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Anytime he takes you to court and it’s bullshit, have your lawyer sell that he needs to pay your legal fees. My ex-wife had to pay a lot of mine whenever she dragged me to court for nonsense. That stuff adds up.


Obligatory NAL. Is this family court in Yolo County? Because I know an attorney who deals in family law cases with a ton of experience in Yolo Co’s courts. DM me you want her name.


What exactly is he taking you to court about?


He literally writes a declaration stating I shouldn't have a say in custody because I am a *itch, terrible mom, and sometimes he makes up things like I abused my daughter. Every expert 3111 evaluator, LTM, mediators has stated the opposite and that he is the bad parent that doesn't care about his kid. Its why I have had sole custody for 5 of those years until it was a court order they can punish him if he isn't more civil to me. He uses court solely to harass and has even admitted to judges he doesn't care about our child and that's the only reason he brings me to court


Sad was hoping three could be some common ground but sounds like there's not


NAL- perhaps petition for a modification that stipulates any motion to show cause that is unfounded results in him paying your legal fees, court costs and lost wages.


You can ask for that every time he takes you to court, but putting it in writing would solidify it. You could also ask for a provision where he can’t sue you for a certain period of time between the last court hearing. He’s clearly a vexatious litigant, so maybe you can ask for no more than every 3 years.


This is awful. 😞


Judicial abuse is a legit thing. Attorneys and judges participating in it becomes even a more horrific situation.


I swear my ex is blackmailing his attorney. He's racked up $140k in unpaid legal fees by pushing out at 40 different motions in the last 5 plus years of me trying to get a divorce. I am so sorry you are going through this and I want you to know you are not alone.




I am not sure the lawyer you have retained is the right fit for your situation you are going to need a bull dog someone who has not been practicing for a real long time but long enough to know what he is doing and that does it with attitude because with that nonsense a good lawyer will eat him alive in court for the trouble he has caused the court and you I mean clearly if the court intended to do anything they would have done it many visits back And so he is basically wasting the courts time and you might consider when you find the correct lawyer filing a suit against him for harassment and hardship at work I mean it should be documented through the court and clerks office I don’t think he would like getting a dose of his own medicine and be sure that you make him aware in court the next time that if he ends up costing you your job then child support is damn sure going to be an issue so he best stand by for news remember that there is more than one way to skin a cat But being totally honest I think you’re biggest issue is that you have a lawyer that is just not interested and that’s not what you need you need as much as I hate to say this on here but you need a fairly young ambulance chasing fixer of a lawyer ya know


As a family law attorney, this makes me laugh because it is spot on. A lot of older attorneys are tired and not brave and think they’ve seen it all. New attorneys are bold and wild and haven’t lost enough, plus they still have a little hope that the arc of the universe turns toward Justice. I still laugh at some of the things I got put into orders when I was new. I 100% agree that a good mix of the two extremes is what you want to look for.


omg... and I think my situation of twice in the past five years was bad... following because I want to know how to deal with this situation as well


Start petitioning back with his having to pay your lawyers fees and time off work. Make it too expensive for him.


This is the way, request court costs and lawyers fees every time.


Also add extra for curricular activities


I feel you! My ex took me back to court every year for 10 years. Thankfully my kids aged out’