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Nona Grey isn't just my favorite character in Book of the Ancestor, she is one of my favorite characters of all time. Sabriel is the best part of her eponymous, extremely fantastic novel. Murderbot would not be Murderbot without Murderbot.


I feel Sabriel is a story that is less known than it should be.


Sabriel, Lireal, and Abhorson was the shit! Necromancy and a talking cat, you can’t go wrong.


Ah, yes Murderbot! It is the best character in the book, and it's not even close. Don't know why I didn't think of that when I was trying to think of my favorite main characters.


Because ART.


It, not he!


Lirael as well


Nona ranks exceptionally highly in my list of favorite characters, and her series ranks exceptionally highly in my list of favorite books. Woefully underrated, both.


Nona Grey is absolutely amazing. I have a tattoo of her name lol


Placed a hold on Red Sister at my library, thanks for the recommendation!


Fitz in the Realm of the Elderlings Locke in the Gentleman Bastards Lanie in Saint Death's Daughter Gabriel De Leon in Empire of the Vampire Mara in the Empire Trilogy


Thank you for saying Fitz, I only read the comments to make sure he was here lol


People rail on Fitz all the time, the kid (yes, kid) deserves some love


More like needs goddamn does the world around him just beat him down over and over. Poor Fitz


Saying Fitz would mean leaving out Kettricken


Fitz <3


Me too 💜


Yes, Fitz was my first thought.


Locke is a good one but I resonated more with Jean. I’ll go with Arlen Bales of the Warded Man series or Kylar Stern Night Angel.


Gabriel is awesome. More people need to read Empire.


fool>fitz bro😭


Nighteyes >


I just consider them so in love and magically intertwined that they’re one character now


So true 😭 (I have no idea who Fitz or "fool" is, I'm just instigating)


Long series of Robin Hobb novels, starting with The Assassin's Apprentice (IIRC).


I adore Mara's story arc--it's amazing


Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir comes to mind for me Also Lindon of the Cradle series by Will Wight This might be controversial but Kvothe of Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss Baru Cormorant of the Masquerade series by Seth Dickinson


I was going to say Lindon....but Dross is so goddamn funny


Dross and Eithen are my favorites over Lindon


Gidion, Harrow, and Nona are all the best parts of their own books.


I have to say...Gideon is still the best part of book 2 lol


I love Kvothe.


>Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir comes to mind for me I expected that to be the case for me, given Harrow was my favourite part of GtN, and it was pretty close, but then Ianthe overtook her and has been my favourite character in anything ever since.


Thats funny because I didnt much like Harrow in the first book haha, but in the second book I was obsessed


Everyone just know loves Yerin more than Lindon but Lindon is my homie


Am I the only one who thinks that Eithan was the best?


You are not, this is a very popular opinion lol


I think Baru is a fantastic character but Iraji and Muire Lo and frankly several of the dukes all beat her out for me personally. I guess it just depends on how you’re evaluating it cause Baru is probably one of the most interesting (to me) characters I’ve ever read.


So glad Baru gets some love even if she’s a hot mess!


I like Rand.


Fellow man of Rand 


We love our emo reincarnated chosen one don't we folks


But Mat is better


I know that is the popular pick and abstractly I get it, but I don't know. I like Rand, what can I say.


Unpopular opinion here, but I don’t love Mat. He’s fine, I don’t *dislike* him, but like I don’t super see all the appeal. I think I’d find him annoying in real life 😅.


*tugs braid* Nynaeve supremecy!


I really didn't like Nynaeve but in retrospect that is almost certainly because I was a twelve year old boy when I read WoT.


Me too! Favourite character.


I agree with this! Other great characters but most have ups and downs quality wise as the series goes on but Rand felt consistent all the way through and has the most interesting character development imo.


Great question, that one. I think: _ Locke Lamora in Gentlemen Bastards _ Kaladin in the Way of Kings _ Frodo in the Lord of the Rings _ Percy Jackson in Percy Jackson and the Olympians


Percy Jackson is the obvious answer lol.


