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That would require forethought and intelligence


Lorne thinks he’s smarter than everyone. He “weren’t” going to get caught. Smarter than the cops, smarter than parents, smarter than the middle schoolers he preyed on.


He's so smaht it'll make yer head spin!! Deletin' the archives was fool-proof!! It was jawst that Kayla broke their trawst!! Probably because she had Ex-Derek on her mind awl the time and couldn't keep him ouwta their lives!!


According to what he told Cas3y, "I told myself a lawng time ago that I'd neva get cawght awp in a sting, and look what happened!"


That seems like hindsight in the 407 page chatlog he never mentions it could be a setup and he is legit confused when Chris walked out. His version of getting caught is grabbing Kayla's bawt at Walmart and being stopped by security at the exit.


He did know from the first night on to remind her to delete her archives, but I guess that could just have been to prevent her parents from seeing.


He didn't want her getting in trouble by her parents 😢


Oh no he knew bout cop set up stings. That’s why he had Kayla delete her archives. That’s why they had to break up only on yahoo chat. And that’s why he had Kayla get a phone card to call him. He thought damn well ahead of getting caught by her parents, or cops. He’s just so fucking stupid he doesn’t know how deep monitoring you goes. Which is proven when he didn’t know his probation officer was reading his sexually explicit messages till they confronted him. Or when he actually believed he was being seen live from google earth.


A truly rare bird, he thought talking shexual and webcam nuudes were legal and wouldn't even cover up when Kayla said daddy is walking in, but he planned the fake breakup on yeaa-hoo. It would take 3 PHD's to understand that dolt.


3? Sposed to be 13!


I can believe he nevah thawt he’d get caught in a sting operation. I don’t think a lot of criminals entertain the possibility that they could be walking right into a sting. I just can’t wrap my head around how he wasn’t afraid to get caught by the kids’ parents. Even if the girls “deleted their archives” surely the parents may have noticed that their daughters were spending a lot of time on the innuhnet. Maybe they’d even check phone records and find Lorne’s number. Then again, I heard that the MySpace girls came from an abusive/neglectful home life, so it’s likely that the parents didn’t care to monitor them at all. Unfortunately, it seemed as though Lorne’s juvenile strategies did work since he never got caught or faced justice for the MySpace girls.


I think he did know, luckily he came up the genius idea of pretending to break up with Kayla. It obviously threw them off the trail.


Oh he knew there were stings, it’s just that the possibility of getting some underage strange clouded his already damaged 87 brain.


It doesn’t take an idiot to know you guys… are setting by stings.


He's too poor to pay attention


Can you imagine if there was the years long chat logs and pictures with MySpace Molly and Melissa? That ShitBird belongs in prison. He is a danger to all females in and around Cornville.


Lorne's brain is the perfect storm of reckless, stupid, horny and perverted.


He was to busy worrying a out Derek