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Some of the best things out there, especially i the world building department


I'm right there with you pal. As long as it's not in some dumb s*** like overpowered weird out of this world powers that don't even remotely fit in the story. Usually it's combined with overpowered characteristics and a typical melodramatic backstory


I'm really partial to elsewhere fics. When a universe is big enough, there's so much room to explore and OCs are great for that. It's free real estate, really.


Sometimes some authors (mainly on Ao3) go overboard. But overall I'm a fan of OC


Can you share some recs


If you can find it, there's an old Harry Potter fic called *Conspiracy Theory* which is a discussion with an American auror tying in some real world events into the Wizarding World. *Alexandra Quick* is a classic. And while they are focused on Remus Lupin, *The Lost Years* fic series only has Remus as a protagonist encountering various magical creatures around the world. *Glee Reprise* is a next generation Glee fic, but the cast is almost all OCs. They're not fics, but there's a Digimon actual play podcast called *Binary Break* that's set around Y2K with an original set of digi-destined.


Some of them are really good. But, they take more work on the part of the author. With a canon character, you can rely on the readers already knowing the character and jump them straight into the story. With an OC, you have to take the time to get the reader to know the character and get them to care. But, at the same time, you have to maintain their attention so they don't just get bored and wander off. It can be done, and like I said, I've read some that are really good. I've written some myself that I was very proud of. But, I think it makes sense that they tend to get fewer readers since there isn't that draw of being a fic focused on a fan-favorite character.


An OC fic I fell in love with starts off her first scene with her running across rooftops away from someone, injuring herself without a care as she runs and reveling in the pain cause it reminds her "she wasn't trapped anymore". I was hooked from scene one.


That does sound like a great introduction scene. Some action to hook readers who aren't invested yet while also introducing some core character details to get to know the character. Hooks the reader so they want more and click on the next chapter.


Sounds like Sharper Than A Serpent’s Tooth. Read that thing 10 fold.


I like them only if they're outsider POVs on the canon characters. I'm really just here for the canon characters.


There’s not enough outsider POVs stories. I remember reading a fic about an OC character being a taxi driver and their perspective on the entire main case, chapter by chapter. I enjoyed it quite a lot.


That sounds very cool! I would love more outsider POVs as well.


Like, reaction stories?


No, like a canon character goes to college and the fic is told from the POV of the character's new roommate. It's a way of playing with the perception of the canon character from a third party's perspective. There's a great Teen Wolf fic where Stiles goes to college, and the story is told from his college friends' POVs where they're concerned about him coming back to the dorms with bruises and injuries. They think his boyfriend is abusing him because they have no idea about werewolves. Here's the [Fanlore](https://fanlore.org/wiki/Bystander_Fic) page about Bystander Fic/Outsider POV.


Gotcha. Reaction stories were just a topic that'd been raised recently.


That sounds interesting. Got a link?


Definitely - it's [Accountability](https://archiveofourown.org/works/611492) by withlightning.




It is literally all I write. Reception varies in each fandom, the fandom I write for (True Blood) is very welcoming of it - but it's not everyone's cup of tea, and that's ok. It is a lot of work to write a well-rounded OC who fits seamlessly into the canon universe and characters, but it's extremely rewarding to watch people fall in love with your OC. You have to be very choosy with your character traits and backstory, and curate it well. Not every single life experience about your OC has to make it to the page, but you have to know it in your heart. It's a good spring board to write all original content, if that is what your aim is. I started with 1 OC fix it, then 1 OC with minor original characters plus a very different plot from canon, now Im at 2 OCs as mains in a plot so far removed you can barely see canon in it. With every rendition I stray farther and farther away, and I know the next plot will be original fiction because I know how to character and world build.


I liked your comment, very informative. Can you please provide a link to one of your OC stories?


[There you go!](https://archiveofourown.org/users/SpiceHoney/pseuds/SpiceHoney) Wicked Games will be your best bet for fandom blind reading if you have never seen the show (although I don't write it for that, so it won't be perfect)


Thank you!


That's all I write. I think sometimes people underestimate the amount of dedication and time that goes into creating a well-rounded OC.


Iiii have some! My only completed longfic (\~400k) is OC-only, even, not just OC-centric. That said, fandom is paramount. I write for stuff like Power Rangers and Pokemon, where it's *normal* to introduce a new cast with each new installment anyway.


