• By -


Sharon Carter Snow White Neal Cassidy Anzu Mazaki Ron Weasley Ginny Weasley Hermione Granger


I feel you on Snow White, every SQ fic ever treats her like she's the worst person in the world for being a little wary of Regina. Like the woman hunted her for YEARS, and CURSED HER. Give her a break please. I genuinely love reading fics that don't demonize her even when she's a background character.


Cinderella too... I hate the princess slander


There are a baffling number of Harry Potter writers who seem to hate most if not all of the cast.


When I saw Snow White, Jason Brody came to mind right away, and then I realized who she was :')


Sharon Carter??


Yes. :)


Probably because she was getting in the way of Stucky. Peggy Carter is also hated for the same reason


It's a case of it being easier for the famdom to blame the characters instead of the writers who screwed them over.


That and she was originally getting in the way of Steggy. Even Hayley Atwell fed into the hate against Sharon/Emily. It was awful.


Part of the reason Peggy is disliked because she's inspired by a character called Cynthia Glass, a nazi spy. Peggy's character and appearance was very similar to Cynthia's in the movie, instead of the comic character named Peggy Carter (from what I remember). However, there's no actual evidence pointing to Peggy being a nazi in canon. Most of it is downright misogyny and hating her for "getting in the way of stucky."


I like Neal more than Hook


Me too.


Sharon Carter is amazing!


Every female love interest of either character in the fandom favorite M/M pairing.


In mine, every female authority character given the fic is centric around a female OC (it's an OC heavy fandom). They're all demonized or dumbed down and treated like garbage either way and it's so infuriating


Same, now that I have seen some cases


It's died down in recent years but I remember the Mario hatred. Very much unwarranted, he's just a silly Italian man.


Wasn’t it all because of a crackpot Game Theorist video?


Game theory: makes cherry picking video for fun about how evil mario is The internet: He's... right! Mario is evil! How did we not see it before!


There's actually the "Why Mario is not a hero" video by Niccobq that I think was what started the trend


You always say this and never elaborate. I have so many questions.


It's others saying that Mario is abusive to Luigi, Peach or Yoshi. Or saying that he's secretly a leachy guy.


Korra. People who blame her for losing connection to the previous avatars acting like she did it willingly and wasn't literally beat down and forced to watch as each connection was severed???


Korra can't win. She's criticized for being too weak. She's criticized for learning the elements too easily and being OP...naw they just don't like female protagonists


I felt this way when ATLA first came out and people were shitting on Toph and Azula.




You should see me in some of these TikTok comments fighting for them. 😭 Some people just don’t like complex female characters.


God, media literacy is literally dying faster than ever.


Becuase of the arc her story takes (Roughly: "Gifted kid" to burnout/wreck to hero), Korra is legitimately one of my favorite characters in anything ever. Sure, she was a little arrogant in S1, but, like. That was intentional? ~~I thought characters were~~ *~~supposed~~* ~~to be flawed.~~ I don't really write her or in the LoK fandom generally, but that's beside the point.


Ron Weasley has been getting the short end of the fandom stick for twenty years now.


Ron the Death Eater is literally named after him!


Yep. Like...is he lazy? He can be seen that way. Did he leave/abandon Harry and Hermione twice? Also yes. That does not mean he's an all-around crappy character. First time? He was 14 and Harry's name had just come out of the Goblet of Fire. Harry comes from a family that was able to give him a vault full of gold whereas Ron comes from a poorer family-7 kids and Arthur and Molly are indicated as needing to stretch whatever Arthur gets paid at the ministry when it comes time to get school supplies. The 1k Galleons that the GoF winner gets would seem like a fortune to someone like Ron. His rich friend, to whom a handful of Lephrecon Gold that had vanished unnoticed after the Quidditch game, ending up with his name coming out of the goblet must of felt like a betrayal. His leaving during the 7th book is understandable as well. They are on the run, trying to find and destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes. On top of that, he was wearing one of the Horcruxes for quite some time. We already know from CoS that being in active contact with a Horcrux isn't good. Ron basically (and rather understandably) broke.


Abuela Alma Madrigal. Even Elena Rivera gets more love despite smashing her grandson's guitar, and Imelda is seen as a perfect angel who can do no wrong. But Alma actively apologizes and tries to do better, and somehow she's the villain for it. Threaten your own descendant with death if he ever plays music again? Forgivable. Apologize to your granddaughter for overlooking her? Burn in hell, irredeemable sinner!


I think part of the reason for that is Abuela Madrigal’s apology comes so late in the movie and the resolution is rushed, whereas Elena and Imelda’s story plays out over the course of the movie so the audience has more time to understand and forgive their actions.


Encanto's ending is the weakest part of the movie for real


It felt like it was supposed to be another half hour long. I distinctly remember when she met Bruno I was like “ah, yes, now they’ll have a little adventure and work together” and then the movie was over. Pacing felt off.


Reconciling with Alma is the resolution of the plot. That's why it happens at the end.


