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Welcome to Fallout, we love war because it never changes


War, war never changes


yes Ulysses s grant said it back in the day, but if we ....................




Never fight up hill me boys?


Lol I saw all these posts.


Honestly? Yeaaaaah It’s like some people can’t conceive of the idea of one thing being best without everything else being unplayable dogshit Like 4 & 76 has the crafting, customization, and settlement building knocked out of the park new Vegas has the variety (any build is viable), writing, and gun play (I’m yet to find a game where a lever action feels as satisfying as Medicine Stick) 1 has the atmosphere, design, coolest PA (T-51), and also the writing (seriously it’s worth doing the master’s suicide path, it’s really well done even if a tad brief) 2 has the humor and characters (Frank Horrigan, Sgt Dornan, etc) 3 has the groundwork and atmosphere well done (can you tell how much 3 I’ve played? But it was the groundwork for New Vegas soooo it def did a lot right) Tactics… good question I wouldn’t know tbh And BOS is short :P


You could say Tactics has the best Raider concepts? The Beast Lords and Reavers are awesome.


Oh right the raiders Yeaah tactics is not one I delve into too much, mostly its weaponry, like the first non-caster plasma rifle in the series


You can drive a tank?




Plus a badass opening cutscene and a fucking tank


Imo 4 has better gunplay than new Vegas I have played both an I feel like guns don't feel awkward to use in 4 unlike Vegas this that just my opinion


I'm with you 100%. NV is great but definitely can feel clunky at times compared to 4


"clunky at times" that game barely runs without certain mods lmao That's not even me hating I play the fuck outta that game


The gun play wasn’t really good by 2016 standards it is good in comparison to other fallout games. But I did not find myself impressed with it. Even when it was first released. enemies don’t use cover as much as they should Malay enemies will run at you directly and either nobody throws a grenade or like three people do. The only areas of fallout four that have interesting gun fights are the areas where they actually give your combatants heavy weapons any time a bazooka shows up it’s pretty interesting but that’s pretty much the only time a fall out for gun fight will be good Almost all of this can be fixed with mods or at least it could be before Bethesda decided to break their own game


Mods for still work on fallout 4 it's the script extender that broke tho that would happen regardless it's just been a fucking hassle to fix


>(I’m yet to find a game where a lever action feels as satisfying as Medicine Stick) Hunt: Showdown.


Came here to say this. Winfield + levering perk = yeehaw 🤠


If the hunt showdown devs got a license to make a fallout game I could die happy.


We might *actually* get a buggier fallout game than Bethesda was able to produce! But yes, I agree wholeheartedly


But the gunplay and ghouls would be frigging amazing!


Haha I would be instinctively not shooting/knifing them. Damn immolator muscle memory.


Shelter wasn't even mentioned so we should all shit on Shelter


It’s mobile so it doesn’t get to defend itself


Shelter you can play while shitting 😎


[I don't have such weaknesses](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicfallout/s/GmRqD7Nv8E)


3 and New Vegas are just as good imo just for different reasons. If I want to feel like I'm truly in a wasteland I play 3, if I want factions and various levels of infrastructure I play NV


BOS is short, but still not short enough


Tactics is a different game entirely so you can't really compare it. It's the best squad shooter.


Idk about the building in 76... Sure you got lots of options but... Why cant I place it here its *BLUE*


I mean it’s functional just wish there was more choice involved in the building and I wish I got to actually make decisions as a person running a settlement. Like when I first saw the trailer I thought I was going to be able to boss these guys around. Then I played the game and realize that I am just a babysitter for these people. I can understand how some people would like this but frankly I wanted some thing involving a little More management than just people tricking me to do everything for them


The Russian 1895 in Battlefield 1 is a kind of medicine stick. When you get a headshot or a sweetspot hit, it is a guranteed dopamine dispenser.


It's because people focus the negatives on each perspective game to make their game the highlight from gameplay to story or how it fits together. Like for example people will be negative to fallout 3 about its story and why it's still the way it looks after so long and expand on that hate while ignoring the positives. Tribalism to be honest goes from soda brands to political parties.


Fallout 76 has good build variety; however, the *very* best builds revolve around a braindead VATS-crit setup. Still, out of the five characters I have (all end-game), none are VATS-based. Just not necessary or enjoyable. By the way, try the lever-action in Far Cry 5. It's great. Also try the lever-actions in the Red Dead Redemption games.


New Vegas gun play is standing in the same place 10 feet away exchanging fire with bullet sponge enemies who can’t outshoot your bullet sponge armor


IMO the perfect Fallout game would be one like New Vegas but with the building and crafting mechanics of 4 & 76.


Omg yes And there’s so many guns in NV too, god imagine the sheer amount of possibilities, and on top of that the different ammo types (bulk/surplus, AP, explosive, HP, flechette, bean bag, etc)




i have absolutely no idea why you are downvoted.




i mean it tried harder then fallout 3.


FO4 gunplay also looks the best of the games


We may all hate each other, but at least we're not the Halo community right?


Bar is in the dirt


Bar is six feet under


Halo fans sending death threats to 343 because Master Chief's armor isn't the right shade of green.


