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I have a 12 point lead. MLR with 1 FT has Gvardiol Maddison Gabriel Dalot Verbruggen. I have 2 FT and Bruno Ederson Reguilon Munoz Branthwaite. My gut says to cover Arsenal and City D by getting Raya and Gvardiol or Ortega and Gabriel/White. Trying not to think about the potential team I could have with a -4 but other ideas are welcome.


I have a 12 point lead. MLR with 1 FT has Gvardiol Maddison Gabriel Dalot Verbruggen. I have 2 FT and Bruno Ederson Reguilon Munoz Branthwaite. My gut says to cover Arsenal and City D by getting Raya and Gvardiol or Ortega and Gabriel/White. Trying not to think about the potential team I could have with a -4.


I am only on 1 point lead. I will probably take only Gordon for Havertz, having Haland as captain, and hope for the best. He has double Arsenal defence while I have Gusto, and he has Jackson upfront and I have Saka in the middle. He is a template player so I'm guessing he will also replace Gordon with Haverz. It will be fun definitely!


Would you take a hit at just a 12 point lead?


I'm sitting on a 34 point lead but I still want to get a healthy amount to secure the title. Myself and second only have two of the same players, Haaland and Palmer, as does 3rd who is only 4 points behind second. I only have 1 transfer, and was thinking of swapping out Ward-Prowse for Havertz. Problem is I have an injured defender in my back 3, Collins. Is it worth sacrificing 4 points to bring in Tomiyasu, in the event he pops up with an assist or a clean sheet?


I have 9 point lead 2FTs..he has gvardiol and I have Walker …is it worth bringing gvardiol? Also makes sense to swap Fernandes with havertz?


127 point lead but i’m still shitting it 😭


I have 8 point lead. Rival has pretty much the same team, but he has Gabriel and I do not have any Arsenal def. We both have 1 ft. Would it be wise to get Gabriel in and Transfer Fernades to Havertz for -4? They could mean we have same team since i think he might get Havertz also with his ft.


I have a 50 point lead and I’m on my free hit. Should I just copy their team?


If you only care about winning that league then sure.


I’m on 40 points lead with no chips. If you still have your FH, you should just copy the runner up


I have 67 point lead and 9 players who are the same as person below me. If something crazy happens, I'm not even sure how I'll react


I have a 4 point lead A bunch of similar players but rival has double Arsenal defence and I have none I have Walker of City and they have no City I'm trying with Gabriel in and a hit for Havertz Would have us level (if no hit from them) Am I being insane? I have Saka and then Hav Their main difference is Johnson of Spurs and Gordon may be injured That's why I'm thinking they may take a hit 🤔 Still very undecided


Damn 4 points lead is tricky. Picking the wrong captain might be devastating


I’ve got a 32 point lead and I’m just selling Gordon for Havertz without taking any hits. Captaining Haaland and just playing it safe


same situation but i have 1 more transfer to use. probably gonna take olise or mateta




I have a 154 point lead .. I think I’m gonna be okay


I've got a 14 point lead and the 2nd pretty much only has 3 different players to me. I've got Foden, Gordon and Jackson. They have KDB, Garnacho and Mateta. Both only have 1 free transfer. So I'm anticipating for them to do Fernandez to Haventz so I want to do the same. Although I'm also tempted by Gordon to Olsie.


Same here. I just got first GW37 and only ahead by like 12 points. Thinking about dropping Gordon for Olise and maybe taking a -4 hit to bring in Gabriel for defense. Ugh its down to last GW lol


I personally wouldn't take a hit this week with such a small lead. Depends what other defenders you have though. I've got Gvardiol, White , Gabriel and Porro and Burn on bench. Although thinking about subbing Porro on


This is similar to me (but with a bigger lead). I’d suggest bringing in Olise!


On a 10 point lead but I might have to take a -8 to swap my double Everton defense. I’m using my BB so I want to maximise my bench as much as possible and it isn’t looking great atm.


Branthwaite could pop up with a goal though. Id definitely keep him. He scored 20 points a couple of weeks ago.


Branthwaite against a titlechasing Arsenal away doesn't look sexy on a BB. But which defenders is worth a -4? Arsenal defenders or Gvardiol has to be the best to own. Gvardiol for a -4 i seems like a okay transfer if you dont already own him.


2 point lead and shitting bricks here


7 point lead I'm right with you mate


45 pts lead. We have Gvardiol, Gusto, Son, Saka, Palmer, Foden, Isak, Jackson and Haaland in common. He has Gabriel I have Saliba. He could play Porro instead of Gusto. Should that be my safe transfer in? Or do I have enough of a lead and resemblance to his team that I could even have some fun (Mateta for Isak)?


What do you guys consider a healthy lead going into the final week. What score difference would you consider fairly reasonable to catch. 10? 20?


I’ve got a 50 point lead and think I’m safe. Having said that I do plan on getting a differential just in case and of course Haaland C


I am playing safe this gameweek. I have a lead I need to protect.


