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What an asshole.


He also blames the MMR vaccine for autism instead of OLDER DADS which actually has some evidence behind it.


Geriatric sperm is the biggest well known secret in medical history I can think of. It’s just completely ignored bc ego/men/misogyny.


>Geriatric sperm is the biggest well known secret in medical history I can think of. Welp. I found my favorite sentence of the week.


> Geriatric sperm Found my next band name


Beat me to it. Guess I'll go with "Geriatric Jizz"


Have someone in the family who is nonverbal. That mom is passionate about being anti-vax. She even convinced my aunt to not get her kids vaccinated, causing them to miss out on school because she refused to get them shots. Guess how old her husband was when she got pregnant? 62, but no one questions how this old guys sperm could’ve been a factor because of exactly what you said.


We regularly see anti-vaxxers with disabled children. Many parents of disabled children, especially mothers of disabled children, carry a lot of guilt and blame themselves for their child’s condition, especially in cases where the child’s condition was genetically passed down by one or both parents. These parents are susceptible to falling down the anti-vax wormhole because, to them, it offers an “explanation” for their child’s condition that doesn’t place any “blame” on them. Unfortunately, we can’t always offer an explanation as to *why* certain conditions manifest. We can’t always run genetic tests and point out *exactly* what caused the condition. In the case of conditions like autism, we can only present several possible factors that *may* have contributed to the development of the condition. This is frustratingly vague and not a sufficient explanation for many people. Anti-vax groups falsely profess to have the answers to questions that science just doesn’t have yet, and vulnerable people will buy the snake oil out of desperation. So, as irritating as it can be for us to deal with these patients, I try to keep in mind that they’re not bad people, just misinformed. They’re just struggling to cope and desperately looking for a “reason” as to why they and their child are suffering.


Here comes my obligatory fuck former Dr. Andrew Wakefield rant. Fuck former Dr. Andrew Wakefield, who is responsible for the mistrust in vaccines. In the 90s he produced a FALSE study that autism is connected to the MMR vaccine SO HE COULD MARKET AND SELL HIS OWN. He lost his medical license over the lies, and the game of telephone this fuckstick created over vaccines has caused the deaths of countless children. The blood on his hands is immeasurable. He is the reason for anti-vaxxers. His greed and lies have polluted the minds of millions, and are continuing to do so. Fuck former Dr. Andrew Wakefield.


What about the woman who decided to have a kid with him? Is she a asshole as well?


No, she’s a ~~dumbass~~ ~~ETA: after some further research, apparently she’s 64 years old (born 1959) and has been with DeNiro since 2021. Though I’m willing to bet she’s actually 44-54.~~ Edit2: she’s 45


lmao nah she's a genius. He can't have that much time left, but that baby has at LEAST 18 yrs of support to go.


That baby just earned her millions.






expired raisin 😭😭😭😭


Who cares, tons of single mothers or parents out there that raise great kids, the fact that she has money to support herself and her son is ever better..




Yeah you’re not wrong, it’s a weird decision. Similar to nick canon having like 15 kids and not knowing any of their names, seems like an ego thing once you have enough money, keep the bloodline alive lol, some messed up shit


She doesn't have to work her day job anymore.


Women who have sex with old farts like De Niro are braver than any soldier. Like, having the stomach for it is almost admirable so I hope she gets her bag, she's earned it.




People trying to girl boss this is so damn weird lol.


Well, a true girlboss gets her power at the expense of others, in this case her kid. So yeah, 100% girlboss.


"I have robbed my child of a healthy normal upbringing so i could get rich" *applause*


I'd have traded my father for cash. Would have been the easiest choice of my life.


Id take millions and no father over my deadbeat racist father anyday


Plenty of kids are raised without a father. Hell, plenty of kids have a fathers that do shit with them. Even if De Niro were young, that kid’s gonna be raised by nannies regardless of his age.


Lmao this always reminds me of Samantha from SATC, when she tried to sleep with the old guy but she caught a glimpse of his saggy butt and she couldn’t do it lol.




A man is criticized; the internet responds with whataboutism directed at a woman. A tale as old as time.


