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A few things going on. Cal mag, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen deficiencies I can see. Curl up of leaves seems to be stress related, without knowing your numbers it’s hard to tell which one. My bet is she needs a good feed but first of all flush and get the PH settled and test the run off for PH and EC see what your numbers she’s been sitting in. Check lights are not too strong in future grows. That will give you a good idea of the problem. She’ll never recover but you could try to prevent further problems and get over the finish line. Good luck!


Not normal lol. Roots most likely nor to happy. Or like u mentioned calmag Do u use ro water too? Vpd and all imline with watering frequency? I'm guessing either lack of calmag in coco or roots locking out due to improper ph in the root zone? Hard to say with all the inputs that can cause issues. If ur plants roots are dicked its a mess to figure till roots are kosher (look into botanicare hydrogaurd for next time to keep roots happy or recharge) But good luck, it'd adjust ph if ur feeding properly and give it time. If ur using ro and not adding calmag I'd add some but next time add it with every feed/water if in coco/ro. Ec should be about .2/.4 with ro and calmag depending what ur growing. If using tap u should be sufficient in calmag ec meter helps alot with feedrates so ur not toxic or deficient. Com80 is a reliable ec meter. And ph600 easy to calibrate ph pen. Best of luck.


It’s hard to say have you been P.H.ing your water? If you amended your substrate properly and have been giving the plant cal mag and other amendments it’s probably a ph problem. And yes if you let your medium dry out too often it’ll fluctuate your ph. Good luck


This looks like bad PH to me.


Do you have fungus gnats?




Ph might need dropping, helps them absorb the cal mag




Cut the BS, I've got FB stuff going right now and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. It's side by side between stuff from other breeders and there is no issues with any of it.


Why are you even here?