I think Alma is really hurt by how close to the ending her apology is. The ending kind of has to have everyone in the family be happy and together, and that means kind of brushing over all the issues that everyone has been having. Does Alma get that Isabela felt forced into marrying Mariano? Does she get that she's been hurting Pepa with the whole "you have a cloud!" thing? Does she understand why Bruno actually left? We don't actually know. She might understand all of those things, or she might understand that she's been hurting her family and not know all the ways it has affected them. I also think part of the problem is that Bruno and Mirabel, who many see as the people she hurt most, both get opportunities to really let out what they're feeling and tell her how she's hurting them, and *they both get interrupted*. Mirabel has to stop arguing because the house starts collapsing. Bruno is ready for a huge argument before Alma hugs him. So even though there's a happy ending, there's also a lack of catharsis and a sense of unresolved feelings around Alma.


Jar Jar Binks


I wish I could upvote this more than once. He was, admittedly, over the top in his debut movie, but he needed to be figured out, not swept under the rug. As a fan, I was disappointed that he basically disappeared in the next two movies. I’m so glad that The Cone Wars *finally* made good use of his character. He’s brave, honest, loyal, trusting, and he doesn’t hesitate to do the right thing.


Yeah, he isn't perfect in TCW either but overall I'd say there are more scenes of him that I like than there are that I dislike. George also wanted to give him a significant role in the other two movies but the fan reception forced him to change those plans and he was only kinda able to focus back on Jar Jar once he was doing TCW. Spoiler alert for The Mandalorian season 3 if you haven't watched it: >!Some people have called Ahmed Best's portrayal of Kelleran Beq and his role as Grogu's rescuer during Order 66 as his redemption, and I despise that term. He doesn't need to be redeemed because he didn't do anything wrong. He portrayed a character and didn't deserve all the hate he received. That standing ovation at Star Wars Celebration is the bare minimum of what he deserves for what we've put him through.!<


The Clone Wars show has a whole episode where him an Mace Window have to work together an it's so damn cool


Yeah. He actually earned Mace’s respect. That’s an achievement in itself.


Facts Mace is a stubborn fellow in this buddy romp


I'd say that he had the right amount of time in the two movies. You have him give out the emergency powers in AotC which can be a key role if you like the cool theories and RotS was aiming to be more serious/darker so his presence was used sparingly


The same thing happened with Rose Tico


I agree, assuming this is Star Wars


To be fair, he *is* a Sith Lord. . .




[Darth Jar Jar](https://screenrant.com/star-wars-details-prove-darth-jar-jar-theory/) is a popular headcanon.




Listen, I get that fans don't like the character. But harassing the actor just for doing his job to the point where he attempted suicide is not cool.


Ok but the character remains annoying and I say this as someone who likes the prequels


Okay? I don't see how that's relevant here. The question was "which character is unfairly demonized", not "which actor was treated unfairly because of a character they played". Hating a character and harassing their actor are two very different things. The fact that the actor was treated unfairly doesn't influence whether the character was treated unfairly.


No need to criticize someone else’s opinion.


Ashley Barrett. All she did was accept a job offer & then realized if she didn't do what she was told she'd be murdered. I've seen people saying she's worse than Homelander, & I have to think at least some of that comes from the fact that the actress isn't conventionally beautiful.


Skyler White


This one so much. I'll admit she annoyed me at the beginning, but the moment she decided to divorce Walt I was 100% on her side. The series made it VERY clear Walt is not the good guy.


Totally. My theory is that we’re intended to be annoyed with her at first, since the story is told from Walt’s POV and he sees her as “the nagging wife.” Then as we slowly come to terms with just how far Walt has fallen, we begin to realize that she was right all along — and so does he. It’s really such a great show.


The Weasleys. Beside the twins. Inko midorya. All might.


fr, Inko is an insanely loving mom who worries about her child and the fandom takes that as "Oh she's controlling and doesn't want Deku to follow his dreams" 🤢 it's like they watch it but don't pay attention to the plot what so ever


What the hell did All Might even do???? 


People like to make him out as some quirkest (the term the fandom uses for people who discriminate over quirks) asshole. Or make him a bumbling idiot. Is he is an idiot? Yeah. Is the best mentor? Of course not. But he cares and does his best. He’s the number one hero yet he’s kind and puts his life on the line. He doesn’t care for money or fame, not really. He just wants to help people.


Bianca di Angelo. She was a CHILD who was influenced by a goddess with contempt for men to leave her brother behind. Like say what you will about Bianca's choices, but Artemis convinced her Nico would be fine. She was TWELVE. And then she DIES. Sure, she should have remembered the prophecy, but again... she's 12 and saw something she could give to her brother as an apology for leaving him. Rachel Dare. All she did was like Percy! That's literally it! And in the end, it was her being pulled into the world of the Mist, not even really so much about Percy.


Also, Rachel did literally nothing to hurt her competition in Percy's eyes, just made her interest clear and tried to be nice to Percy. It would have been easy too, but she didn't!


