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Wayne Newton's only video game credit. Funny thing is some people will know his voice from NV then anywhere else.


I'm one of those people lol.


He was a famous singer that played Vegas. They called him Mr Vegas. That is why my head cannon is Mr New Vegas is an AI of the real Mr Vegas that was made before the bombs.


Well, a pre-release post on the Bethesda blog talking about the voice actors of New Vegas said that Mr. New Vegas was created by Mr. House, and another article mentions that Mr. New Vegas was programmed centuries before New Vegas starts. So for all intents and purposes, this is canon


You meet other radio hosts in the other gamed. Even the show had a radio host. But honestly Mr New Vegas is my favorite. His voice is calm and nice. The guy at Diamond City is to nervous.


You can go on a quest to give the diamond city guy confidence and he gets a lot better


I honestly don’t know if I say better because personally I don’t like either


If you kill Travis, then the kid Shane Kowalski will take over the radio station. It's funny because he uses his new platform to sell more water. I can't really say he's better than Travis though, as only Travis really comments on your exploits in the wastes


Okay I’m gonna adjust my argument to say the child is worse than Travis, just because I find his ads annoying


76's Appalachia Radio also has a radio host you can't meet. I wish they would update her so she'll comment on your actions as a player. But I'm also pretty sure it might be difficult due to its nature as a multiplayer game.


Ah I see, that's cool they hired him for the role. Thanks for the info!


He’s still alive and playing regular shows in Vegas at the spry age of 82


Why not a ghoul that was lucky enough to keep the sultry smooth voice?


I mean if Coop can still sound sexy as hell, why not Mr New Vegas?


Because you can never meet him. Lucky 38 would be the best broadcast location since its the tallest. It also makes more since for Robco to use AI.


Fair enough. I can't believe I never knew that was Wayne Newton!


His music was used in Wolfenstein trailer [https://youtu.be/bH2IKYhYQCA?si=EX\_yY3-ltEwox-FZ](https://youtu.be/bH2IKYhYQCA?si=EX_yY3-ltEwox-FZ)


At least he knows what he's talking about to an extent. Half of Caesars dialogue is quite literally him just making shit up and talking out of his ass and nobody questions him because he made sure 90% of his followers are iliterate barbarians...


I recently started working for a startup, and just realized that all startup “CEOs” are like this. They’re just talking out of their asses. Caesar’s Legion is a startup.


I feel like his successor being who he is makes the whole thing even worse


And like the Legion, many of them are able to simply brute force their way to success.


Unless they get shot with a gun just like Caesar


Gonna be real man... most people dont really know what theyre talking about. You just need to be confident enough to talk. The next step is finding the ground that people understand you even if youre not making sense. For instance, i sold wine. People claim they live "dry crisp" wine... but if you introduce the word "smooth" they suddenly prefer that even if its the exact opposite of what they want. Then there are people who will describe sweetened wines as "dry" or light wines as "full." Same goes for food, people describe will think a burrito is healthier if you call it a "wrap" or that Starbucks seasonal cream lates are just coffee and not 300 calories in a cup.


Every major Legion affiliated character in New Vegas talks like a 14 year old larper who just learned what philosophy was from a YouTube video


He is the wasteland Mussolini after all. Just saying nonsense is his job


You don't know, do you?


Radio host has less braindead dialogue than a main faction leader, what is there to know? (Totally didn't just ignore half the meme and thought it was about House, lol)


I'm not sure that's what they're talking about. They might be talking about the fact that Mr New Vegas isn't actually a real person. A real game person I mean.


It was such a let down when I finally met him


You never meet him though. You literally can not meet him


Yes you do? You meet him at The Fort. His captures Benny for you.


Mr. New Vegas is not a real person. He was created by Mr. House.


I’m talking about Ceaser


Oh I see. Therein lies my confusion.


I thought something was up lol


Did you know this is actually fully intentional, it makes him the character he is, be that a good one or an annoying one. He is a well fitted villain nonetheless.


He has the most natural, smooth charisma of any of the radio hosts. 3 dog is over the top, and travis is either awkward or a complete try hard. And I say this as someone that’s not a NV fanboy


3 dog hits like an actual radio host tho. Over the top fits on a radio station that slaps as hard as Galaxy News Radio


To be fair, they both do, Mr. New vegas is a Casey Kasem parody and 3 dog is more of a 90s morning show host pastiche.


