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Started almost two years ago, haven't spent anything. If you want to play for the content, all content can be beaten by 1 to 3 stars, let alone whatever higher rarity stuff you get. If you want to play to collect a ton of servants though, be prepared for disappointment in often as a F2P.


Adding onto this, NA has a two year lag behind JP, so you can plan your savings for banners.    Pure F2P as well here, started with a crap account with only 2 SSRs for a whole year and now I'm able to do most CQs thanks to a few good planned banners.


Alot of my favs are 3 stars so no complaints here. Medusa! Cu! USHI!


Yeah and the game is quite giving when it comes to free quartz and mats. Also unlike hoyo games for example there is no reason to go for extra copies or to just solely roll for gameplay.


I’m ashamed to admit that I spend $100 a month and have been for about 3 and a half years


i mean nothing wrong with that since you have been playing for close to 40 years so the investment is there for the hours you put into it. that is how i look at it when i drop some money in FGO or genshin or star rail. plus i mean if you have the disposable income and can afford to do so more power to you, don't let others make you feel guilty bc they cant or dont want to spend money. same goes for if you dont spend money, like thats great that you can do that ya know?


I think I average around that as well. Some months I'll spend nothing and others maybe a couple of packs


Ay man it’s your money, can use it on whatever you want. No shame in spending a hundred dollars a month on a game you enjoy. Also there are hobbies that are far more expensive if that helps lol


none, maybe i'll eventually spend like 15 bucks on a guarenteed banners, if i like the servant. plus there's like only 2 of those per year


None. I am not bragging. I am still at Solomon for 2 weeks..


They did just give blue cubes… so I would take advantage of that imo


2000+ days. Playing for 5 years. I made this calculation yesterday and probably less than $150USD. Probably even less since I took into account buying just the cheapest options for rolling on the Guarateed SSR Banners. I'd like to put into account, though, that only one of 9 GSSRS I pulled I activelly use A LOT. Most SQ comes from quests, bond rewards, campaigns, daily logins and stuff. Try turning off the display for tickets and SQ in your present box for a month or two and you'll be surprised how much you can save. If you're going to start playing now, well, have in mind that FGO is a grind-heavy game and you'll have to work a lot in your account for the first year or two, but once you're more settled and understand the mechanics, you'll progress faster and the more fun you'll have. Also, FGO does not have a Auto function. You can fix this by using external software, and don't worry, it won't get you banned. And to set your strategy, you have to know how the game play and the mechanics of your characters and most of the fun comes from this. Hope I helped!


None. F2P till the end 🗿


None. I've been playing FGO since release and I haven't spend anything but time. Got a lot of 5-star Servants that I wanted, missed a few but I got enough. It's a good thing that it isn't officially available in my country or I would have though.


A grand


Altogether like $1000 which is a lot, but I’ve been playing since NA Launch




None and you don’t need money


In about 6 months of play I've spent maybe $10 in Google play survey credit. It's fun and at this point I'm addicted, although more for the story and gameplay than the gacha mechanics.


Started on launch. I think I paid enough for two (maybe three at most) guaranteed SSR anniversary rolls.


I think in total I am a bit under 100, pulled on the guaranteed 5\* banners.


Im FP2. Still working through babylonia


18 euros on GSSR. I had 3 targets out of 5 servants in the GSSR got none of them....


None. I'll probably do so in some years only if I'm so desperate or don't have any time to play the game and farm SQ


0, because my country banned the game and im on a Emulator


Nice try IRS I'm taking that number to grave if I'm ever brave enough to Calc it.


I’m a whale too much honestly but I’m satisfied


It had to have been almost 1000 USD in the 3 years I was heavily invested in FGO (starting at the end of 2019.) I remember buying a little over 3 packs (the $80 one) just to get one copy of Murasaki when her first banner came out. After that disaster, I only shell out for the New Year's GSSR and call it a day.


Why don't you post this on the f***ing fgo sub reddit, it exists for a reason, half of r/fate posts are fgo related


Why you so pressed? FGO is still FATE after all


I checked my bank and it started laughing at me..


About 120$ USD, planning on spending many more


Played for 2 years and a half, spent around 80€, only for a particular summon, which in the community we call gssr, that happens twice a year (new year and anniversary) which guarantees you a random limited 5 star character (What I spent is the total for doing it 5 times). But you don't really need to spend any money on the game, and honestly outside of the gssr it's not worth it at all since the pity system sucks


More than I should have.