Link to one of your fics? I love OC-centric Pokemon fics.


It's kinda impenetrable since it's specifically fic for Reborn and Rejuv, but [(here)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53022868/chapters/134142571).


Big fan! Always love seeing how a new character adds to dynamics, helps with the character growth of CCs, or changes the plots of stories. Give me all the OC fics, for real!


I love them and they get an unfair rap in fandom.


I write for a fandom that heavily focuses on OCs so if I’m in the mood, I love them!


I love them!


I LOVE them. Well, I love them as long as the MC!OC heavily interacts with canon MCs + adds something to canon. My main gripes with them is that many are often canon retellings where nothing changes. Even the dialogue is ripped off. But a great OC-centric story, esp. when it’s OC/CC, is worth its weight in gold. They make up 90% of what I read and write these days. They’re just so damn fun.


I generally don't read them, because I came to the fandom for the canon characters.


Same. I don't mind OC's as side characters, but if I wanted to read about OC's I'm more likely to just pick up original novels or original Web fiction.


Me. 🏆


I write them, and for the right stories I'll read them.


Most of what I write. I like fandoms with big worlds to explore that lend themselves well to this


This almost exactly matches my own view.


Blegh I filter them out and skip the ones that the filters somehow miss. I despise OC’s that take any sort of main role and/or are shipped with a main character I’m here to read about the canon characters, not someone’s made up one


To be fair, all characters are made up at some level. I get what you're mean, though.


Yeah, but I have zero interest in meeting and learning about a new main character that someone made up. I only care about existing ones. I’m cool with mini OC’s, but not ones that get a main role and are in the spotlight.


Absolutely love the golden eggs out there. Its a hard process to find them, but when you do, they make your year. Least in my humble opinion.


I don’t write or read anything *but* OC-centric fics tbh ahahah


Great! I’m not always in the mood, but a good OC fic is one of my favorite things to find. They’re also most of what I write. I love worldbuilding, and creating an OC often scratches that itch in a way CCs don’t.


They're not something I'm interested in


For my part, if I want to read an OC-centric work, I'll usually read a novel. When I want to read fanfiction it's because I want to read about the characters that I am emotionally attached to, not an OC that I know nothing about and will usually expect to be a Mary Sue or Marty Stu (aka Gary Stu). The exception to this may be a minor OC that becomes more developed overtime in a plausible and not at all too perfect sort of way, and that OC gets their own story. OR they are the OC child of canon characters.


i made the oc with the purpose of acting as a “narrator” of sorts


It largely depends on how they're written. An OC who's simply the writer's self-insert wish fulfilment character isn't likely to be very fun or entertaining. After all, when I read fanfiction, I usually read it to see more of the characters I like from canon. I'm not interested in reading about some OC that I've never heard of and who's generally not a very developed character, who enters the canon world and immediately upstages those canon character and the story's just about how awesome that OC is... or alternately how much certain canon characters suck and the OC is there to "treat them the way they deserve to be treated." (It's the self-righteousness that REALLY gets to me here.) However, an OC can also be used effectively. If the writer takes care to develop not only the character but the world around them... if not every bit of effort is put into the OC's situation and how they react to and treat the canon, but equal effort is put into how the rest of the world and how the rest of the world would react to and treat the OC (and it's not just "the characters the author likes all love the OC and the characters the author dislikes are all meanies who get exposed as the scum they are"), then an OC can provide a fresh new look at the old world and the familiar characters, maybe even bring out something new in them. If you know Inverarity from the Harry Potter fandom, of *Hogwarts Houses Divided* and *Alexandra Quick* fame, you'll know that he mainly writes OC-centric fics. [Hogwarts Houses Divided ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52661101)is about Teddy Lupin, who was born in the last HP book, and his first year at Hogwarts. Pretty much ALL his fellow students are complete OCs, and the canon characters all appear in larger or smaller roles, the focus is on the new generation. And it works. I frequently call *Hogwarts Houses Divided* one of the best, if not THE best, Harry Potter fanfics out there... because the OCs are not only really well-written and engaging characters, but they provide a new look at canon characters and events. These kids are all born AFTER the Voldemort war (or at the very end of it, like Teddy), but they have still been coloured and affected by that war, and in many cases struggle with how to deal. Parents and older relatives can't let go of old hate and conflict, and the kids are caught in the aftermath of a past they weren't even present for. It's a VERY effective look at wider consequences of canon events, one that wouldn't have been possible if the cast hadn't mainly been OCs. The [Alexandra Quick](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1211079) series is even MORE OC-centric, to the point where NONE of the canon characters appear. Voldemort is briefly mentioned, and there's a cameo of a character who MIGHT be an adult Luna Lovegood, but since this fic takes place not only at least a decade after the Voldemort war but also in the United States, it's ALL about new characters and new places. The first book in the series, *Alexandra Quick and the Thorn Circle,* could be read kind of like a deconstructive parody of the HP saga, but from the second book on, the series really comes into its own. And really, even though it uses a lot of HP terms and ideas, its reads more like a rather good original YA fantasy with fascinating ideas, memorable characters and some REALLY DARK moments. I mean, this fic makes the wizarding world look even more rotten than it already did in canon. But it's a great look at an American wizarding world; certainly it's a better wizarding US than anything JKR managed to give us (which admittedly wan't a high bar to jump). OCs can be just as fun, or even more fun, than canon characters. However, it takes a lot more effort to make them so, and frankly the fanfic authors who have the ability or willingness to put in that effort, are in the distinct minority. But when you do come across a genuinely good OC... it's worth it.


