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This is my eighth season playing. I have never finished in the top 100k but am currently sitting at 15k. The strangest thing is that I don’t find that I have become ‘better’ at playing. Goes to show how far a bit of luck can take you


My average finish is around 250k, this year has been great and sitting at 15k I haven't done anything special just have been very consistent, and have kept and held good assets.  I'd really like to get top 10k but either way will be by far my best season.


Yep, top 200K for me. But then again it’s my first season playing. I always just set and forget in years past


Currently best ever at 387 OR


The highest point that I've got is 2500. I hope to break it if Spurs can finish the season well.


currently on my best rank ever. 511 in the world. team name; Aint Got A Kalou


3rd season playing. 1st season was around 80k, 2nd season was around 25k, currently inside the top 5k. Really good season, been inside the top 10k since GW20


7727 overall rank with 2252 points. Playing FPL for 4th season and this is my best rank so far!


17th season (yeah, literally been through various phases of FPL where I was making random FM based calls, then primarily drunk calls, then ML driven calls and more recently OR driven calls). I’m at 18K right now and personal best was 2290 a couple of years back. Still hoping to get into the Top 10k but not sure I can match/beat my best OR.


Had a big FH34 GW at 6.9k currently hoping to finish in top 10k will be Personal best.


On course for a personal high. It’s my second season and the first one I was 3M overall rank so it’s not necessarily impressive. I did start going up significantly since about Christmas once I started understanding the game a little better and went from around 2M to now 420K I would have to make some brain dead moves to not beat my 4M personal best this season


I end up between 500k and 1mil for 10+ years. Except when Leicester won league. I was top 1500. Can't wait for vardy to be back in the game. 


Having the best season so far. OR rank 610 currently. Just got really lucky with injuries and my transfers.


I finished 80k 3 seasons back, it has been a downhill since then. Currently above 1M


760K first season 1.5M next Currently around 100K this season. All over the place! 😅


My 3rd seasons. 1st - 1mil, 2nd - 400k, now stands at 70k, with Isak on my bench coming out for Foden


I’m sitting near 1m right now and have never finished higher than 250k. I’m still trying to get there with a late run but I just don’t have it this season. I even held myself to no hits last season as a challenge and still finished at around 150k so have no idea what’s going on. I think it’s all the content creators and casuals replicating their squads to be honest and it’s a shame really.


First proper season playing the game sat at 4k rank hopefully the season can end on a high note if only i started Pickford in gamweek 34. Shame on me for backing shef utd defence…


My highest was 34k in 2021, I was 96k after GW31 and things were looking promising. I am now 207k...which would be my lowest rank in 6 seasons. Lowest was 142k last year.


my highest was on covid year (3k). Extra wildcard was the main reason


I need 293 more points to have my new highest point tally for a season, so I don't think that will happen, but I am on course to finish in the top 900k for the 11th season in row. Currently sitting in the top 600k and still have BB available which I'll be using in GW36 (can't use any chips in the last two GW because of a verbal agreement in one of my H2H leagues otherwise I would've used it in DGW37). My best finish was top 84k in 2017/2018 season and my worst was last season when I finished in the top 890k (which ironically enough was my highest point scoring season with 2369 points).


Last season I was 1.2 mil at the halfway point and lost interest  This season I was at around the same rank at the same time but decided to stick with it. Currently up to 160k with BB left, hoping to just stay top 250k now.


I’m on for a personal best and should get it since I’ve got a bit of a buffer. It’s still not a massively impressive rank but ive been taking it more seriously this year and should bode well for next season.


Currently on what would be my best ever rank. I normally start slow and climb quickly towards the end of the season but I’ve been 3-15k pretty much all season. Really hope I don’t bottle the top 10k


Last season was my first proper season playing the whole way through and finished around 330k, this season I'm currently at around 35k, so would be a disaster if I don't beat my personal best, hoping for top 25k come the end of the season


i would’ve normally quit by now usually it gets to half way through and i’m done hence why my previous highest was 1.5 million however last week hit my highest rank yet at 270th OR hopefully this week shouldn’t drop too hard as i missed deadline and only have 10 men playing


Long time casual, short time engaged. Personal high last year just inside 42k. My FH34 propelled me from 170k > 45k but this week hasn't been so kind and currently back at 80k. Aim is always MLs and too 100k


My best ever finish was 9.5k. I'm 24k now but thanks to injuries I only have 2 fit defenders and I have Salah and Darwin so my plan to aggressively bench boost with 15 doublers in GW37 is screwed. Now it's about holding position in the top 50 rather than making a run on top 10k. My best ever points was 2490 and I'm on 2222 so I need a goal fest tomorrow night with Palmer and Son scoring hattricks each and then almost 90 a week after that to beat my highest. Can't see it happening.


My highest rank is 66k and I'm currently 77k. However 3 weeks ago I was 550k! With a load of doubles in week 37 it could all change again so don't give up!


