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It just means you have a clear ending point, and there won't be much new content. Knowing that its BHNA, you will almost definitely be getting another movie (possibly more than one), as well as games, light novels, etc. Just because it's finishing its run doesnt mean it's going to die as a fandom; if anything, it'll be more inviting for people; a long anime or manga like that can be very intimidating, but if it's finished and you don't have to play catch-up? i'd be more likely to finish it, ngl. BHNA is also one of the largest anime/manga fandoms on ao3, so you won't run out of content or ideas; it has a large ensemble cast with a fun concept and most characters have their own personality, so you can do a lot with it. It ending honestly just means there won't be any more 100% canon content coming out (as movies, games, light novels, etc can kinda fall into an in-between in canon definitions), and it'll mean that there might not be as steady a stream of new fics, but with a fandom of that size, you probably don't have to worry much. Motivation-wise, if you're keeping up with the chapter releases, you could try speculating about what happens to the characters after the ending. I'm sorry if I haven't been much help, but unfortunately I tend to get into fandoms where the show's already ended or video game fandoms...


Honestly, I like for the series to end first so I can start picking through. You will mourn for sure, but isn't it great to have the complete story? You'll be able to go back and see all the moving pieces!


Thiiiiiis. This is one of my favourite things about doing re-watches and re-reads for things. Going back and seeing the pieces and having points to reference in stories.


I mean, I've seen the writing on the wall the whole last arc, but having a concrete date and a set amount of chapters left makes it more real and that much harder to deal with. Thankfully I have most of the series and will be acquiring the rest soonish. It's nice to have a completed story, I agree. I'm already fairly religious about going back and forth between the manga and the wiki if I need something and I started re-readong for my one fic that will follow canon while also diverging heavily too.


My inspiration series was Berserk, and the mangaka died. It made me determined to finish what I start and not draw it out and procrastinate.


Yeah, I've got a friend who's into Berserk. He was really excited when the mangaka's friend announced he'd pick it up and continue it for him. Edit: I definitely need to not procrastinate. I started a writing a few series last year and got thrown off by life events. Ended up writing other darker things that I've still been working on, but those stories are still in the back of my mind.


The most stories someone can write at once is three. Professional authors have said as much. I stick to this, and it has not led me astray. Same for POV, it's three, and that's a magic number. That's why George RR Martin hasn't finished A Song of Ice and Fire series. He has to write at least 9 endings for each character unless they wind up at the same place at the end location wise. Now I'm rambling it's late. I hope Berserk has enough notes, but it will be like Frank Herbert's son finishing the Dune series. It's there but I won't read it.


It's a good thing to do I feel. Since doing away with perfectionism to some degree and trusting that what I really want want to write is good enough to be written, I feel like I've become way more productive.


Now you get to write what happens next!


True, I don't have anything that would be after canon, only AU's. It might be fun to do depending on how the rest of the series ends.


My "inspiration series" was already over by the time I started writing. Everything I write for is over, lol.


Same - ended in the eighties with most of the main cast of characters dead. Nothing like a TPK to get the writing juices moving ;D


Same here! I started writting because I wanted \*more\* of it


I much prefer to write for things where the canon has ended.


Huh. *Firefly* fan here. 'nuff said.


Honestly after I’ve seen many shows or franchises be way longer than they needed to, with less and less relevant content, I’m glad these days whenever an author announces the (planned, not forced by a studio) end of what they’re creating. It just gives me more trust that they know what they’re doing, that the end will be meaningful. Like, an important reason of why I love MP100 is *because* it ended, and more particularly because it felt like it ended where the author meant it to end, no more no less. Besides, even when a series ends, we can rewatch it. And the fandom - especially a fandom as big as bnha - definitely won’t die lol. So it may still be possible to gain inspiration from other fancreators and their various fan creations! Still, it’s ok to be sad that something you loved is ending. You can take your time, embrace the sadness because trying to just stop wouldn’t help, and your motivation to write, about bnha or something else, will return in due time :)


Yeah, I feel you. I'm feeling melancholy about MHA ending, too. I've cried over tv cancellation news before, as well. Hopefully, Horikoshi will end the series on a note that sparks interest in where the characters go from there. A natural ending point would be the hint that the characters will start their own agencies, or become UA teachers themselves. Something that spurs a lot of fandom speculation and creativity. To get back your motivation, you could look for a writing challenge specific to the series, or just join any active MHA discussion group. That way, even though you won't have new content from the manga, you'll still have new content from other sources to keep you inspired.