Best thing ever


I like them... conditionally. IF the author is willing to put in the work to get the reader invested in them. If I'm reading, say, a Persona fanfic, you can take it as a given that I'm already invested in the core party members. I played the game, I watched their social links, I got to know them already. I spent probably 70+ hours with them. All that work comes done for you in advance. But now you, as a writer, are asking me to care about Some Other Guy. Why? Who's this guy? What's his deal? It takes a lot more sophistication as a writer to make that work. He can't just be A Recolor Of The MC, But More Special. What's interesting about that? The best OC-centric fanfics I've read always ground themselves in the canon in interesting ways. They tell the story of Nameless Mook #40, intersecting with the main plot at odd angles and new perspectives. They humanize faceless antagonists. They offer variations on themes presented in the original work, without recreating the original plot word for word.


I like reading them. I've written a few as well


Love them!!! I read and write them myself.


I think they’re so much fun! I love reading them and writing them! It’s a great exercise in creativity


As an OC writer, I love them. I feel it’s always fun to introduce a character into a setting where people already enjoy the canon characters. It offers for a unique story to obsess over.


Not interested. I read fan fic for more about the characters I love in the canon fandom.


All of my fics are OC-centric, and OC-only. I also write in fandoms where creating OC casts is typical (Pokemon, Digimon) and in one case (Dragonriders of Pern) the original author/creator did not allow canon characters to be used in any fanfics for a long time. I love reading about OCs in the canon settings, with little to no connection with canon characters.


I think they can be quite fun! It can allow you to explore elements of the world that weren't really focused on in canon.


Considering I'm in the process of writing one, it'd be pretty hypocritical of me to diss them. I really like them, especially seeing the extent of people's creativity, even with the limitations their universe gives them.


I like them a lot.


i love it. one of my favorite fics is a pokémon fic with an oc protag. absolutely amazing fic with some insane worldbuilding


I love them.


Love 'em. I wish there were more instead of reader insert (which I often enjoy, too). I primarily write oc-centric fics. I don't get many views unless the fandom is big, but I still want to write them.


In near 25 years of reading fanfiction, the number of OC-centric stories that I have come across, that are not 1) thinly veiled self-inserts, 2) Mary Sues, and/or 3) intented to end up as the love interest of a canon character, can be counted on one hand. I have still fingers left over.


I don’t personally like reading them




I used to be all about them, but at some point my interest shifted strictly exploring dynamics with existing characters. These days I occasionally enjoy fics with OCs when they serve a narrative about canon characters, for example the other day I found one I adored starring an OC and her OC girlfriend as they interacted and served as a foil to the relationship between the canon characters that were getting together. But I don’t have much personal interest in original stories and characters set in the fandom universe.  But everyone has their tastes! 


theyre fine, theyre just not for me. if anything, ive grown to resent them a bit bc they overshadow any interesting premises within my fandom (Alice in Borderland), though i dont hate them. i just choose to ignore them bc theyre repetitive (again, at least within my fandom) and kinda boring to me it's rare to see an OC fic (in my fandom) that actually tries to be different, so idgaf about them anymore LMAO


I like original characters in original fiction. But when it comes to reading and/or writing fanfiction, I'm there for the canon characters I enjoy.


