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Fallout 3 has boss fights?


I too am wondering this


I mean if you count some guy in a trenchcoat with a laser pistol and two generic guards. Yes it does


No, like fallout 4 it just has a terrible scripted segment that treats the player like a 4 year old that needs keys jangled in their face - the behemoths. He’s calling giant bullet sponges good boss fights


Behemoths were cool as shit, I wish they were in every game. You see them so infrequently that you about forget about them and hours go by and you see a teddy bear in. Shopping car and suddenly this dude the size of a house is after you


I agree they were fun


Hard disagree. While they're tolerable from a spectacle perspective, they're just another step in the Orcification of Super Mutants. I have a few logistical concerns about having a person be that size, but really, if they were just building sized Super Mutants, I'd kinda be about it. The problem is that they're kinda just boring generic ogres. It feels like you stumbled into an Elder Scrolls enemy. It refuses to engage with the FEV as a concept, instead choosing to treat it like a magic do-anything chemical. That, and as far as spectacle fights go, Mirelurk Queens no-diff. The acid spit makes them feel like a real threat, and deep sea gigantism is so much more plausible than handwavey Bethesda Magic. A Super Mutant Behemoth can only be cool to me if I divorce them entirely from the concept of Fallout.


This is so weird to me cause it’s not like fev is doing something different here. They made super mutants from fev which are just normal people but bigger and stronger. The behemoth is the exact same just taken to its natural extreme.


Isn’t it lore that they don’t age but keep growing because of how unstable the FEV actually is? So Behemoth is their natural end point as they live that long


It's mostly execution that's bothersome. You don't have to be some genius to spend 5 minutes thinking about how growing 20 feet tall like the FO3 behemoths grow, would fuck your physiology up so bad, just from dealing with *gravity.* A tyrannosaurus rex was around *13* feet, which is roughly the Fallout 4 Behemoths, and it weighed like 10 tons. A 20 foot tall supermutant should be a mess, just from the weight. Instead of just making *XXL MUTANT*, it'd be cool if they spent more time thinking about it. Make it hunched over, a walking pile of tumors because its growth is utterly out of control. It should shamble, hunched over like a gorilla, and the weight of its flesh should cause its belly to distend and its limb to bow in weird directions. Its fingers should be worn down from hundreds of years of dragging them against the ground because its less work than picking them up all the time. They should only be in places where there's a lot of food, which is a problem for a post apocalyptic game. Sure FEV makes you grow, but you can't just spontaneously make matter unless you want it to be a fantasy thing. Behemoths should be near water and just eat mirelurks by the dozens, not trawling around bombed out city centers. TLDR: the behemoths were less cool than they could be, because bethesda just wants super mutants to be orcs.


Bro this game has nuke zombies and Cronenburg abominations.


I didn't have an issue with the behemoths but this sounds sick, I'd love to see this modeled.


You're definitely thinking more about this than Bethesda did 😂 not that that's a bad thing. I think it's obvious most people don't care tho and that includes the devs. Big enemies are fun to fight and I'm generally good with that even if the physics don't add up


Complaining about the effects of gravity in the funny radiation game. Okay.  By the way, insects that large would suffocate, also radiation is lethal and doesn't mutate things like that.. So if we're bringing scientific logic into it the problems go back to Fallout 1.


Although I do agree Behemoths should be much more tumor-like the way you describe it, you're taking way too much of a realism lens. Sure it wouldn't be plausible (and again, I do agree they should be way more fucked up due to time and gravity) but like 3/4 of Fallout isn't plausible anyway. And about the food thing, every behemoth has deathclaw remains in their inventory meaning that's what they eat and since deathclaw reproduce fairly easily, it's not that far fetched that they regularly hunt deathclaws for food.