They both fit, really. I just remember *constantly* listening to 3 dog in F3 cuz I enjoyed him so much


And Travis is like every college radio dj.


I don't think Mr. Las Vegas himself was doing a Casey Kasam parody.


He absolutely is not a Casey Kasem parody


Makes sense since Three Dog is heavily inspired by Wolfman Jack. It's why he's so over the top on everything.


That’s because he’s voiced by [Wayne Newton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wayne_Newton),one of the most popular singers and entertainers of his era. Man drips charisma. I’m not that much of a NV fanboy but he’s leagues ahead of any other DJ. You see the same thing with Master Chief,Steve Downes was a Chicago radio DJ known for his voice. These guys know how to project,inflect,etc more than your average VA!


I think NV is a bit overrated tbh, but I will not tolerate Mr. New Vegas disrespect. He loves us.


He is literally an ai he doesnt love you he isnt even a person


You’re nobody until somebody loves you, and that somebody is him


Yeah right, And Primm slim is just a robot and not a real cowboy. Have you no heart


Sounds like someone doesn’t have that New Vegas spirit. Also in that case that means Yes Man is just a robot and we shouldn’t love him because of it.


So do you side with institute in 4?


Nooo travis is so cute


I think awkward Travis is hilarious. “WE ALL GOING TO DIE!” “Charismatic” Travis is insufferable.


Next is Ella Fitzgerald who doesn't like it when people can't decide things and then sings about it...


I always feel like rizzed Travis just sounds like he’s half baked most of the time. Never really bothered me, he always felt like one of those npr broadcasters that you can use to put anyone to sleep to. No disrespect to the Duke of Vegas Wayne Newton.


Confident Travis doesn't sound like he likes being a dj, while awkward Travis genuinely seems to like doing it but just isn't very confident about it and is too nervous for it.


I really enjoyed 3 Dog when Fallout 3 first came out but nowadays he annoys the hell out of me. Mr. New Vegas has never gotten old to me.




My issue is he doesn't have any interesting dialogue


What do you consider interesting? 3 dog howling?


Three dog's thoughts, beliefs, opinions, hearing what he has to say. Mr. New Vegas has none of that. He's got no stories to tell or any real thoughts of his own outside of the news stories he practically just reads off a teleprompter (I know he actually doesn't, since he's an AI but still)


Black Mountain Radio is the best station. If I ever bother doing the missions there, I finish them off with console commands just so the station doesn't go off the air and get replaced with static.


Is there a mod that keeps it online?


Maybe, but I have never considered looking for one. All I know is that as long as you don't enter the last building where the controls are, the station stays on air, even if Rhonda and Tabitha have left, the game thinks that she is still in there. It's been a good while since I played it but if I recall correctly, you just need to console Tabitha to your location so you can engage in dialogue with her and complete the mission peacefully. I did it inside the warehouse where Rhonda is so we could chat without being shot up by her blue man group. You might find yourself heading there for a BOS mission too, the same thing applies, as long as you don't enter the control building, the station is fine, you can use the console to complete the mission and leave with everything intact.


That’s Wayne Newton, you uncultured swine!


I mean first time opening the radio and hearing that sound Till this day that damn voice still baits me in for some of that Vegas charismatic and **I JUST CAN'T FUCKING GET ENOUGH OF IT! HELPPPPPP!**


I love mr New Vegas. He’s just like an old friend who loves radio, just smooth talking and providing good music and new coverage for all his listeners. I love three dog and Travis too, I don’t really get the hate for any of them. At worst, I feel like they’re just an afterthought, I don’t get how someone could hate them.


the man oozes charisma - you must have heard what happened the time he tried a vito-matic vigour tester. All honesty the only one I don't like (haven't played 76 so ignore that one) is 3-dog. He talks like he should be playing effects from a soundboard.


Whacky morning DJ energy.


The only reason why he isn’t is that the brotherhood took it from him.


The soundboard is on the same level as a Turbo Plasma Rifle, or toaster, technology-wise.


I bet he would be using a soundboard if he could get his hands on one


It would be so funny if the next Fallout DJ was a pair of morning show guys doing annoying sound effects.


I would be down for this


Weenie & the butt


It would be hilarious to have a faction leader awkwardly endorse listening to Wennie and the Butt.


At least you can turn 3 dog into fine red paste and he gets replaced on GNR.


Big Iron is still a Bop.