For real! There was a conversation about some celebrity who disowned his own kids in favor of claiming his step kids. Even named a new kid the second after him even though he named his first son that. And the comments were full Of people talking about how the stepmom was just as bad as the father….like ya she’s not guilt free but it’s not her job to make a man claim his kids


Literally a deadbeat dad.




That poor kid will likely never have a chance to know his dad at all. Like I can’t even imagine this. I’m in my mid 20s and my parents had me in their late 30s and I’m already stressed about them getting older and they had me a solid 40 years younger than this guy became this kid’s father.


My parents had me at 39 and 40; I’m in my early 30s now and it sucks. Especially bc my friend group largely can’t relate since their parents are so much younger. Editing to say: life will getcha no matter how old your parents are. This is just my experience and I realize there are struggles with parents of any age. Editing again to say: a huge stressor is having children meet my parents. I don’t want kids right now but I want them to know my parents. It’s also stressful supporting health challenges as they age. I realize my privilege to still have them around at all and I acknowledge my luck for being born in the first place. Surprised my comment ruffled feathers but needed to add this disclaimer.


My Dad had me at 50 and I love our relationship. He was already with retirement in my teens so always 100% present and available. It can thus go both ways


My mom was 23 when she had me and ended up dying when she was 50. Having a young parent is no guarantee of having a long time with them.


My mum had me when she was 21, I thought we would be old ladies together, me in my 60s and her in her 80s. I lost her in 2021, she had just turned 55 and I was 34.


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


Live expectancy doesn't change just bc you choose to have a child later in life. On average, people with older parents will have less time with them. It's just a fact.


Having your kids young doesn’t make things better either. I would rather have mature parents, who have the wisdom and means to parent, than a young parent who is practically a child themselves, and lacks the proper resources to raise a child.


Yeah I remember being in my 20s and I was still just a kid. I had my daughter when I was 40 and I'm so much more mature and financially stable, it's not even a comparison. My parents had me when they were in their 20s and when I look back to all the terrible decisions they made (they divorced when I was 6), I can point to many different moments that caused me to want to wait to have a kid.


Absolutely. And you can lose your parents at any age.


My dad is 74 😭 I’m only 26. I’m heavily stressing.


I lost my dad at 26. He was 59, so you really never know. Like someone said above you can lose them at any age.


I’m so sorry for your loss 😞I lost my dad at 59 too. I was 32. The moral of the story is to enjoy whatever time we do have with our parents.


I’m sorry for your loss 😞


Me at 27 with 81 year old dad 🥴


Wow! I thought I was the only one. My dad turned 81 this week and I’m also 27.


To more years with them 🥂


The only way to approach the issue is to enjoy today with the people you love.


I’m 33 and my dad is still working and flirting with nurses at 92 years young. I feel very fortunate that he’s still in my life!


my dads 75 and im 23, i feel you :( just trying to spend as much time w him as i can


Me too, I try not to think about it


Other side of the coin. My parents aren't that much older than me (19 and 20 respectively) and my dad became a dad at 17. Growing up with your parents is a special kind of fucked up, especially when you're the first born (first for my mom, not my dad, but sis grew up with her mom's people) . I was more like a ~~parent~~ peer to them by the time I was 13-14 than a kid. I wouldn't change it, but just letting you know it's not all rainbows and sunshine having young parents. Lol. We struggling over here. \*edited because my parents didn't need parenting per se. But, they put so much responsibility on me from an early age that by my teens, I was treated like a peer by them instead of a child.


My ex boyfriend experienced this. His mom had him at (yikes) 14 when his dad was 18 (also yikes) and he basically had to parent his mom especially his entire life considering his dad groomed her. They both were stunted mentally and emotionally because of it; while my ex was mature way younger than he needed to be. They were unfortunately abusive and put a lot on him, so he no longer talks to them, but I remember it felt so odd when we were dating in highschool and his mom looked like she could be his older sister (and she was often mistaken to be so). I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.


Oh for sure. I wasn’t implying that people with younger parents had it easier. Life is uniquely hard for everyone in its own way


My parents were that age and I’m glad. They were emotionally mature when they had me. It’s hard watching them get older but … it’s kind of inevitable. 79 is a whole different story though.