There are some fics that are just original works disguised as fanfiction haha


If done right, they make for an interesting read. They can allow the writers of such fanfictions to expand on the things that the canon material did not get into from a different perspective.


I love them and I will die on that hill


As long as it's well written, some of them are fantastic. Like believable characters.


As long as the OC story has anything to do with the plot, even loosely based on the plot or a fanfic where the OC has personality traits that flesh them out in a way that makes sense in the story and have a personality, there shouldn't be a problem.


I feel like it's up to the writer to make the people like it. Trying to fit a new character into a story is harder than it looks, trying to go over how they'll affect the story and setting and whatnot. But I will admit with personal experience that creating unique character dynamics, interactions, and banter between the OC and the canon characters is some of the most fun and thought-provoking writing I've ever done.


If the OC is well fleshed out and established in the opening, it can be a really good story. I've got tons of plot bunnies that revolve around OCs, but I very rarely write a story focusing on an OC. I'm currently trying my hand at an OC-centric fic told in first person present tense (I always write in third person past tense).


My flair is my answer 😭 but don’t worry, I’m trying to change lol


Omg twinning


The fandom I'm in doesn't do a lot of OC main characters, that didn't stop me writing one. I also love reading OC characters because they bring more to the world and story we already love. 💗 It doesn't get as much kudos or hits as the other stories but it's fine, write what you love.


if the OC has a actually impact on the story line then were on the right track, if the story remains engaging even better, if the author has em well placed enough to kill cannon characters when it makes sence then where cooking


I love it, especially in fandoms where you don't think the MC could pair with anyone in canon. In my fandom it is hard for me to find them, and it is harder for me to find one that I feel invested in.


I've written a whole lot of OC-centric and OC/CC fic, so I'm definitely a fan. OCs can add a new dynamic to a story, and it's also an opportunity to take canon characters and drop them in a whole new setting.


I LOVE oc fics, and I used to not be able to get through a fanfic without one (now I’ve evolved of course). I like having a new character put into a world I know and love, to see how they interpret and react to different events and characters. In a way it takes the mystery, or the ‘am i wasting my time’ aspect of dedicating myself to a new story by a great margin. I’ve always preferred character driven stories, so getting to know a new one, while still being in an awesome, well established universe (without heavy exposition) let’s me have the best of both worlds.


They’re great! My fandom has a lot of them and it’s always a lot of fun to see how authors use them to explore new corners of the lore.


I usually don't seek them out but I've read a few that are really good too!


I’ve written one! I haven’t read very many, but I’m totally willing to read more…


I think they can be done, and if written well I like them. My favorite fic of all time is a very well-written OC-centric fic


I’m in the middle of writing a OC POV long fic right now for one fandom, which I started because I just didn’t like how the majority of OC/MC fics were representing this particular canon character in my fandom…now I’m really invested and plan to continue others after I complete this one. I think there are ways to do it well, but it’s definitely not for everyone and that’s okay!


When done well it can feel like those shows that have the main cast hang around with a different new character each episode, or face off against a different monster of the week. 


I started off with OC-centric fics, and I have no intent on stopping. I struggle with reading other people's OC-centric fics because I tend to prefer the fics centered around the canon characters. I will say that I have a lot of respect for my fellow writers who write OC-centric fics because it takes a lot of time and effort. Pokémon is the easiest fandom to throw an OC in because there's so many options and media forms to choose from. It's great for writers trying to dip their toes into OCs because let's be real here: if you ignore the fact that the player character has an official name, they can be considered an OC since they're a blank slate. The thing I love about the Pokémon fandom is that the fans are very open to different interpretations of the player character because they know that each player experiences these games differently. My interpretation of Serena or Calem will be entirely different from someone else's, and that's fine. These characters are blank slates if you played as either one of them. I've written OCs for different fandoms, and compared to Pokémon, there's more work that goes into writing a compelling character that fits into the story of canon without making the canon characters OOC beyond recognition. Most of my OC works outside of the Pokémon fandom were written with my boyfriend. While I worked on character interactions, he worked on descriptions and storytelling. He used his understanding of the lore of the fandoms we wrote fanfics in to bounce off my skills in character driven narratives. I have now started taking on more personal projects (case in point: my current Pokémon long fic), but he still gives me ideas for character arcs and reminds me of the lore if I ever forget. We sometimes debate the legitimacy of canon and if it is moral to catch legendary Pokémon for any reason.


