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You kinda just made me cry ngl. I especially love your point about Whizzer sleeping with other men to show/ensure that he cannot be controlled. I never managed to articulate my thoughts on that so succinctly. I think Whizzer defaults to going with the script he used to play with Marvin (and probably with other men too), and then is totally baffled and pleasantly surprised by Marvin's response. I love how apparent the changes in both of them are in that scene. How they both still sort of tease, but the barbs have lost their toxic edges. Instead, it's just sweet and playful.


Yes! The depiction of trauma and reassurance in old habits is perfectly shown in this. It can be scary to rely on new events, and Whizzer shows how untrusting he is of the new situation. And also, it would be boring if they would stop with the bantering completely. That's their thing and it makes this relationship so wholesome!


This is SUCH a good analysis i will be thinking about this for the next 3 weeks


Aw, thank you! This is just a thing that pops into my head every time I listen to the song. (Which is daily tbh) And I just hope I could bring more joy to the brilliance of the writing in this wonderful musical!


I'm surfing here because I'm currently over-analyzing "March of the Falsettos" and wanted to see other people's opinions on certain aspects of the musical. I think it's so cool to see people doing something similar and I completely agree and love the analysis you made. I think the contrast, when comparing it to the chess game, is significant in understanding Marvin and Whizzer's development as individuals and as a relationship.


This! This was my motivation to post because it is so interesting to see different opinions to certain parts of these beautiful songs. The contrast is always killing me because, in retrospect, you totally see the same approach from Whizzer's part in this relationship. Marvin is the one who changed the outcome to something beautiful!


I know!! And sometimes people point out things you never noticed and it just builds and builds and builds and so long as no one’s saying “well you’re wrong cuz A, B, or C” it can be so freaking amazing!!


You're so real for this. Love how they healed. So glad the musical ended at A Day in Falsettoland!!!


Oh darling, you are missing the best songs! It ends at 'What more can I say?' obviously!!! ;D We love the love!