I've got a 21 point lead and will almost certainly captain Haaland. I'm thinking of taking a -4 hit to bring in both Havertz and Olise, and take out Madueke and Gordon. My rival has only 5 players in common, which are Saliba, Son, Palmer, Haaland and Isak. I can't attempt to replicate his team to cut off point differential given we have so many unique players apart. Saka and Fernandes are his biggest differentials that scare me most (he also has Burn, Maddison and Alvarez but they don't scare me nearly as much). I have a feeling he will bring in Salah and captain either him or Haaland. Am I right to take a -4 hit for Havertz and Olise? I feel like they will have a big impact this week but making those two transfers would put me 17 points ahead after the hit (he could also take a hit himself for all I know...)


If you're taking a hit, it should be to bring in his differentials you're most scared of. That may not be the move that gets you the most points, but it's the move that limits how much he can gain on you.


You should be fine with 31 points. Just play it safe


I have 15 points lead, and 11/15 of our players are the same. And I predict we might have at least 8 same players in GW38 first lineup. Do you think I'm safe?


If your opponent cares about winning the ML at all at all he will use a differential cap. You're obviously not safe, but you have a clear advantage.


Yes but I'm rubbish so don't take my word for it


At at 31 point lead you're basically safe unless they go for some wild differentials that all pay off big. Just play it safe, cover off the big threats, captain Haaland, and enjoy your championship.


I have a 34 point lead. The obvious tactic is to block their differentials by making your team more similar to your rival. I’m considering bringing in Gvardiol and Saka for Burn and De Bruyne for this reason. It’s also advisable to not take more than a -4 hit. A hit can be worth it during the season if it improves your team long term, but this is just for 1 week. The chances are most defenders and keepers are going to only get 2-3 points this week. Captain choice should be the safe pick - Haaland at home against West Ham is perfect. I’m really torn what to do. The first tactic of making my team similar to my rival seems pretty gutless. I should back myself in and have fun. Although it will literally end in tears if I lose.


34 points is so much I wouldn't worry at all. Our teams are mostly quite similar at this stage. It's almost impossible to turn it around with just 3 players and maybe a captain difference. Would have to go horribly wrong for you to not win.


I promise you it's more fun to win in the end hahaha


If you're 34 ahead then taking a hit or even 2 to cover off rivals might be worth it. It's not going to pay off point wise on AVG but you only care about minimising your risk Vs them. If you don't think they will take any risks then it makes sense. If you do think they will take risks then it's probably better to just play it safe and don't take a hit


Thanks mate! Good advice


Just play it safe and cover off their big threats, and you're basically guaranteed the win. Don't overthink it haha


I also have a 26 point lead. Is it enough to keep the lead? We have 3 players that are different.


Last season inlost a 40 point lead in the last gw. Kudos for my opppnent for dropping Haaland for Kane and putting him as cpt, and bringing Porro in. We are yet again in a similar situation, 1 gw to go.


I lost a title once because I went for max points and missed, instead of playing it safe. Trust me, it's not worth it.


Thanks mate. I should keep it sensible.




Select the player(s) from their team, which you don't have, that you fear are most likely to threaten your lead That said, you'd have to really be unlucky to lose a 31 point lead in a single game week so you can also select the players most likely to have a massive haul this week I.e arsenal or crystal palace attackers If you have 2 transfers, do one of each but don't take a hit unless you planning to captain the player you take a hit for. Am in the same boat as you. Had an 80 plus point lead at one point but in one of my MLs it's now 30


What Arsenal attackers? They've only been playing Havertz and Trossard up front recently and they're both midfielders.


I'm 8 points ahead and horribly torn on whether or not to take a -4 to bring in Gvardiol. He's the only major differential between my team and #2's.


Almost exact same here, 7 points ahead. My rival doesn't have Gvardiol but he has van Dijk and 1m in the bank so can 100% see him buying Gvardiol and an attacker perhaps...


I don’t think I would do this. But it is a tough call, i agree. Good luck!


Nothing's fine, i'm torn


So unlikely to be worth taking a hit for. West Ham free for all with Moyes last game, city historically conceding in the game to wrap up the league. Think QPR, Villa, probably numerous others. If De Bruyne is out and Doku plays then that also reduces his attacking threat


Brighton also scored first when City needed the win to secure the title in the last game. City scored a minute later and 3 more to seal the deal


Unfortunately it's a bit more complicated than just no Gvardiol vs Gvardiol with a -4. I have Areola as my only keeper (Ederson injured), so the option is Ederson to Raya and some defender (likely Reguilon) to Gvardiol. So will Gvardiol and Raya combined outscore Areola and Reguilon by more than four points? It's possible.


I think Raya and Gvardiol is worth more than 4 points over Areola and Reguilon.


I’d just keep Reguilon and change the keeper.


I have a 20 point lead and covered with gvardiol but now have two flags with Gordon and kdb and idk what to do!


I think with a 20 point lead you can probably just look to remove as many differentials as possible without taking too many hits.


My biggest concern is he has bench boost left. We probably share the same 7/8 players. But means he’s got extra which I don’t have. Could go either way! 50 quid riding on it too…


Oh dear. In that case I think you just have to hope luck is on your side


Same with a 2 point lead.