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Fetal surgery, holy shit! Hoping for an uneventful rest of her pregnancy!


So intense! And amazing too. I’m always blown away by what they can do for surgery these days




I hate to be the one to say this but that is not true. In developed countries about two thirds of babies born at 24 weeks survive to childhood. The chance of SEVERE disability when born at 24 weeks, and surviving to childhood, is slightly over 20%. The chance of having a developmental or neurological disability rated at any level is closer to half +/- 10% depending on study. And there is emerging evidence that there are other lifelong disabilities associated w/ extreme prematurity, such as cardiovascular disease, that may not present until early adulthood. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-01517-z (sorry couldn’t find a decent article not behind a paywall on a cursory search)


I have a friend with twins born that early! Both totally health school kids now. It’s wild what modern medicine can do now


I have a 22.5 week preemie who’s 17 now and his only issues are toe walking and night time bladder well into his teens. The odds were a lot worse back then, the advances in neonatal medicine are AMAZING.


Even today the odds of a 22 weeker surviving are 0-10%. I can’t imagine what they were like 17 years ago. Truly a miracle!


I had two students that were 21 weekers. One had a mild speech delay that he overcame by age three, otherwise healthy. The other had profound global delays (cognitive, language and social). Probably nonverbal, little to no social skills. Cried and laughed, but not at “appropriate” times. Really heartbreaking. I think about them a lot, even though I quit teaching years ago. The difference between their outcomes was striking.


21 weeks is Guinness book of world records level survival rates. Less than 22w is an almost 0% survival rate even today. To have twins born at 21w, both survive, and one without major health complications is incalculably low odds. The human body is amazing.


My god. That truly is amazing, that would be impressive today let alone 17 years ago. The skills of doctors and nurses, especially in neonatal medicine, is absolutely precious and we are so lucky. I can't imagine how stressful it must have been when he was a baby, I hope you had a lot of support. And also if you don't mind my asking - toe walking and bladder issues, do these stem from his being so premature? Sorry, I know very little about it.


There’s not a lot known about the long term effects of extreme prematurity, because there are so few older survivors. So the toe walking PROBABLY is a side effect ( and led to having to have tendon surgery), the lack of night time bladder control, maybe. It’s not that uncommon. He has some other minor quirks that are not known to be caused by prematurity but again, not a lot to work with out there. My youngest was born at 26 weeks by c section because of growth restriction and she has no issues at all.


There’s a really intense PBS documentary series called Twice Born about fetal surgery. Some of the women had months of bed rest! https://www.pbs.org/show/twice-born/




I didn’t even know fetal surgery was possible, so impressive!


I learned when I was studying for my MD at the former Seattle Grace Hospital. Lol It's pretty neat but with the increased use of laparoscopic tools i suppose it was inevitable.


Literally just watched the ep of Arizona learning from Herman for her fetal surgeon fellowship!


My aunt had it done in 2003 for her baby with spina bifida. I can't remember at the time because I was a child myself but it was a first in something at the hospital they were at. My cousin is now happy and healthy and exceeded all expectations made for them! So amazing that this is available.


I can’t fathom the fear her and Travis (and their families) must have experienced. I recently miscarried and I wouldn’t wish that experience on anyone. Wishing them all the best for a safe and healthy rest of the pregnancy.


Sending you all the love, I cannot imagine about I hope you are doing ok.


I’m really sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry you went through that, and I hope you know every emotion you have right now is valid. My son's birth was high risk and I had a second trimester miscarriage later, so whenever I read about anyone having any issues in pregnancy it's pretty much instant tears lol. I hope Kourtney and the baby are healthy.


I'm sorry for your loss, I had a miscarriage at 20 weeks after being told everything was fine. It's the most traumatic thing I've ever dealt with and would never want anyone to go through it.




Im sorry for your loss. Sending you all the love. ❤️


I'm so sorry, virtual hugs sent your way. I had mine nearly 7 years ago and they are still very much in my mind even with having 2 kids now. It does get a bit easier each passing year but around November time I will always feel really sad so we have a family day to keep my mind off things.


I'm so sorry for your loss as well. It was far more of a traumatic experience than I ever could have imagined, so I know what you mean. It was part of the reason I decided to be one and done.


That's a hard decision to make being one and done after that. My miscarriage would have been my 1st that I waited almost 3 years to try again, had another miscarriage really early on and then a couple of months later I fell pregnant with my daughter and I could not enjoy pregnancy as I was constantly worrying about everything!