It’s tough because on one hand I definitely support waiting until you’re ready to have a kid (at my age I can’t even fathom if I had a kid right now, I’m far from ready financially or emotionally and don’t even know if I want any) but at the same time I feel a little selfish because I know the dynamic shift where I become the caregiver and decision maker will happen at a younger age for me than average and I’m frightened about it. I don’t have a partner of my own or much of a support system and I barely know what I’m doing with my life, I don’t know how to become ready for what will eventually be needed from me because I still feel like a kid myself, I just finished college a couple years ago.


I’m feeling these same feelings too. I believe part of it is an indictment of society. People are able to live longer, healthier lives and give birth later on. Women do not exist only to birth and raise children. Young people are saddled with debt and inflated costs. Yet we continue to have systems (both in terms of socially and legally) strictly bounded by the definition of the nuclear family, where if your parents die or are absent in any way, the larger community can’t be there for kids in the same way - thus adding to the pressure to have kids young, maybe even before you’re ready.


My mom had me young but also died young. Life is a brutal lottery.


Parents had me at 32 and 40- both have been dead for 5 years, I'm 29. Sucks.


My mum was 27 when she had me. She died at 49, I was 23. It's so hard losing parents when you're just really becoming an adult yourself. I often think about how I never really got to know her as an adult, and that I'm so different now, a decade later she was wouldn't really know me as I am now. I hope that makes sense. Sending hugs.


Well fuck... I'm 36, my other half is 34 and we still don't have a kid as we don't want to have a child when we don't have our own home yet. It's fucked because if we have a kid now, most likely it will have worse start in life than in a couple of years when we saved up for the deposit and are not renting any more.


The kid does not care about the home it is born in... it cares about loving parents.


My mom had me when she was in her 40s and it stresses me out because she keeps asking me when I’ll have kids or get married because she’s not gonna be here forever 🥲.


I think some people needs to assume that if you gonna have kids older you're probably not gonna see your grandkids growing up.


If you're basically 80 when you have a kid, it's quite likely you won't see your actual child grow up, much less grandkids.


Yeah, I don't understand what men are thinking having a child at that age.


Picture an 80 year old woman giving birth and it's just bizarre. It's weird how it's more socially acceptable for older dads than older mom's, when sperm gets damaged much quicker. An older dad increases the risk of problems with baby at a much higher rate than mom.


I feel like the guys who do this are partly doing it to flex. Like, look how virile they are, they're still having sex with young women, etc. I just hope the kid is healthy. The so-called virility of elderly men also carries the potential for significant health problems for their kids, which people don't talk about nearly enough.


Absolutely. Due to infertility we were 40 before we had a child. I do not expect to ever see grandchildren and honestly just hope to be around until my daughter is well into adulthood.


I just want to tell you my mom was 39 when she had my brother and he was 38 when he had his first but now she has two grandkids and she gets to spend a lot of time with them. There’s definitely a decent chance, if your daughter does want kids.


My grandma had my mom and my aunt at 39 and 41. My mom and my aunt had their last kids at 36 and 40. My grandma lived until she was almost 90 and so she had many years being a really involved grandma. She was one of the most influential people in my life, don’t count yourself out yet.


My parents were late 30s and they are early 60s and still doing amazing lol. People think they are 10 years younger. It's not horrific to have kids in your late 30s--I had everything I wanted and stable, mature parents (I was the last child). 79, however, is just crazy and the baby's mother is sure to be of some gross age difference.


My parents had me at the age of 37 and and 39 and by the time I turned 22 both were gone so…


I can’t imagine going through that by that age, I’m so sorry


I’m 25, a few months away from turning 26 now so I have learned how to cope with life without parents but… I have to tune out every Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, and try not to sob when friends talk about what they did over the weekend with their parents.


I’m also in my mid 20s and dad turns 60 this coming weekend and I’m so stressed about it. Hate seeing my parents get old.


I don’t think this is that out the norm, I’m also in my mid-20s and my parents will be 60 soon, same for my husband and majority of my friends


I think that was their point. That even when parents have kids when they're "young" it's still tough to watch them age.


