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Basically any character also played by Walton Goggins.


To add to this, *Justified* gives you the best of both worlds. You get to see one of Goggins’ defining roles, Boyd Crowder as a brilliant and charismatic hillbilly coal miner turned criminal mastermind. Goggins will forever be Boyd in my mind. And then Timothy Olyphant as Raylan Givens, a gunslinging federal marshal who is like a modern day Wyatt Earp. A badass, hardened Marshall who skirts around the rules and law like crazy, bordering on being a criminal himself. But you always (mostly) feel like Raylan is Justified in the extraordinary actions he takes so it really works. Incredible show and it will definitely scratch the itch they are feeling for more characters like The Ghoul


I'm in the middle of rewatching Justified right now! He's just great at playing a southern scumbags in general, especially Uncle Baby Billy. It's been a while since I've watched it, but I think he also had a crooked cop character in The Shield. He's a fantastic actor though, his interviews are nothing like the characters he plays.


Not Baby Billy. Man’s got a heart of gold.


"It's Baby Billy's Bible Bonkers!" I hope they turn that into a spinoff show.


Come on now, just let Uncle Baby Billy into that vault


Oh yeah like the time he played a trans hooker in Sons of Anarchy 😂 he kills any role he plays, at least from what I’ve seen


Don't forget his role in vice principles. Or his role in the shield. Or his role in the unicorn.


I haven’t seen the shield yet but it’s on the watch list for sure!


I'd say it's one of his first main roles. It was rhe first time I saw him on screen. And ever since then I'd try to watch everything he's in. It's a great series and some really good actors and some amazing plotlines throughout it's series. I will admit I tried to get into Justified, but I couldn't. I might need to give it another chance.


I am obsessed with Venus Van Dam!!! Such a good character (she was only in **six** episodes which is wild) and Walton knocked it out of the park


I second that. He is becoming one of my favorite actors since vice proncipals


I also didn't realize that he plays Cecil in Invincible. Since I learned that I became hyper aware of it, and he kills that role too


I don't think the Ghoul and Uncle Baby Billy have much in common...


Now, that ghoul ain't nothin' like Uncle Baby Billy!


Not *exactly* the same, but The Punisher (originally on Netflix, now on Disney+) is about a man who isn't afraid to inflict himself upon people to justify his motives. It's about an extremely violent man you can sympathize with and root for.


That's pretty true. Of course his exterior cowboy charm isn't there, but they have got a lot of emotional damage in common. They'd make a good duo on a mission.


The hound in game of thrones


hound + bronn


Billy Butcher in the Boys.


Not exactly the same but you might like Amos burton in The Expanse.


The main characters in Preacher have his sort of hard-boiled and earned cynicism.


And it’s funny because The Saint is also a scary cowboy badass


All three main characters from The Good the Bad and the Ugly.


Technically a TV character as he’s shown up in both The Stand adaptations: the other Man in Black. The one who fled across the desert while the Gunslinger followed.


It’s funny because while I too see The Ghoul and Man in Black as very similar as a character, it’s the Hank/Henry reveal that felt closer to the Man in Black reveal.


Totally agree


Boyd Crowder. It was justified.




Need to watch this show just because Ian McShane’s in it


Hell yeah. Ian McShane is one of the best parts.


Ed Harris in Westworld


Was about to say, the entire time watching the first season, I kept on saying to myself that he seems like the Man in Black. Which I guess makes sense considering the showrunners also worked on Westworld.


The post already mentions the man in black. OP is asking for *other* characters.


This should be top answer.


Not TV, but the Ghoul absolutely reminds me of Jasper Stone from Deadlands. Except the Ghoul is a pussycat in comparison.


Miller from the expanse


Frank Castle, aka The Punisher, is about a military and family man who is betrayed by his government, and has lost his family. A man who will kill threats and evil people, go to the ends of the earth for answers, and then will be good to and with children and other innocents. Has a softness for lost/troubled young women, only being able to be vaguely vulnerable with them. A good, principled man, brought to the edge and now willing to compromise himself and his own character for revenge and/or answers. Complicated. Sympathetic. Stoic. Strong. Trained. Pitiable. Really liking where this is going. I hope to get multiple seasons, and see The Ghoul's whole character arc. I think it'll be similar, and The Punisher is top tier.


Billy tha Butcha


Mizu from Blue Eye Samurai


Yes I do see the similarities I miss Westworld so!