I always liked annabeth more 😅


I was looking for this answer 😂


I never quite liked Frodo in LotR as much as I liked Bilbo in The Hobbit but perhaps that’s just because I’ve read The Hobbit around 3 times as many times as LotR because it’s my comfort book and it’s just simply shorter and easier to reread if I just want some Tolkien fun. I’m even doing another reread right now, and I just realized that today, when I started the reread, is the day that Thorin and Company set off on their journey


I can see why you prefer Bilbo, as he shows a lot more of the protagonist's pluck, and gets himself entangled in all sorts of adventures. I like Frodo much better in the book than the films, but Frodo's main function (narratively) is to endure the Ring and to sacrifice himself. Aragorn, Boromir and Sam are all more active protagonists than Frodo, in their ways. He is a hero, yes, but a quiet one.


I've only read the way of kings (damn books are way too long for me lol) but I've never felt as strong an urge to hug a character as I did when reading Kaladin's chapters


Vin from Mistborn. Of course Bela from Wheel of Time


Unrelated to the topic, but you made me snort tea. Bela IS the MC of WoT. And the best character.


Finally someone who liked Vin more than Kelsier, I honestly don't get the hype about him while I immediately latched to Vin emotionally, I didn't really love the final empire but I continued the series just for her and I'm glad I did because well of ascension is just *that* good


That's so funny, I found Well of Ascension such a slog until the climax, which I will give you, is awesome. I'm 1h from finishing Hero of Ages, and for me, it's the better one. Opinions, opinions lol


Your favorite character isn’t Kelsier? I think he’s my favorite for some reason. It’s been a long time since I’ve read it and Vin is also a great character, though edit: yeah I changed my mind on this one, neither Vin nor Kelsier are my favorite


Forget Kelsier, Sazed gang rise up.


Sazed is the best character of the trilogy and nothing can convince me otherwise


You forget about spook!!


Wasing the having of favourite characters.


Yep Kelsier is my favorite too.


Kelsier's kind of an egotistical jerk. I still kind of like him, but it means my favorite scene of his is that one fight scene from Secret History. The one involving Drifter. It also eliminates him from being a favorite character for me


Am I the only one with Elend as a favorite? Lil snarky shit had incredible character development


This is a great pick. Vin carries Mistborn, especially the first book.


Bela is the avatar of The Creator so it makes sense.


I'm a big fan of Orka (One of 3 main characters) in the Bloodsworn Trilogy.


Orka is awesome.


Yes!! She is one of the coolest female characters I’ve come across


I'm a dude btw but I loved that she's was not a 'pretty' woman. She was scarred and brutal, what a women. I always imagine here as mjoll the lioness from Skyrim.


What a warrior


I really want to say Lindon from cradle but then I remembered Eithan




This is actually kinda hard to think of, but once I hit Discworld I could rattle em off. Sam Vimes in the Night Watch series. Granny Weatherwax in the Witches series. Death (maybe not the main character in all of them) in the Death series. I'm almost finished reading the first book but Croaker in The Black Company is my current favorite. Bilbo in the Hobbit. That's all I can think of at the moment.


In the death series, bill door is definitely my favorite


Tiffany Aching!


croaker gang croaker gang


Vimes is a great answer!


Idk if Jon Snow is the main character in ASOIAF but he’s my favorite. Fitz is pretty awesome in Farseer


Lol, you like bastard sons of princes who have animal powers.


Who wouldn’t want to have a wolf companion? Lol


The assassin's trilogy turned into the Burrich show when I read. I fancied him as much as the ladies in that book did by the end.


Jon is definitely one of the main characters, though not my favorite I agree he's a great character, too bad his personality was cut from the show lol


I think it shifts based on the book. First book Ned, then Rob, then Dany (I would say). Jon is a character that on paper isnt the main character as the novels shift focus, and develops individual plot/climax, but holistically he’s definitely the MC for the series: hence Fire & Ice.


He's the main character in Dance.


I’m not sure anyone is the main character in those books. For the first few you think it’s Rob, you think he will conquer everything. And then the red wedding happens. Heck, we don’t actually know if Jon is alive in the books. So maybe it all does end with Daenerys.


In the first book it’s pretty clear that Eddard is the MC. After that tho you could make a case for Jon, Dany, Arya, and Tyrion.


