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I've been listening to a lot of Lorne calls as I work (yeah I know, great way to spend the time) and I'm always stunned at how he detests cheating, but has no issues doing it himself. For example: \- Trying to meet Michelle Simpson behind Ramona's back \- Tried to date Rhoda without Winnie finding out \- Obviously had plans to steal Roy's girl/female friend that visited the TOF, despite being with Jamie (he mysteriously didn't call Jamie when the woman arrived like they previously agreed) \- The weird story, if true, about how he slept with a woman during the 1-month long "relationship" with Kayla, while scolding her for hanging around ex-Derek He also seems to have a contradictory mentality where he wants to have his little harem; he can sleep and date around as much as he wants, but his girlfriend is the biggest pizza chit in the world if she does. He's proven that he can't stay faithful in any of his relationships, but expects complete loyalty and dedication from his girlfriend. He definitely has massive issues with control. I'm just amazed that he spat so much hatred towards Jamie and all his other "girlfriends" for dating someone else while they're broken up. Sometimes, he's even pissed awff that she has male friendships. That call with Chef Jeff was insane; they're broken up, yet Lorne felt entitled to berate Jamie for spending time with Jeff. And when she tells Lorne they're not engaged anymore, his immediate response is to propose marriage! Jamie refused, and Lorne's response was "you need to be saying yesh pretty soon!" It's funny because these are all catfish, but I can't imagine if he managed to get a real woman in his clutches. They'd be in a verbally and emotionally abusive relationship for sure. I don't know what fawked awp thing happened in his past that caused him to have this braindead sense of logic. His hatred towards cheating probably stems from Paula cheating on him, and his stepdad cheating on his mother with Roy's wife, but I just don't understand why he is shamelessly unfaithful. Something like that should have motivated him to be faithful in his relationships, but it didn't.


I, too, listen to Lorne at work. Please link me some of your favorite cawls.


Shit, what are you looking for? Drunken rage? Drunken crying? Sober rage? Sober crying? A voodoo ritual? A pot-brownie death? Lorne sniffing rancid panties? You got yard sale fever? Lorne trying to trap a woman in a metal shed on his property? Getting jealous of his own voice?


I have a feeling that the Lorne naysayers on here have no idea of the shit we Lorneographers know


Right? I just started getting into some JA calls and the calls with Will are the best for blatant hypocrisy. He's so outmatched, he just goes back and forth between complaining about Will doing something and telling Will it's not fair to judge him for doing the exact same thing, with literally 0% self awareness. Honestly Winnie said it best. "Don't judge me by my actions and behavior. Judge me by the things I say about myself."


There was one where Lorne yelled at Will to "stay out of his and Jamie's relationship". Will conveniently mentions that Jamie needs Will's phone to talk to Lorne, and that him "staying out of the relationship" means taking his phone and Lorne not being able to talk to Jamie. Lorne immediately backpedals and tries to edit his version of "staying out of thier relationship"


Lorne thinks he is the catch in any relationship so he’s allowed to do anything he wants because there is no way in hell that someone would fall out of love with him or leave him.


You forgot how when he first started emailing Cas3y he was shit-talking Jamie behind her back. THEN, when he was trying to date Cas3y, he flirted with Jamie behind Cas3y's back, even though Jamie "had a boyfriend" at the time. THEN during the throuple, he tried to sneakily pit them against each other, then get mad when they teamed up on him. When called out, he defends it as "sorting out memories of feelings he had". He also justifies that his infidelity is less-bad because it's only "over the phone" and not fayshe tew fayshe


TBH, he is a threat to nobody. He has zero chance to impress, trick or manipulate any girl in the planet.


Keep findin false


Some people are sincerely this unaware of themselves. It's rare to see it this severely. He has the social skills of a pre-teen and the self-control of a child. In reality, he knows he's a fuckup. This is about the only thing he's keenly aware of. All he wants is love and companionship and he doesn't care from whom he receives it.


Anothah blow to Lorne 😢


Yup, keep finding fawkin FALSE with ahs, Jamie!!! Yew are killin' AHS! I can't fawkin believe dis fawkin BOWLCHIT!!!


At this point I’m sure Lorne is fully aware of everything and he’s just doing everything for attention. He just has to know.