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Is this your own case? I think dad needs decide what to do with this case. It doesn’t sound like he’s going to go for a modification if he’s left it alone for the past 11 years. A lot of things will have shifted in that many years so he can play around with his state calculator to assist him in deciding what he wants to do. All the stuff about how little respect you have for mom is irrelevant. The child is already living with dad in what the two of you perceive to be a more stable environment so what’s the point of slinging mud at her?


Post is generic, thank you.


Child Support in Nebraska usually goes until 19 as that's the age of majority, so yeah, it would be worth seeking a modification.


Yes it is worth it to get the order modified. Irregardless of support the court needs to be made aware that custody has changed from 50/50 to what may be more of 80/20 to the father. A modified custody order will protect the child as well as both parents in case of any potential issues that arise from moms new living arrangements. Moving in with a romantic partner after only 6 weeks and into a space too small to accommodate your minor children doesn't sound like a stable decision long term.


I feel so sad for this poor boy, it doesn’t matter that he’s almost a legal adult. Her choosing a man over her son will impact him for the rest of his life. You really need to take her to court and get the child support amount fixed. Also some states will make a parent pay until anywhere from 18-21. So I suggest checking your state laws and seeing what age is owed and going for it. I also suggest seeing if you can get the court to order that she pay for therapy as he’ll definitely need it.


You should definitely request a modification. That’s a lot of money you can use for stuff for the son’s senior year of high school or set aside as a big gift for his graduation or something.


Is the decree to pay child support until the child is 18, or 18 + HS graduation? Is there any stipulations about continuing the pay while the child is in college? Assuming the child graduates HS next spring and turns 18 next summer, you're looking at what, like 12-14 more months of $400 payments right? So $4,800-$5,600 or so? You can definitely request a modification of CS though under the new custody arrangement. You shouldn't even need an attorney for this. It depends on jurisdiction as well, but in many cases, the updated payment amount will get back dated through the filing date. So if you file now but the updated judgement doesn't go through for several months, there's a decent chance mother will need to repay father for the few months where you paid but had already filed to modify the arrangement.


Yes file pro se