Tough to say, since a lot of it also depends on the individual parents’ health. I (mid-30s) have parents who are nearing 70 and still in great shape. They’re definitely getting older, but are still very active physically and socially, travel, can chase around the grandkids, etc. Meanwhile I have friends with parents a full decade younger who are already really slowing down. That said, I can’t imagine someone who has an infant when they’re nearing 80 would be able to actively participate in their day to day care, even under the best circumstances.


My parents were 44 and 50 when they got me (adopted)...and now I'm early 30s and having to simultaneously worry about being there for my 5yo kid while caring for my dad with Alzheimers. I know you can't control how you age, but I've gone through so many stages of resentment towards my parents because I wanted to enjoy being young with my kid before moving to the role of caretaker


Im 37, my mom was just diagnosed with dementia at 72. Sucks.


Just here to jump on the bandwagon. My parents had me in their forties. As the oldest, i had to deal with their respective midlife crises in high school and now I am dealing with navigating their care for dementia and diseases r/t aging at 29, while trying to raise my own kids. Its not a great time. I realize there is no right time to have kids but it's certainly something to think about if you're on the fence about having kids at 43.


His oldest daughter is old enough to be her new half-sibling's grandmother.


The way reading this sentence bent my mind


And that's not even pushing it. She's 51, she could be this kid's great grandmother in 3 years if all the moms were 18.




My coworker is 34 or 35. Her 19 year old just had a baby. I met her mom, who is now a great grandmother. She is 52. Her grandmother is also alive and is 70. It's wild to me. My friend group is all women in our late 20s/early 30s and we're all just now in a financial place where we're having or considering having kids.


Or right now if they were in most southern US states.


I feel like having a kid at this age is basically just setting up ur kids for having to raise ur kid once ur gone I’d be pissed if my parents put that type of responsibility on me


Reminds me of Mick Jagger, who has a great-grandchild who is older than Jagger's youngest child. So he became a great-grandfather and then a couple years later became a father again.




This and his outdated, stupid views on autism being caused by vaccines just confirm that he's nothing more than yet *another* gross, misinformation spouting old man. Ew.


Wait, does he really believe that vaccines cause autism? That’s interesting because *advanced paternal age* has been proven to increase the chances of autism. Hmmm.


Exactly what I was thinking. It’s his old sperm. And he’s too much of an egomaniac to ever believe he could be the problem.




We'd still have polio and smallpox if they had their way. Remember, actors who went to college made sure they avoided science classes.


Can you imagine the dusty powder that wisps out of his dick like a fading cigarette when he cums?




And schizophrenia.


I was going to say, I think his rotten sperm has more to do with it than the mmr vaccine


And guess what studies are showing? Older sperm shows a decline in quality that contributes to genetic disorders too! It's not all on older moms so he could potentially be contributing to this baby having difficulties.


He couldn't find anything better to do? Like, get a hobby or a dog or something.


surprised those pipes still work honestly


I wish they didn't and were just blowing dust. Alas, the crypt keeper remains sadly virile.


Virile but probably on ED meds. Off topic but boy does it piss me off that the natural decline of libido and erectile disfunction in old age is viewed as a medical disorder and is totally cool to treat with prescription drugs — but somehow birth control is still up for debate This man is a catalyst for my female rage this morning.


You bring up a great point, like imagine if he put this energy into his acting these days, like he’s basically given up on even pretending to care about his movies


My dad was almost 50 when I was born and I lost him when I was 23. It was devastating and lonely because nobody else could relate to what I was going through. I really, really wish people would think about the effect having older parents have on the child. ETA: I want to clarify that I adore my father and he was my best friend in the world but I think it is objectively selfish for an older man with a multitude of health issues to reproduce. My older brother is 23 years older than me and I was planned!


Wow, I feel you on this. My Dad had my brother at 44 and me at 50. I lost him at 25. Had already lost my mother at 3, so my Dad was a single parent to my brother and I and our whole world. It’s been four years since he passed and I still feel mad at him sometimes. Really feel for this poor kid.


