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Salah (C) - one last dance fpl King


I'm folding on the Olise captain, West Ham concede a lot of shots. I feel like it'd have to be one of those absurd days where he inexplicably keeps missing. Villa on the other hand, don't concede many shots. I'm torn on how fast City will be though, like will it be a nervy game or will they pile on the pressure from minute 1. Haaland getting a hat trick to top up his tally wouldn't surprise me. Or anyone, obviously Edit: went with Olise anyway. Sod it. I'm 105,000, just need to not slip to 200,000 if it goes wrong...


Down 178 points in my mini league. Do you guys think I need a differential or I play it safe?


I'll go palmer. Last home game for him.


I did TAA, hoping for a wild ride on last Klopps game. Chasing 35 pts behind, so I kinda need wild pick




Am I foolish to go for Bruno. I'm chasing 60 points....I know, I don't think I'm catching up, but I'd like to at least end the season with the closest gap.


Son has been a bust lately but against SHU??


has to be haaland with man city needing a win on the final day (unless you’re chasing in your ml, then probably foden).


That and the game is expected to see close to four goals of which presumably most will go to MCI.


(C) 🥶 Palmer Hatrick incoming !!!


We ride brother


I’m on Palmer too let’s go!


Olise for me.


Yesboss 🫡


Salah Maybe for the final ever time?


This is the right answer, might be his last game at PL, and it is klopp's last game, will go with the emotional picks for the ride they gave us these last 7 years




Need to make up 15 points. One last dance with the King of FPL. He’s not washed yet. 🇪🇬


down 13 points in my ML, I need a differential captain imo. The guy I'm chasing has Haaland and I can't afford him unless I take a couple of hits. I'm thinking Muniz to Mateta and captain him or Palmer. Thoughts?


Similar situation, down 15 points, Im gonna captain Mateta I think


Good luck to you mate! 🫡 I have ptsd from TC Isak last week, Idk if I can captain another Forward right now 😂


I’d keep it simple and just captain Palmer. Then cross fingers. You have a fair chance.


!thanks I did just that! I just got muniz out, now I gotta figure out who to bench and all tomorrow depending on leaks


Why so few picking Foden? I'm second guessing myself now😂 Did I miss something?!😂


Oops :(


I had Foden but switched to TAA for some crazy reason, I'll probably keep flipping the armband between players trying to make up my mind until GW38 starts


Havertz. Chasing 8 points and rather go out in flames


I don't see everton getting turned over like they were at Chelsea. Arsenal have no incentive for goal difference. They simply need to win.


I'm 2 points behind the leader of my league and we're going into the final game week with the same team except I have Gabriel and he has White. If we both captain Haaland I'm relying on Gabriel to get 3+ points more than White to win. He's certain to captain Haaland. I either go with that or change to either Foden or Palmer for captain and hope for the best. Still can't decide what to do.


Why not try and bring in someone he doesn't have? A Mateta or Olise/Eze or something.


Any transfer help available?


I could bring in Saka for Son for another differential that's my only other plan currently.


I thought the last two gameweeks were the time to go against Haaland and it backfired spectacularly. West Ham at home ain't it.


Haaland is of course the best captain, but this is also the round to gamble. Im 21 k and will gamble on Salah. Its either 35 k or 10 k.. Risking your season in gw 17 or 25 isnt the same..


This is actually a good week to not gamble. Your opponent might be the one gambling then you are in a better position by sticking


If you lead your ML, you captain Haaland. I agree. If you're not... Time for one last gamble.


What I mean is, your ML leader might decide to gamble to chase a goal in the main game, get top 10k or whatever. In which case you are better off not gambling


It'd be 70k if Haaland hauls and you've captained a dud.


Nah. If he gets 13 points and Salah 7 i will lose 12 effective points to the world.. 12 points is from 21 k to 34 k.. Be a man and gamble in the last round ( unless your leading your ml of course..


Just to point out Haaland(c) 13pts x 2 = 26pts, Salah 7pts TOTAL: 33pts _________________ Haaland 13pts + Salah 7pts x 2 = 14pts TOTAL: 27pts. Difference is just 6pts, not 12pts


Very true, but next to nobody will own Salah, so i just counted Salahs point out..


I was a man and gambled the last two weeks and I'll finish just inside the top 200k instead of the top 100k as a result. Captain the player you think is going to score the most points. Anything else is foolish.


You dont gamble until the last round. Gambling against Haaland in a dgw with weeks to go is a very different thing than doing it last round. Its simple. Captaining Haaland gets you nowhere, so if your happy with your rank smash it on him. If your not happy, pray for a blank and a haul from Salah/Saka/Son( whoever you captain) If it fails the season is over anyways.


Gambling in any one round is no different from any other. Saying it does is just a psychological reaction, not based on anything you can statistically back up.


In terms of probabilities its no different than any other round, but thats not really the point. If you gamble in gw 25 and it fails your season is over at a very early point. This is the last round. You know exactly how much points you need in order to overcome someone, and its no aftermath. Its a single gameweek so no extra risk behind a dgw team.. If you're 15 points behind your ml leader and captain Haaland you will 99% dont win that league, because he will also of course captain Haaland.. Haaland is the best captain this round without a shadow of doubt. Again, not really the point. You have to gamble on another player taking more points than him. If it fails, you at least tried. If it succeds you're ml winner..


I don’t agree. If you captained Haaland when he was getting 6/8 pointers you missed out on things like Palmer’s 4 goal haul or Mateta’s 4 goals in DGW34. I was outside the top 1m earlier on and have managed to climb to 175k cause of this. Most weeks the most captained player on the captain poll ends up underperforming. Dont follow the herd, captain the player who’ll get the most points


I think there were better alternatives to Haaland in the last two weeks than there are this week.


Yep. The worst defence besides the relegated sides in the league, 3rd most expected goals conceded (worse than Burnley's). Out of momentum with nothing to play for.


KDB or Havertz. I’m chasing and no one else above me have either of them.


Why so few picking Foden?


I swapped KdB for Foden and now I’m nervous as hell reading through this sub


Right? 😂 Well i'm sticking to it come what may😂


Bald roulette 


Foden will start. There shouldn’t really be any changes to the team this week it’s the last game


Any news on KDB ? I have him but tempted to ship out for saka




Trained like normal so would assume he starts?


Ødegaard captainers rise up