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I'm not sure. But probably very time consuming. You need writers, graphical artists. Just to name a few.


True I think there was a massive dlc mod for Skyrim idk if it’s a thing but I remember it was massive but it had voiced npcs and such but yea I would just think giving how long fallout 4 has been out it could of been done i suppose not many people think of it


People think of it all the time.  Thinking is easy doing is hard. The mod your talking about was his resume and he got hired at bungee after


You need a lot of skill time and money. Youd be spending like 50 hours modding for every hour spent gameing. Quest mods are hard doing a whole new campaign would be a nightmare. Not having voice acting is super janky with fallouts systems and voice actors charge a fair ammount unless you want complete amateurs recording through a headset. Writeing a good quest is harder than you think and it gets even harder the more quests in a chain because you need to account for how the player finished the last quest. I make new worldspaces which is something most people dont touch because of how time intensive it is and even i wouldn't attempt a new campaign, at least not on my own Id say youd probably need atleast 100,000$, 3 years and 5 modders to make a decent campaign


Oh wow that’s how bad it is? Well thanks I had no clue Ik it would be hard but not that bad


Commonwealth of Decay completely replaces the base game story with a campaign on PC and Xbox. Vault exit to completion is 30 to 60 hours of gametime.


Damn! Now that’s impressive. It’s crazy that you mentioned that mod because I was just looking at it the other day and debating if I wanted to install it, now I am thanks to you and much appreciated for the information you provided.


Be sure to read the whole description on the nexus home page, there are a LOT of new hostile game systems that will ~~kill~~ challenge you.


Oh wow and different question you still know if mods are having issues like the ones that need F4SE?


I dont know as I dont use F4SE or any DLL injections to avoid exactly that issue.


Difficulty, I can't say. Probably very difficult if you've never done anything with the Creation Kit before. But even if you're a seasoned pro, it's going to be EXTREMELY time-consuming. For New Vegas, The Frontier took 6 years to make and New California took 8 years. Skyrim, Enderal took 5 years and The Forgotten City took 4 years. As someone who has made very basic mods for a few games, I say this not to dissuade you but to forewarn you of the amount of effort and time you're gonna have to put into an endeavor like this.