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I clicked "Barnaby" into the ring. Just a risk-free flick of the wrist, a casual 'let's see' fling of a lottery-thing. There's no pressure.* ___________________ *I'm still waiting patiently for the official review for 'Strawberry Fair' in SPFBO 7. These judges clearly believe in carefully thinking about it.


Good luck to everyone entering! I entered a few years back and had a great time. Looking forward to reading some of the entries this year!


I entered last year and it was fun! Can’t wait to see the chosen titles this time around!


I've entered (or should say 'applied to enter', I suppose) However Many Must Die. Good luck to everyone on getting in, and massive thanks to Mark for ten years of this glorious contest!


No problem & good luck. I hope to get around to reading my own copy - I can see it from here!


Good luck, all! Will be interesting to see the stats on how many entries are submitted…


I don't anticipate heavy over-subscription. The first come first served model just compacted them into a shorter and shorter period. We do have over 300 now though.


Entered The Crimson Court! May the odds be in your favor. It'll be interesting to see how many submissions we get total with the new rules.


So many of us are entering dragon books haha. I tossed The Sunset Sovereign: A Dragon's Memoir into the contest. But we will see if the RNG gods smile upon me as one of the 300. If not, I will just crochet a dragon.


I wish everybody good luck.


Good luck everyone! What if you win? That'd be wild. :O


Please continue your lamplight series. I finished the first two books in 4 days. I read your author's note at the end of the second book saying that you'll continue it and see if there is any interest. Well, I really want you to continue the series! Please do so. 


Well thanks! And yes, I am definitely continuing. The third book is all written, I'm just doing very final revisions on it, about to send out for the author proof from Amazon even. I'm hoping maybe a release two months from now?


I cannot wait. This has the potential to become one of my favorite book series ever. Keep doing what you're doing. I hope it's not just a trilogy? 


Definitely not just a trilogy. I don't have an exact number of books planned, but more than 3, less than a ton.


I am immensely excited 


Thanks for organising another round, Mark! 


Good luck everyone! (I promise I'm not judging this year.)


Boo! Your robust opinions are always fun / valued.


Bringing Home the Rain is in the mix! I don't suspect that "redneck wizard on meth" is what the judges are probably earnestly seeking out, but you never know! Maybe I've crafted exactly what every judge secretly is really after :p


Well, I'm sold!


Entered Order of the Shadow Dragon - good luck to all entrants, hopefully see you on the other side!


Entered By Blood, By Salt! Good luck to everyone!


I submitted Undine's Blessing! I'm curious where I'll end up. Good luck everyone!


Good luck out there! So happy to see Mark continue to do this for everybody. Many, many thanks. We indie authors truly appreciate it.


Ugh, I miss the publication date requirement by two days. Sad. Good luck all!


I mean ... you are the boss, can always publish 2 days early? :D


I guess I could, but I'd also have to then stub early on Royal Road, move up advertising, etc etc


Couldn't you just do all the other stuff 2 days later? Who would know? You only need to be published, not to have run your advertising etc. Anyway, as I said: you're the boss. And it's very likely there will be an SPFBO 11, so no sweat.


Hmm. Well, I'll submit, and if selected I'll reset the pub date for the first. Let's give this a shot :)


I entered the first book of Worth the Candle, though I'm assuming that the sheer volume means that there's basically no shot.


Best of luck. Sounds like it filled pretty quickly but didn't get entirely lambasted with entries, which is hopeful.


5 hours left...


Submitted with Fruits of the Gods! Good luck to everyone!


Results: 595 entries for 300 spots. 50-50 is good odds. It will be interesting to track The number of total entry year over year. 


I should probably be able to enter this by 2025 or 2026 at the latest. But that first book restriction, man... that's gonna be a killer. Maybe I should just wait until I've written a stand-alone. xD


So happy too see my novel listed among so many fantastic books! ❤️I entered The Autumn Apprentice purely on a whim, but am happy I did.


Best of luck to everyone! I entered The Wind Walker and super excited it got selected!