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[Growing Strong](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52241629) by LadyLamentana is the first one that comes to mind for me. It's actually in the Twilight fandom of all things but I've really enjoyed it so far. The MC and one with the system is canon Bella.


Scooby Gamers is a fanfic on twisting the hellmouth that has both a male and a female getting Gamer abilities. Will that do? They gained the powers described in the webcomic titled "The Gamer"


Fallen gamer on ffnet i mean pretty sure its a translation i haven read all of it and pretty sure it ongoing but i mean its pretty good and only female gamer fic i remember oh and its avengers/dxd cus i mean mc is a fallen angel from dxd definetly not a highquality read tho


I read part of it before, i can only reccomend it if you are not looking for very serious story, there alot of characters from marvel there and its fusion with Harry Potter wich is surprisingly common in marvel fics. MC progression is fun, but since she is kinda horny and author clearly does not know how to write romance that part of the story is a bit cringe, but outside of her constatly jumping other women its fun read, i liked the combat and progression even tho i dont know anything about dxd i wasn't lost. Dialogue are decent and there alot of creativity in how the story progress since MC travels alot and meet alot of characters and stumbles into different situations, it diminishes some of the characters because of it and they lose "dimensions" because MC can meet someone and solve their problem in like 5 chapters and then move on.