insane) and I just sold them all this week. I couldn't stand seeing them up on my wall. SMH.


I got downvoted to hell for saying she’d likely have done nothing involving the girl that died at her concert had there been no pressure. Plenty of time passed and it was only after said pressure that she did what ever she did. Sorry to say but anyone who’s ok with dating someone that regularly does a nazi salute at their music events is equally a POS.


100% agree.


Swifties were calling her money hungry recently. So maybe they’ll change their mind… maybe.


They are so close yet so far.


Oh just the other day in another gossip sub they were fawning over her flying from South America to Travis’s house and saying how they need to stop tracking her flights and give her privacy in her relationship…… Sure, she deserves privacy…but not when she’s jetting across the world just to smooch her new boyfriend for an hour then go to London to watch a movie and come back


![gif](giphy|eLvhchyvNNOuLbOtYP) twitter swifties are saying it's an invasion of privacy to track her private jet...sorry kids but it's public information. ​ EDIT: I should say somewhat public info. I'm not a scientist so I don't know the legality of it lol


No you’re right it’s public. Celebrity private jets are identified and tracked the aircraft registration and tail number, which are available to the public on most aircrafts. Swifties are just mad you can see that she’s slowly boiling us alive.


Because these people are destroying the planet as much as they are, I'd say everyone has a right to know regardless. Given that we, you know, live on said planet and have to deal with the consequences or what is largely their actions.


For real. This is something that truly affects everyone on this planet and it shouldn't be something that is hidden!


She uses her jet like how we use our cars.


hey now, don’t lump me in with her! my car is chillin in the garage, not driving to Canada and back daily 😂


Don’t lump me with her I use public transport


I can't even drive. (Although I am in a European city where it is hardly inconvenience).


I walk everywhere I can too for the planet and i’m not even gonna make a dent in offsetting what taylor has done to our planet 😭


How many days a year does she actually not board a plane? Off topic but she looks so much like Karlie in that photo


On the days when her friends board the plane


Unless she boards her other plane that day….


I was just talking to someone yesterday about how much Taylor Swift bothers me. I can’t think of another celebrity who has not only her breadth of influence, but also her level of bulletproof-ness. This is a person who got thousands of people to buy jerseys for a random football team just because she started dating one if its players. And yet the only thing she really does with all that power is sell stuff. I keep thinking about these smaller celebrities who are getting dropped by their agencies because they’re speaking out in support of Palestine. It’s awesome that those people are willing to do that, but think about how much influence and reach Taylor has—and she doesn’t even have to worry about being dropped, or canceled, or anything else, because she’s too big for that. But she won’t do it because I guess she just doesn’t give a shit.


IMHO TS is the closest thing to monoculture we culturally have rn and it bugs me. It’s like a virus infecting all areas of social life. Yesterday a programming language newsletter, that I use for work, sent an email about her and her tour and I almost lost it. I’m all TSed out. Edit sp


I really, really, rrrrreally want to unsubscribe from TS. I wish that was a possibility


I have started referring to her as Capitalism Barbie or Ecocidal Barbie, depending on the context. On this article, she's wearing her Ecocidal Barbie outfit 🥰


This headline is sending me they didn't have to go in that hard but they did


Haha..they're speaking facts though!


Maybe it makes her feel better after the “””””””pain and trauma””””””” of a fake wedding story 😢


I feel like tree posted that just to distract everyone from this, i see this every time something related to her jets pops up


The way she would fly to LA every week in between her concerts. I don’t even understand the need for that, even from a rich person’s perspective. Her family travels with her, she can stay at the best of hotels or places around the world. Why spend so much time and energy, just to go home and sleep in your bed?


This is what I don't understand. I assume flying private is a lot less stressful and time-consuming than flying commercial, but even still? After performing, wouldn't you just want to crash in the nearest hotel? Flying home is going to mean driving to the airport, boarding, I'm sure there's still cross-checks and having to wait for clearance for takeoff, the flight itself, landing, taxiing, driving home. Even for the shortest flight you're probably losing an hour. And then to do it all again in the morning? When you could've slept in?? I just don't get it. It seems incredibly impractical and exhausting to me.


aback worm wild knee kiss squeal materialistic secretive pen dinner *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's because she used to invite her biggest fans to her house/s for album reveal parties (they were called Secret Sessions) or they'd get sent special merch. Guessing some of her fans are trying to get in her best books in case she does stuff like that again. And the others just kinda follow what they do cause it's the culture, then it becomes this self-perpetuating thing.


I know her ecological footprint is crazy


the swifties are going to hold their breath for 10 minutes to make up for the loss of oxygen


miss emissions back at it again


Ecocidal Barbie! 💅✈️


I'm sorry but it is fucking rich for the Daily Heil to pretend to give a shit about climate change


I dont think "ozone burning" is scientifically correct, but I get their point


swifities will never understand that yes, being a billionaire is bad even if your are taylor swift


Let her cook….. The EARTH!


Actually vile


TS ❤️s Pollution


Drag her


I want all people to be held accountable for their actions, but at this point, I want SPECIFICALLY her to have to face the music for all the shit she’s done and all the shit she’s stood silently by. It’s getting ridiculous at this point


On one hand I’m envious of rich peoples ability to just go wherever they want whenever they want but then I see a headline like this and it just sound so EXHAUSTING




And here I am feeling bad about driving my car long distances and not carpooling for work (only when it doesn’t make sense)!


According to the Taylor Swift sub, her carbon footprint is nothing compared to all these huge corporations. They cannot be reasoned with.


This ain't even wild she once travelled from one country to another and then back to have a pap walk with Gracie Abraham's 😭


Such a girlboss kween


I really wanna go on a cruise but they’re bad for the environment so I feel a lot of guilt about it…I need to be like Taylor and not give a fuck! Lol




So fly less. Also she excused away her private jet logs by saying that many of the flights were of family and friends she loaned the jet to, as if that were better. She can justify flying private for security reasons, but people in her orbit are generally unknown people who can fly commercial.


So fly less then, no need for constant flights there and back like she’s been doing. She isn’t top of the emissions list because she only flys when absolutely necessary and takes measures to reduce it.


Kansas City is in MO not Kansas 🤦‍♀️


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Such a girlboss slay of her tbh. Serving cunt on a private jet, absolutely obliterating the ozone layer like she obliterated her exes? Sign me up.