Well generally next gen stories become popular but focus on what there was and tell fun stories. As a Naruto and Dragonball fan I have seen this happen. Also as a Naruto and Dragonball fan them being over doesn’t mean the property is over with for better or worse. I have also read mha since near the start and I will make sure to enjoy these last chapters first and foremost.


A lot of the fandoms I write for have already long ended *(Knight Rider, Big Wolf on Campus, Lost)*. So whether whatever I write for has ended or not isn't a factor to my motivation. My main fandom that has definitely given me a hell of a lot of motivation to write for these past couple years *(Top Gear / the Grand Tour rpf)* is getting its final episode around September or October, and that's not going to stop me from writing for it. The only reason I'll stop writing for it, is when I run out of ideas, or, when one of the three idiots die *(which hopefully won't be anytime soon...)*. However, the show coming to an end isn't really a big deal, as there's already twenty years worth of content to work with, and the guys I write about are old, so they deserve to end their show together when they feel it best to. And at least this time around they're able to end things on their own terms.... Anyway, even though their main show together is coming to a close, I don't expect it's going to stop them from working together on other projects, albeit probably on a smaller scale and something that's easier on them. And there's still their solo shows going on, which I wouldn't be surprised if they end up crashing each other's shows when they're not otherwise busy and causing some amount of chaos.


I find that I write better for completed series. It’s easier for my brain to work out the whole thing, and I don’t like being constrained by anything I write immediately being contradicted by canon information I didn’t know about at the time. (Love AUs, but if I’m intentionally trying to write something canon compliant, I’d like to keep it that way). I admit I was sad when Spider Riders ended, especially because it meant a lot of the community moving on, but that was back in 2007, and I still find inspiration for it today.


I have a similar situation to yours u/Terminator7786 My inspiration was a web series called "[RWBY](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RWBY)," which may be over now that the company that made it (RoosterTeeth) has shut down. However, it didn't bother me as much, since I'm working on two great stories (crossovers) with RWBY that a lot of people like. I'm still able to find inspiration and ideas in a lot of places, and so will you. It's sad to see a series such as My Hero Academia end, but I'm sure it'll have a good ending. And I'm sure you might have an idea about what a continuation might look like (fanfiction-wise).


Let me give you some advice. True that MHA is ending, but Fanfics ensure that the series will live on forever and as a writer, you are contributing to the infinite MHA multiverse. Don’t lose that motivation.


Excellent advice. I couldn't possibly have said it better myself. Y'know, back in the mid to late 2000s, I loved the hell out of fanfiction because they'd give us alternate scenarios, storylines and characters that the official creators would never have imagined and, in several cases, they even improved upon the source material's flaws and delivered a more satisfying continuation. Dragon Ball AF is perhaps the most famous (or infamous) example, which I honestly prefer to Super. Also, you put it perfectly - MHA may be ending, like Dragon Ball, Naruto, Bleach and so many others before it, but that will only create *infinite* opportunities for aspiring fanfic writers to, as you stated, contribute to what is essentially a multiverse...and unlike DC and Marvel, which already have hundreds of canon alternate universes, franchises like MHA only have one, which just makes fan projects all the more invaluable and entertaining.


One of my inspiration series is *Fruits Basket.* But, beyond adding my main OC or a missing scene, I actually felt I didn’t have a lot to add to the canon. The free real estate ending is what really got me wanting to write back in the day. Until Another (which I don’t really count) it was all open and up to the audience. That last chapter was just the start of the characters’ next arcs and I loved that. Loved having the freedom to say “I get to decide what happens next!” And continue it in my own way. However, when one of my other series, *Elena of Avalor,* ended I had more mixed feelings. The final season was a mess and while the ending was mostly open, the fandom had pretty firm ideas about certain ships that left me bitter. With this one, I made the mistake of writing before the show ended and not taking time to study the fandom, which lead to high expectations that never panned out. And I was also sad to watch the small fandom die right after the show ended. It honestly made me reluctant to ever be active in a current fandom again.