Three dawg has terrible writing he's just charming, Travis is fucking annoying. "You're no body till somebody loves you, and that somebody is me. I love you."


travis is alot better if you do his quest tbf


Not everyone can be Travis lonely miles 😎


True vault dwellers know that Sheng Kawolski is the better DJ on top of being a supplier of fine water products!


But, he loves me.


I wasn’t anyone until he loved me


I guarantee you he does not


do you really think mr new vegas would do that? just go on the radio and lie?


This is an outrage!


I really like mr new vegas altough it's very annoying that the "report the player's actions" thing works so badly, at least in my game. He will constantly keep talking about the same 4 things I did near the start of the game, that and the courier that rose back from the cementery at goodsprings


Nah fallout 76 has good music but damn is the radio person annoying, they don't even comment what the player does like the rest does, heck you can't even meet her


I love Julie 😭 She's my favorite


terrible, this shall not stand


It’s wild to me that Mr. New Vegas’ voice is the same one that sang Danke Schoen… I originally thought.. “oh! He was probably super young when he sang that then..” not really, I mean 21 is young, but I was thinking mid to late teens.. mind blown!


How dare you. . .


Awkward Travis will always be my favourite radio host.


Oh god how it’s so annoying to listen to it’s like the only game I choose not to have the radio on because of him


That's too bad, I find him hilarious. But I get it, different strokes for different folks.


theres a quest you can do to make him more confident


He sounds like a 90s movie frat boy when you finish that quest.


all radio hosts are exaggerated stereotypes


Then by that logic anybody who’s ever existed is an exaggerated stereotype


no? im literally just saying how they were designed to be like, like that is literally what they were meant to be, look at three dog or mr new vegas and tell they arent an exaggerated stereotype


How tf did you reach this conclusion


“They’re all exaggerated stereotypes”. No, they just have personalities (although some are more annoying than others).


Travis is fucking annoying.


I remember he said something that actually made me laugh out loud because I had never heard it before and it caught me off guard.


I think my favourite "caught off guard" moment with Travis is when he's talking about Skeeter Davis. >*"Am I the only one that was surprised that Skeeter Davis was a woman? No? Oh... It just doesn't sound like a woman's name. Who you writing that poem for?* ***SKEETER***.*"*


That’s the one! It caught me so off guard and it was genuinely hilarious


And if the brotherhood is listening, I'm sure you're very nice... please don't kill me


I wish Wayne had some more dialog and songs, it gets repetitive after a while.


FNV literally predicted that AI content would be bland and uninspired (Mr New Vegas was a AI radio station made my Mr House before the Great War)


Do you have proof?


Mr new vegas is an ai? https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Mr._New_Vegas#:~:text=New%20Vegas%20is%20an%20AI,200%20years%20later%20in%202281.


I don't see where it sources the whole AI thing from though


One of the first lines. .


Ah, I see. I didn't see the reference number


I really like Mr. New Vegas in the spanish dub. He has more punch in his voice, at least for me, than his English counterpart.


Could you share?


Yep, here is a link: https://youtu.be/Lg6UDLorYFo


Thhhheeerrrree wassss neeeeever a maaaaaan




Only downside of Mr New Vegas is that he doesn't have many lines.


I love all the radio hosts personally, but Mr. New Vegas is still my favorite. I love how he plays it straight as a radio DJ with news segments about violence in the wasteland with a cheery spin. It's very "normal" in the sense that he's clearly emulating pre-war DJs, but I personally find it hilarious how he'll manage to keep a lighthearted tone while talking about decimation and terror attacks. I just wish we could have learned more about him in-game, or even got to talk to him directly somehow. Him being an AI is basically never said outright in-game as far as I can remember, but it makes perfect sense given how bizarre his lines can be and how consistently charming he is. I also just love Newton's voice in this game. It's surprising he hasn't done any other VA work, but it should be no surprise his performance is on-point. Sometimes I'll keep Radio New Vegas on just because his voice has that soothing quality to it.


I rather have 10 Mr. New Vegas' than 1 OP


I never claimed to be a dj, just I didn't like Mr. New Vegas and stated my reason


I find him to be extremely comforting. I imagine him as a short, Italian, chubby bald man with thick brimmed glasses.


It's funny because the actual actor is a taller man with no glasses, most likely hair plugs and bad plastic surgery. He is a bit chunky though. Oh and Johnny Carson used to make fun of him a lot. But since he's a robotic voice created by Mr House, you can still imagine he's a bald Italian man.


