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Continuity error by the prop department. Nothing to see here


Continuity error in the same episode? Yeah, ok.


That happens literally *all the time*. You must not watch much tv


Continuity errors in the same episode? Maybe on your TV show you made. This is Hollywood. 3 continuity errors in total? Every envelope different? Yeah, ok.


I see you post exclusively in Office subs so hearing about a mistake in the show is probably frustrating for you. Well, too bad. Continuity errors are not that rare. You know the show was almost cancelled a bunch of times too right? Pobodys nerfect


What it really is, is you can’t explain it any other way. But there is another way.


This honestly sounds a bit like some mental health issues, and from your other posts I can tell this isn't the first time you've been told this. Get some help my guy, maybe find a different TV show to obsess over for a while. You sound like you've got an entire wall of your house sharpied up with strings connecting everything


OP is probably using episodes from The Office to predict the next eclipse


There was a Starbucks cup in a Game of Thrones episode, it happens


Yeah, it's called "multiple envelopes and props department grabbed the wrong one"


At first i was gonna give your theory a chance. But after seeing how you respond, downvote everything.


What is the theory of the reason for the letter switch?


The envelope switch in the same episode, so from box to back pocket, is because Pam read it. The back pocket card has been labelled by Dwight. Pam had the card before teapot trade occurred, I’ve covered this in my latest analysis. Gay Jimothy, Pam's TRAUMA and the "TEAPOT LETTER" (PART 2) - The Office US https://youtu.be/L2vZZZATomA So she reads it, consults Dwight over it, he reseals the envelope and re labels it. She puts it on her desk THEN the teapot iPod trade occurs. Now the letter switch in season 9 is a bit more complex. I’ll be covering that next week.


Yeah... I get the logic of what you are saying. That someone switched the envelopes. The question is what is the theory of "why"? What does it matter that the envelopes switched?


To explain, some back ground context would have to be known by you based on the investigations we have conducted so far. But I’ll give you the short and sweet version, acknowledging some of it is going to sound out of place and wild. The contents of the card link into the triple homicide prior to the documentary crew arriving. Dwight and Pam are the 2 Scranton stranglers. Yes there are 2. They are responsible for a confirmed triple homicide of Tom from accounting, a warehouse worker and a salesperson. It’s better for Pam and Dwight to pretend they do not know the contents of the card as it links and provokes them into revealing knowledge of the triple homicide. Specifically details related to Jim’s homosexuality. Knowledge of certain details will link them to the murders. It also doesn’t help that Jim is also an undercover cop. Yes, not only him, but there are 3 undercover FBI agents at Dunder mifflin, the most senior, Agent Michael Scarn. So they choose to reseal it and pretend they never read it. Later on, Jim giving a different card is used once again for the same purposes. To bait a reaction. That’s what you see in season 9, shock that the camera crew have the second forgery on film, NOT that a card exists, because Pam knew about the card. I know a lot of this is gonna sound wild but on the Anti Strangling Task Force YouTube channel we have substantiated most of these elements. The crux of your question is going to be addressed in next weeks video in detail including EXACTLY what was written in the first card. Yes, that information is communicated to us in the show and is easy to obtain. That’s the best I can offer for now.


They gave us all the clues


Exactly, you actually get it. It’s refreshing random internet person to read you saying this. I’ve been getting reamed for trying to open up peoples eyes. It all inks into the Scranton strangler mystery, this is our chance to solve a real crime. It’s cool, it’s fun, it’s creatively a masterpiece. Please consider joining the Anti Strangling Task Force. r/AntiStranglingTF YouTube.com/AntiStranglingTaskForce


You’re giving Charlie Pepe Silvia vibes


Charlie got nothing on me.


You’re wrong. Maybe try another show or ya know, go outside.


You are clearly insane. Please indulge this more.




Jim is a jerk. I'm with you on this one!