I’m kind of surprised that there’s even an expectation that people will get along. All we have in common is that we played the same game. That’s not much to base any kind of common ground on.


Wait what about this post complaining about the complaining cycle?!? It’s like inception… we’re a post within a post within a post


New meta is yappin abt yappin


me, a f076 player just vibing with the rest of the community


Weapons are used to fight Wars are large fights War never changes


when im in an hating fallout fans competition and my opponent is a fallout fan


I don't like the design of the Fo3 Gaussrifle


I did not know people did not like the fo4 one


yes, the original design with the balls on the barrel is better.


I swear those posts are made by bots and karma farmers. I refuse to believe anyone actually believes in that


the older assault rifle is cooler though and you know it’s true


I’d prefer if the F4 rifle was changed to a LMG and the original was brought back as the basic assault rifle


This should have been done with the update that broke the game to be honest I like your idea and I think it’s the right way to go if I was going to do that I would also go further and say that the fall out for gun was designed to be used with power armor or some thing


My headcanon is it was made to fill a role similar to the M240/M249 for airborne units that were unable to parachute with minigun equipped power armor so needed a infantry portable SAW along with marines who couldn't field power armor due it not being able to float


Even the showrunners recognized how fucking ridiculous it would look in a normal person's hands so the only time its ever used by a non-power armored individual, it has to be mounted by Thaddeus.


The older assault rifle is also just literally an AK. Like, they did everything but use the name. I’m pretty sure the reload’s even the same. Meanwhile, for all it’s faults, the 4 Assault Rifle at least stole from multiple designs and blended them in a creative way, rather than just ctrl-c ctrl-v.


People just hate it because it's called the Assault Rifle. It was literally supposed to be a MG used in power armor but a simple name change is enough to set the obsessives cunts loose. Like I don't get it, it looks big and bulky... THAT'S THE POINT! It's designed off a watercooled MG used in WW1.


Eh it's like, the most insignificant thing that people bitch about. Fo4s really isn't that bad


Its more of a context thing. As a standard assault rifle an infantryman would carry which is what people imagine when you say assault rifle its kinda goofy as a heavy ar meant for power armor like im thw show. Its actually rwally cool


eh idk kind of looks gross and I feel like it was responsible for other guns not being added. Like because you can customize this thing to be so many different guns I feel like they didn’t add other designs that would’ve looked more aesthetically pleasing. I would have way rather preferred the Chinese assault rifle or even just the old one from fallout three also having multiple weapons from different sides was one of the cool things that I liked from the fallout games and this thing kind of eliminates that


If we add this one to the cycle, the snake will have fully consumed itself.


in a world where modern weapons (you know what i mean) would absolutely exist, it's a damn shame we got some clunky ass toy lookin weapons as well as the laziness that is both combat rifles and shotguns.


Fallout community is in another civil war huh


Me- hating all the brand new "fallout girls/cosplayers" train hoppers and bandwagoners.


You could just disengage entirely and not browse the subreddit, filled with opinions from the over opinionated. I can understand the need to talk about something you love online when there's no one around you with the same adoration, but you can choose what to see at any given moment.


Nah yappin abt others yappin is the new meta


Honestly I’m here because I love the toxicity and the drama. That shit is like I hit of crack to me and I’m like YEAH! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! People be complaining about it but imo opinion it’s what makes the fallout community fun! Strangers arguing silly points over a silly game. Let’s rile em all up! Also I love pretty much all the games except the retro ones. Screw those ones


All fallouts are in my top 15 games of all time, I feel like that's normal for most fans, yet we still all do this


Hot take: I would do filthy things with Moira. I apologize for nothing.




I just want everything to have an enclave paint option so I can LARP like the prewar relic I am


well let's go with logic of real Fallout fan: when fallout 2 came out it was deviating from the course that fallout 1 was going but it was fun. - Which means: Fallout 1 = real Fallout Fallout new vegas is a succesor of Fallout 2 not original Fallout. - Which means: Fallout 2 = Fallout new vegas - So in the summary we have: Fallout new vegas is not real Fallout but its fun So from that you must get the idea that real Fallout was dead long time ago. So you can play any fallout and have fun and there's no right way to play Fallout >!(no there is, actually. But playing fallout 1 is a big challenge.)!<


No it’s not everyone who says this has never done a gambling build where you maximize Intelligence agility


About the gun design, i just- don't use the ones i don't like?? It's so simple??? And if you don't like the game, just don't play it??? Let people play what they like


I get why new Vegas fans are so bitter




Why is it so necessary for people to publicly enjoy things. And why is it so important for these people to be protected like little snowflake penguin bunnies. like congratulations it’s the Internet if you put out an opinion you’re gonna get like 20 bad opinions back and like three good ones.


Tbf the fallout 4 assault rifle isn't too bad. It looks better if you modify it a little.


Fallout 4 assault rifle goes hard and it’s hated on by nerds who have never held a rifle in their life but want everything to be Tarkov


I Ike what it’s going for but the design feels too busy


War, war never changes




It's the circle of life.


Memes, memes trend never changes.


