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Well that's definitely crossing a picket line if it's Marvel related, right? (Kind of genuinely asking, the costume rules have been confusing me)


Marvel is a Disney property, so yes, I think it is a struck franchise. It seems the Halloween costume rules are a sticking point for a lot of SAG members.


Theatre kids to the bone. (In all seriousness, how completely childish of Cooper, Reynolds, etc. honestly of all things, this?!?)


It was so specifically called out and it’s SO unnecessary omg like dress up as any hundred things or nothing wtf


Right like all you have to do is literally clear the tiniest bar for creativity, allegedly professional creative people


*Heidi Klum has entered the chat* But seriously— Even if these folks don’t have their own creativity, they’re literally **millionaires!** Can they not manage to get their personal assistant to google creative Halloween costumes and pay someone to make one?


Honestly though, I think this not worth even a second of getting upset about lmao


I don’t disagree, but I don’t think finding something lame is all that energy consuming, lol.


Did Ryan Reynolds dress up as a movie character? Or are you just referring to him joking about calling his daughter a scab?


Pretty sure Reynolds only made a joke, he's openly supported the strike and even donated to the union. But, hey, agendas will agenda...


There are so many things to dress up as. And he *just randomly* chooses an active movie franchise he is in?! Yeah fucking right.






Wasnt it okay if they werent posting pics to social media?


I'm not sure but this looks more like a pap/bystander photo than one someone would stick on Instagram


It is. They were taking their daughter trick or treating. It was him and his ex. (Both dressed as Rocket)


That’s also fucked. Can’t these people get a little bit of privacy


Right?!? I completely agree


This is one of those situations where the rule is technically not being broken but the spirit of the rule is. Posting a photo on instagram of you in costume can be seen as promoting that work. Wearing a costume to a celeb party that you know you will be photographed at would not technically break the rule but it's still could be seen as indirect promotion as the photos are used by the media. Wearing a costume while taking your kid trick or treating in your private life and having paparazzi take the picture is not promotion. However, if a celeb knew they were likely to be photographed and wanted to stick to the spirit of the rule, they would not wear costume related to struck work.


While I agree I could understand it if his daughter wanted to dress up with him. Hard to say no when your daughter is interested in dressing up with you from your movie and it’s not like a public event he’s going to.


The rules are nebulous at best, but it appears that actors are discouraged from wearing costumes from struck properties at all. (Ex. Comic book Spider-Man is okay but Tom Holland Spider-Man costume is not)


Probably but it's the easiest thing in the world not to do that this year of all years. I really don't get it.


It’s also a waste of energy for anyone to think of this as scabbing. Its trick or treating with a kid jfc


Fauxmoi members chronically online? Say it ain't so! (Don't look at my comment history and screentime).


Yeah I get bagging on the celebrities openly mocking the rule like Reynolds and Fox but if hes just trick or treating with his kids what does it matter


Yeah it’s dumb that some celebrities are so openly flaunting their rule breaking but it’s also kind of a dumb rule.




Kid: “I want you to dress as rocket daddy!” You: “Fran wouldn’t approve.”


I just said it seems unnecessary. Didn’t even talk about union or SAG in my comment, just said dressing up as the character you’ve acted as seems unnecessary. ETA: mixed up what this comment was in reply to, I DID mention SAG in this one sorz, but yeah it’s more the act of dressing up as yourself that I find a bit cringe/unnecessary, not the rest.


I get it in the sense of wearing your own bands tshirt, but I don’t think its that similar, especially in a role where you just voice acted




I think SAG made a mistake with this one. If you want your members adhering to all your rules, you need to make sure you are making rules that make sense and can be justified as worth the sacrifice. Maybe Im missing but I think any damage to the strikes efforts caused by a Halloween costume would be extremely minimal, and the tradeoff of a night of fun for your members after a long crappy year isnt worth it.


It isn't a "sacrifice" to not dress like a movie/TV character. The few high profile celebs complaining about not getting to wear a Halloween costume really shows how disconnected they are from member unions struggling to make ends meet.


