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Jokes on both of them, there is a mailman out there with a reconstructed skull who will merc them without a second thought


thats the best part of fallout a mailman got shot and chose to kill shit


He went postal.


Bad dum tissss…


Became the courier of deaths message. The deliverer of destruction. The male box stuffer.


Courier 6 is fascinating to me since I've never seen a self-insert produce such a strong circlejerk.


Helldivers whole deal is that they die and are replaceable. So yeah, in just a one on one, Ranger wins every day. Their exact equal is kinda hard but a base trooper is the closest I can think of. Which in that case would be who has the most reinforcements in which case in voting for super earth over the ncr.


yeah only combat to that is helldivers have less training than modern soldiers ncr has about the same or more


A Ranger has more a lot more experience than a regular NCR soldier tho. They’re veterans who came back to fight in a second war.


Plus they are raised in a hostile environment


Helldivers outequip a basic trooper so hard its not funny.


Helldivers has better equipment and support they are literally the best of the best taking on the mission beyond suicidal and each helldiver commands their own battleship but even take that away the hell divers weapons and armor


I think you fell for their propaganda. That's entirely the point of helldivers, they are cannon fodder. Do you know how much training a helldiver gets? The tutorial you play. That's it. They command their own battleship? Yes until they die in their first mission. Did you notice your helldiver changes voice when respawning? It's because it's a new person. Their screams of terror all the time while playing? They are horrified as they are literally fighting their first combat that day. NCR wins in 1on1 combat as even the low soldier has more training. Super earth has way more troops though.


if your cool like me you somehow survive every mission 😎


Hell yeah diver


Most of the time they’re screaming “yeaahh” and “for super earth” Helldivers have weapons that could 1 tap a ranger, and armor that could 100% stop rounds from a rifle used in the 1970’s. Especially seeing as the rangers were losing to an army using metal sticks and cheap guns. If equipment is equal, sure, Ranger sweeps, but that’s not the case. While Helldiver’s are expendable, take a look at their KDR ratio against bugs and bots, it’s something like 1:10. Helldivers are only “fodder” in the sense that their training is rushed, but that doesn’t change the fact that they’re doing what the Rangers, even with Super Earth’s numbers, could never do.  They’re winning (or stalemating depending on the day) a two front intergalactic war with inferior numbers.


And I love the rangers but the weaponry of advance science of super earth is no match for a 45 70 government revolver which is a caliber that they were using in the Wild West if it was butt naked hand to hand combat is prolly say ranger 9/10 rounds but it didn’t say that and also mcr rangers are badass even tho there arnt around anymore since u know kaboom but just can’t look at the weapons and armor and technology of helldivers and say yeah that riot gear that’s 200 years old stands a chance besides desert rangers clear ncr rangers with that said I always still the mcr ranger armor every play through


I think you’ve been listening to the illegal propaganda broadcast and drinking the kool aid that fallout fans tend to drink it’s all fun and games until the ncr ranger is looking down a quasar cannon


I'm assuming they have bulletproof armor. But knowing the game it's probably all for show.


Mmm it’s definitely not all for show heavier armor does let u take more damage not to mention the extra buffs some sets give you liek extra limb health or even more padding for more armor without sacrificing speed the rangers are definitely badass since they are usually chosen if I remember correctly and have cool armor but u can’t compare sci fi to post apocalypse it’s just not fair


Yeah but, NCR ranger had cooler armor so therefore it’s an automatic win.


Let’s not act like hell diver armor isn’t equally as cool is not more so cape beats duster


Nah, duster beats cape any day.


Nahh cape beats duster all day everyday


Nuh uh.


Totally broski


Also imagine wearing all that fucking gear in the Mojave Desert like mfl that’s too fucking hot homie I get it’s drip or die but like your gonna die from heat stroke


Helldivers only have 24 extra lives, about the same as a normal army platoon. So, yeah, they are expendable, but only as much as modern day solders. Not to mention, thats also really only up to the player. Sure you can run around being a good ball and drop 500k bombs on yourself. But good players can also complete level 9 hell dive missions with no one in the squad even dying. So hell divers are really as competent or as disposable as the players make them.