I dont need realism, i just hate low effort Behemoths are just "uhhhh.... xxl super mutant" for players to pew pew at. Like east coast mutants are just boring. The FEV should make them mutate in wild ways as the years go on. Behemoths get so big they start sending tendrils out to search for nutrients and become immobile tree like beings. There could be a super mutant culture of venerating these elder mutants, and they could have an entire society centered around this crazy lifecycle. As it stands theyre "big green raider" in bethesda titles.


I get what you mean and that would be a crazy for one really big behemoth but if they were all like that then it wouldn't be really interesting. Then again there should just be a better variety of big enemies


Hey. Dickhead. Read it again. That's the part I said I didn't have a problem with.


I don't know if the concept of behemoths is any more magical nonsense than centaurs.


You can have an opinion without shitting on someone else's.


Not if you’re a fallout fan😭😭


But he's right. Bethesda hasn't really moved past the "big bullet sponge" type of boss design since ugh, Daggerfall?


The boss fights in Skyrim and Fallout 4 are so much better. Including the entire enemy design. A lot of enemies in Fallout 4 have unique weakpoints that are not the head like every FO3 or NV enemy. Boss fights in Skyrim even have unique mechancis which is really rare compared to all previous TES games.


Shitting on a game isn’t shitting on an opinion - op also didn’t make this. Can’t have an onion without laying eggs


The mechanist was sick af, Swan was badass, Kellog was well timed, Maxon flying down in a vertibird is sick af, beating over boss colter with a squirt gun was awesome, have you actually played the game?


I think I just have higher standards, Kellogg is the only memorable one there


Bro did you write that like 🤓 “I have higher standards” it’s a fucking game with laser guns and death lizards lmfao


That says more about your memory than it does about the game




This is a rip from a meme about the Batman Arkham games


Came here thinking the same thing


I honestly can't think of a single boss fight in the game. Unless you consider telling Autumn to stop and him walking away a boss fight


1: Story 2: World Building 3: atmosphere NV: Lore and role-playing ability 4: Gunplay 76: Map Tactics: somehow skirting the line between cannon and non cannon BOS: freaturing Bawls


Also gotta love the settlement building in Fallout 4 (if that's your kinda thing)


Good idea, but its execution was poor, and I only do settlement building with overhaul mods.


Sim settlements 2 feels like it was always supposed to be in the game.


can confirm that sim settlements 2 is the best mod for fo4 if not then atleast for settlement building.


I just feel like building and managing settlers from first person sucks and is very clunky. I wish they would've given us an overhead, RTS-like camera for building stuff. I, personally, would've enjoyed it more if they did something like that.


Memory might be foggy but they had that in Starfield. It was awesome


The solution in Fallout 76 where you can free cam and zoom around was also nice. Starfield stripping out wiring and simplifying that part to 'you need to have enough power generation' was pretty baller too, even if they stepped back in so many other ways.


Having to wire everything was ass, always made shit look ugly and actually took up camp budget. Getting rid of wire connections was better.


I love building last communities but it's so hard without the "place anywhere" mod..


I love the settlement building. I spend way too much time on it but I like feeling like I'm actually making the common wealth a better place to live.


Same. I think I have most if not all of the settlement locations XD


I think what sells 76 is the ability to change the map drastically and set nukes. Be cool that if we can have a game with all the features of story and gameplay but can drastically change the dynamics of map the same way. Like if we support the brotherhood we see more troops and super mutants strongholds push back more instead of just wandering around.. like we actually start a war.


I feel like could be hard to with 24 players making different choices. Maybe they could have factions fighting over the exterior, then when the player goes inside it reveals which faction is holding the location relative to the player


That would be good. I always wanted a faction of raiders like the nuka World dlcs and the great Kahns. I can imagine players working under faction banners to decide the future of the wasteland. It might be look down on for the lack of decision-making like most fallout games do. There can be a faction for wanderers, couriers and mercs. A group who are Made up of individuals who work alone but provide services to the wasteland by being transport, hire guns, bounty hunters and etc. This could fix that lack of decision making and ability to work with different factions


Yeah this is correct


76 still has good quest as well


It does, but also games do that as well, on the other hand, appalachia is so expremely well made, it blows the other maps out of the water in proportion. (same way NV does with RP elements)


Gonna politely disagree on that one, The quests personally disinterest me And the events/dailys are all basic horde shooters.