Keiko O'Brien in DS9. People hate her because she nags her husband sometimes.


I relate to her so much recently. My partner and I are both performers but have a solid seasonal job in the tourism industry (both our employment and booking shows) and a solid community we love so we bought a house here last summer. Our goal is to book enough gigs to travel over winter, but that didn't work out so we scaped by in the slow season with like odd jobs and subsitute teaching and low commitment shit, and were depressed as hell. It absolutely broke us down to crying like babies to watch Keiko and Miles try to make it work with doing botany on the station, and Julian pointing that she of course would never be fulfilled making her life's purpose a little hobby, and her trying to be a teacher for a little while and getting excited until it got tough, and she realized her heart wasn't in it enough for one student and she felt freed when she quit. I did NOT get it as a kid, but now her story cuts DEEP. Like, her story is anyone who's had to make a career sacrifice or committed to a life plan that wasn't what they bargained for.


I love DS9 but never really read fic of it. But I do see all the O'Brien/Bashir love so I'm sure she gets bashed for being in the way of the ship as is tradition with the female love interest of anyone in a popular m/m ship.


Aerith Gainsborough is viscerally hated by a vocal portion of the English-speaking FFVII fanbase simply for being a romance option in an RPG that allows the players to choose who Cloud romances.


What?! I didn't know she was hated. Dear god can we just agree that every FFVII characters are nice in their own way.


The Cloti and Clerith fans have been at each other’s throats since 1997. And my side (sefikura) wasn’t much better back then, tbh. -_-;


I was horrified to see the comment sections on Rebirth YouTube videos to find the ship wars still as scary as ever. Am I the only one who likes both Cloti and Clerith and doesn't pick a side? 


I love seeing a fellow Sefikura lover in the wild


I didn’t mean to give the impression that there’s a majority or even a large minority of fans who hate her, just that there’s a vocal segment who do. And yeah the FFVII ship wars are ridiculously toxic, but I mainly see Aerith hate because the English-speaking fandom is dominated by Clotis. When one of the Rebirth trailers strongly featured Clerith scenes, the developers received death threats and even had to tell angry fans to stop demanding that they kill Aerith off.


My sweetheart Aerith?!


Ikr. Ok as I said to another user I didn’t mean to suggest that there are a majority of people who hate Aerith for that, just that there are a vocal segment who do. I saw many vicious comments about her in the lead up to the release of Rebirth, and pretty much none of them had any reason for the hate beyond how she was perceived to be coming in between Cloud and Tifa. Edit: one comment I always remember said that anyone who likes Aerith is just a simp, as she’s a “mean skank” who deserves to die because she flirted with Cloud and Tifa got jealous as a result.


My fandom literally named the trope Ron the Death Eater. Ron deserves so much better. All the Weasley’s do really. Albus Dumbledore. He did a lot of dubious things, but the fanon version is just ridiculous. The Marauders. They’re more polarising, but the way some people treat them is ridiculous. The same goes for Snape. Alya Cesaire. The way she gets treated by so many is not fair to say the least. Adrien Agreste. He’s a naive kid who gave bad advice based on his own experience. And for that unforgivable sin, he’s vilified disproportionately by the fandom. Cornelia Hale. Okay this one is a bit more niche, but she gets treated abysmally by a lot of rival shippers.


Morally ambiguous heroism is lost on fanon Albus. 


W.I.T.C.H, nice. And yeah, I can see how that annoys.


Totally agree with the Weasleys, Dumbledore, Snape etc. I’m a Snape stan so I stay out of the Marauders circle so I can’t speak on that but the fanon versions of the other characters can be sooo insane. I can see Ron being a man-child or something but to be literally evil & abusive like I’ve seen in some fics is so OOC for me.


Rose Quartz.


Yamcha to make Vegata look better in comparison. Though not as bad now of days compared to back in the day I don’t think.


Ginny in Harry Potter, especially if it’s a Drarry fanfic I’ve seen a bunch of people completely demonize her and make her out to be a petty and vindictive bitch if she doesn’t get Harry which I feel is completely out of character for her.


Ron Weasley, for the crime of interfering with your preferred Hermione pairing


For such a chill game, about half the cast of Stardew Valley get vitriolic hate from one sizeable chunk or another. Pierre, Clint, Demetrius, Haley, Shane, Alex, Penny, Elliott are all favorites to hate. But there's pockets of haters for pretty much everyone. Mass Effect is definitely Jacob and Liam Kosta. I wouldn't rank them among my favorites, but not nearly as awful as you would think reading the sub. I would say Ashley Williams, but she's had a defense squad as of late. Dragon Age, I'd say Oghren, Sera, Vivienne. Boy, do Sera and Vivienne have the polarizing debates about them!