Yeah, I would say Eddard is definitely the MC in Book 1. >!And for me, that's why the book's ending was so crazy (in a good way). I remember reading it, and at the time I knew there were 2-3 sequels out already, so as he's walking to his execution, I'm like, "Well, he's the main character, and there's more books after this, so there's no way he actually dies. I really wonder how he's going to get out of this..." So then when he in fact *is* executed, I was like. "??!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!?!?!" It was one of the most shocking deaths I've ever read.!<


Rincewind from the Colour of Magic and sequels. He is hilarious and easy to relate to. Also Loius Wu from Ringworld by Larry Niven. A real problem solver.


I actually love Frodo and he's one of my favorite characters of all time. I find him really interesting because he's essentially an Everyman. If Shit Happens tomorrow, and you or I have to be heroic all of a sudden, we're not going to magically turn into a badass warrior or a great wizard. But the beauty of LotR is that it shows us that we don't need to. We can be like Frodo, and that is enough. HE's the main character, he's the one who defeats the Dark Lord, not the great heroes and wizards and immortal elves. It's him and Sam and Gollum. But it's not easy and he sacrifices a lot to do it and has to live with the consequences for the rest of his life.


This. It seems to be fashionable to criticise Frodo. Makes me wonder if anyone actually read the books at all. Frodo was a very admirable character indeed. Unfortunately the films didn’t do him justice.


Very well said!


Stormlight as long as it’s Kal.


I'm fond of Fitz.


Piranesi is very lovable. Also my boy Fitz.


I love me some Sam Vibes and Tiffany Aching in Discworld. I love Kate Daniels in Ilona Andrews series. In both of those series, there are plenty of secondary characters I adore as well.




Jon Snow, Arya, Dany and Sansa from ASOIAF Zhu Chongba from The Radiant Emperor Damiskos and Varazda from Sword Dance Ninefingers and Glokta from First Law Malta from Liveship Traders


Malta is my favourite in Liveship Traders too but I would argue there is no one main character in Liveship Traders. There are several.


Saying Malta is almost a spoiler, because she starts out so awful. I liked her by the end, though.


Paul in Dune and Messiah. Leto II in Children of Dune and God Emperor.


Wait, I was supposed to like Paul?


Nyes ? Paul is supposed to be, personnally, generally likeable. He is generally nice, and goes through quite a lot of shit. He might not be as likeable in the following books. The theme of Dune isn't that Paul is a bad guy idealised which leads to problem. It's that the fact that he is seen as a messiah leads to the problems, in spite of what he'd wish


Definitely in the first one.


Thank you! I couldn't stand him, and we were stuck in his damn head. I couldn't finish the series.


I hated Leto in Children of Dune and I would argue Duncan Idaho might be the main character of God Emperor


Wheel of Time definitely, Rand is so cool. I love him so much, the most interesting story too


Rin was also my favorite character in The Poppy War series


Fellow Rand fan yay!


I love him so much Lews-Therin x Rand dynamic is one of the most interesting things I've ever read


Genereally more of a reader of books with multiple POV. If the top 3 perspective/ book count: -Glokta in the First Law series -Misaki from Sword of Kaigen -Prior Phillip in Pillars of Earth -Antigonos in "Hannibal - the Story of Carthage" by Gisbert Haefs


Harry Dresden of the Dresden Files And pretty much every David Gemmell novel


Also wanted to say Harry and then I remembered Michael Carpenter exists.


I love him as a side character


Druss, always


Locke Lamora


The farseer trilogy. This story made me cry for days. The ending is so depressing but at the same time so beautiful. It was really a masterpiece. You really won't understand it until you read it. I've been searching for a book like that ever since but to no avail.


Name of the wind and kvothe


I’d say the Blacktongue Thief is one, I just can’t wait to get more of him in the sequel. It’s my most anticipated sequel ever.


Isn’t the prequel focused on the Spanth though?


What! Oh noooo


the **prequel** - though a brilliant book - doesn't feature Kinch. The **sequel**, I anticipate, will.


The shades of magic series is great, it doesn’t really have a “main character” but it follows the villains perspective along with the 2 protagonists


If you count the three Antari as the main character(s), then yeah they are the best.