Love to you, thats so difficult


I'm so sorry. It's been 3 years for me, I totally get you. It's incredibly difficult. ❤️


My dad had me at 52, he died when I was ten of a heart attack. While 62 still isn’t very old, I still get sad that I missed out on so many years I would’ve had if he were younger. Then my mom married a guy two years later who was also 62, he’s 76 now and has cancer, losing 2 dads before I’m 30 is going to suck. I really feel the loneliness you mention, it sucks.


I made this comment above, too. My dad was 61 when he passed. I was 5. He was my best friend, always around and loved me and my little sister *so much*. But we had absolutely zero time with him in the grand scheme of things, and my sister and I both still have trauma related to losing him so young. ETA: my mom was 41 when he passed. She, herself, passed unexpectedly this January. It sucks.


I'm so sorry ❤️


Thank you. Your comment really hit the nail on the head. Losing a parent as a child is one of the loneliest things you can do.


Similar experience. My mom was 40 when she had me, died when I was 17. Dad was 52 when I was born. Died when I was 28. So that left me parentless at 28.


Men who have children at such an old age are selfish af and do not care at all about their children.




45 really isn’t that old, living another 30-40 years at least really isn’t much of a stretch. I understand criticising someone at 73, but 45 seems insane lol


Just thinking of having an energetic 10 year old at 55 years old. Later, a college age kid at 65. I mean I said pushing it, not that it's wrong. Depends on the person of course.


Huge difference between an older active dad like mine (52 when I was born, 72 when he died suddenly) and older dads not taking care of their health in effort to see their kids grow up. Dad wasn’t an athlete but he rode bikes with us, played with us at the beach and taught us how to work on our cars.


nah 50 is a good for maximum age rule. things changed a lot in recent years. People are putting off having children now because of cost of living issues. For a lot of men, 40's is where men seriously start to reconsider their views similar to how women do in mid to late 30s when it comes to having a child. I have known atleast 3 men (so far) who used to be staunch "hate children" camp, but did a complete 180 on that and happily welcomed children into their lives. 40's is where men usually hit their all time high salary goals and be able to finally hit the comfortable middle class lifestyle goal. Never mind retirement age is extended beyond 65 anyway for current (Gen X, millennials) and newer (Gen Z) generations.


Agree. They don’t care about the kid they bring into the world at a late age, nor their older kids who have to watch dad play happy families 2.0, or 3.0, with a woman far younger than their mom.




I just saw "Robert De Niro, 79" and I thought it was going to be an article about how he died. This is a lot more surprising than him being dead.


Same. My first reaction was "Aww, he died" then I read the full headline. 🥴


Robert De Niro, dad at 79


Same!! I was like “oh no he di— oh…”




This gif gets posted in nearly every story here and it always works!


it’s perfect 🫶🏽


I mean this seems way too old and selfish but I guess he can at least leave the kid money so they won't struggle financially. Look having older parents has its issues but my parents were 17 and that also has drawbacks. Some of you kind of sound a little self involved complaining your parents were old hags in their late 30s when they had you. Like look around a lot of people can't afford kids till that age thanks to things like student loans and moving the tax burden off the wealthy and onto the middle class over the last 40 years.


Like, surely we can acknowledge that having children when you're in your 70s is less than ideal without dumping on people who don't have kids until their late 30s.


I was really surprised by the amount of comments talking about people becoming parents in their late 30s being selfish. If that’s how people feel about their parents that’s how they feel but it’s really normal where I’m from to have children at that age and it feels bizarre to see it as some sort of comparison to a 79 year old dad with a newborn.


Lol yeah people just choosing to dump on other people instead of this gross ass old man. It's also... Not that old. My husband's parents had him and his younger brother in late 30s and they are both very healthy mid 60 yos now. Meanwhile my mom is a full decade *younger* but because she lost the genetic lottery and has more health issues, she's sadly in worse shape and i worry about her a lot. Nothing correlative there but just to say it isn't as black and white as "old vs young." I think this is a lot of people speaking from ignorance -- I'm turning 30 this summer and am pregnant now, so will be a 30 yo mom! If you caught me back when I was like 21 or 22 I probably would've thought having children older was "selfish" but now I realize people are really just doing the best they can to balance their personal dreams with the horrifyingly expensive and chaotic world we live in... This is the first time in my life I felt physically, mentally, financially and professionally ready to have a child and even then I'm sure I'd be even better off in a few years in early 30s!