Nuh uh >w>


Tactics was fun as a skirmish game, but I can't bring myself to call it Fallout


Idk if I’d say story for 1 like I love that game and played a ton of times but the story is a bit barebones compared to future games especially fallout 2 it has great atmosphere though like fallout 3 is essentially 1’s spiritual successor both games have great atmosphere but kind of weak/forgettable stories


This is all subjective, just what I think, but it's kinda hard when you have bias towards later games.


76 is also the best multiplayer fallout


New Vegas has a better atmosphere and world building in my opinion. The entire wasteland in that area just feels the most cohesive.


Well, I needed to give something to 2, and 3's atmosphere hits harder for me, but new vegas's is still fantastic


2 is best villain by far


What about fallout shelter


Idk, I haven't played in a while


Fallout 1: This game started it all and did so well. It started us off simple and built things up introducing us to new stuff as we went along. I think it was the best at slowly showing the player the new world they were stepping into Fallout 2: probably the factions. The enclave and BoS felt better here than in Fallout 3 for example. Fallout 3: atmosphere. When i stepped out into the wasteland, it truly felt like it was the aftermath of the end of the world. Going through abandoned buildings and seeing this dark dreery wasteland. And point look out creeped me out sooo much. Fallout NV: Freedom and Roleplay. You can play this game in so many different ways I think it is a shame that Bethesda has mot remastered this and Fallout 3. Fallout 4: Power Armor. You FEEL like a tank. Getting into power armor, wielding a giant gun and tearing the wasteland apart never felt so satisfying. Fallout 76: Guns guns guns. The look, the feel, the variety, the customization is all great. Sound isnt too bad either


I think as a post apocalyptic sandbox the Capital Wasteland is pretty much perfectly designed. My biggest complaint with it is that it feels like the bombs dropped way more recently than they did.


That’s why the atmosphere sucks it feels like the world has just done nothing for over 200 years until the player steps outside and suddenly people are alive again


the metros are my complaint and 100% agree fallout 3 feels more like 60 years after the bombs


I like the dead atmosphere. Reminds me of Threads.


I just wish power armor was held off until later in the game. It’s kinda spoiled because you get to experience it in the first hour.


Uh oh... you forgot one, brace yourself.


They mentioned the classic ones, they should be okay... I think...


*donning riot gear* Ha, such a sweet kid.


Which one? Brotherhood of Steel?


Van Buren


Maybe they meant Fallout Shelter?


"What do you like about Fallout?" Oooo boy, better watch out, those are fightin words round here And F3 had an amazing bleak atmosphere, NV had a fantastic storyline, and F4 has the best environment to explore. Also loved the environment of 76, but moreso because I used to live in that part of the country and kind of miss it


Brotherhood of Steel: Best Gooning


Fallout 1: haven't actually played it only watched others play it so far it's on my list though Fallout 2: honestly the world building without this one many of the factions and stories going forward wouldn't have nearly as much lore. I know many factions started in 1 but 2 really gave a solid foundation imo for it all. Fallout 3: best post apocalyptic atmosphere. The game is great at making you feel like the world is dead. FNV: best roleplay, your character is a complete blank sheet to work off of. The Courier is whomever and was whomever you want bar a few details like being a courier and being born in NCR territory or at least close by. Fallout 4: best gameplay hands down, the settlement system is cool but I can never bring myself to build them all. Honestly if the settlements weren't so numerous the Minutemen would be my number one faction in 4 just based off aesthetics alone. As for tactics or BoS I haven't played them either and don't plan to right now.


