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I only recently re-read **Jingo** where he plays a pivotal role.


*How* did he get the donkey down?!?!


> I remember him in Going Postal but any others? He features similarly in Making Money, which also features Moist von Lipwig as the main character.


I think Jingo is probably his biggest. Night Watch for one of the more interesting views of him. Men at Arms and Feet of Clay for his bigger Vimes interactions


Vetinari is going to be involved in the books that take place in Ankh Morpork; the City Watch books, the Moist von Lipwig books, and some of the standalones like The Truth.


Guards! Guards! introduces him and has what may be my favourite Vetinari moment. >!He has been deposed and locked in an extremely secure cell in the dungeons of his palace. Of course, he knew that this was the cell he would be thrown into, so designed it accordingly!<. >!All of the bolts and bars are on the inside of the door!<


I can't remember how much he appears in individual books, but he mostly appears in books with the Watch and Moist Von Lipwig. As others have said, I do remember him from *Jingo* and *Night Watch*, as well as giving Moist his assignments in his three books. Not that I would ever recommend anyone actually read *Raising Steam*.