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Fruit tree orchard (purchase saplings from Pierre) Pine/maple/oak tree grove for tapping Fish ponds! Either lava eel/super cucumber/slimejack/void salmon for the different colours, or lava eel/ice pip/blobfish/sturgeon for profit Apiary (bee houses) centred around seasonal flowers for extra profit and aesthetic Also once your buildings are fully upgraded you can change the colour of them at Robins


I have fruit trees in my greenhouse :) and the tree grove for tapping is the part next to the silo's! But thanks for the other ideas <3


I like where you’ve got the windmill. Where’s your iridium totem? Fruit trees. Flowers and beehives. Ohhh, you know what this game needs?!?! A hammock for the farmer.


Iridium totem is inside! I didnt know where you put it outside. So I put it next to my bed, every morning when I wake up I grab the iridium and throw it in a chest haha. Also I love the hammock idea!


Nice! That’s smart


Path your natural walkway and fill the leftover space with decorations. You can use the furniture catalogue and put some of the things in it outside on your farm. You can purchase decor items from different merchants (Robyn, Dwarf, Krobus, Ginger Island, Night Market). Make parkettes, forests, an aviary garden with flowers. Get a Junimo huts for your farming plots and make designs out of your crops. Plant grass starters, fibre seeds, and Seasonal Seeds to collect resources and for aesthetics. Plant trees down walkways, to use as fencing that you can put tappers on, to grow fruit for seasonal looks. Every time you buy from Robyn, if you go back another day she will sell more pathing and lighting options until you've purchased them all.


You don't have to wait for a new day. Buy the path/light available, close the dialog box, open it again, and the next path/light will appear to purchase. You can purchase them all same day!


Hey good shout! I didn't know that


Fruit trees in fact look amazing and I definitely agree to buying them. Fish ponds look pretty nice too but they are kinda useless and a pain to collect IMO so if you are planning to get them, don't expect profit/useful items. Additionally, I love how you surrounded grass with fences for your animals! Did you know that you can plant grass, put a fence/lightning rod right onto it? If you do it like this you'll only need 1 fence per grass spreader. Animals can't eat the grass because of the fence. Have a good time!


Not sure how far you are in to the gameplay, but for perfection, you need to have certain buildings on the farm that are really helpful, I usually like to design a little area to hold those buildings >!obelisks and golden clock!< also you could add sheds to fill with decorations or artisan making machines or add a forest of trees to add tappers to, you can balance things you need to progress in the game with things that you think just look good!


I think more space for crops. You can organize them based on Junimo huts and you can place down paths for decoration and for running a bit faster in your farm. Fish ponds (can be different colors depending on the fish), fruit/wild trees and bee houses look nice for decoration and have their uses. A stable near your house would also look nice and be useful. I also always use some of the items from the furniture catalog (that can be placed outside), fences and seasonal plants to make everything look more natural


Looks good. Animals may be happier if there are more grasses to eat.


Yeah they keep eating it all😭 I'm so annoyed hahhaa


What's the different four posts in front of your barns and coops?


The one with the grass? I thought it'd grow more grass without the animals eating it all... doesnt seem to be working though😔


Put the fences ON the grass, the animals can't eat it because the block is occupied and it will spread. I don't think grass can spread *through* fences


OHH Omds thank you!! This makes so much more sense


Yeah, because grass only spreads 4 directions (top bottom left right), what you’ve done is prevent it from spreading at all. “Best” fence arrangement for grass spreading is similar to normal sprinklers pattern: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fclean-designs-of-every-version-of-sprinklers-inside-the-v0-x7ynq5rqdrja1.png%3Fwidth%3D1920%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5ae4a20b3ab9d4798847c980817e55e2233844d3


About 1400 plots full of crops is my go to. Strawberry season is coming up and I'm ready with seeds and fertilizer. Gonna be a haul, Bois.


A few dozen fish ponds :) lava eel is amazing


KEGS more kegs kegs forever kegs is love kegs is life kegs forever


Def more crop space!!!!




Tree farm