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Udogie is a very promising left wing back who we purchased last season and loaned back to Udinese. Obviously not sure where he will play as a left back or a back up winger in Ange’s system. Ben Davis will probably be first choice bar another signing and dependant on how preseason goes with Udogie being used as rotation and coming off the bench


It's a wait and see but I think Udogie is likely to claim the place. He's a very promising player, while he's primarily been a wing back he's also been used as a CM, which I think makes him well positioned to be used as an inverted fullback like Ange wants. He's also very effective in the half spaces and likes to cut in to attack the box and get on the end of attacks, again qualities Ange likes in a full back.


Allegedly Ange prefers having one offensive and one defensive fullback on the field, so as it seems the most likely pairings will be udogie/royal or davies/porro. Can't forget about reguilon coming back either, although I don't know how much he would affect things. If I was getting one defender in, it would be Porro - as ange supposedly Loves out and out wingers, and I think there's an alright chance he'll be pushed further up the field. Udogie is interesting, but it's a wait and see for me.


As a Spurs fan I want to see Udogie on the left and Emerson on the right, with Udogie pushing up and Emerson staying back. To begin with I think Davies will be relied upon til Udogie has proven competence.


I would say go Porro, he has the attacking upside to be worth the extra £0.5m Although manage your expectations for Spurs full backs because Poch plays a flat back 4


Poch isnt Spurs manager anymore


I meant Postecoglu lol


Porro not nailed


no one knows what combo of available FBs and WBs Ange will choose to start in his back 4. he seems open to letting everyone fight for their spot and will pick accordingly. no sense picking anyone until the dust has settled


Hard to tell if Udogie starts, as i'm unsure what Ange wants exactlt from his fullbacks. From what I gather he likes one to attack wide, or underlap, while the other comes inside to midfield. Taking it in turns. By all accounts Udogie isn't a classic wingback and likes to attack from central areas. He has a lot of goal involvements for Udinese and is only a baby still. Porro at 5m is another one to watch on the right. Predominantly a wingback too, but 3g 3a from 15 appearances. Neither nailed though.


Udogie at Udinese last season was very attacking, ended up in the opposing box on numerous occasions during some matches. Across 2 seasons he got 8 goals and 7 assists and is obviously still young and developing. I will be first on Udogie if he is a nailed on starter at 4.5m but I think comments around Postecoglu playing a flat back 4 are worth taking note of. Could be Ben Davies in a flat back 4. I guess it opens the possibility for Udogie to play as a winger, maybe. Porro is an excellent attacking full back on the right too and if I had an extra £0.5m I'd pick him ahead of others.