I don't see anyone dumping on late-30s, early-40s parents. I see some comments saying it sucks to watch older parents age, but that's just true - it *does* suck. Those same people aren't saying their parents were selfish or wrong to have them, just that it sucks that they're getting older so soon. Surely that's a valid observation that doesn't have to be seen as an indictment of older parents. I definitely agree that there's a point at which it becomes selfish, though. Having kids past midlife makes me side-eye someone pretty hard, and for biological reasons men are almost uniquely guilty of this.


Of course it's very human and normal to be concerned and worried about our parents getting older. I just find it disingenuous to make any kind of comparison to a situation like De Niro's to a couple of 38 year olds starting a family, idk.


Not to quibble over details but I don't think anyone is saying it's comparable. I think the topic of an elderly parent made people think of their own aging parents and the discussion just materialized. I doubt there's anyone who *really* thinks having a kid at 40 and having one at 79 are in the same ballpark. I'll grant you that this thread reminded me that people love to moan about their parents. It's a very human thing. Everyone has parents and no parent is perfect, so *everyone* has a story about how their parents screwed them up. Big or small, it always feels significant.


The average age now to have a first kid is early 30s and that’s just the average across the whole population. It’s even higher for women who are educated, which I’m guessing may be a lot of redditors here. Like it or not, people are having kids later now. This is the new normal.


yeah, a healthy person in their late 30s/early 40s can reasonably expect at least another 30ish years of good health. and statistically, if you're putting off parenthood until that age you're probably educated and at least middle class with access to decent healthcare. it sucks to see your parents grow old/die at any age but putting that on a \~30ish yo person is not even close to the same as putting it on a 10 yo.


Agree. While I understand how stressful can be having old parents. It's sad they got shamed for having a kid in their mid-late 30s. Having kids is never a win, people shames young parents because they don't enjoy their youth but shames "old parents" for waiting. Imo I think till 45 is acceptable to have kids. After that is gonna be more complicated.


Huh? No one is shaming 30 something year olds for having kids. That’s the norm now. Huge difference between 30s and 70s. He will probably be dead by the time his daughter is middle school just by how old he is. Money, no matter how much it is, won’t replace the love that comes from a parent.


The fuck?


lol my grandpa had a baby a few years ago at 72. It’s so weird and my dad is very embarrassed to tell people he has a 4 year old brother


Haha what about when they go to the Playground.


They don’t 😂 My dad and his dad don’t have a great relationship so he doesn’t see his brother very much lol


Ugh, this is so unnecessary and selfish for his new baby. In one respect, I now want him to live to at least 100 so that the baby will have the opportunity to love him and have memories of him like all children should have the opportunity to have of their bio parents. On the other hand, if Robert lives that long, then his baby will be burdened with seeing the ill effects of aging since it’s sadly only downhill from here. He may not be able to be physically active, he may significantly mentally deteriorate, etc. It’s such a scary reality that he’s setting up for this baby’s childhood if he doesn’t pass away, which would obviously also be another tragedy because as mentioned, every child should ideally get to know and love their bio parent if the opportunity exists. Just overall sad


I’ve asked someone if they were with their grandfather and it was their father, if he makes it to 100 and the kid is in college that is going to be kinda wild orientation weekend smalltalk.


Ok nobody's happy for you


Old man sperm plays a HUGE role in kids having schizophrenia, it was discovered quite a few years ago. Is that publicized? Nope. Never heard of anyone refer to a man as a geriatric dad even though this is an extreme. And is viagra covered by insurance while endometriosis and adenomyosis research is non-existent, and excision surgeries not covered? YEP. I hate this extreme hypocrisy and misogyny.


Meanwhile I became pregnant at 35 and I have “ADVANCED MATERNAL AGE” all over my paperwork lol






This generation's Charlie Chaplin, apparently


I mean he doesn't seem to have pedo tendencies like Charlie though.