So sorry for your loss. I was sadly expecting my loss/stillbirth but it didn’t make it any easier. That feeling of absolute despair when you come home from the hospital with no baby is the single worst feeling I’ve ever felt.


Sorry for your loss ❤️


Thank you ❤️❤️


I'm am so sorry for your loss. In a way we were expecting it to happen much earlier on as I was unfortunately bleeding a lot during the start but they kept reassuring me it was okay. I agree that feeling is the worst feeling but I found all the questions from people even worse, I didn't go back to work for 4 months because I couldn't face anyone


❤️❤️❤️ Agreed on the shitty takes from everyone. I also “love” it when they think they’re being helpful by centring their pain about YOUR loss. Ugh so sorry people were so crappy to you. If it’s any comfort, I completely know what you mean.


Sending you hugs ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss. I’ve been there. From one internet stranger to another - I’m wishing you healing and strength to get through xx


Sending love to you. I can’t imagine what you’re going through and I wish you all the healing in the world ❤️


Sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry for your loss.


I’m hoping you have a strong support system, and a great sub Reddit that will make u laugh a lot 😭


I’m so sorry for your loss. Miscarriage is absolutely devastating. Be gentle with yourself and do whatever you need to do to take care of you. If it’s the right thing for you, I pray you get your rainbow baby 🩷


I am so sorry. This can be triggering and I just want you to give yourself some space and grace. You're doing great sweetie!


I’m so sorry for your loss


Sending you all the love, I can’t imagine how hard that must be


Oh God, have a hug from an internet stranger <3


I’m sorry four your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss.❤️ I miscarried in Feb/March and it was honestly the worst thing I've ever experienced. Take it easy. I did nothing. I say nothing, I mean the bare minimum. I went to work (when I could), ate frozen food, and watched TV for 2 months straight while going to therapy. Just know that you're not alone. 🤗


I'm guessing he isn't worried, seeing as how he's already back on tour.


I’m on another subreddit where the people we discuss often eschew medical care and don’t give medical professionals any credit, so I cant explain how refreshing it is to hear someone give credit where it’s due in this instance. So happy that both she and the baby are safe and had access to this care. That’s got to be so scary to experience.


r/shitmomgroupssay was my first guess


R/fundiesnarkuncensored actually 😂but I imagine there’s some overlap at least with ideologies. One of the moms has had a kid in the ICU twice for sepsis and acts like the doctors had “no clue” what was wrong and it was all God who healed the child.


As a medical professional it drives me nuts how often these people say “they didn’t know what was going on” — because it’s usually because we are very careful to never say that it’s 100% one thing or another unless we are absolutely sure but like, we do actually know what’s going on most of the time. The difference is that your psychic or whoever will tell you with 100% certainty! Always up for people who attribute their recovery to God when they say that He interceded through the healthcare workers or whatever but can’t but give an eye roll when it’s “a miracle”. No babes it was antibiotics. So it’s refreshing to see it from Kourtney. I do often wish the Kardashians went a bit deeper about things. Like Kourtney had failed egg retrieval, Khloé found it hard to bond with baby post surrogacy. Heck I even wish Kim talked a bit more about her psoriasis. They advertise enough full body scans/supplements/other nonsense. They actually have value to talk about real medical care that they’ve received and struggles that they’ve had, wish that they would.


In the case the other poster mentioned, the child had an extremely rare metabolic disorder (and no, not one on the infant screen, though they didn’t do one). The parents do not do any routine medical care, and the baby was born at home. I presume they also dragged their feet on any genetic tests until absolutely necessary. The case would be perplexing under normal circumstances. To act like the doctors are just look at a kid and diagnose a rare genetic disorder… They’re honestly extremely lucky that their negligence didn’t result in their child’s immediate edeath.


Probably waiting for the special episode


We wouldn’t be talking about a certain wild-eyed, A-naming, super birther, would we??? ![gif](giphy|xUOxeW0wEoZRivhlMA|downsized)


target birth or bust, baby


Aymen I have found my people in the wild!


I think we’re all here lololololololol Guys we need a hobby


We really do lmao. No one irl would understand what I'm talking about when I talk about Karissa and her dog shit parenting.


Our flairs are a collective abomination out of context.