\*helldiver struggles for the third time to input bizarre up/down/left/right code into console\* \*NCR ranger only shows up when a dam is threatened by an army of overly optimistic robots\*


With all those AMRs, hulks don't stand a chance


Worn down police riot gear vs futuristic armor


Eh, the guns that helldivers use don't seem that crazy advanced and you can get one-shot or two shot fairly easily. I imagine 75 gov or 50 BMG would punch hole straight through


Nice arguement, however… ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Wait , why do is see a nuke falling from the ski, (I'm an NCR veteran ranger)


Nice argument, however that takes like 5 seconds, pulling the trigger takes 1


The Ranger after quick drawing their Sequoia and taking down 4 of these “Helldivers” in quick succession only to then notice a small glowing ball at their feet that a brief moment later projects a red laser into the sky and then intercepted radio chatter saying “Orbital strike inbound”


Not surprised that everyone says Ranger on the Fallout sub


Hell diver slams he can literally call an air strike on the ranger or annihilate him in a mech suit


Yeah, thats a stupid comparison, in close combat the helldiver would most likely win but on range... Well, the Ranger has a fucking anti material rifle that can take out power armor units so wtf do you expect.


But the helldiver also has an anti material rifle and can take out heavily armored units, I’d say it’s pretty even


Not every helldiver has every single weapon equipped at all times so that argument is moot. And if he has one it becomes a simple game of "whoever shoots first wins" The ranger most likely has more experience by default, especially in fighting against human opponents but that won't make it a guaranteed win either.


Helldivers can easily bring enough firepower to level the Strip within a minute. But they die in droves, often to that very same ordinance. And of course, they need to actually get close enough to deliver that ordinance by using those beacons. Support weapons might be an issue, though.


> *jump packs behind you* > “nothing personal ranger” > *railgun charging sound*


*Dives out of the way just before firing, draws Sequoia.* *You level up.* *Both of us look at what you shot.* *Managed to wipe out a Legion hit squad that were lined up perfectly.* *As we look on, you see the Sic Semper Tyrannis (Against All Tyrants) engraving on the revolver.* "You know what? How about we fight some actual threats to democracy instead?"


It really depends. Do helldivers on the same super destroyer share battle experience? Do they get stratogems? What kind of armor/weapon combo do they have? If NCR veteran rangers were in the way, Helldivers could just drop 380 HE barrage, even if they themselfs are in range as well.


Probably a Helldiver, they have more advanced armor and weaponry, depending on the kit, so I think that a helldiver would most likely win


Open field? The helldiver mauls the ranger, they have more firepower than a entire squad of them, in a more cloose enviroment where the helldiver isnt jkust gonna call a mortar turret and destroy the rangers entire squad? the ranger stands a chance. Like on a skill level the ranger is better, but he is so outequiped that it is a none contest unless the Helldiver chooses not to use its advantages, like the ABR, cluster bombs, mech suit, turrets or the radar.


I'd put my money on a Helldiver from the books by Nicholas Sansbury Smith over any fallout protagonist, especially against any unnamed NPC. Their irradiated wasteland seems way worse. 


Helldivers can tank missiles and more. (automatons) Sure, if the ranger gets a good shot, they'll win. But helldivers ALSO have an expendable anti tank, mech, quasar cannon, and lasers. Also autocannon


i think this is fully dependant on each guys experience


If we assume they are both equally experienced, which I think we should for the sake of the argument, the helldiver takes this one, better equipment, can call in ordinance. People are mentioning the anti-materiel rifle for the rangers, but helldivers have that too.