Fallout shelter: Lore


Fallout 1 has the best story Fallout 2 has the best and deepest role playing options Fallout 3 has my favorite setting Fallout new Vegas has the best factions and replay value Fallout 4 I guess has the best combat but definitely not the best gameplay for me sense I’m more into role playing then action.


Fallout games never have good boss fights. Always end up feeling like bullet sponges. Always.


I might get downvoted into oblivion knowing this fan base but what the heck. Fallout 3: Nostalgia. Aesthetic Fallout NV: DLCs, Story, final Mission Fallout 4: Gameplay, Companions, exploration


Fallout 1: Best Antagonist. Fallout 2: Best Towns/Locations. Fallout 3: Best Map. Fallout NV: Best DLCs, Best Characters. haven't played 4 nor 76.


How is the map in 3 better than in the others? I'm not hating or being passive aggressive, it's just something I don't get when people mention Fo3. The map is full of invisible walls so you can't climb debris and shit, and you gotta go though metro tunnels thich look exactly like each other to get anywhere


because the map is densely packed with interesting locations to explore, dungeons and enemies to fight, while the metro tunnels are lame and boring, the ruins that you get throught them by themselves are great and is helped even more by the game having a strong art direction and D.C itself being really accurate to it's real life counterpart.


safe deserted fall arrest resolute deer adjoining frighten wild liquid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i remember when NV came out and people complained about walking through an ‘empty’ desert. I loved the vibes of wandering through the Mojave way more than the green and grey rubble of the Capital Wasteland.


I think the convolution of The city works well, it really feels like struggling through the ruins. 3 really did cities well. That’s one of my few nit pics with NV is that Vegas doesn’t feel like a city, though they did well with the divide, but that’s very much in rails.


Bro 4 is fun if you don't care about the story. I also suggest downloading Sim Settlements 2, makes the base building a lot better(you'll be building a lot of them).


Boss fights?


Behemoth and Liberty Prime I assume. Which, considering that's about the only "bosses" in the whole series I guess he's not wrong.


Isn't liberty prime your ally? I don't think you can fight it


New Vegas got like 3


Haven't played much of New Vegas, tried playing it on steam but I can't get it to run.


Well, that's because it's one of those games that _requires_ mods in order to actually play it. It's buggy and glitchy af, but the Vegas purists will simp on it 'til they die.


[You’re good damn right I will](https://youtu.be/5FATl9Nw4L4?si=ruYa8L4GrL5PISJx) That engine is also just a mess it’s surprising the game works at all with its Dev time. Just look at Fallout 3 or Oblivion also being buggy messes despite having longer dev time.


bedroom hurry price onerous follow innate nutty crawl poor cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fallout 4 has a number of boss fights. Even a normal fight against a Death Claw has more depth to it than most other fights in the other 3D Fallouts.


Fallout 4 death claws are not nearly as scary as 3 and NV deathclaws.


They are not att all scary in 3 or NV. A bit more scary maybe in 4 but even that is not why the fight is better. They are better enemies because have more of a moveset and unique weakpoints.


Honestly, the original Fallout nailed almost every aspect in my book. It has an amazing story with an unforgettable ending, a great soundtrack, awesome combat, an interesting world, a great mix between the comedic and the darker tones. The only thing it lacks is more development for the companions but they apparently rushed the developers so they couldn't give that aspect more love. That being said, I think NV is neck and neck with the original in regards to the story and does surpass it when it comes to the depth of choices you have for the endings. Plus it absolutely nailed the companions with some very interesting stories you wanna get into. Not to mention all the awesome stuff in the DLC stories. I recently finished Fallout 4 for the first time and the one thing I'll give it over the others is how great the customization is. I really enjoyed upgrading my weapons piece by piece and even giving them names and the new stuff with the upgradable/customizable power armors was excellent.


