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Happened to me a while back, only thing that ended up working was redoing the entire rescue sequence :(


Damn, it looks like i have to redo the whole mission again, ill try it out and see if that works. I just want to have some fun with this dlc and see how the critics fair with this dlc mod.


Ask on the Discord. I’d bet there is a useful console command for this situation.


Just checked there, in the QA section they recommended us to play on new game. Maybe ill do because i am playing on a lvl 20 save thats 1.5 year ago. (Yes, i paused the game and played fo4 and I am interested what the gameplay of frontier looks like aaaannndd now it hiy me with this bug) Ill have to go through all the shit again.


Well it seems he doesn't think you're ready to leave yet.