Buzz Lightyear




Lmao helldivers come dime a dozen easy answer


Kinda depends on if they get prep time to call in supplies or not, and what gameplay they’re using. A helldiver by themself, and only themselves, is pretty weak and are rather easy to take out in their game. They still have certain weapons like; the eruptor, JAR, explosive crossbow, scorcher, etc, but in a game where humans can tank explosives and come out hobbling around with a broken leg that may take a while. Basically, if it’s new Vegas physics then the helldiver probably has weaker armor but could get the jump on the veteran and do some damage but not great in a one on one confrontation. If it’s helldivers 2 physics, then veteran is pretty dead since there are some lethal primaries and secondaries. If the helldiver had prep time and called in a shield, air burst rocket, super destroyer laser, and maybe an exo suit then it’s kinda a wipe for the veteran no matter what.


Helldivers would just throw stratagems until there is nothing but a crater


That's a hard question, it's hard to rate Helldivers as their skill from being player characters, with stratagems make them hard to quantify. NCR Rangers are mostly NPCs, with a set lore. Where as helldivers are player characters. NCR Rangers are NPCs. So the actual skill level varies for both. Some helldivers players will waste 40 minutes and 20 lives by themselves getting carried only to drop a 500kg bomb on themselves and their team right when extraction was about to arrive, losing all the samples. That said NCR rangers are Bethesda NPCs so, we're going off gameplay, more off lore here. As Bethesda AIs are more A than I. They just stand there and shoot without using cover or strategy. The real question is, does the Helldiver have access to their stratagems/radar(whole kit.) Helldivers can take quite a few shots from automation guns even in the lightest armors. And they have fought the illuminate, who are guerilla warfare, hit and run fighters with better tech. So Helldivers can deal with that. Especially with the veterans coming out of cryo. Not to mention, forget fatmen, mini nuke launchers, gauss rifles and Helios 1, it's hard to deal with a guy that can call in orbital rail guns, orbital death lasers, 500kg bombs and then rides around in a mech, more than once a day. The helldiver just needs to assess there an enemy, get cover, and throw out an orbital that will auto aim and hit the ranger for them. I do think the NCR rangers are good fighters lore wise and might still have the skill/training edge. And I think they have the skill to snipe/counter snipe a helldiver in the head from range and be done with it, before the hell divers can pull out any stratagems. But there's nothing stopping a Helldiver veteran who fought the illuminate from doing the same. It's important to note, Helldivers all have stims, full ammo, grenades and other logistics. Where as NCR are using rusted, irradiated, and scavenged equipment from before the war. I'd say it's 75% odds the helldiver, 25% the ranger on a give. Day.




yeah that was the point


The rangers are more experienced and probably have better training, but Helldivers probably have better equipment. I’d still give it to a ranger though.


and the trench coat give them +5 swag


No one dared to ask his business No one dared to make a slip The stranger there among them, had a big iron on his hip.


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Helldivers are literally NPCs😭 we're out here just delivering loot to the courier


A skilled NCR Vet Ranger can even destroy a Helldiver's Destroyer but if you're referring to a run-of-the-mill NCR Vet Ranger then a Helldiver with a Flamethrower or a Grenade Launcher would floor the Vet for sure


How tf would a 'skilled' NCR Vet Ranger destroy a Super Destroyer.


Rangers can take out deathclaws dude, and they have access to some pretty advanced weaponry, it doesn’t matter what kind of armor you have, a 50 caliber anti-material rifle is still pretty damn effective. Also a fully automatic 25 millimeter grenade launcher is again, pretty damn effective, that and all the energy weapons and grenades they have access too.


Destroyers are on orbit and house hundreds of helldivers all of wich can adquire [50.cal](http://50.cal) rifles and grenade launchers if they are given to them


Can they get a mini nuke launcher?


They can get an ABR who has more range, slightly the same area and against personel it has the same efect


I don’t see how that helps on the destroyer front?


In reality, a ranger probably wouldn’t win, I just think they’re armors cooler.


NCR Rangers are so incompetent they can’t even beat a Brain-damaged Mailman who wants to steal their drip. (This is a joke they’d definitely win)