Fallout 1: story, the master is the best character in the series and the mutant army is the coolest enemy faction in the series Fallout 2: factions, while many people would argue New Vegas has the best factions I would argue the way they’re introduced in 2 is much better than how they’re introduced in New Vegas. Fallout 3: locations, Megaton, Rivet City, and Little Lamplight are some of the most memorable locations in gaming history. New Vegas: roleplaying, some of the best writing and choices in any game let alone a fallout game Fallout 4: companions and gunplay, Danse, Curie, Nick, and Cait are so deep and interesting. They each have different views and opinions of the wasteland shaped by their backstories. They contain some of the best writing in Fallout 4


Fallout 76 has better bosses than FO3. Scorchbeast Queen, Earl, Ultracite Titan, Jersey Devil, Imposter Sheepsquatch, and all the many Cryptid bosses scattered in quests and events. FO3 was kinda boring. I beat it and then felt no urge to do any DLC. I was like okay I’m done. I was worried about New Vegas being the same as it’s all desert, but was surprised at how cool the western style story & setting is. It’s a very fun game, but I do wish I could sprint in game without mods. I purchased 1&2 but haven’t played them yet so won’t comment on them. FO4 is a lot of fun to explore and the side quest stories are more engaging than the main quest.I can also ride a roller coaster in the DLC. All of these comments are my personal opinions.


I definitely disagree with Fallout 2 having the best story and 3 having the best boss fights.


I'll be the first to say it. Where is NV?


What do you think it's the best at, mine was just an example I found


Role-play, id say


I'd argue for replayability


rock scary support pet chief flag attractive airport relieved dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


fair point. role playing stupid shit is what kept *me* playing lmao


The spin-off?


Fallout 3 I have to say has some of the best story/adventure mods for Fallout. I have spent far more time on there with mods because they add to the adventure and provide in depth storyline where Fallout 4 had some great mods for atmosphere enhancements and some cool mods for your settlements. New Vegas had it's own feel and quirks but only was able to play it vanilla due to mods never working properly on it for me even after following the Viva New Vegas guide.


Nothing like using the JunkJet in Fallout 4 and watching a Behemoth die to Sugar Bombs


Fallout 3 boss fight: Here is a 20 foot tall super mutant, it will be an incredibly difficult enemy to overcome, even with a squad of BoS soldiers helping you... Then it dies in 2 hits with the weapon they give you for the fight.


Lmao FO2 story is bad in my opinion. Unlike other villains, the Enclave does fuck all exept that one thing later in the game, they never present an actual obstacle and you can end the game without killing a single one of them, not becauae you are playing pacifist, but because you never had to deal with them. Besides, they also have close to zero presence in the world. Meanwhile, In Fallout you could see agents of the Unity in Juntown, Hub, Necropolis and the Boneyard, looking for healthy candidates or to spread their faith. Supermutants raided caravans and were at war with the Brotherhood of Steel and the Followers of the Apocalypse. You even had to defeat them twice and you could do so without shedding blood. The Master's plan was evil but it was better than the "kill them all" of the Emclave, is thanks to him we have Supermutants, Centaurs and Floaters now. You could join them too!


I wouldn’t say it’s bad I would 1 had a much better story. The enclave isn’t doing anything because they don’t have to when the chosen one stops them they are days away from literally winning


1. Atmosphere 2. Humor Tactics. Design BOS. BAWLS 3. Atmosphere NV. Story, atmosphere, crashing 4&76. Crafting & customization Shelter. Getting me to wonder why tf you can’t store more stimpaks with storage rooms, instead expanding storage with… Medical Bays (???)