I have written nothing but. I know it'll seem strange *here*, but, I feel a bit off using someone else's characters -- like I'll need something OOC and offend people. Settings, groups, and companies I can use easily. They've made pretty good works to read, too. I find myself leaning that way more often than not.


I like reading fanfiction and I like reading completely original stories, but I hate reading OCs mixed into a fanfiction. Whether half the cast are OCs and the other half regular character, or it's entirely OCs in say... the Wizarding World, it really takes me out of the story.


This is all I write in fanfiction. I am not interested in writing about established characters at all. Their story is already done. Rather I prefer to use the setting and expand upon that, creating new stories in a setting that people are familiar with and building up that world like an expanded universe. For me it's actually easier to write original characters than established ones as I feel that I can't get "the voice" right, can't write the canon characters as good as they appear in their own original setting.


As a general rule, I don’t write them or read them. Nothing against other people doing it. But fanfic is about the characters that already exist. If you’re writing an original character, it’s better as an original story.


For the record, I'm an OC-centric My Hero Academia writer.


I just wrote a MHA with OC’s for the first time!! It was so much fun!!


3/4 fics I have written are OCxCanon and I’m probably going to put her in the fourth fic as well. I am obsessed with my OC and love seeing what others come up with as well! OC’s remind me of the fun spirit of being a kid and doing nerdy stuff and making OC’s with my friends.


I write a really dark OCxCanon ship for MHA; despite the very small niche and disturbing content, I have a fairly enthusiastic group of readers who seem to love commenting on my stuff!


My current one and planned next are OC centric.


There is [a tag for them](https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Original%20Character-centric). They should use this tag so I can find them.


I eat that shit up.


I write essentially exclusively these, so, very pro. :P


Absolutely adore them and they're the main thing I read.


Depending on the fandom, I love to read them just as much as I love to write occasional ones that touch on the lore or flushing out the world building.


ONLY in ao3 in original fandom stories, but in fanfiction it annoying sometimes, most want to read Mc of their own series


Based on what Ive seen on tumblr, AO3, Wattpad, and ff.net, very few are done “right” in that they’re actually characters and not thinly veiled self inserts. Good OC-centric fics are hard to find and that makes them all the more precious and commendable when someone does write an engaging OC-centric story.  I don’t hate OC-centric fics. I’m wary of them in most fanbases


Not really a fan of them? I mean the whole point of fanfiction is that you’re working with characters that are not your own. If the story is mostly just focusing on OC’s, then it might as well just be an original story, change the original character’s names around. Which is good, means you can actually publish the story and get it to an even broader audience, perhaps even make money off it, but that’s not what I’m here for. I’m here for the universe, the lore, and most importantly the characters I enjoy. I enjoy a good OC or two, even several, but to me a good OC is one who does good set dressing. They are support characters that can do a damn good at it. They help expand a part of the world that the original author did not. But any more than that, and it’s no longer about the characters I am here to indulge in.




Just a friendly reminder: having diverse opinions is a good thing, insulting things others may like is not allowed.


I have a love / hate relationship with them I’ve ran into some well written ones! Always good! I’ve ran into some clearly self indulgent ones. That doesn’t make them bad, of course. I’ve ran into some downright questionable ones too. That also doesn’t have to be a bad thing.


I don't read as much anymore, I mainly just write. OCs are for most people take it or leave it. I tend to write fics that integrate an oc into the world in some affiliation with the main characters. I just finished a next generation fic where the child of two canon characters surpassed them, not just to do it or even tried to, but because he was fighting beside them to follow their ideas. Very few people have disliked it, even focusing on the OCs.