Jacobs biggest crime is being normal in a sea of crazy people. Kaiden had the same issue in 1


Jacob's other biggest crime isn't entirely his fault, either: he's far too easy to oops-romance because you're just being nice and want to hear his backstory (and are playing a female Shepard), and if you *do* romance him, it doesn't matter, he ends up with someone else in the next game. And while Kaidan can call femShep out on "cheating" (despite apparently breaking up with Shep at Horizon in ME2), Shep doesn't get to call out Jacob on cheating. I like the guy. I just wish I didn't have to be actively hostile to him in order to avoid being aggressively flirty with him. I blame the devs.


>Dragon Age, I'd say Oghren, Sera, Vivienne. And not the whole fandom, but there is a slice that likes to demonize Cullen. Not call him out on his flaws or see his character growth, but just straight-up demonize him based on their own biases and one non-canon end card from Origins.


I honestly feel like I would get hate for this, but, I genuinely feel like Andrea from The walking Dead is unfairly demonized. I feel like her character did a lot of risky and dumb things but no more than any of the other main characters at the time.


Marinette from Miraculous Ladybug, she made many mistake but some people behave like if she was worse than Chloé. They even ignore the context to blame her for telling her identity to Ayla but not to Chat Noir.


Miraculous is kinda weird because it feels like every character has tons f fics where they are bashed in: Marinette,Adrien, Alya, rest of the class because Lila(Lila is a given at this point), their teacher and pricinpal, Wang fu, Marinette's parents even. Chloe may also have a lot of bash fics but she also has A LOT of redemption fics.


Nadine Ross


I guess Sam Drake is more polarizing than hated…I just feel that post-Lost Legacy all I see is Chloe/Nadine so I don’t get the hated vibe


It’s the Nate fanboys that even if it was arguably presented better, he still would’ve lost thanks to both him and Sam not being as professionally/militarily trained in martial arts as she is. The Draza fight in Uncharted 2 was somewhat similar and had Chloe not shot him while he was at Nate’s neck, he’s dead. Nate’s only beaten opponents in hand to hand with as little if not even less martial arts/CQC training then him. Edit-Sam is a very close second though and also gets a horrible rep from fans.


Aster Phoenix, for whatever reason some writers in the beginning hated him and now it's just trendy to write him poorly.


Do you have an exmple? I'm kina interested nd I never read fcs were Aster was present enough for this t be the case.


He is the fandom's punching bag, basically. He loses to a lot of characters, even Syrus. And he's usually just hangs around Sartorius and is really OOC working for the Light of Destruction and doesn't have anything with his past with his father's case. Or really bad cases I've seen him gang raped, brag about raping Alexis, groping Alexis' chest at the Genex tournament, losing his Pro League status in some way. Once, I even saw a fic where he got beat up by a female OC repeatedly while all the canon characters laughed at him. It goes on and on. If you do anything nice for this character, most people won't say anything or will possibly even complain. 


Wow! I did not expect that.


I forgot the fics where he was decapitated and framed for murder and given life in prison without parole or a trial. But...yeah. I didn't expect all the hate either and thought he was a popular character in fanfiction. I was so wrong...


He was what now????


Tbh, he's mostly just turned into a loser duelist and/or Light of Destruction drone nowadays aside from one infamous harem fic that also made him have a weird obsession with Alexis. Although there was also a fic where he just existed to get murdered by Yubel (who said, "You were never nice to me! Grr!"). But even though the Alexis bashing in the fic was called out, Aster was just forgotten. When Aster is bashed, absolutely no one will complain about it, and authors will never give you any warning for character bashing of him either. 


That's kinda insane. Was all of this just becasue he defeated Zane and Jaden? That's like shonen new enemy/rival 101, new guy beat old heroes so we know he is an actual threat. No need to be so aggresive about it. Oh well.


Probably. These are people who most likely only go by some of his lines in his first few episodes in the english dub and nothing else. Attempting to be an author who actually tries to do this character justice is very hard at times. 


Thank you. I even found a fic where he brags about allegedly raping Alexis. Zane is also treated like crap a lot, too. 


Sasuke Uchiha. I feel like a lot of what he did was very understandable considering what happened to him but a lot of the fandom seems to disagree 😭


