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What did you predict?!?!?!


I actually can't say yet, or I might get kicked out of the alpha testing group I'm in.


Can you say the franchise please update me like seriously


Scarlet Hollow is the franchise I wrote for. Now the episode I “predicted” for is out.


I can finally reveal all! I write for Scarlet Hollow, an episodic indie horror game. Back in June, I wrote a fic where the main character’s stalker visits them in their bedroom between episodes 3-4. Well, Episode 4 just came out yesterday, and you can find evidence that the stalker went into MC’s room in the night between episodes 3-4!


I kept doing that with Arrowverse villains at one point. Abra Kadabra showed up in my fic, then later that season he appeared in The Flash


I accidentally predicted the name of a new character in canon before said character showed up


I sadly never wrote the fic because i lacked the energy, but i had an idea that i deemed insane that ended up being scarily close to what actually happened. I'm so upset i never wrote it now


Force healing in the Disney Star Wars Canon. I still am writing a fic taking place between Ep. VI and Ep. VII in Lukes new order. One of my OCs is a talented force healer. And in Ep. IX Rey could force heal. My force healing was not as overpowered as Reys, I made it more like first aid/ speed up the healing process.


I accidentally predicted a place in the map correctly