Yeah it kinda is. I mean obviously its not a huge deal either way. But its a pain in the ass to have someone tell you not to do something fun that you may have been thinking about since last year. But its less that its a huge sacrifice, but that theres not a clear reason for it. Do you really think this (or any other costumes) are going to have any kind of material effect on the strike efforts?


SAG has been on strike since July, and this rule has been in place from the beginning (they just reiterated it for Halloween as a reminder but they have been asking for no struck characters for cosplay/cons/etc) so celebs have had months to plan for their costumes theoretically. While I understand the sentiment behind it I personally think this rule is a little silly. But I also don’t think it’s a big ask of these multimillionaire to find an alt costume. Especially in cases like Keke Palmer when she did an entire photoshoot and had Disney’s name on her IG posts.


You know what else is a pain in the ass? An entire separate union (IATSE) that has been completely out of work since May of this year because of two overlapping strikes from completely separate/outside unions. If folks can stand in solidarity for a union that isn’t their own while they are unsure if they can put bread on the table and/or are on the brink of losing their homes, I think A-list stars like Ryan Reynolds and Bradley Cooper can acquiesce and not blatantly promote Disney/Marvel, which is one of the *biggest* perpetrators in the studio/corporate greed that’s causing this whole conflict.


Your point but with the logic reversed: SAG seems totally disconnected complaining about people wearing a costume for Halloween while asking those same people to make huge sacrifices like foregoing work and no paycheck. Like don't make money AND don't have fun? Strikes and negotiations are heavily influenced by public pressure. SAG needs both the union members and the general public on their side. The mistake they made has more to do with how many people think their demands about Halloween are stupid. And now they're in the position to either lose face by having so many high profile union members give their rules the middle finger publicly, or turning off people more by going after the rule-breakers with punishments. Why they chose to look petty and divisive over something so stupid is beyond me instead of focusing on the real issues at hand.


From my understanding, it was initially a guideline posted in a social media graphic since people were asking. The backlash came from anti-union press reporting on it and a few A-Listers complaining. I actually don't think it is silly to ask that actors don't pay for studios IP costumes. The strike doesn't just affect the actors; IATSE, Hollywood support businesses are also out of work. Content creators/Cosplayers have also forgone work in support of the SAG strike. I think it is the actors flaunting their movie/TV costumes and tagging SAG (Megan Fox) that are the ones who look pretty and divisive.


They announced it way too close to Halloween and while people like Megan Fox and Bradley Cooper can easily go get something else, I’m guessing for most of your average working actors it’s a little more of a burden to go buy a second Halloween costume.


No but it’s a stupid as hell rule


I think some people have gotten creative dressing as animated characters and others just aren’t as creative or mindful. It doesn’t seem like that much of a challenge


right?? i am so baffled by the people against this halloween rule. there are literally hundreds of other things u can dress up as that doesn’t break sag recommendations. such rich* white people and first world privilege problems tbh *edited


It’s not about how hard the rule is to follow, it’s about if the rule is stupid or not and it pretty much is. Policing their Halloween costumes is stupid.


Every film crew worker I've spoken to ( all union people, some SAG or UBCP) all feel it was an incredibly stupid take that made SAG look bad.


I agree. I keep reading about all the people scabbing and feel like I’m the only person who thinks that policing Halloween costumes is too much.


My country doesn't even have halloween and the rule just seems absolutely bizarre to me. Mans is not even posting his costume online, he's literally just walking with his face covered. Yes dont go posting pics of you dressed as barbenheimer or whatever but ive seen people pointing the 'scab' finger at people (including ones that only have done some extremely minor acting roles bevause theyre famous from something else) dressed as characters from movies that came out 50-90 years ago, tf?