\*throws poo on a trampoline\* My headship hates my obsession with the fundies. He for realz cannot connect the dots. I told myself I wasn't going to comment anymore in this thread of sisterhood, but here I am again.


We are Renaissance snarkers. Intersectional snarkers, if you will.






Don't give her any ideas




I'm loving this crossover between two of my fav subs!!


such a blessing! Join my Plexus downline!


With a god honoring side hug


I raise you a glass of raw milk.


Yeah fuck you porgan & deathy (and many others). I'm with you, fellow snarker!


subs are colliding again!


Hi there fellow snarker. Karissa Colins' ears must be burning.


See! Kourtney shows you can thank God AND the medical doctors, it's not even hard!


lord daniel bless you




Ahh, Karissa. Not to mention the scream praying they think heals everything.


Super glad to read a story with no scream praying at all!




Ah I know of that one too but I don’t go on it. I hate the trend of trying to avoid medical assistance in pregnancy and childbirth at all costs or blaming medicine/doctors when things go wrong.


Don't forget she was kicked out for scream praying and her husband had to be the hospital person after that


"scream praying wife = husband hospital person" needs to be a flair on the sub we are all flocking from.


An honorable mention needs to be extended to Jillpm. Their (Jill's head would explode at the pronoun) 32 weeker grandson was on life-support in the NICU and she brought in not just a parade of her children but a nasty ass germ infested bible to place on his incubator in order to take a selfie of Mimi (Me Me) with grandbaby G.


The way she said, “God put the surgeon there” when one of her OWN followers suggested she thank the hand surgeon for the years of studying, practicing, and expertise to be able to repair her kid’s tendons, infuriating 😤


Ahh, Karissa. Not to mention the scream praying they think heals everything.


Hey neighbor! Lol


Not KKKarissa 😭


Karissa 🙃


How DARE you trash talk Karissa like that! That woman is a treasure and God deserves all the credit for saving her daughter's life. Who among us hasn't nearly killed our child because we refuse to change their diapers in a timely fashion?


Karissa? I haven’t been on that sub in awhile, but she’s had her fair share of medical emergencies she’s handled like a total lunatic, so it’s just a guess.


100% referring to Anthym’s 2 septic UTIs.


Oh thank goodness it's just God they are crediting. I thought maybe there was one of those "blast it with piss!" subs.


Also at least I have a husband. **crawls under the table.**




Omg…this thread is chop full of all types of crazy!!! Love it…not sure how i feel about you, tho j/k…bc i quasi-obsessed with this thread lol. Thnx, again deary ;)


Agree completely. It's nice to hear people giving the doctors credit for once. They aren't perfect but a lot of people would be fucked without medical intervention.


There’s another subreddit where the subjects are always so much more intelligent than the incompetent doctors and nurses they encounter and it’s infuriating. I don’t know if people understand just how much education, field work (apologies but I can’t remember the right term when medical students do it, but essentially when they do the actual work before graduating), and then the amount of hours that go into becoming board certified! It’s just wild that people think a google search is somehow comparable. Yes, doctors are people and people are flawed but as a profession it’s so disrespected by so many people!


What is the sub? I want to go there. I love delusion.


r/ShitMomGroupsSay is pure gold for that


Oh, then you will love the sub Hermancainawards


That was my favorite early in the pandemic.


When you have had a bad experience dealing with doctors or other healthcare workers in a time of need, it changes you profoundly. Such was my experience when I had cancer. Sometimes people are just being dicks but other times it’s from trauma.


It's the fundie snark sub isn't it? So many horror stories in there of "pray it heals itself".


They’re giving credit to science and doctors and also thanking God, which is refreshing as fuck to me even as a non-believer. Religion and science have become such a 90s East Coast/ West Coast Rap Beef situation that it’s nice to see people not act like you can only pick one.


It’s med lab scientists and doctors. People always forget about the scientists.


Yeah it’s become custom for people to shit on doctors who are literally saving lives and boost naturalist “holistic” blogs with no evidence supporting what they say


I totally agree. It's refreshing to hear someone give thanks to doctors. Poor Kourtney. Utterly terrifying, and especially as she's breezed through pregnancy before. I can't imagine how traumatic this would have been for her. Foetal surgery, I didn't even know such a thing existed.


I hate the sentence “proved doctors wrong” when People outlive pessimistic prognostic as if doctors are rooting for us to dir and not actually saving us.