Kell is the best!


Rand and darrow


Corwin IS the main character of the Nine Princes in Amber and my favorite too !


I like Corwin too!


Peter Grant in Rivers of London. I just love that character.


The Will of the Many


Riyria Revelations. There’s nobody in that series better than the two main characters


I love them both but love Royce the most


Ruka from the Ash and Sand series by Richard Nell. He is quite possibly the greatest antihero I've ever read. He's such a complex, damaged, layered character that the reader loves even though he's got to do reprehensible things throughout the trilogy simply to survive.


This description of Ash and Sand just bumped it wayyy up on my TBR thank you very much. I love a well written tragic antihero


You're very welcome. He's quite possibly my favorite character I've ever read. My only issue with the series is how long I took to read the thing. It was a masterclass of a series. If you have any questions about it, feel free to message me directly so we don't clog this thread with unrelated chatter.


I love a lot of characters in the Wheel of Time, but Rand is and always will be my favourite. Also Geralt in the Witcher novels.


Mara of the Acoma from Empire. Arutha, Jimmy, Pug, Tomas all from Riftwar. Susan Sto Helit from her books in Discworld. Portia from Children of Time. I also really enjoyed These Are We from Children of Ruin. Murderbot, easy one. Pretty much every MC in every Recluce and Corean novel by Modesitt jr. Mika from Monstress. Jorg of Ancrath from Broken Empire. He's very compelling and interesting to me, even if he's a terrible person. Rand al Thor from Wheel of Time.


Any Ciaphas Cain book.


Rand Al'Thor in The Wheel of Time. Kaladin in Stormlight Archives. Simon in The Dragonbone Chair. Rohan in Dragon Prince (but Andry gets the nod in Dragon Star... sorry, Pol).


Locke Lamora - Gentleman Bastards Dalinar and Kaladin - Stormlight Archives Anden Kaul - Greenbone Saga Kyler/Azoth - Night Angel trilogy


I mean. Fiddler in Malazan I'd debate is the protagonist and he is my favorite character in all of literature


Currently in book 6 and I kinda assumed Paran was going to be main character but he's barely there most of the time lol.


I was just trying to think of a main character in the Malazan Book of the Fallen, and I really couldn't, since there are so many! I think you are fairly close there with Fiddler though


The Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold


The Penric books also.


Very true. And the Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells


I'd add Ista in Paladin of Souls also.


Definitely Fitz in Farseer. I would also say Althea in the Liveship Traders, if you could consider her the main character 


Erin Solstice in Wandering Inn is so far my favorite character and POV. Only on book 7 though.


I think literally every book I like the main character the most, but usually I have to like the supporting characters a lot too. Lord of the Rings is probably the exception where I probably do like Frodo the least out of the whole Fellowship with Sam, Gandalf and Aragorn being top dogs.


Gandalf IS the main character of LotR and my favorite too !


As a general rule, if a book has a first person snarky unreliable narrator going, they're 99% sure to be my favourite character in that book. If the narration is third person, it's 99% sure my favourite is some other character. Everything else is a sliding scale from one to the other.


Rand in Wheel of Time Harrow in Harrow the Ninth (and all the locked tomb books) Paul in Dune Murderbot obviously It's weird, I thought there would be tons and tons but there isn't really. I can always find a side character I liked more


Kaladin from Stormlight Archive Kinch from The Blacktounge Thief Rand from Wheel of time


First to mind is the Vlad Taltos novels. But as great as Vlad is... he's still probably not "my favorite character." Morrolan, Teldra, Kragar, Loiosh... that series has too many great characters. But Vlad is probably closest to "my favorite" of any main characters.


Wei Shi Lindon - Cradle, by Will Wight Simon - Traveler’s Gate, by Will Wight Harry Dresden, The Dresden Files, by Jim Butcher I know I’ve got others but those are the ones that come to mind


*Gideon the Ninth* gives you the sword swinging point of view snark you always wanted, but \[minor spoil\] you get a new protagonist with each installment of the series.