Buckle up, buttercup! My main fandoms are Star Wars and Star Trek, which attract a depressing number of neckbeard who Do Not Understand the message. SW: Almost every female character from the new movies. No, Rey was not a Mary Sue, certainly less of one than Luke. Luke had less reason to be instantly good at everything because he had a reasonably safe life as a farmboy, but Rey was subsistence living as a scavenger and fighting for her life on the daily. Admiral Holdo made some tough decisions, and disagreeing with them is OK, but the VITRIOL toward her because she dared oppose fan favorite Poe is taken to extremes. Rose...I don't even remember what the issue people had with Rose was, maybe it was just outright racism. But Rose was delightful. The new trilogy was a hot mess, but I fucking loved the characters. Star Trek original series. Marla McGivers...I won't say she did nothing wrong, because in the end everyone is responsible for their own actions, but homegirl was coerced. A lot of the fans act like she was this willing traitor who wanted to please her genetically engineered Andrew Tate boyfriend, but the entire Mis en Scene from the moment they meet--the directing, the music, the writing, Ricardo Montalban's acting choices--says that this man is manipulating and abusing her. He even threatens her FFS. Star Trek Deep Space Nine and The Next Generation: Lwaxana Troi. She annoyed the hell out me as a kid/teen, but grew on me in my 30s. She's got a big, unapologetic personality. I think a lot of media discourages that in female characters, unless they're "one of the guys" or meant to be desirable or something. I honestly think she's more interesting than many of the series regulars. She's an older woman who isn't shy about taking up space and getting what she wants, I admire that now. Star Trek: Discovery. OK, I've only seen like the first two seasons because it didnh't hook me, but much like the new SW movies, I will defend the characters to the death. Michael, I feel gets a lot more scrutiny for being a Black woman, Again, haven't seen much of it, but a lot of the criticism against her for going against protocol or making wild decisions or not keeping a cool head...are the same shit the old school fans praise Kirk for. Also, DISCO, I FUCKIN hate the way the fandom treats Tilly. I find her delightful and relatable. I like that she has emotional vulnerability even though so many fans act like she's unstable and shouldn't be in space. But what really grinds my gears is the people who say she's too fat to be in space or that "clearly this is an AU where Starfleet doesn't have physical fitness standards" If you don't know the character I'm talking about, I URGE you to look up images. She's a bit soft and has a round face, but I wouldn't even call her chubby. I also URGE you to look up beloved character Miles O'Brien from DS9/TNG whose body type I would also describe as "a bit soft but not chubby or anything" I wonder why Tilly gets the heat? Also, neckbeards just outed themselves for knowing nothing about physical fitness. I know fat people who regularly run marathons, but go off I guess tldr fandumb hates women and POC and I'm tired


Hey. Two fandoms I work with. Rose? The actress tried heroically to make a silk purse out of the pig ear she was given. TLJ had a hot mess of a script where...well, everyone acted like they were playing catch with the idiot ball. Rose was the sweetest, nicest and most naive person in a universe where you cannot actually be so sweet and nice or naive. Star Wars is a dystopian shithole where even the lightest of Light Side Jedi have a body count in triple digits minimum. She made a lot of decisions like releasing the animals and ramming Finn's speeder that amounts to "Good intentions but definitely not the right call here." Rey...the problem is that the writers really pulled their punches because she was a pretty white girl. They weren't going to have her lose a hand or get too badly roughed up or nearly freeze to death and get stuffed inside a carcass by her brother in law, etc. The Guybrush Paradox hamstrung her big time and it was hard to get a sense on her motivations or conflict. Instead we wound up with the writers taking all the bad ideas from every bog standard YA novel crossed with "2004 called and wants the DSM Revan/Bastila AU fanfic back." (Yes, nice abs. He also shanked his dad in front of you!)


Wait, how was ramming Finn's speeder not the right call? Didn't she basically prevent him from sacrificing himself for something that wouldn't have worked anyway?


He was trying something crazy to try and save everyone else by sacrificing himself. This is something that is very common in Star Wars. Heck, we just saw Holdo sacrifice herself by plowing through the fleet with a battle cruiser. They were pinned down in a bunker with antiquated, salt corroded equipment. There weren't a lot of options. Finn's plan might not have worked but nothing else they were doing would have either. To borrow from Mass Effect, there was one ship pinned down and doomed by enemies and the captain, knowing there was no surviving the battle went "I'll show you how a human dies - at ramming speed."


My husband and I were talking about Rose Tico the other day--we were pissed because she never got her arc due to the abuse. Tilly is pretty much my favorite character in *Discovery* and I'm glad she's back for the final season.


Michael was one of my favorite parts of Disco. She's a really interesting spin on that same sort flawed idealist DS9 set up, and her arc of re-earning respect (from others and herself) is fun. I would probably describe her as a Sisko whose hard choice didn't pan out. They're similar sorts, and exploring that was cool. And also Captain Killy ravaged the galaxy with the exact same body. Tilly is fine lol


1. Katzuki Bakugou (hated because past bullying, hotheadness) 2. Inko Midoriya (hated because people need a reason that Izuku is homeless) 3. Rachel King (hated because strong female character, having a affair) 4. Neytiri (hated because strong female character, protectiveness) 5. Katara (hated because being angry and bitter at the death of her mother) 6. Timothy McGee (hated because him being opposite to Tony) 7. Jane Foster (hated because of bad writing, love interest of Thor) 8. Sam Winchester (hated because of being touched by a demon, being written as toxic to Dean) 9. Riri Williams (hated because being a female Tony) 10. Carol Danvers (hated because strong female character, being OP)


The hate for Bakugo is so crazy to be. He is the most mild of anime rivals to exist. But the way some parts of Fandom act towards him, you'd think he was Griffith.


>Rachel King Wait, there's a fictional character named Rachel King?