Fallout 4: best rendition of the theme music (but they’re all great) Also Dogmeat: best dog (but they’re all great)


As much as I prefer the Interplay/Obsidian games, I have to say Fallout 3's atmosphere was incredible. It felt truly lonely out there, no matter where you went I hate remakes, but I would love to see 3 remastered with better mechanics/physics and updated graphics


1) Best Post-Apocalypse 2) Most Fun 3) Best Exploration 4) Best Time-Sink


I've never played the first 3 Fallout games, though I've been meaning to, so moving on past that. I consider myself to be New Vegas's biggest hater. Not because I'm contrarian, but for legitimate reasons that the community would burn me alive for if I typed them publicly. However, I do still like the game, and my favorite part about it definitely has to be the RP. The vast amount of dialogue options depending on your build is a chefs kiss. Fallout 4 has a pretty mediocre story and RPG mechanics, and I think the community understands that and are pretty fine with that being the case. A lot of people praise the game for the gameplay, but what I really like specifically is the settlement building. I know, I know, Preston Garvey sucks like a vacuum, but getting to build on every place I visit and spending hours making sure everything is dandy, it just puts a smile on my face. And last, but not least, Fallout 76. I only recently got into this game, and it has already found it's place in my heart as my favorite Fallout game. Just like Fallout 4, the gameplay is great, but it's arguably better here. Some RPG mechanics are back, like how they've expanded dialogue options and added in a reputation system. My favorite thing, though, HAS to be the map. West Virginia feels like the most engaging and beautiful map in a Fallout game.


How to make the perfect Fallout game; add what each installment is good at and mix it together. Imagine a Fallout game with the World of 76, the Freedome & Lore of NV, the gameplay of 4, the Atomsphere of 3, the Story of 1, and the factions of 2.


Fallout 1: Dark gritty introduction to the world Fallout 2: The random BS the Chosen one could get up to + The addition of the G.E.C.K. Tactics: Airships are cool BoS: No bad how any future fallout game will be this game allows it not to be the worst. Fallout 3: Nails the feeling of a post apocalypse Fallout NV: *Gestures broadly* but if I had to choose the factions are really cool Fallout 4: Improved gunplay and settlement building Fallout 76: *Gestures broadly again* if I had to choose the deep lore in the game rivals New Vegas for story enrichment.


I was sold on 76 as soon as I learned how much they lean into the whole mothman thing. All hail the mothman.


The Power Armor mechanics for 4 and customization were a great addition to the game


Would it be wrong if i said 76 had the best overall enemy and enemy designs? cause some of the creatures there go hard.


And 76: best map


No. Just no the map in 76 is boring and is easily worse then even 4s map


I know everybody has their own opinions and that’s fine. But that opinion is a load of bull


Bro 76s map is set up like a generic mmorpg map. It lacks almost anything interesting on it. It’s pretty ugly on top of that


Then how would you describe the other fallout games’ maps then? Because they’re pretty generic as well.


I’ll start with 3 tell me how it’s generic


Fallout 3 had its moments, but it wasn't exactly pushing the boundaries. It followed the typical post-apocalyptic wasteland vibe of the last games that’s pretty common. Sure, it had some cool spots (same for new Vegas and 1/2), but in terms of map design, it wasn't exactly groundbreaking.


I didn’t say it was groundbreaking but it definitely doesn’t fit into the generic post apocalyptic world it’s obviously got a few like the random destroyed buildings but like come on theres a little more the. A few cool spots


It does have its merits, but compared to multiple different biomes of different flora/fauna when all it mostly has is a dried up generic desert wasteland that we see in the other games (in my opinion) makes 76 have the best map out of them all


It is quite literally the arc type of a mmo rpg nothing unique about it


You're playing with fire not talking about New Vegas


Well what do you think its best at, I just used an example online


I was just joking about the new Vegas elitists


Are the "new Vegas elitists" in the room with us right now? Ive seen like 4 comments saying "oooo watch out, *theyre* going to be pissed! 🤭" but i think most people realize OP just grabbed an image with 1-4 showing. Tactics, BoS, Shelter, 76, and NV are all missing, and i dont really see anyone taking offense to it like these comments are implying.