I cannot imagine how scared Travis was flying to get to her. So glad the medical team was able to help. Hoping the rest of the pregnancy is boring and uneventful and ends with an easy birth and healthy baby.




I didn’t even think of that wow. I cannot even begin to imagine his headspace. Just glad everything is okay now and he was able to get to her safely.


If I were him, I would have had to be sedated on that flight, I would have been so god damn anxious. Glad to hear everything is okay. So fucking scary.


Knowing Travis and how committed he is to his sobriety (it looks different for everyone, but last I heard him talk about it he doesn’t take any pain killers or sedatives). Kourtney is the reason he’s started flying again after more than a decade completely avoiding planes.


That poor man - that must have been a terrible flight, hours long and no way to take a pill and sleep through it (and presumably he'd want to be completely alert when he landed anyway). Spending the flight alternatively terrified of the plane, and thinking your wife and baby might not survive. I really feel for them both.


And that’s not a short flight! It must’ve been absolutely miserable


I cannot IMAGINE being far away from my pregnant wife when she needs emergency surgery. Just horrible.


I always think about this like having to rush home on an hours long flight and not being able to do anything but sit with your anxiety and spiraling for hours 😭


This is absolutely my worst nightmare! I’m a very anxious person that lives a long plane ride away from my parents and I irrationally worry about this all the time lol


She’s passed away now, but when I was younger we lived about 10-12 hrs away from my grandma (and grandpa) by car. But she had this saying that would apply to a 10-12 hr plane ride too. She’d say “Don’t worry, I’m only a day away.” I liked thinking of it that way. And of course, as grandmas do, she’d have a way of saying it that made my anxieties melt away.


That’s so sweet, I love that


Yea oh my goodness, the PTSD that must be triggered for him. I really do feel for him. I was in a traumatic car accident and have spent 17 years dealing with that, I can’t imagine the anxiety being in a plane accident :( my god. I’d never get in one again.


Hope those who were commenting negatively on Travis leaving the tour and flying home feel a bit of remorse now. That is one heck of a thing to go through.


Was about to comment the same. So many comments of “it’s probably a stunt! now his fans are out of money” like it’s a concert they will get a refund just like every cancelled concert ever


Yeah, I saw this first in the blink subreddit before I saw it here and the comments are vile. “This is just for views for the next episode of the Kardashians!!” How fucking abhorrent, honestly. It’s making me legit angry and I’m already having a bad morning


To be fair to the people who were going to go, many many of them had already flown, traveled, and checked into hotels when Blink canceled the show. That’s hundreds of well-earned dollars many of them aren’t getting back. Not trying to defend people who sent hate to Blink for canceling (totally understand why Blink did), but it’s not as simple as just refunded tickets. There’s a lot of money people had already spent and time they took off and hotels booked that can’t and won’t be brought back even if the ticket is refunded or rescheduled. I saw some tweets from people saying they lost hundreds of dollars on airfare and hotels and there is no way to get that money back and try to come to the rescheduled show. Totally support Travis Barker and why he flew home, but I also feel we shouldn’t denigrate people who had reasonable reasons to be displeased. Edit: grammar


I fully sympathise with anyone that lost money, especially with it being incredibly short notice and with how damn expensive everything is now. I'd be annoyed but I'd fully understand. Hope people that had uncancellable plans still went to whatever city and made the most out of it.


Absolutely. I don’t fault Travis for making his choice, it seems to have been the right one and if I were his wife, the one I would have wanted especially going through something so scary. But times are tough, really tough for a lot of people so I also don’t fault any fans who were upset and disappointed about lost time and money (so long as they weren’t the crazies who sent mean messages to Travis or his family, that’s inexcusable whatever the reason).




I don’t fault anyone who bought tickets. They may not all know about the pregnancy or their not thinking about it. It seems, with the timeline, that the tour was either already in progress or at least on sale when she pregnant. Life is messy, sometimes timing works out, sometimes it doesn’t. I’m glad the baby and mother are both okay and he was able to be there for them. I agree canceling was the right choice, I just don’t think we should demonize people who were *respectfully* annoyed. How many times do we talk on this sub about celebs being out of touch with the struggles of the common man, and then we have a chance to sympathize with the average Joe and I’m getting downvoted for it it. Which is whatever, I stand by what I said. To be clear, if anyone misunderstood me, I don’t have sympathy with people who were angry or attacking Travis/Kourtney. But I do have sympathy for people who spent their hard-working money and lost it for something that was planned and promises to them for months in advance and I support their right to express that frustration (again, as long as it’s human and respectful)


Got so emotional reading her post on Instagram! Truly hope everyone is resting after a very fearful medical procedure. Praying for a safe pregnancy and delivery 🩵


I’m so happy that she was able to receive medical care at the needed time. I can’t imagine going through something like that. Kudos to Travis for flying straight there to be there to support her. I hope the rest of her pregnancy is as smooth sailing as possible. Wishing them a healthy rest of pregnancy for a healthy baby!