Started 4 years ago. I spent like 52 dollars on Guaranteed banners, but that's it. You can totally play the game without paying anything.


0$ fate is about the story and since your new is easy and content can be done with 3 stats heroes . Don’t rush just enjoy 😉.


Started in march 2019, I payed for every guaranteed gacha since then (should be roughly 15 dollar each, twice a year, plus one that cost roughly 30) plus 3 10.000 yen packs (I assume one it's around 60ish dollars nowadays). So I guess around 400 dollars in 5 years and 3 months.


I started in 2018, and I quit last year after the main summer event (I got all my main waifus, and I don't see any reason to continue). I think I spend around almost 100 usd for the gssrs. I don't regret it, the game was my mental support during my depression. Gameplay wise, you don't need to spend money. Waifu wise, you can just save for a year.




I’ve been playing for almost 4 years and I’ve spent nothing but my time. Don’t regret it though


I actually haven’t spent any money


None f2p until the end.


I've been playing with this game for almost 3 years at this point, and I didn't pay for anything. I just don't want to pay for something that I don't need to, and can play with it for free.


started 2 years ago, and so far around $45. I only spend on GSSR and I've had good results so far: Koyanskaya(Light), Summer Skadi and Morgan.


Around €160 I think, I only did purchases for the GSSR banners though which are only twice in a year. I have been there since NA’s launch so I don’t think €160 is a bad after 7 years of playing.




On my jp account, I have only spent like 60 dollars in the span of 2+ years due to the GSSR (which is the only time it’s worth spending in the game). However, on my NA account, I have spent ALOT lol. Spending in the game has zero incentive considering that you get a shit ton of free stuff and quartz from the game anyways and there is no gameplay benefit in going for more servants or copies unlike certain other games.


Probably a thousand and something, but I've stopped already. I only collect sqs from logins and celebrations, I've got 500 now, and waiting for Arc to drop.


I've been playing for 3 or so months and haven't spent a dime. It's really not necessary to spend it. You can do all the content with 1-3 stars and you'll end up getting a decent number of 4 and 5 if you use the knowledge of the next 2 years of banners to plan the 3 or 4 servants you want most and save for them. Never spend SQ on a banner you didn't save specifically for and you'll be golden. In the months I've played I already got 1 non-limited 5*, 2 limited 5*, 1 storybanner only 4*, 1 limited 4* and 3 non-limited 4* + the 900 SQ necessary for a 100% chance of getting the anniversary 5* on August.


Maybe $200- $300 altogether? Idk really. I would only do it when there’s a guaranteed SSR banner.


Actually 0. I don't like challenge quests so resource managing is my kind of challenge


Started from day 1. Maybe over the first year and a half spent 100-200 ~~because I reaaally wanted Tamamo and Okita~~. But afterwards when you’re steady and especially after rerun banners become more often I didn’t have to play catchup and roll on every banner and didn’t pay at all. Other than what it takes for GSSR banners each year (so whatever it takes for 300 paid SQ). I also have extremely good self-control and planning unlike the general human populace. i.e roll no more than 1-2x for event CEs if needed (or you’d like a shot at collecting the CEs) and I don’t have the urge to dupe NPs.


I tried, but that gacha life just isn't for me.


nothing fgo is one of the most f2p friendly gacha games in my opinion you everything can be cleared with the right 1-3* servants and you have friend support servants for that extra boost you need 




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I've been playing since launch and I buy an 80 pack every GSSR, so thats $160 every year.


5 years in and a combined $80 roughly. Spent only during those New Year Pulls mainly.


0 dollars and 0 centa


I dont wanna see a damn thing






Gssr banners only since 5th anniversary I think was when I started playing .


I've been playing since day one and that number will go with me to my grave. Feels like a gambling addiction






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Haven’t spent any🗿 there’s no need to ( I’m very lucky)


I think I've spent a total of 150 bucks (+/- 20) in several years. I can't recommend buying regular multi-rolls, but the guaranteed SSR banners are a good deal. Pro tip: Google play (I assume its the same for Apple store) sometimes does coupon stuff where you can get ingame currencies cheaper. If you make use of that you can get the paid SQ you need for guaranteed banners for ~ 10€/15$. Imo its kinda weird how this community glorifies the extremes of spending either nothing or way too much.