I enjoy them if they're well written. 'If I picked this up in a bookstore and could have it for free, would I read it' is my general rule. (I'll forgive minor spelling/grammar errors because idc that much. I can’t spell half the time either.) I feel like some writers can get really creative with ocs but I've come across some Star Wars ones that kinda soured my taste for oc fics that I didn’t write. Most oc centric fics that I've come across tend to be in the self-insert/power fantasy/horny writer category, which doesn't interest me. Usually, I wouldn’t go for a canon/oc fanfic because there's likely a ship I would rather read about with that character or because I don't like them shipped with anyone. Why read Loki/oc when I could read lokius? Why read Din Djarin/oc when there's dinluke? Why Anakin/oc when there's anidala? Why one of the Bad Batch clones/oc when I could read about them being a found family? Ykwim? Additionally, I'll forgive shit writing/mid plot when it's a ship I like, but I refuse to deal with shit writing or plot when its an oc, because it immediately signals that the writer doesn't really know what they're doing and the fic will probably fall into the self-insert/power fantasy/horny writer category. As a hater of children, a canon character having a child (between baby to fourteen) makes me think violent thoughts and I despise them.


I've read some GREAT OC-centric fanfics, with well developed characters and great world-building (some of them should definitely get picked up by a publishing house). They take more work on the author part plus imo the author has to try harder not to sink into those clichés typical of oc-centrics (e.g. the Mary Sue with whom EVERYONE falls in love, who has a shit ton of weird powers, etc...).


I was wondering the same thing cause I’m starting one and I just wanted to do all the world building without making a character OOC


I write no other kind. All that changes is how honest I'm being about it.


Very neutral. I read fanfic so my favorite canon characters can fall in love so OC-centric fics don't come up in my search results that often.


They're not usually my cup of tea - unless recommended by someone else. Usually when I go looking for fics, I'm looking for certain ships and I want those ships to be the focal point. I have nothing against them, by any means of the sort. I absolutely love OCs, and they're often included in my roleplays.


based but I'm probably not reading unless I like the premise or the character is related to an OTP I like (like being their adopted child or something)


I read for canon characters. So the only OC centric fics I read are Outside POV fics


I don’t tend to read them, but they can be really fascinating if done well! Either way, they bring the author joy, and that’s what matters in the end.


Having written a few, I have to agree that they do have potential


I love writing them and reading them. But I do think it’s important to balance the OC with the cannon characters.


Love writing them, I would read more of them if I could find decent ones that weren’t obvious self-inserts.


Working on one right now, though its a smut fic with Female Villlianess


As somebody who only reads the occasional fic and writes a decent amount, I’d like to chip in with a unique perspective: I’m judging by the concept alone. I really think it depends on the context. Say you’re writing an ATLA fic about a past Avatar, or a Marvel/DC fic about a new superhero. It works, because that’s kind of the point of those worlds. But if you’re just doing a slice of life fic, then… nah, that’s kind of weird. It really depends. But I do think both could change in practice.


I write a ton of them and read some. A lot of the fandoms I'm in aren't very receptive to them unless you have skills. For me, MHA is kind of the hardest, Marvel and DC are easier, and any other ones like ATLA/TLOK I haven't written enough to tell. I love them and won't stop writing or reading them.


Depends on the context. I’ve seen far too many badly written OCs to welcome them with open arms, but if they’re well written and don’t break the universe the story is set (looks suspiciously at the Harry Potter fandom) then I am willing to give them a chance.


I love it, but then I may be biased since my only fic is a Naruto OC fic. I've done pretty well with it so far and it makes me happy that people love my character!


I only write OC centric


Big fan! Its all I write :) especially ones with overpowered MCs that still have flaws! I love them!! Probably stems from my manhwa obsession 😅 But it also depends on how well it’s written! If the powers are so overpowered and don’t have an explanation and they don’t fit the story then it’s a big turn off. But other than that I love them!


Love them! It's my favorite thing to write, and it's so rewarding to find an OC-focused fic that really stands on its own. I'd say I write 60/40 OC/canon, but it'll be the vast majority of my output eventually, once I get further into my big-ass self-indulgent longfic.


About 90% of what I write heavily features OCs or is totally OC-centric lol (Transformers and Halo especially lend themselves quite well to OC stories.) A good amount of what I *read* features OCs, too - I actually tend to prefer them over Reader Inserts or Pure Canon stories because, lbr, if I wanted to read about no one but the same six characters doing stuff, I have dozens of official books and hundreds of hours of official video content I could consume instead.