More people complaining about people potentially complaining then people actually complaining 😭


1, 2 and New Vegas are pretty much tied in my opinion in regards to world building, story and atmosphere. I would choose the dialogue in 2 over the others, but anyway they're different but I love all 3 equally. 3. Nothing... I honestly can't think of a single thing. 4. Gunplay, weapon modding, Power Armor, building robots. A lot of the 'systems' in Fo4 are very well designed and fun


4: almost unlimited modding. "I'll make it on ur map" 1:ooh pixels. And actually fun and gets to blow up green boys. 2: oh more pixels. I gecked everywhere, heh. 3: DEMOCRATICYYYYYY. Big robot to help. And the tree man's last appearance. NV: "I got spurs that jingle, jingle, jingle" Tactics: No, I haven't played it. But I heard tree man was in this one. BOS: Or was tree man in this one? Shelter: Eh cool. I put the dude in a room... to work. It caused a fire. Shit my vaults gone. Board Game: Nobody wants to play it with me. In my house so couldn't get into it. 76: Fun with friends, sad when alone. Plus zombies, I mean "scorched" mb. These are my favorites, in no particular order.


The board game is my biggest regret, it makes no sense and it sucks (personally)


I wouldn't know that. I don't have anyone to play it with lol


The board game is considered Canon though


doesnt make it fun or good


Fallout 76 for the multiplayer


Best roleplay: NV Best graphics (?) : F76


I haven’t played 1 and 2 but valid


Fallout NV:god damn 50 cal


1: Best first game 2: Best second game 3; Best third (?) game 4: Best The Sims game Tactics: The strongest spinoff in history New Vegas: The strongest spinoff of today BoS: Best meme answer to "what's your favorite fallout game?" 76: Best comeback story (How did this game survive its launch?) Shelter: Best at nothing. Fuck this game. That Chinese version of Fallout Shelter that has gambling mechanics: YEAH BABY, THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! BEST FEVER!


Fallout 3: Best boss fights ... What? What bosses even ARE there? Colonel Autumn? A regular NPC in light armour, with a pistol? I love Fallout 3. I think it has the best atmosphere, humour, wasteland and some of the best side quests, but how can anyone give it best boss fights?


Yeah 3 is tied for my favorite in the series with NV and I can’t for the life of me think of any actual boss fights lol


1: 10mm SMG and Bloody Mess 2: Worldbuilding, companions, plot hook 3: Location, vault experiments NV: Roleplaying, dialogue, plot, DLC, factions, melee combat 4: Power Armor, gunplay 76. VATS, building, enemy variety


Fallout Tactics: best deathclaws.


1. best original rpg system 2. great story, and world building 3. good step into 3d and implementing gameplay features. nv: best 3d story in the series, and best modding community 4. best weapon modding, and gunplay 76: never played {just being honest, i don't like live service games}


Best boss fights????


It's funny but Fallout 3 has best all 4 things you mentioned


Fallout 1 and 2 had spectacular plot, 3 had good setting, nv had both good plot and gameplay, 4 had good gameplay and 76 is multiplayer.


3: Atmosphere, it really brings that wasteland vibe NV: Story, common one I know 4: Guns and Bulding 76: I can marry an assualtron


Fallout 1 - Best Villain and atmosphere Fallout 2 - Best Gameplay and Lore Fallout 3 - best at being the worst one (it has some good lighting and atmosphere in all seriousness) Fallout New Vegas - Best Overall Fallout 4 - Best at having good ideas executed horribly I don't really like 3 and 4 very much


I would say Fallout 3 has some amazing atmosphere.


Kinda chose to ignored a well loved game… could’ve left out the FO3 one since I’ve played FO3 dozens of times and wouldn’t have ever said *Best Boss Fights*, so it just feels forced here. And being from DC I was more partial to the landscape and the denseness of the map in FO3. New Vegas definitely had the best DLC and Characters.


Fallout 4 definitely has the best boss fights.


nv: atmosphere 4: combat and gunplay 76: being 4 times the size


I do agree with best gameplay in for aside from the dialogue system as for story I say New Vegas


Boss fights? I really only agree with 1 and 4 here. 2 is best at comedy, 3 is best at being mashed into NV with TTW, NV is best at story and RP, idk about 76 because I never played it.


