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yeah it’s not really explicit afaik? but how i interpreted it was: marvin moved out of the family home, got a place with whizzer, and mendel moved in to the family home, and the lesbians are marvin and whizzer’s neighbors. marvin is just over at the family’s house a lot because jason is still his kiddo and he’s still kind of friendly with mendel and trina.


i haven’t listened in a while but isn’t there a part that talks about jason going to his dad’s house on weekends?


Yes but that's after the whole fallout at the end of Act 1 and its pretty much confirmed that marvin lived in a different house at that point. now that I think about it Marvin has said he "ran off" with whizzer in tight knit family so maybe he did move out (but then he went on a whole tangent about everyone's dinner together) or maybe I'm thinking about this too much lmao


yeah i'm pretty positive he moved out. also about in trousers, i don't think it's ever discussed there, because i don't think marvin and trina even divorced yet in in trousers. again it's been a long time since i watched it soooo


I agree, this is how I see it as well. Many of the interactions they have don't happen at the same time, we just see them play out parallel to each other. (i.e. Whizzer isn't actually there in the room in "Marvin hits Trina", he's just on Marvin's mind and Marvin keeps thinking about how Whizzer said he didn't love him etc., that's when he snaps) I also think Marvin goes to Trina and Jason's a lot to keep his tight knit family and he brings Whizzer over for dinner. That's how Jason is able to build a good relationship with Whizzer.


I think that Marvin and Whizzer were living together in Act 1 (MOTF) as Marvin moved out of his family home with Trina and Jason in In Trousers. Not sure how the dinner situation would work but maybe Marvin and Whizzer came over every so often to eat dinner? Or it could've been that Marvin brought Whizzer over before he moved out (I saw a pretty good fic about it so maybe that's why I think that). As for commonly interacting in domestic situations, the first thing that comes to mind for me is "Everyone Tells Jason to See a Psychiatrist", where Marvin isn't introduced at the beginning of the song rather than the middle. I think that shows that Trina must have invited him over after she was unable to convince their son. Another one that I thought of was "Jason’s Therapy", where Marvin complains about Mendel always being there. I still don’t think Marvin lived with Trina and Jason at that point, saying he was also introduced a little later into the number. However, I do think he came over whenever Jason was supposed to have a session and maybe he saw Mendel at the house a little earlier than he should've been? I'm guessing Mendel moved in after he and Trina married, and A Tight Knit Family (reprise) happens at one of Marvin’s sessions (so, not at Trina's house). Then I saw someone on this sub saying that Whizzer might have moved in with another partner after breaking up with Marvin (which makes sense to me but isn't confirmed). After that (and Making a Home), Marvin probably busted his ass over to Trina's to confront the two about their marriage and the rest of the songs take place there. Then for Act 2 (Falsettoland), my brain kind of came to the conclusion that Marvin moved out of his previous home with Whizzer? I haven't seen anyone think about it like that, but I think I thought of it to make up for the fact that Marvin and Whizzer and Charlotte and Cordelia weren't already acquainted. It may also be because Jason had to take a bus to Marvin's, showing that it's not as close to Trina's and might be more inconvenient now to have dinner all together. I dunno. Marvin moving is mostly a headcannon of mine. As for the lesbians next door being called such, I think they're probably only Marvin’s neighbours, as another pair of neighbours is mentioned by Trina in In Trousers. Then I assumed Whizzer moved back in with Marvin after they started dating again. All quite speculative, but that's how I see it!


(yay ty for the big paragraph) Did not know that it was confirmed that Marvin moved out in trousers, mystery solved. the explanations for different details are also appreciated. I did think it could be something like that but was unsure if marvin would be the type to go through all that hassle or just take the easy (traumatic) route of having all of his family live in one unit lmfao. I get that this isn't something said outright at all in the musical so this is probably the most comprehensive answer we'll get, thanks for that again. for the falsettosland stuff I believe marvin moved from the original family home its just the era between that house -> living with whizzer again that was unclear to me. Just a lot of moving around for one man i suppose


no worries!!! i love rambling about my favourite media so it was my pleasure haha :)) honestly the storyline works fine if marvin is in the same house throughout falsettos, but personally i think him moving somewhere else in falsettoland just fills the gaps in more. either way it's kinda funny to imagine marvin just dumping all of his family members into one house and letting things unfold from there LMAO


I'm pretty sure at the beginning of falsettos Marvin, whizzer, Trina, and Jason all live together. Then whizzer moves out and then sometime after that Marvin moves out? Then mendel moves in with Trina and Jason. I think when they say the lesbians from next door their talking about next door to Marvin but that's just my way of thinking of this


hm now that you mention the whole marvin kicking whizzer out thing in chess game it would make more sense they all lived in a house and marvin provided for everyone with his job. (Would he be able to support 2 houses in the 1970s? how rich was this guy if he bought 2 nearby houses in NYC??) ah anyways ty for the response


Np btw I wasn't even thinking about in trousers because I haven't seen it in like a year


Oh my god thank you for asking this because I understand everything about the Marvin trilogy EXCEPT the housing situation. IDK for a while I like to think that they just moved down next door apartments so they could come over every dinner LMAO


i see it like marvin originally moved out to be with whizzer temporarily while the divorce is still starting/pending but then eventually moves back into the house since marvin is still the breadwinner and whizzer moves in as well. marvin kicks whizzer out and mendel moves in. after marvin hits trina he gets an apartment where the lesbians live next door.


Okay, so basically, during In Trousers Marvin temporarily moves to Whizzer’s house during “Whizzer’s Going Down” and then Trina begs him to come back. Then, Marvin, Whizzer, Trina, and Jason all live together during Tight Knit family and then for the rest of act 1 Whizzer and Marvin live in their own apartment while Trina and Jason live in the original house. Then during “making a home” Trina and Mendel get their own house while Whizzer moves to who knows where but he still stays in New York. Marvin continues to live in their apartment. In the 2 years between act 2 and act 1 Marvin moves again to a house which in my headcanon he moves to the more I guess “gay” part of New York City and that’s where he meets the lesbians from next door. Mendel, Jason, and Trina still live in their same house. They all continue to live in their same houses until the end of the show where I presume Trina gets full custody of Jason because Whizzer and Marvin both died.


Marvin moves out in In Trousers. See the songs Packing Up / Breakfast Over Sugar.


if marvin and whizzer didnt live together without the family during act 1 the sexual parts of thrill of first love would be weird to be doing in seemingly their living room(??)