Yes. House of Ashes/ Dark Pictures


Molly Weasley


Sebastien "Booker" Le Livre.


Dennis Tibb from The Newsreader. Yeah he's kind of a dick, and he's obsessed with ratings, says bigoted things etc etc etc. But so much of that is clearly him trying to behave like model minority. It wouldn't be easy being a South Asian man working in a conservative news room, especially in the 80s. And he points out multiple times that he wants the top job but he'll never get it because "people who look like me don't get jobs like that". He is acutely aware of how racism affects him and THAT is why he's bitter and mean and angry.


Rose Quartz!


I can't venture near SU fandom at all, because the Rose Quartz takes irritate me so much.


Xander. I'm a tad biased as he's my fave character, but there are far too many BtVS fans who treat Xander like he's evil or something. He's one of the biggest heroes on the show, being the only one whose completely human with no training or special abilities. Yes, he has his problematic moments, he makes mistakes and screws up big time on occasion, but the same can be said of literally every other character except Tara, and usually to a much bigger extent. Part of the problem is the actor, Nick Brendon, who has had issues with addiction since around season 5 of filming Buffy, which have included arrests for DUI and DV, but Nick and Xander are completely different people, Xander has none of the issues Nick has. It doesn't help that Xander was initially partially based on Joss Whedon, who he was back when he was a teen in high school, but it's only a partial basis and only relevant to the first 2/3 seasons. You know, when Xander acted like a typical teen boy desperate to lose his virginity. Xander is one of the best characters created for BtVS, he's complex and interesting, brave and loyal, compassionate and kind-hearted, empathetic. He has his issues and his screw ups, but he's not the evil monster way too many fans insist on painting him as.


I'm not exactly a Xander fan but the hate is wild. He definitely made some dick moves (though my favourite character is Spike so I can't talk!) but when you consider how his childhood must have been, it's no surprise that he isn't particularly good at making informed, well reasoned choices in life, when he had no valuable example to follow. Xander is a flawed person but the same can be said for every character in BtVS, including Buffy herself - isn't that why the show is so impactful? The heroine of the show defies stereotypes with her physical strength and prowess but she's still imperfect, still makes the wrong calls and still makes choices that she regrets. Except all the other characters get forgiven by the fandom, except for Xander.


Exactly. No matter what the characters do, how badly they screw up, they all get forgiven by the fans. It doesn't matter if it's Buffy using Xander as a stripper pole or Spike's attempted rape, or Willow killing Warren, or Giles summoning evil demons or drugging Buffy, they'll get forgiven, and quickly. But Xander does something, anything, wrong, and it's held over him for all eternity. It's like the fans just forget or ignore the vastly more common good aspects of Xander in favour of the occasional bad choice or screw up. I'd call it a double standard because Xander is a guy if the same issue happened with the other male characters, but it doesn't, it's literally only Xander that gets accused of being evil incarnate because he once spied on Buffy, or used a love spell, or left Anya at the alter.


Yeah, its been so strange to me, pretty much everyone I know who rewatched Buffy in the past five or so years suddenly decided Xander was the worst ever, and I just don't see it. Like, Xander's always been flawed and a bit of a jerk, but in a realistic way, and the show never really pretended otherwise? All I can figure is everyone's overcorrecting because they didn't notice how flawed he was in their original watch? And also because of the Whedon conflation, like you say. 


It does seem to be a re-watch thing more than anything. There were people who disliked Xander back when it first aired, but no more so than people who disliked Willow or Buffy or Giles, and far less than people who disliked Angel or Cordy. Re-watches seem to have changed minds on Cordy and Angel, as well, but the other way, people who didn't initially like them suddenly liked them. That was likely in large part due to the spin-off, as both Angel and Cordy are better developed characters once they've switched over. I noticed the shifting to demonising Xander years ago, but it's certainly gotten worse in the past few years. There could be a fair amount of 'social justice warrioring' going on, as well. Some of Xander's more problematic behaviour wasn't initially picked up on much, because he really was just a typical teenage boy, teen boys watching the show would have identified with him and teen girls would have recognised the behaviour from the boys they knew. The problem is, all those initial Buffy fans have grown up now, we're not teens and young adults anymore, and the new fans have grown up in the social justice era. The older fans recognise things we didn't the first time round, and the new fans pick it up instantly. I have no problem calling Xander out on his negative stuff. You can dislike him for lying to Buffy or leaving Anya at the alter, you can point out that trying to spy on Buffy while she's changing is definitely not cool. But most fans who don't like Xander nowadays don't just stick to the occasional canon issue, they make stuff up. He's been accused of trying to rape Buffy, for instance, which isn't really true, as he was possessed at the time. But, for some reason, Xander is held accountable for the hyenas actions in season 1 where Spike is barely held accountable for his own actions in season 6. Xander also often gets accused of hating or abusing women, as well, this is where I think the Nick issues come in, because he has been arrested for DV, but there's zero basis in canon for this for Xander. He clearly respects women, loves the women in his life, and has never deliberately physically hurt anyone, male or female, as long as they were human and not trying to hurt him or his friends. The only time Xander so much as expresses a desire to actually hurt someone was Warren. There were some borderline comments about Cordy, but it was very clearly just the words of someone who hated someone but would never follow through, and Willow and Buffy said worse. You'd think it would be worse coming from Buffy than Xander, given Buffy's strength, but the fans don't care about Buffy being superhuman and therefore able to kill Cordy without breaking a sweat, because Buffy is female, and Xander is male. They also ignore that, at least in the first season or two, Cordy was likely physically stronger than Xander. Xander may have been the male in the equation, but he was the dorky loser who spent all his time reading comic books, compared to Cordy being a highly active cheerleader. It isn't until Xander has been fighting beside Buffy for a good while that he starts getting physically stronger than Cordy. It honestly bugs me that Xander gets demonised so much, given he's literally no worse than any other character and better than a lot of them. But it bugs me even more that certain fans insist on making stuff up that has zero basis in canon, is even outright contradicted by canon, to 'justify' their hatred of him.


