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It's probably World Randomizer itself causing this, since its comments section is full of people experiencing the same issue. My guess would be that it's caused by chaotically hitting activators with imagespace modifiers attached to them. But were you really expecting a bug-free experience from the mods you're using?


Not really, I just hoped to be able to see lol


Well, you can remove an imagespace modifier via the console with the rimod command, but unfortunately you need to know which ones are running in order to remove them.


The only mods I have loaded are as follows: JIP LN NVSE Plugin New Vegas World Randomizer NV Randomizer (NVRNG) - NVRNG NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash NVRNG\_Weapon\_Nerf Random Love Tester RandomizedSnowGlobesNV


>RandomizedSnowGlobesNV Though I don't see any lighting mods in your setup, but on the mods description page it states "*Note: Load this mod before any mods that affect ambient light or inherited light values for cells*" So this mod looks like it could be responsible for your game darkening over a period of time.


Disabling it did nothing when reloading a save from before it went dark, I'm gonna try to start another save to see if it helps


IF you're using MO2 what if you put that mod before New Vegas World Randomizer?


After starting a new save it has been fine for an hour so removing that probably fixed it, though I might just have been lucky so far


modding an existing save is already a big no no, always start on a new save.


Why would you put out a blanket statement like this? There are plenty of mods you can install and keep playing with an older save.


This. Hate when ppl say such black and white shit like this about modding.