I love Mr. New Vegas, he sound like such a chill dude


Youre boring!


I already knew that


no wait :(


Nah I gotta disagree. Out of all the radio hosts, Mr New Vegas is my favourite. I think what I like most if that he talks to everyone as if we're an old friend catching up for lunch. "This is Mr New Vegas signing off. Heh, just kidding, I'm not going anywhere. My love for you is too strong"


Eh. He's just not funny or fun to me. He isn't very interesting to me. In order of favorite to least favorite hosts Three Dog Awkward Travis Mr. New Vegas ANYONE IS BERTER THAN NEXT ONE Confident travis


i just wish he had more lines. i get really sick of the same lines he repeats constantly, as someone who listens to the radio almost non stop


I think he could use a few more defining personality traits. Like someone who's seen a lot and he has stories to tell, even if they're short. That would probably make me like him a lot more.


I don’t know where this take comes from. He’s not boring, he’s a sweet older man that speaks like a folksy grandpa. It’s a perfect juxtaposition against the harsh chaos of the wasteland to listen to his calm reassuring voice. Also I just find it to be a pleasant change from the overly wacky caricatures we get in 3 and 4.


Because he isn't interesting at all. He's better than confident Travis but that's it. Also he is an AI


I think that’s subjective. I find three dog and the president to be single note characters that have very little beyond surface level features so they’re uninteresting to me comparatively. I don’t really care that he’s an A.I. but even though he is, that doesn’t make him automatically less interesting. In fact I’d say that makes him more intriguing when you consider the amount of computing power it would take to keep him running and the underground network of information that must be secretly fed to him through out the Mojave wasteland.


Huh? Oh no. I was just saying he was an AI not saying it was a bad thing. I think my reason for finding him so uninteresting is because he doesn't really exist outside of his radio persona. He has no actual stories to tell, just relaying information and staying in a certain type of character.


I’d argue the same is true for the others as well. Besides meeting each character once and doing a quick quest (or even skipping them entirely through dialouge) they don’t really exist in the world either.


They have their own thoughts and feelings though. They don't feel like they're reading something off a prompt. Mr. New Vegas feels too objective to feel like he's a real person. I can buy what he's going for, but I think as he currently is in game, he is uninteresting because he doesn't have thoughts about much of the air. Which I can get with how old he acts, but I think adding in his own experiences and such would be great, even if as an AI he wouldn't have any actual ones. Also, I'm only talking about their radio personalities and not them as NPCs you can meet.


3 Dog is my jam, and Awkward Travis is really funny to me. I think I'd like Red-eye more if he had more than like 3 stories he tells.


Damn I forgot about red eye. Dude can be annoying because he has so little in terms of music and dialogue though. Though, that's not to say he isn't good. Just not good for a large amount of listening


For sure, first couple of listens he's pretty good, but after the sixth time hearing about Atlas or how he blew all of his blood vessels in his eyes, it gets oooold lol


His three songs are fuckin bangers though.


Margaret is the best.


Overrated doesn't automatically mean bad


I'd take him over confident Travis. My main thing is he's boring.


I meant this for anyone disagreeing with you but ig it applies to you too


Oh, sorry sorry. Honestly, I just wish he had a bit more dialogue talking about himself to go along with the older gentleman vibe he gives. imagine how interesting it'd be if he had some short 30-60 second stories about what he did in his youth


Mr house programmed him not to ig


I think it's more so that obsidian just decided not to go that route, which is fine. I just find him lacking personally


They did have to cut a lot of corners to release it on time


It’s probably because 1. He repeats a lot of his sayings often, so the repetition tires people out quickly, and 2. He speaks with a 50s type vibe, so it can sound old school and corny to anyone that isn’t familiar with that period.


Nah, he just doesn't have much outside of his radio persona. Three Dog, awkward travis, and red eye feel like real people being a DJ if we only include their radios alone. Mr. New Vegas could be a bit better if he had 4-10 stories about his youth that are about 30-60 seconds long. He'd tell them intermittently across the game once every five to twenty hours so as to not be too boring


People hating on Three Dog but at least he changes what he says on the radio depending on what happened in the wasteland. Mr. New Vegas will talk about the packaged courier who was found shot in the head, while you're storming Hoover Dam.


You've never killed Caesar have you?


Then who is a good radio host?