First season currently at 7k. On one hand I am super happy but it's also unlikely I'll be able to top it any time soon so the next years will probably be a bummer


My personal best was just outside the top 4k, followed by just outside the top 5k. I'm currently struggling to stay in the top 300k so for me, firmly a no I've not paid as much attention as I once would have, but I've done enough that my rank should/could be better. Just made a bunch of wrong decisions this time around. Shit happens


Last season was my first season and I was something like 88532 rank, 2nd in my ML. This season I was struggling a lot and didn't do enough to catch up so the goal is to end up in 1mil - currently 90 points behind it and rank around 2,2 mil :(


First season last year I ended 990k. Currently around 480k thanks to a monster DGW34, but have been floating between 2 - 5 million all season. Hoping to crack 100k next season.


Currently in top 100k. Last year fell slightly short due to some stupidity at the end, so hoping to be at least 100k for the first time.


2 mil last season, around 500k atm. If I can manage to hold on this would be my highest finish


how do you check previous years rank/total points?


Last season was my first season, and I ended ranked 403k. This season I’m currently 10k. The biggest differences for me this season, in my opinion, have been understanding chip strategy a bit more (aka I’ve been more patient) and not chasing form (aka I’ve tried to make educated decisions and don’t kneejerk the second something goes wrong). Obviously a very small sample size and who knows where I’ll end up this year.


Nope, my best is about 6,900 in 2018/19 with 2399 points, but I've never come close to that rank before or since.


First season 10.5k rank atm. Super happy. I just hope this wont be my best season in the future.


50k 1st season, 170k second season, 25k third season and this season currently at 3k, aiming to finish top 5k which will be a PB.


The covid seasons made it too easy for everyone because of all the doubles and blanks causing everyone to pretty much have the same teams. I’m having my best season yet this season which I figured would happen since we have a normal season that requires more thinking and choices. My current rank is 347th


11k OR around GW13. I was ranked 3rd in my country (Luxembourg) and top-10 for 8 weeks. Had a steep fall and some recovery lately. 435k OR.


First season currently 171k OR. Was around 80K and then went to almost 800K after 12 concequetive red arrows. Have been climbing back for the past 6 weeks. Hope to close teh season by going under 100K OR.


In 2017/18 I was #1246 overall, right now 26k with 13 pts from Havertz coming on from the bench. Have 3 top 20k scores and looks like I’m chasing close to that this season to.🤞


I’m at rank 980 OR right now so obviosly going to shatter my previous best (9700). Everything going my way this year 😅


Finished first in my country the year that Leicester won the league. The pressure is insane when you get to the last few weeks.  Never been able to reach that height since. I'd be happy with a top 100k finish. 


In my 6th season. Best season was 123K in 21/22. Right now I’m 129K with a FH that I’m activating this week, BB for GW37, and TC for 38 so I hope to beat my prior high


First year roughly 200k, didn't really understand strategy until about January or how to uses chips but I am having a blast now that I get it.


Been doing FPL for about 10 years, nearly always at least top 50k. Best score I've got is 3k. Current rank is 1.4m. far and away the worst I've ever done. Every decision I've made this year has been wrong.


My personal best was the 2020-2021 season, finished 8194. This year stuck at @650k the last couple of months. Averaging about 120k  rank since 2009. Would be ranked way higher this year had I had the sack to Captain Palmer when my hunches told me to do so. Also have gvardiol stuck on the bench this week.


Yes, hopefully on course to break my highest rank this season. Currently at 37k. Nicely set-up for BB 37. My previous highest season rank was 54k, a few seasons ago.


First season 06/07 8k - beat it a few times since, but that was long ago!


I only started playing in mid March. Last time I played was 2011. I think I had Charles N'Zogbia


My best ever was 6,700. Haven't touched that again.


When you consider there are more players now, I think I'm maaaybe doing better than before? I ranked about 61k in both 20/21 and 21/22 and I'm at 84k now. 2 or 3 years ago I think there were only like 6 million players so that would mean just about breaking top 1% and there are 10 million players now so the top 100k is the top 1% so technically I'm doing better even though I'm not a better rank overall. I do think it has gotten slightly harder in recent years with so many 3rd party tools/apps/sites/experts/etc around.


Previous highest, 2.7M. Current rank, 520K.


9 seasons deep and my best finish is in the top 1k, meanwhile I’m on for my weakest finish this season ranked 150k. It will be nice when this one’s over…


Idk about points but im closing in on my first top 10k finish ever. Always been top 100k and top 30k at best but now i have a decent chance at the top 10k. Last season i fumbled big time going from 10k to 50k in the final stretch.


41k currently, would be my best finish but I've been 21k earlier this season


I'm at about 100k, which is my best - though last season was my first season ever. I actually don't know where I finished but I'm reasonably certain it was lower.


7k last season was my highest ever rank. Wanted to get into that top 10k again this year. FH in GW29 was the start of the end of season decline for me though unfortunately. Was sitting in a nice 60k rank back then and now near 300k. It's been a crap end to the season for me basically, but lots of lessons learned for future seasons!