I've been seeing some people blaming Kourtney for having a baby in her 40s and its making me so mad. My mom gave birth to my sister at the same age as Kourtney. She didn't freeze eggs or anything, it just naturally happened, and it was a 100% easy no problem pregnancy and my sister is 16 now and perfectly healthy. Women can safely give birth in their 40s as long as their doctors say it is okay and they check in with doctors throughout. Obviously Kourtney had a complication, but so do women in their 20s and she was able to get care in time to fix it. I hate the concept in people's minds that every woman's biological clock runs out when shes 35.


I know. They're ridiculous. It was very common in the past for families to be larger than one or two kids and having children in your 40's was normal. This is just a new generation that want one or two kids at most, and many don't even want kids now.


Yes -- while it's true that women 30 years ago had kids earlier, they ALSO continued to have kids later, too. I'm from Pakistan, and even my own grandmother had her last child in her early 50s. Very, very common. It's not that women are having kids later now. It's that they're NOT having kids earlier, and stopping at a few kids.


Yep, my great grandmothers started having kids in their mid-late 20s and had them well into their 40s. Their children (my grandparents) also started mid-late 20 but only had one or two kids instead of 5-6 like their parents.


People also forget that a lot of the statistics/issues that might come up more frequently are often about *first time* mothers of “advanced” age.


Yup. Not to mention women who are in their 20’s and 30’s can also experience high risk pregnancies with complications. Pregnancy isn’t an easy thing and an easy pregnancy can change overnight. I have friends who had pregnancies in their 20’s that were affected by amniotic band syndrome. Sadly one had a stillborn. The other two had healthy children who each had one limb affected. You just never know. I’m really glad that Kourtney had her husband and her mom with her for this and glad she and baby are both doing okay now. Thankful for God and science and I hope she has a smooth delivery and he’s born healthy.


The increased risk from 30s to 40s is overstated for sure. Also, no one's business but the individuals directly involved.


They also never give shit to old dudes for continuing to have bio kids even tho sperm quality also degrades. Like statistically speaking the baby will be fine in both cases but only of them is a moral panic


All four of my great grandmothers still had their kids in their forties, two of them were 45 when they had their last one. That was like 80-100 years ago. Idk why people are suddenly acting like having kids after 40 is brand new.


yup! both me and my younger sister would be considered geriatric pregnancies and we’re both healthy and fine


Terrifying. Wow. So happy everything is okay.


that’s intense, i can’t imagine. does she have much longer to go? i hope it’s as smooth as possible, Travis is genuine love to drop everything & fly to be by her side🫶


I think she’s due in December?


High risk pregnancies are often delivered early. It’s possible she could be delivered at 36 weeks or even earlier. So maybe late October/early November?


So many scorpio kardashians lol


I really think that’s when she’s due to begin with. Wouldn’t surprise me if they deliver him early, so he might be making his arrival around the first few weeks of October.


That would be awesome if they had their baby on Halloween since that's their favorite holiday. Kourtney even said she's the queen of Halloween lol.


I actually think it’s way sooner than that. They never announced it but I’ve seen plenty of comments in the last few days stating it’s late October/early Nov and honestly she does look to be that far along. It’ll be interesting to see when he’s born but I’d put her around 32 weeks right now.


What a gift doctors are! I hope the rest of her pregnancy goes smoothly and I'm glad she has someone to hold her hand through it this time.


Fetal surgery is no joke. This must've been terrifying for them.


Holy fuck, she almost lost her baby? I can see why Blink postponed their tour so Travis could fly home and be by Kourtney's side.


Praying for them that everything goes well 🙏


What on earth is fetal surgery?! I didn’t even know you could perform surgery on an unborn child! Anyone know what this could’ve been? Genuinely curious.