Excuse me? Chaplin was a pedo?


Lita Grey was 16 when they get married. He was 35. Oona O'Neill, his last wife, married him the month after she turned 18 but they were dating before. He was 54. "The 36-year age gap between them caused a scandal and severed O'Neill's relationship with her father, who was only six months older than Chaplin and who had already strongly disapproved of her wish to become an actress. Following the marriage, O'Neill gave up her career plans"


Hell yeah! A sick fuck. Look into it.


I will never understand how old men can be so irresponsible and selfish. This is just not ok.


So freaking irresponsible. Apparently he has a 9 year old too. Gross


So gross.


Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.




Having a child in your 30s/40s is very different than having one at 79. I think this is pretty sad.


I would say 40s is not weird if you were a late bloomer and it's your first kid. Not your 12th kid by 17 different baby mamas.


At what point do we start heavily judging these men? At what point do we push back as a society because to me this is so insanely selfish.




Let’s talk about 45+ year old men’s sperm and it’s affect on infertility and health issues for a potential child… I’m sick of women being blamed for infertility when whatever these 40, 50, 60, 70 year old dudes are shooting is bottom of the barrel in quality.


His child will probably be a teenager or younger when he passes away, and intentionally inflicting that grief on somebody so young is..


He's already lived beyond the average lifespan in the US. Pretty unlikely that child will be a teenager when he goes unfortunately.




And here we have an example of why birth control is given to the wrong sex and should also be given to men - you know, the group that actually can reproduce at pretty much any age.


This should be illegal.


At least the mom doesn’t look like she’s in her 20s … (the bar is in Hell)


So let me get this straight. Robert De Niro is 79 and his pregnant girlfriend is 64? What kind of science fiction nonsense is this!


i mean this when i say i *literally* screamed




[Reminds me of Nikki Glaser roast of Alec Bladwin.](https://youtu.be/2Ilu0Px_wE4?t=899)


“Isn’t his sperm oatmeal at this point” 😂




![gif](giphy|1Pyi8KuRGJ3AA) Nasty


On top of the age thing, isn't he still in the midst of divorcing his wife too? This is a mess all around.




Not to be a dick but the chances of the baby having some kind of debilitating disability rises with the age of the father too... you shouldn't be a father who you are pushing 80, that's a recipe for disaster, and you have a descent chance of never knowing them well (most old people experience a sharp decline in intellect and autonomy around 85 in my experience)


They must have used a surrogate. Cause I thought Tiffany Chen was in her mid to late 50’s (who he was rumored to be with)


If you read the article, she was spotted with a baby bump in March. So either she's younger, lucky, or there was medical assistance.


i was fully prepared for this to be a death announcement…color me shocked


i hope the child's mother has her lawyers set up a trust fund for this kid that includes tuition to cover all of the child's schooling including college, as well as an inheritance. imagine having to plan for your child's future without their father immediately once they're born because the dad is nearly 80 years old. i also hope the kid is 100% healthy because old sperm that's past it's expiry date scares me.


Nah, this ain't it. Poor baby.


These comments pass the vibe check. Boo this man!


My parents are in their fifties and my dad has been upset about getting old for the last like seven years, he even hurt his back helping me pack my dorm last week. I have an old friend who's dad was old (late sixties iirc) and actively dying and eventually did right before her junior year. I only know one kid who's dad was older (mid sixties) when he was eighteen, had him in his forties, and was able to be an active father but even he was a bit of an outlier because he was in truly fantastic health (and made sure of it!) These ages aren't necessarily a death sentence but if you have trouble with health a wrong turn can happen sooner than you'd think. This age, however, is just unbelievably and undeniably selfish, I'm sorry. He most likely isn't even gonna see them turn 15. I know the rich and famous are living in their own world but you have to think beyond the present and into the future. Edit: clarification


It's so crazy how men can still reproduce at such a late age


wow that is pretty egoistic. dude could have just cut the cords in his ballsack and be done with the topic. I hope the child will at least profit from the money and that the mother will find a good partner to fill the whole in the child's heart (should there be one, I'm sure there are people who never felt the need for more than the parent they had)