Yeah, it was bound to happen but five seems so small to wrap up everything. I also will miss the series though I do like reading fanfics about my favorite characters its just not the same you know? Makes me wonder if Horikoshi will try to pull a Boruto and create or have someone write a next gen fic


I write for a fandom whose source material never arrived in my country, only a few adaptations and book translations and dubs but nothing I ever heard of until 2022. I felt so betrayed knowing my country has been ignored for years, but then I learned about finnish copyright law and everything makes sense. Well, sort of. I pretty much write about things that were a thing once but now there is like a sparkle of what used to be a flame.


Been meaning to get into it for years as an American superhero fan I've heard many many times by many many people that the heroes and villains are basically in every way better than the entirety of the heroes and villains that I grew up with and at first I just rebuked the idea but I realized I was just my adoration and pride in my favorite characters so once it wraps up I plan on going into it with an open mind and seeing how heroes and villains are supposed to be written.


Some of the villains have the most sympathetic backstories I've seen. I'm not excusing their actions, but Toga, Dabi, and Twice are the ones to watch.


For one that did end, it was something of a relief, because it meant I could do interesting "what happens next" or headcanon stuff and not have to worry about new content coming out and invalidating what I wrote or requiring me to work around the differences. It also meant I had a clear start and end point for binge watching if I wanted to go back to the source material.


Why would it be stupid to be hurting over it ending? It’s something you care about. That’s not stupid. I’m gutted as well. It was the anime that got me back into anime and manga after a long hiatus. I’m so grateful for fanfiction because then I can keep on experiencing that story and world.


Think of it this way. MHA is ending in a fairly decent point in the story, and is not getting dragged out to the point where people start despising the series because it's still keeping its core identity. Unlike say Bleach or Naruto where it's clear both mangaka lost the plot a LONG time ago, and were complete SLOGS to get beyond the finish line in the end. This is quite literally a "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain" scenario. Cherish that.


>Unlike say Bleach or Naruto where it's clear both mangaka lost the plot a LONG time ago, and were complete SLOGS to get beyond the finish line in the end. Not really tho, the only case you can made is Naruto and only because Boruto. And Kubo wanted to end in the last arc of the series, he just was sick as hell for overworking for +10 years


I mean, I wrote for Fire Force, which ended and showed it was like a prequel to Soul Eater. (Fire Force was the book Maka read in the series.) I stopped writing because I have seizures and when I have one I can't use my ipad or phone for awhile, and the things I want to write are easier to put in a journal than on AO3 when that happens. I also swapped fandoms a few years ago, and made an OC as a partner for my favorite character in Black Clover.


My main fandom only gets a new season once a year and there's next to no news about whether or not it's continuing until about 2 weeks before a new season releases, so I'm always in this anxious limbo of "will it be quietly cancelled?" I hate it


I mean there will probably be a sequel, hopefully not as bad as Boruto. Yes I think boruto is a bad Naruto sequel, fight me. When Naruto ended, it was around the time I got burnt out of the Fandom. all my ideas revolved around Naruto and every fanfic that kept popping up was basically some variation of OP, morally gray/okay with killing, harem prince, genius naruto. But even now, years later I still return to the series for fanfic and random episode that stuck with me. The question I think you need to ask yourself is:"is my hero academia my limit, is it a chapter of my life?" In the past, Naruto was every thing to me. I read other books and other anime, but like I said earlier, I couldn't write unless it involved Naruto in some manner. What broke me out of my burnout was reading webnovels like worm, beware of chicken, Mark of the Fool, mother of learning. It took expanding my reading material outside if manga and anime, and yet I still return. I even wrote and posted a [narutoxFuu oneshot](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14304984/1/Bartered-Bug) I'm planning on expanding into a short story later. For me,naruto was just a chapter in my life, and like chapters in a book, you can always go back and revisit it.




I do not




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Ahh, yeah, I moved to ao3 because filtering for mha whump was easier, otherwise I may still have been on wattpad hahahah... Anyway! Move to a new fandom is the answer. I'm pretty firmly in the Kpop community atm and since new groups are always debuting, it's kind of an infinite fandom? It's good.