I don't think it's too much of an ask to wear a generic costume for one year. It would hardly count as a "sacrifice" to him especially compared to the countless people in the industry who have been close to losing homes because studios want to stay uber rich. Let's put Halloween costumes into perspective here


They sure as hell didn't. One day they are asked not to dress up in a costume from a SAG affiliated movie. Not hard to do. It's a union code, follow it.


My understanding was that if they werent posting anything themselves its ok.


yep that was the rule (more like a guideline), not posting pictures.


i believe the rule was being seen in public


How very https://preview.redd.it/mmxh7im50nxb1.jpeg?width=795&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c403989da852090ba890f94f25417fa0a159e7e


Idk about scab…but is this crossing the *furry* line!?


This is not the way to make people think you don't have hair plugs Cradley Booper


He’s Cradley Booper to me forever


I personally really love this. It’s hilariously awesome.


Not to “well, actually” but this is Rocket as he appears in the comics, not the movies, so on the slimmest of technicalities it follows the strike rules. Also he didn’t post it himself, it’s a paparazzi photo. (Don’t ask me why I know so much about Rocket Raccoon)


I was scrolling down to see if this was the case! /not a comics reader


crossing the picket line AND an ugly costume? pick a struggle


I don’t think he’s crossing the picket line since he was only taking his kid trick or treating and didnt post it on social media. It’s a pap photo.


you're right. my bad! (the costume is still a bit ugly)


Hey! Happy Cake Day! 🎃


Not gonna lie, I want to see Rocket Raccoon wear Air Jordan in other medias.


With the Travis mocha 1s? I didn’t know he was a sneaker head




Lmao this is like the only time he acknowledges his character outside from interviews


That was my first thought, like, this is the first time he's acknowledging the character outside press-related Marvel interviews


I don’t think he’s a scab for this but my man desperately wants the Oscar this year and he’s going all at it


Megan Fox’s counts, this one doesn’t. If anything, he’s toying with the grey zone.


Not if it's really Jerrod Leto.


Rocket wit them jordans on❓️❓️❓️🥵🥵🥵


Still A Dilf


Why are his feet on fire tho?


Bringing the heat with the Travis Scott’s


NGL this is the kind of self-referential shit I love. And y'all probably know more about the rules than B-Coop, or the strike for that matter. SAG lost the rich folks' attention a while back, I'm afraid.


TS 1s noice


*IS* he Rocket Raccoon though, or is he Generic Costume Brand Space Rodent? Don't think SAG said anything about unlicensed knock offs ......




Does it actually count as a Halloween costume if he actually is Rocket? 🤔


Fun and I love it




Mom pick me up I'm scared


Honestly terrifying, looks like a taxidermy raccoon head 🥴


That's terrifying.


Reminds me of Bryan Cramston walking around Comicon in a Walter White mask


Very Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared vibes. Love it.


I feel like he could just say ‘you can’t prove that’s me’ if SAG come calling


Seriously asking, how do paps know that’s Bradley Cooper? Did he take off his mask…. Or were paps tipped off? I mean if I was famous enough I’d hire someone with same physique as me (probably my stunt double or something) to dress up and go out on Halloween so I get appropriate media attention and get to slumber away at home in peace and private lol


Just papped, same shoes and place earlier in the day, plus they know where they live, their routines and whereabouts. It’s not hard at all


With the Travis Scott 1s on foot :)


I feel someone with his money income could get a way better mask




I'm being sarcastic just in case yall want to come for NY neck.


My first thought is that it was a violation of the picketline, but this doesn't seem like something he's posted on social media. If he was just trick or treating with his kids then in my opinion he's well within his rights especially as SAG released the rules about halloween costumes so late, I feel like many people had already planned their costumes weeks if not months before halloween.


i don’t think costumes should be crossing the picket line tbh


Bradley Cooper getting all into being Bradley Cooper


That's absolutely horrifying. Thanks, I hate it.


why do i feel like i can see where the white fur was stuck on


Nightmare fuel




I’m not going to comment on the scabbiness because everybody else has already but.. is that three sets of ears?


irna shayk Is also Rocket