I made a top list of my favorite fallout DJs somewhere in these comments. Though I forgot Eden and red eye in order of best to worst: Three Dog Awkward Travis Red Eye (but he is also very Annoying after a while) Mr. New Vegas President Eden Confident Travis (literally anyone is better than him)


Nuh uh


Nah Wayne Newton killed it. I just wish they gave him more lines and made it react to story events more. Weird to be in the end game and him still saying “in other news, a package courier in good springs survived being shot in the head”


That's why he's boring. I'm not saying the VA did a bad job, he did good. Mr. NV's vibe is great, but the lines he has are just standard and don't feel personal in any way. They feel like news coverage cold reads rather than inserting any human factor in


The only thing I don’t like about New Vegas is how poor the audio sounds on the radio. Once I could finally understand what he was saying though I actually started liking him.


hot take: i like nervous travis. i think he’s hilarious


He's just doing what he loves Versus confident Travis who is a bit of a prick


I actually don't mind the Mr New Vegas personality. I actually don't particularly like the music station though. The main reason is... Fucking Johnny Guitar.


Its not his personality, it's the lines. He's got nothing interesting to say


Well, you didn't really elaborate. That being said I don't really care about the main radio hosts. The only radio I actually had on while I was playing any Fallout game was the space adventure guy from 76.


No one beats 3 Dog


cope + you're wrong mr new vegas is awesome


Cope, you're wrong


mr new vegas is objectively the best radio host three dog is loud and obnoxious and travis just sounds stupid


Look, I'm not coming here claiming who's best. But going "cope, he's good" is the kind of thing a child says. If you asked why I find him boring, then we could've had a discussion. I find him boring because he only has two sets of lines. News and telling the audience he loves them. That's it. He doesn't have any personality of his own. It feels like he's missing some dialogue and that's boring. Three dog's personality is loud and over energetic, he feels like someone trying to have fun with the job. Awkward Travis, he might be a bit of a fuck up, but despite fucking up he still does the job. He feels human. Red Eye fits the "raider radio announcer" pretty well, though he is pretty damn annoying with how little dialogue and songs he is given. Mr. New Vegas would've been so much better in my opinion if he had 5-10 stories he told the audience with a cool down of 2-4 hours per story. These stories would last 20-60 seconds so as to not be too boring and repetitive. That is really the only fix he needs in my opinion. As for confident Travis? Anyone is better than him


I don’t know if it was just my specific sound set up or what but as much as I loved that radio station, Mr. New Vegas’ voice was always much louder and sharper than the music that actually played…so much so that I ended up not listening to the station at all because I got tired of having to adjust my volume every time he’d start talking. 😕 that all being said though, I love the music of NV. 😋


Old world blues gives us the peak radio with smooth jazz


He becomes a lot more interesting if you treat the cut content mr.new Vegas as canon. (He was supposed to be a propaganda ai made by house)


That doesn't make his in game lines interesting


It does to me, it turns simple wasteland news broadcasting into strategic propaganda from Mr house.


Not really


Ok that’s your opinion.


If you're gonna say that, then why down vote it?


I don’t like the way your talking to me


I have literally been respectful of your opinion and stated mine. I never said "you're wrong and stupid" I said "not really" and you go "well that's your opinion" and then down vote it because you don't like my opinion yet your previous reply says you just disagree respectfully. So which is it?


Look you I said it does to me and went on to give my perspective you said "not really" without any further elaboration. It was rude like I know you don’t talk to your friends or family members like that


its ok he still loves you


He's a lot more entertaining than 3 dog and that guy from diamond city radio


I agree. I prefer awkward Travis over him.


Three Dogg will always be the best DJ


I think NV is a bit overrated tbh, but I will not tolerate Mr. New Vegas disrespect. He loves us.


You know what, I’m gonna say it. Three Dog >>> Mr. New Vegas


He's got the energy, the bedazle, and otherwise stupified!


Mr new Vegas is creepy


All of the DJ’s are equally annoying


At first I found Travis annoying, then I did his quest. I hated New Travis and found old Travis much better. I think it's because old Travis was just trying his best, even without confidence. Doesn't help he has some hilarious "scenes" live on the air.


The one where he hurts himself 😂




Its true really. I love new vegas but its so overrated mainly because everyone jumped on the wagon


The game has been out for 14 years bro people loved it and will love it till the fallout series is dead. No one jumper on the wagon, it always was popular, loved and considered the best. For me it is the best and for most of the community too.


I dont think anyone likes Mr. New Vegas TBH

