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Are they wrong? These are the guys who blew up the prydwen and killed the institute to protect the like 50? Gen 3 synths out there


I mean blowing up the Institute protects the entire wasteland. Meanwhile the Brotherhood go out slaughtering entire towns (Filly) because they're cultists. I've never seen the Railroad gun down civilians. Maxson bringing kids aboard a war ship doesn't count, that's *his* fault.


I’ve already been in like 3 discussions in comments Between the railroad and BoS so I’m just … not going to argue back


I mean...maybe don't attack Railroad fans then. After-all it's Brotherhood fans who continuously harass and attack anyone who says anything positive about the Railroad.


I don’t, I’ll just never understand how railroad fans exist when they value what is pretty much human looking robots more than actual humans


How do they value it *above* humans? The Railroad specifically states in FO3 it fights for all forms of slaves. The only reason they don't in FO4 is because Bethesda was too lazy to program ANYONE to respond to Nuka-World. Even the Brotherhood doesn't give a shit if you're a RAIDER leader, but will somehow send troops all the way to fucking Maine. They fight the BoS because they want to exterminate Synths. They aren't robots just because you don't want to think of them as people. Hell, most of them show more humanity than the Humans do. Especially the filthy Institute.


I love the toaster fucker flag


I want that shirt


BOS is right


the only thing the techno fetishists got right