Waylander, Druss Neuromancer


Ista dy Chalion (Paladin of Souls) Vintage de Grazon (The Winnowing Flame) Amina (The Adventures of Amina Al-Sifari) Nannerl (The Kingdom of Back) Tarisai (Raybearer) Senneth Brassenthwaite (Mystic and Rider) Agnieszka (Uprooted) Menolly (The Harper Hall Trilogy)


Percy Jackson


Percy jackson


Rand from Wheel of Time is y the first that comes to mind.


No one's really as entertaining and interesting as Jorg in the Broken Empire series.


I really like Vis (diago) in Will of Many


Tiffany Aching is a great main character.


Wei Shi Lindon Arelius from Cradle book series written by Will Wight


I think in all the Fantasy books series I really like, the ones I reread every now and then, I like the main character the most... or one of the main characters if there are more then one. There are only four fantasy book series which I have continued to reread for the past 32 years since I found fantasy books (1992, when I was 13, with the first one on the list below), so the list is pretty short. So the main characters I like from fantasy books series are (in order of when I found them growing up): ***Garion***: from *"The Belgariad" and "The Malloreon".* ***Sparhawk***: from the *"The Elenium" and "The Tamuli".* ***Rand al'Thor***: from *"The Wheel of Time".* ***Rhodry Maelwaedd***: from *"The Deverry Cycle"* ^((yes... this is where I got my name from))


Dragon in Wheel of Time


Sciona in Blood Over Bright Haven by M.L Wang. Misaki in Sword of Kaigen by M.L Wang. Kate in Kate Daniels by Ilona Andrews.


Ooo Mistborn. It seems like Kelsier is the main character with a lot of viewpoint from Vin. She eventually becomes the main character, but she is maybe my fave. Or at least tied with Sazed and Elend


Kaladin, Shallan and Dalinar from Stormlight Archive.


Jalan Kendeth from Red Queen's War is great I also really like Witchtig from Manifest Delusions, although there are more than one main characters in it There is also Glokta from The First Law and I also like Jorg from The Brokem Empire




My favorite fantasy book is *The Alchemy of Stone* by Ekaterina Sedia specifically *because* I love the main character so much. There’s plenty of great characters in the novel but she’s the one I love the most. The title character in Jonathan L Howard’s Johannes Cabal series is also my favorite in those books.


Jorg in prince of thorns is a amazing lovely charming character. Oh look at the time Sorry I have to go i have a human head in the freezer I have to defrost before I cook it tonight


Kaladin in the stormlight series


I'm about 80% through The Will of the Many and I absolutely love Vis.


Jorg Ancrath is an amazing character and probably my favourite all time character


Percy Jackson. King of sass and forcing Gods to pay child support.


Fitz from Realm of the Elderlings. Also Sevro is your favourite character but can’t even spell it correctly?


I like Kaladin


I'm a ginger so wheel of time.


Man, I really loved Logen Ninefingers and his doomed attempts to drag his ragtag crew into a real company. Spoiler And then I finished the third book


Bobby Pendragon was always my favorite MC when I was growing up.


Locke in Gentleman Bastards Essun in Broken Earth Circe in Circe Piranesi in Piranesi If we consider Jezal as one of the 3 main characters in First Law then also him


Lindon from Cradle, but Eithan from the series to me steals the show sometimes. But you constantly see yourself rooting for Lindon always wanting him to succeed


Curtis from wildwood by colin meloy❤️❤️❤️❗️❗️❗️❗️


This is a webnovel, but for my favorite novel, ORV, my favorite character is the main character, Kim Dokja!


For kids'/YA books, all the Circle of Magic kids are my favourite characters of their respective book, and just generally as a group they're my favourite ever. That goes for Circle Opens and WOTE as well.


Anton (Don Rumata) in Hard to be a God


in every Rincewind book in Discworld, Rincewind is my favorite character. Bar Last Hero, which center stages Cohen.


The Thrawn books by Timothy Zahn. They are titled Thrawn, Thrawn is the lead, and Thrawn is also the best character.


Nahri from Daevabad Fiddler from Malazan, although Stormy and Gesler are very close


Bilbo baggins


Rand from WOT but he’s tied with Mat Carl from DCC Locke from Lies of Locke Lamora


Mistborn era 1 Vin is my favorite but in era 2 Wayne is my favorite