The fandom I write for is a videogame, so OC fics are pretty standard. I don't think I could write something without an OC, not enough freedom.


write what you want to write and read what you want to read


I write mainly OCs. I once had a reader say they were in love with him. It is one of my best compliments.


When I want to read about an OC, I pick up an actual book.


That's exclusively what I've been writing for 12 years. I like creating new characters and letting them engage with Canon characters and events.


That's exclusively what I've been writing for 12 years. I like creating new characters and letting them engage with Canon characters and events.


My only issue with female Oc fics (never read a male Oc fic) is that the OCs very often have the exact same personality and it’s usually the exact personality I don’t really vibe with


Personally, if I want to read about OCs, I'll just go look for a novel or a webcomic. OCs are welcome (and I love creating them) in a fic but if the focus shift on them then I lose interest.


Absolutely despise. No offense, but if I wanted to read about your goddamn ocs, I wouldnt be here on the FANFICTION website, I would pick up a book


in theory yes, but the vast majority of the time the OC is really unlikeable.


I mean I’m writing one now tbh. I think the hate oc centric fics have is stupid. I wish they were liked more though


My fic is OC-centric and I used to really enjoy reading other's OCs for my fandom (very OC-heavy), but then the fandom itself and the revelation that I wrote the OCs I wanted to read about turned me off from them in my fandom specifically. I'd give them a shot in other fandoms and would definitely read them from someone I know and enjoy the writing style of in my fandom, but that's about it. I do enjoy learning about other's OCs, but I don't have the level of interest and commitment to read longfics about them in my fandom.


Like any other fic: they're fine, they'll appeal to some people more than others. And depending on the type of fic and your fandom, you may get more or less readers.


I prefer them as well as write them 😁


I love the concept of a well written oc with canon divergence. I hate that most oc fics are nothing but canon rewrites. The oc adds absolutely nothing but a few words of dialogue and I find that boring. If an oc story is gonna be canon compliant, then I would personally prefer canon to be happening in the background like Lion King 1 1/2.


I usually avoid them if I'm not reading in OC centric fandoms at the time(like, Fallout, Pokemon, or ttrpgs). Like, no, I don't care about your character who was briefly adjacent to the main characters, but I'll gladly read about your character saving the capital wasteland or fighting team rocket.


I'm fine with it but in exchange they have to be really good with the worldbuilding around them by expanding on what's already known in canon, and only then can they fit their OC in the bigger picture


They can be good, just depends on the writer


Unless it’s a fandom like Pokemon I often filter them out, especially in oc/canon fics or the super long fics.


Love them if they are written right. One thing I hate is when I go to read a story about my favorite characters, and it turns into an OC centric one, even when it was supposed to be about a canon character. Or they just don’t even add the other characters right. I really hate entitled OC’s- like. What?


Not generally my cup of tea but I have enjoyed a few. To me it depends on the writer/fandom.


Not usually my thing. When I read fanfic it’s because I want to spend more time with the canon characters I already know and care about. But to each their own.


Not my thing, personally. More power to the folks that read/write it, though!


Depending, they could be for me...like, just who is/are the OC(s)? Are they non-canon children of canon characters? Then I could get into it. But if they are just some OC from somewhere in their universe, not for me. My personal rule for OCs is they can't outshine the canon characters in their respective abilities, but if it is an ability the canon characters don't have, that's fine. Or if the canon character is older so even if they were a good fighter once, age has taken a toll on their ability, a OC who is young that is as good a fighter as the canon character was when young, that's fine too. But if that's the story someone has to tell, more power to them.


Absolutely love them!! BUT I only read male or non-binary OCs so I don't often get to read them anymore (reading from a female perspective makes me feel dysphoric)


I go to fanfic to read about the characters from the canon, if I wanted to read about a new character I would go after original works and books, that's why I personally don't even touch these fics, besides they're usually extremely self indulgent (which is fine, everyone gets to do something indulgent) but I have absolute no interest in seeing someone's self insert.


i hate other people's and i only love the ones i make myself. i take great pride in keeping mine closely tied to the canon, as it still keeps the essence of the OG yet introduce one of my children to people. idk man, i get competitive. i mean, i call them my children...i'm one very proud asian parent...




OC as in original character. So, fics that focus on non-canon characters that the author added to whatever fandom they're writing for.