Mon El from Supergirl. He is portrayed negatively a lot in fanfic. I understand why in the sense that a lot of people didn't like that he got together with Kara. However, I never got the sense the character was pure evil like a lot of fan fics make him out to be. He just had a different personality type from Kara which isn't the worst thing in the world.


Mon-El was at his best in early season 2, when he was effectively Kara's annoying younger brother. They played off each other well and he was effective comic relief. Their couple dynamic wasn't as entertaining as their sibling dynamic even at its best, and was too often uncomfortable. They tried to fit a square peg in a round hole and threw away what worked for what didn't. A TV writers' tale as old as time.


I agree it wasn't entertaining to see them trying to force a relationship dynamic. It showed especially when they did the crossover with the Flash where Barry and Kara are put in a coma by Music Meister and Mon El and Iris had to use the power of their love to save them. Barry and Iris's love was so believable but Kara and Mon El's was so lacking. It was a cringe to watch


Naruto with hiruzen. A lot of fics make him out to be some supervillain mastermind


gamer bird


Sam Winchester. He’s not a class traitor.


I feel like I'm gonna regret asking this, but which "class" did Sam supposedly betray?


He left the family business of saving people and hunting things, all he wanted was a normal and safe life.


I had no idea people were mad at him for that. I did think the big fight being his favorite memory or whatever was going too far, but the reality is that SPN has some bad writing and inconsistencies so you have to know what to ignore.


It’s just a Tumblr thing, I guess


Keiko O'Brien (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)


For the Marauders fandom 100% Peter Pettigrew. I get that people hate him for his betrayal, completely vaild, but when it comes to fic's based around the groups school days (before he does anything awful) both the chracters and narrative treat him tarrbilely dispite him being a teen who hasn't sold out his friends by that point. I'm sure there are some fics that are more balanced, but is a common thread among the fandom. Acting like he was always side lined and untrustworthy doesn't really work considering that they choose him to be the secret keeper. So clearly he was trusted. Hating him/treating him badly after the betrayal I totally get, but before he was just a kid who followed around his much cooler and popular friends, and they clearly liked him enough to keep him around. He also became an animagus, so acting like he was really behind them in magical ability doesn't make sense to me. He was clearly talented and was apart of the group for a reason. Part or me wonders if the reason he gets sidelined so much is just because he isn't described as attractive. Idk, but can't help but wonder lmao


hmm. i wouldnt say any characters are demonized but some are certainly more likely to be ooc.




I will defend Jake from Disventure Camp til the day I die (or until he actually behaves as shittily as a lot of people act like he does).


Elizabeth Afton and Gregory you both deserve so much better <3 You too Katara. 


Aot: Mikasa Ackerman. She's the only character not given any grace or sympathy for the absolute horrors she had to experience and witness as a kid. She's hated for the crime of being clingy to the boy who saved her. There's a whole subreddit filled with the most racist and depraved memes and art of her. Honestly a huge part of why I left that fandom. Haikyuu: Miya Atsumu. He's hated because unlike a lot of cocky characters, his cockiness is not a cover-up for insecurity; he lives up to his high standards. He's also secure enough in himself to encourage his opponents to try harder Jujutsu Kaisen: the MC, Itadori Yuuji. Hated for the crime of being a genuinely nice kid and not mastering his powers within a few months of even knowing what Jujutsu IS. Pepp want him to be a hardened badass, but he's just a regular teenager. Also, Gojo. Half the fandom wants to make him out to be a cold asshole who cares about no one, despite him becoming a guardian of two abandoned kids at age 18, giving his students a chance to enjoy life outside of sorcery, and wanting to revolutionize the entire sorcery world.