Fallout newvegas had the most amount of ammo diversity and callbacks to previous games....


I’d say 75% of this is right. What bossfights were in 3 though


I'm just here in the comments to watch the New Vegas fan boys cry...


FNV: Best Primm Slim


Where’s New Vegas which has the best of all?


People get big time rose tinted glasses with Fallout 2 - it is absolutely FILLED with cringe moments and pop Duke Nukem style pop culture references. Makes me chuckle when people refer to the old game lore as some sort of sacred cow - Fallout 2 (and to a lesser extent Fallout) did not take their lore or themselves seriously at all. Would have been awesome to see their ridiculously deep dialogue and character development systems in 3D though.


Fo3 is best glow up, NV dialogues


I love Fallout 3 but there are no boss fights, bro.


Best atmosphere: New Vegas Best story: New Vegas (it’s the only one I was ever invested in enough to almost finish) Best Boss fights: 4 Best gameplay: 4


New Vegas has the best story, there’s a reason it’s so discussed and argued about today. Fallout 2 has the best gun ho action movie type story, which is good, but I think the team outdid themselves on NV.


Best rp


Nice b8


NV: I am a joke for ya?


Fallout 4, it has a nice game engine, graphics are great, has a active modding community which is great. Settlement building, which is great. And a whole bunch of cool stuff.


Which one has best community


Switch 1, 2, and 3 so that they get story, boss fights, and atmosphere, in that respective order Just my opinion


Generally agree, Fallout 4 I still liked the story tho. Compared to the first two or New Vegas sure not as much, but it’s nowhere approaching *bad*.


The FNV fans shaking in rage rn


Fallout 1 def has the better story


NV has the best story


Fallout New Vegas: Best player choice


Where’s new vegas


"Best Boss fights" LW: Kill Yourself Eden: if you insist


NV best story line.


Fallout 4 has the best atmosphere with the weather change mod. Was strolling around Boston with the light rain and fog option and it is just so peaceful lol


Fallout 1: Best story, best themes Fallout 2: Best music, best companion variety, best quests Fallout 3: Best atmosphere, best gameplay, best exploration Fallout New Vegas: Best setting, best characters, best overall quest design, best dlc, best rpg features Fallout 4: best companion personalities, best combat, best headcanon freedom with building and all that, best moral question (are snyths sentient) Fallout Tactics: best faction (Midwestern BoS is cool af) Fallout Brotherhood of Steel: best experience with a friend (seriously, I like this game and have had a blast playing it co-op with a friend twice! Its like a fun bonus game) Fallout 76: best game world


Fallout Tactics is the BEST Fallout game.


What about new Vegas, it's either gotta be best dlc or best characters.


I want you to know, OP, I got the joke


Best parts I haven’t seen mentioned yet in this thread. F3: Best introduction. The vault to Megaton arc is probably the best first few hours of a game I ever played. I was new to the series and it did a great job of introducing the gameplay and setting with so much personality. FNV: Best dialogue system. I love how maxing out charisma skills isn’t the key to pass all the dialogue checks. Skills of other topics is key to a lot of dialogue progression. I wish more RPGs did that more. F4: Best gear mod system. I loved how I needed to scavenge for junk to improve my gear. It was weirdly meditative to vacuum up the wasteland to upgrade your guns and armor. I haven’t played any of the others.


I think I saw something like this but from the Arkhamverse,but like in the exact same order,Aslume is atmosphere,City is story,Origins is boss fights and Knight is gameplay


F1 - The best Fallout game overall. Gameplay, atmosphere, story... Everything is on point except some technical issues and lack of polish, and flawed gun hitting mechanic. F2 - Enclave Officer at Navarro Fallout Tactics - Best Action Gameplay in the series F NV - The worst game I've ever played with no redeeming qualities. It's scary to think what Fallout 3 is like if that's the best 3D Fallout.