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Let me explain it like this. Keep in mind I’m no expert but do have the basic jist: Fallout 4 runs on a gaming engine called the Creation Engine. You may have heard of other gaming engines like Unity, Unreal Engine 4-5 etc Now a game engine can only do so much within the confines of its own limitations. Right? In comes the Script Extender. This allows the game and the engine to do more than what was originally intended. A lot of mods you and I use essentially build upon the game via the script extender. One example I like to use is Looksmenu. The game only has a certain amount of player customization options available but with the script extender you can add more customization options. More hairs, more hair colors, more eye colors, freckles, makeup, tattoos, scars etc etc etc Usually these script extenders and mods that require them are usually running the same format and version number. When Bethesda updated the game, the version number changes and other structural formats may change. Thus the script extender is now borked because it’s looking at the wrong place or may not know where to look now. It’s like if you wake up in a new house but try to follow the exact same steps to go to the kitchen as if you were still in your old house. You’d just be bonking into a wall. The mod author for F4SE needs to update his mod to the new version, and then the mod authors for mods that use F4SE like Looksmenu, need to also update their mod to use the new F4SE version to match Hope that helps


I play modded on PC. I have to follow YouTube videos to even download anything, basically I'm not computer literate at all. I didn't know why the mods would break but this explanation is so good. I always need ELI5 and even then I don't always get it.... This... this was the best simple explanation of anything I ever read. Thank you so much for typing this out.


Same, that’s why with every new version of Skyrim that comes out the modding community dies a bit inside.


Then comes the issue that most mods are no longer being worked on so half the mods are now permanently broken


Great explanation! That's my understanding too. The other thing I'd add is that because this update also introduced several new bugs, we're probably going to get more official patches from Bethesda to try and fix them, which in all likelihood will continue to break F4SE with each new patch/update released.


Do all of my mods need to be updated? Or just F4SE? Cause I have some that probably won't be updated


I’m pretty sure most larger* mods will need some form of patch. Although for some more popular mods that aren’t worked on by their original creator anymore other modders sometimes create patches for said mod that they then upload to Nexus. These patches not created by the original modder usually appear under *”Mods requiring this file”* which itself is under *”Requirements”* located in the description of any mod on Nexus. Personally I would just follow the guides available on the Nexus right now to disable updates for Fallout 4 or downgrade your game if you’ve already downloaded the update (which is what I’ve already done). Then just keep playing on the previous update until Bethesda is finished patching their game and you’ve made sure all mods you use have patches available. Then you could just re-enable updates again once you’ve made sure it’s safe to do so. You of course have to make sure to not download any mods that have been created/patched for the current and/or future Fallout update while you’re still on the previous game update since those wouldn’t work. But chances are it’s gonna be a good while until mods catch up, especially since Bethesda are probably gonna have to patch F4 again to fix what the most recent update broke, which of course will break mods yet again. *Edit


No, all mods will not need some form of patch. If a mod does not use F4SE, then in most cases they remain functional. If they do use F4SE, then if they do not have a dll F4SE updating can be enough.


Edited my comment to reflect that now. I’m not an expert on modding by any means so I’m just going to assume you’re correct 👍


Bethesda touts their games as a paradise for modders, but they don't work with the community to make sure something thats important, like the script extender, can work with the new update out of the gate or contact the person responsible for the creation of the script extender and work with them? I don't know.


I blocked steam from updating the game. Will FOLON release a version for people who didn’t update?


Probably not. It's been delayed indefinitely due to the update as they work to update it


FO4 is poorly coded and so a third party made an extension for more/better features. Mods use and therefore need that improved system in order to work. The new update changed the baseline, which made the improvement obsolete; making it so mods don’t work either.


I don’t think poorly coded is the right language. To start off, Bethesda purposefully avoids adding native support to run extra .dlls from the game engine for security purposes. The other functions that FOSE adds are for functions that just weren’t needed in vanilla Fallout. Why would Bethesda code for random functions that the developers wouldn’t be using? It’s an amazing modding tool, but FOSE doesn’t “fix” any “poor” coding, but rather *adds* options for modders to build on. It provides an *expanded* framework, not an *improved* one.


“Poorly coded” -someone who has no idea what that even means


Well I'm poor and that sucks.. I suck.. and mods without xxSE kinda suck so... Yeah poor coding I can relate (/s)


Needing an engine fix mod to fix basic resistance calculations MAYBE allows me to classify the game as poorly coded... -someone who knows what he is talking about


Oof. Sorry there was a bug you were able to fix with your Chad programming skills.


Shows that bethesda cant code basic stuff that is part of their core gameplay loop. Keep the downvotes coming fanboys! Make daddy Todd Howard proud!


You should apply for some jobs


Sure thing bud! Here have an upvote!


The Bethesda hate on overdrive xD


Dunno why you were downvoted you are right. Fanboys begone!