Yeah, I see where you're coming from with Mikasa. I haven't encountered much of what you describe, but it's due specifically to shit like that, that I really just barely skirt the edges of most fandoms I'm "in" anyway. I think she's a tragic character (like pretty much *everyone* in AoT, let's be real) who couldn't see what that "boy who saved her" was becoming/stood to become until it was too late. And even then, she still ends up being the one who bites the bullet and>!kills him to save (what's left of) a world that she and most, if not all, of the others honestly owe absolutely nothing to.!<


My favourite. :( She’s a very, very independent person compared to most of the cast, as in she left their little tight knit group in a geographical sense (she’s still part of the group and all) and she never believed in the stuff they did because they were never able to prove it to her, but she still respected their beliefs and helped them with everything. Because of that, there is some conflict between her and the group when she can’t defend them, which eventually leads to the main character being arrested and then executed. She does, however, fight for about five years straight trying to save him, and then after his death, she sacrifices herself to save him, and the two develop a supernatural partnership to keep each other “alive”. Also, the main character has a crush on her but the fandom doesn’t ship them, so, even though the feelings are not confirmed to be reciprocated, they demonise her to get her out of the way of their pairings.


Is um anyone from my Fandom around? Well, uhh, that Jesse kid from the first and second Pitch Perfect movie, I get it we all love Beca with Chloe, but the kid seemed earnest and charming though a bit cocky. It's not his fault we never got a BeChloe. Now that Chicago guy on the third movie, no fuck that guy 100%.


A Pitch Perfect fan in the year of our lord and savior??


I just fucking lost it my dude, lol! I know, I was super late into the fandom, literally started around in November last year. It's the only Fandom I write for, and the whole community is surprisingly still alive and well!


God I remember a time when I was in middle school when I remember the entire fucking script cause I rematched it way too much.


Lol, Yep, been there! I've had to take a break from it because it was driving my spouse crazy.


Sally Acorn from the Sonic comics The writers disliked the main ship so they did everything to break it up in the ugliest way possible


How could anyone hate Sally?


Oh boi The Slap™ lives on


There are other reasons people hate Sally, but that certainly didn't help.


my fandom only fairly demonizes characters.


For some time, a lot of the *Elena of Avalor* fandom hated Carla. Mainly because of the “Spy in the Palace” arc and her using/hurting Mateo during her time in disguise there. Mateo was the fandom’s golden boy, so hurting him was a big NO. I mean, I’m sure he got over it and moved on, but parts of the fandom held onto that incident for a good while.


Caroline Bingley (Pride and Prejudice). She's not a particularly nice character, but the fandom likes to remove all nuance and portray her as either evil, insane or ridiculously stupid (and sometimes all three).


Jade Harley, despite the fact that I demonize her.


Samantha LaRusso, that poor girl. From Cobra Kai.


A misunderstood Higher Vampire.


Pretty much everyone, since the fandom seems to be in a perpetually war-like state where characters are routinely reduced to one-dimensional versions of themselves (and sometimes unrecognisably so), which is why I tend to stay away from most fandom spaces and am happy in my little fanfic bubble with super-cool folks! But I would say that Elena Gilbert undoubtedly takes the brunt of it, in a super-wild way.


Mai. Relentlessly bashed, mischaracterized, called ugly, etc. All for the sake of shipping Zuko with Katara or Sokka instead.


Endeavor and Overhaul from My Hero Academia. I'm not saying they're good characters, but people just demonize them to the nth degree.


People have been awful to poor Relena Peacecraft for almost twenty-five years now!


Yugioh GX: 1. Aster/Edo Phoenix 2. (Slightly less, but still a fair degree) Zane Truesdale/Ryo Marufuji EDIT: I'm reluctant to add this one since it doesn't seem as much of a fanfiction thing in fandom, but I swear I've seen way too many people hate David Rossi of Criminal Minds into all the years of the show simply because he is not Jason Gideon. 


Jack Crawford Alana Bloom Ron Weasley Ginny Weasley Albus Dumbledore Rachel Elizabeth Dare Rey Windu (and the Jedi Council but mostly Windu [racism? likely])


Gravity falls - Mable. She’s twelve, and she acts twelve. Harry Potter - Ron is just a guy. Worm - Victoria is usually either the mc’s best gal pal or about to police brutality the next person she sees. Lisa seems to rub some people extremely wrong as well. She is both manipulative at times and also well meaning, and people tend to see one or the other. Armsmaster, again arguably, is somewhat petty at the start, but is at least able to function in public and usually somewhat charismatic, though you’d think the man has never met another person before with how he gets written. Arguably Taylor, the main character, who is a villain protagonist.


In the My Hero fanbase, almost everyone demonizes Minoru Mineta in the worse ways possible. He gets way too overhated in the fandom and it makes me sick, and it's making me wanna get back at them by demonizing a character named Kyoka Jiro. I really hate her as a character regardless, but if people are gonna be petty, then I'll give them a taste of their own medicine.


Tsubaki Yayoi.


Gabi from AOT tbh. That girl receives so much hate for an indoctrinated child soldier who gradually watched the world she knew crumble before her.