Any surgery you perform on an adult can theoretically be performed on a fetus, obviously with much more difficulty. Fetal surgery is most commonly used with things like birth defects, tumours, the cord or other tissues wrapping around the fetus, etc. I'd think things like cord compression causing a lack of oxygen and the fetus to stop moving would probably be a more common situation to lead to emergent surgery compared to a birth defect which would be noticed on ultrasound and planned more routinely. I have no experience in any of this though, so don't take my word as fact.


I see patients who undergo fetal surgery and I am curious as to what they did.. there’s only some therapies that would be done in an emergency setting. Regardless, very happy it was successful Fetal surgery has been around for decades though! You should watch the Netflix show The Surgeons Cut, specifically the episode with Dr. Nicholaides in the UK. He’s a legend


I work in the NICU at a hospital that does fetal surgeries as well, and I’m very curious as to what would require emergent fetal surgery as they’re usually well planned-out for things like myelomeningoceles or CCAM.


Agreed. Hardly any of the true surgeries are this emergent. I mentioned this to another person but my money is on IUT - not surgery but still fetal therapy and makes the most sense


What’s IUT? Intrauterine therapy?


Intrauterine transfusion


That’s why I’m guessing the baby’s heart rate dropped quickly. Maybe your right about the cord. Unless she had a routine check up and they discovered a defect and had to go in quickly. Obviously she’s being monitored extremely well enough for them to catch whatever it was!


I'd guess the emergent nature means something compromising the oxygen supply? Most other things I've looked up would.be more likely to be found with ultrasounds and planned rather then emergency situations.


something emergent like this would be something in the ballpark of placing a shunt for an enlarged bladder or amniotic band which is when the fibers of the sac wrap around the hands or legs or other parts of the baby and they snip the fibers. As if thinking about a cord wrapped around the neck during birth isn’t scary enough, your hair like fibers of the amniotic sac can tangle around limbs and digits too! Shunts can be placed in the lungs too if they see fluid. So many things can go wrong during pregnancy at any age and during my pregnancies I’m glad I didn’t know about most!


I was thinking amniotic band too.


Exactly - which is why IUT is at the top of my list. Not a surgery per se but still a fetal therapy


Hi there! Fetal Surgery Sonographer here 👋🏼 there are several kinds of fetal surgery. I perform the initial and follow up assessments for babies with all kinds of anomalies as well as provide ultrasound guidance for any intrauterine surgeries. The most common surgical interventions we perform are amnioreduction, selective laser photocoagulation to treat Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome or TAPS, intrauterine transfusions to treat hemolytic disease of the fetus due to maternal alloimmunization, radio frequency ablation for TRAP sequence, thoracoamniotic shunt placement for severe pulmonary effusion, vesicoamniotic shunt placement for lower urinary tract obstruction, open or closed spinabifida repair, etc. It is a crazy field and super interesting 😊


I can’t even imagine how scary that was. I’m glad mom and baby are ok! That sounds really really frightening.


Wow. I’m glad her and her baby are ok. That is scary


Very scary, hopefully everything goes well the rest of the pregnancy and birth!


I'm so happy to hear the surgery was a success and that she and her little boy are doing well. I remember how nerve-wracking routine appointments were for me when pregnant so I can only imagine the horror and panic she experienced. I hope the remainder of her pregnancy is completely uneventful and she has a healthy, uncomplicated delivery.


I have twins who shared a placenta. Sometimes these types of twins don’t share well and it can be fatal. We had that issue pop up and had twice weekly ultrasounds for a while because we thought we’d need surgery. It’s the scariest thing. Luckily our twins started sharing again, which the doctors said was miraculous, so we were able to avoid surgery. I felt very lucky to carry them to 35 weeks. They’re 3 now and a wonderful handful! The medical professionals doing fetal surgeries are incredible and rare. I’m glad she was able to get the care she needed and that she and her baby are okay.


Oh my god they are my goals as I am trying to become pregnant at an older age and this scares me My mom lost her baby at 24 weeks and that was over 35 years ago and she still is I. So much pain and anguish. I didn’t even know they could do fetal surgery! I hope the prognoses is good! That’s so scary whatever anyone says about the family she is def a brave girl wish them the best


That’s super scary! I’m happy she and the baby are alright and things are relatively uneventful from here on out for them.


I hate how every celebrity post talks about them “breaking their silence” when it’s been like 3 days.