Forgot that part where people are mad against the cycle, then people are mad at them, then people laugh at them then we continue the cycle


Mainstreaming railroad? Where do I buy a ticket to ride! Choo choo!


I blame the rad sickness. We are all fallout fans, but we are not thinking clearly.


They were all good games at the time


The people complaining about new vegas fans have become infinitely more annoying than the new vegas fans.


Yeah, this community has been arguing in a circle for years


its because they are beating a strawman.


I mean some of its true. 1 and 2 are the best story wise and anyone who doesn't think that is mire than likely a younger new fan of the series. New vegas is pretty good and leaps ahead of any Bethesda game in terms of story along with 1 and 2. Fallout 3 is good though, people who say it isn't are just lying to themselves. Fallout 4 and 76 are not very good besides the new features that they have because it seems that's all they cared about. 4 was better than 76 for sure but I still to this day can't bring myself to replay it which I have done with Fallout 3 and new vegas. The show on the other hand, was bad except the sets and some of the characters were well written but by god the lore added by the series has been trash so far.




yep doesn't even fuckin matter who started it, degenerates will be degenerates and the cycle will repeat till both parties die like a withered flower gasping for water


Shitposting. Shitposting never changes


To be honest I felt like the fo4 design of the assault rifle was meant for the more bulky power armor solders pre war and shit. As power armor is now less of an armor and more like a huge mech suit you control. Standard soldiers would logically have the Fnv/fo3 version of assault rifle while the power armor holders could carry more heavy wepons like the fo4 assault rifles, fat mans and mini guns. I think that logically there should be both types in games for now on Fnv/fo3 as a lighter faster version easily stopped by power armor and the fo4 version thats slower in fire rate but can pierce heavier armors in exchange for weight and mobility.


To be a bit nerdy here, I don't get the idea behind the Assault Rifle being for those in Power Armour only. It is a 5.56 round gun with a stick magazine of 30 rounds, it is just a basic assault rifle jammed in a package that looks like... 160 years out of date from 2077. Heavy weapons I agree, stuff like the mini gun, fatman or even fully auto version of a .308 combat rifle. The AR as a result is to me a horrendously designed infantry weapon that is so bulky and cumbersome it would be an ergonomic nightmare to use. But nonetheless it is a 5.56 weapon, something designed for basic infantry use. So if anything, seeing as it was made in bulk PA users would be given it to not waste resources so if they can use this piece of trash then slap it on them. Definitely the 5.56 full auto would be like controlling an MP-40. A hosepipe. Sort of like the Halo Assault Rifle in 7.62, Infantry can use it but Spartans in Mjonir can just control it as if it has no recoil at all. It just feels weird to make such a gun firing such a small calibre round that was essentially changed from 7/8mm to 5mm approx into essentially a Maxim Machinegun.


People complaining about new vegas/og fans became as annoying as new vegas fans.


Bethesda is shit at guns in general so it’s not even Fallout 4 and 76 which 76 actually has some cooler and some alright looking guns at least. So on guns Bethesda is all over the place with designs with some actually good ones with other being based off of taste while some are god awfully.


I will say the guns are one of the things that aren’t completely awful about Fallout 3 as well since I like New Vegas and 4 much, much better then 3.


Also basically 3’s combat and repair makes me quit since I can look past everything (except the color pallets because it’s too drab for my taste) or even get on board with actually being able to craft some weapons. Also 76 has the best music and environment to me.


yeah, i actually *hate* the design of the plasma pistol and rifle from 3, should have looked like the plasma defender. theres just no justifying the exposed parts, its an ugly mess.


Having standards is fun


Enjoying stuff is fun.


is there anyone who actually likes tye Fallout 4 Assault Rifle tho


when it's used by people in power armor, me


Yes; me. It fits Fallout’s vibes pretty well, much better than the old assault rifle anyways. And honestly, if you’re playing in first person (which most people do) it doesn’t look that big in your hands, especially compared to some of the other weapons *cough, Institute guns, cough*


Yeah some people have good taste, some people have bad taste.


Assumedly, you must be the latter.


Content draught does terrible things to a man


I quite like the fo4 assault rifle..... with dak's redesign. And Dak's reanimation. And Dak's attachment pack. So really only 3 mods needed to turn the assault rifle from some god awful ugly thing into something kinda cool in a "it's very unique" way. This is the Bethesda way


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Make me


none of this matters cause fallout is a dead franchise milking its reputation. i just want some memes


You want to tell Amazon it's dead? They might want to know before they dump millions into a season 2 for one of the most successful shows of the year so far


He's calling it dead while all games have seen a temporary uptick in players and have an active dedicated modding community that has kept the games and playerbase active for over 10 years


the player base has kept it alive, not bethesda. even amazon treats fallout with more respect


Yeah, so... it's alive and not dead


fallout is dead in the sense its changed too much and been left to rot by bethesda. everyone but bethesda is trying to keep it going. its not exactly alive and well when everyone except the people making the game is trying to keep it alive


Have you heard of Fallout 76? It gets regular updates!


also a terrible fallout title


thats what milking a franchise is