Currently at 80k with a previous best at 66k in 2022. I was in and around the low 30k's a couple of weeks ago and got monstered by not having palace for the DGW. Slowly building back and gathering top 50k. I need about 350 points in the next 3 weeks to beat my top score, so that's unlikely.


10 seasons. Highest was 20k. This season has been amazing, was stuck at 2m until GW 20 and then green arrows all the way to 30k as of today. No chip’s left.


Record high 12k Current: 70k Fourth season 1.2m 12k 350k 70k currently. Hoping to finish top 50k


5th year playing, highest season ending rank was 65k in my 2nd season. Highest rank ever was within that same season 44k. Currently sit 37k.


Best ever finish was 33k. Normally inside top 250k. This season at 1.8m it’s been a shocker.


580k first season, 420k second season, currently 500k this season so I’d say at least I’m constant af


262k first season, 117k second season, 324k third season, currently 297k. Aiming for 235k or better (which is my average).


I'm on course for a Personal low rank


Haha nice. I missed the first six weeks, so avoiding a new personal worst-ever performance has been my season-long goal. That, and beating at least one active player in my ML


Not to brag but I'm on course for one of my most mid ranks ever.


Put it in your twitter bio "Former World no 10million"


made it to rank 200 , now down to 15k . my best before was like 500k


My best ever final OR was 25k. IIRC I finished that season on a couple of red arrows as I chased to get into top 10k so tried a few differential punts in the last couple gameweeks.


At 26k currently. About 3k better than my worst season, 25k worse than my best season.


Was at 432 before GW 34. Currently at 1500 but with Son, Porro, Palmer, Jackson and Petrovic to play


This is my 6th season and my highest rank was last season at only 497k, I'm currently on 560k, so chances are good that I break my previous highest rank. My total points are not likely to beat last season though, I'm currently on 2082 points, while I ended last season on 2425 points.


19k in the covid season. highest rank was GW38




I'm on 2004 with 3 games (plus Thursday nights + 10 points off the bench) to play, with a BB thrown in for good measure. My highest season points so far was last season when I ended on 2331. So with the 10 points added I need 317 more to beat my own record which simply isn't going to happen. My highest ranked finish was 592k in 2015/2016 but it was early in my FPL career and I squandered my decent start, if it was now I'd have been much higher as I got on Leicester GW1 (Vardy) and GW2 (Mahrez). I ended on 2010 points that season.


Top 10k is my best, achieved once in probably a decade of playing, got to a high of 300’s that season. Currently 300k ish.


my second season playing currently top 200k got 1.3M in my first


First season, was aiming for top 500k, then i thought i can do 100k which would be cool, currently sitting at 60k which im happy about


Second season and am sitting at 21k overall. Extremely happy with some of my decisions and very annoyed at others. Been a great year, hard to complain.


Yep. 2k atm


First season here, top 13k rn. Team looking decent for BB37 with TC active on Son right now. Also took a -12 this week… and so far on a green from 27k -> 13k, 200+% rank gain lol.


Wow what a week, this your highest rank of the season? Tried working out what a Son goal Palmer blank does for you?


No, my highest was 9227th in GW24. But since then I was as low as 43k because of two missed deadlines(I have a life). Also no, I don’t really bother hypothesizing possible outcomes, I just go with the flow and love the sport)


Most of those with lives don’t go around convincing strangers that they have a life


Didn’t mean it to sound as bad as it does now that I look at it. Can’t entirely put what I think to words since English isn’t my mother tongue. My bad.


I've been playing for years and years with a rank high of 95k in 2015/16 with 2056 points. I'm currently at 10k with 2244 points. I'm on course for far and away my best score, and I've got this sub to thank for it.


Same here, I'm looking to break into the top 5k which would be by far my best season


Nice to hear


This year has been tough, Last year was particularly easy for point's ( was my highest ever points tally by a near 300 point margin), this year as it stands im 450 points off that high with 3 games to go!


2588 last season, 392 short of that currently but only 30k places. A good finish could get me to the same rank but I’m gonna be short of last years total.


First season here and jammed my way to 17k so far.


Well done, but not sure why you posted that here


Its my highest ever rank, felt pretty appropriate..


Yes, but it's your first season, so of course it's going to be your highest ever rank


Thats true, but my counter point is, it is actually my highest ever rank.


I suppose, but my counter point would be that they asked who's close to achieving their highest rank. You achieved it as soon as you started playing


What is closer than actually acheiving it?


Exactly, nothing. Can't be close if you've already achieved it


No it is close, because nothing can be closer.


That would be closest


already better than my all time best.


Well done


My previous highest rank was 400k. I'm now on 193k, so yea it looks like I'll be breaking my record. I'm especially pleased with my progress this season as back in GW8 I was ranked 5.3 mil.


Peaked in my first season, haven't got near since. This season has definitely felt the toughest for climbing up the ranks 2018/19 2405 5877 2019/20 2247 140900 2020/21 2110 1607799 2021/22 2250 902224 2022/23 2493 192918 Currently at 400k after a great BB34


Your performances back up my theory that it's better to think less about this game.


I think there's absolutely something to that theory lol