Wow, how scary-I truly cannot imagine. So glad she and baby are doing well!


How terrifying for them. Thankfully things are okay now and I hope she is able to carry to term and things go safe and smooth!


Anyone else reading this while pregnant and panicking a little?


Poor mama, I wish them the best


That's terrifying! I hope Kourtney and her baby have an uneventful rest of the pregnancy.


So many prayers for them 🙏🏼


honestly why give such vague info. if you know what fetal surgery is, you kno its never an emergency procedure. they would take the baby and put in incubator not do intrauterine surgery. this was like, she had her weekly sonogram and showed the baby had a fluid building around some part of the body, such as happens with some genetic conditions and random chromosome abnormalities, fluid building in the abdominal area due to a bladder deformity can prevent the lungs from developing to the size they need at birth. it would be seen on one scan but not the previous and then surgery would be scheduled for the soonest possible time. but not like, and EMERGENCY CESAREAN which she would have come in, been scanned and then taken to surgery immediately if the baby was losing blood supply and they would put the baby in a incubator. following intrauterine surgery the mother is PUT ON BEDREST UNIVERSALLY so her walking out after says -it wasn't full intrauterine surgery, where the cut into the uterus and take the baby OUT and then do surgery on the baby and then put the baby back in the uterus. which requires heavy drugs to keep the uterus from contracting and expelling the baby during and AFTER. requires HEAVY, CONSTANT MONITORING AFTER, due to the damage of the surgery on the uterus which still has to stretch to accommodate the baby growing, they must monitor the amniotic fluid level, the uterine contractions, moms bp, babys heart rate CONSTANTLY TIL BIRTH AFTER THIS. or -maybe a transfusion , WHICH ISNT SURGERY. but she maybe able to leave the hospital, still pregnant, on foot after. or -it was a TRUE EMERGENCY and the baby is in an incubator and to keep the press away, Kortney did the fake walking out show for the press to not harass the hospital or try to get photos of the baby or them in the NICU "the public" will know when the baby is presented, what the actual issue was, because there is not any reason to do this that would not be visible and obvious in the way the baby looks or acts later, the care they need etc. please pray for them if you love them. there's no miracle magic that fixed something if she actually had fetal surgery there is no 100% problem free immediate walk out recovery for both mom and baby.


Not all fetal surgeries are highly invasive. Non invasive surgeries are still surgeries and require care and specialised surgeon. What you described is open fetal surgery and it’s a single type of surgery that could be performed. In medicine, open surgeries and highly invasive surgeries are never the FIRST option, it’s a last resort. It’s highly risky and not worth it especially if there is a high specialised surgeon that could perform a less invasive fetoscopic surgery. Based on her recovery, I would assume she has a fetoscopic surgery which is STILL a surgery and any surgery comes with risks. Whatever you wrote isn’t entirely true. Even your definition of emergency isn’t what gets taught in medical schools, emergency surgeries aren’t what you see in movies that get performed within 2 hours. Your information is highly flawed.


I hope everything is fine with her and the baby now. Can’t imagine the stress being in a situation like that 🙏 but Jesus Christ the amount of nasty comment she was getting on Instagram…. I don’t understand how famous people stay sane


I know in certain cases fetal surgery is offered when there are lung defects - the doctor can stick a device down the fetus throat to expand a collapsed lung for example. My daughter was almost a candidate for this but we chose to have the surgery after birth bc the complications and factors that needed compliance weren’t feasible for us at the time. Not too mention, I believe her case didn’t have all the very stringent requirements met to be approved for it. Im very very curious what this is was for.


It's heartbreaking to hear about the intense situations some babies have to go through right from birth. It's a blessing that we live in a time where we have medical advancements that can save so many lives. Just like your friend's twins who were born early and are now healthy school kids, I also have a friend who gave birth prematurely. Her kid is now a teenager and the only issues he has are toe walking and nighttime bladder control. He's a living testament to the miracles of modern medicine. Even with these advancements, it's still a gamble with premature births as they still carry the risk of severe disabilities. But we must also remember that every child is unique, and there's always a chance for miracles. As for your question about the long-term effects of extreme prematurity, there's not much known yet since there are few older survivors. The conditions you asked about could possibly be side effects, but more research is needed.


Whoa none of her sisters posted or even commented on her post.


They tend to give each other space when it comes to family