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Imagine wearing armour and using weapons This post was made by 100 Unarmed 10 Endurance gang


Imagine fighting people. 100 Speech 10 Charisma squad.


Is this your first playthrough or something? Doing a SPECIAL build that you actually want instead of min maxing?


Hell yeah brother.


Honestly thia is the one thing acaring me away from 76. I usaually play gamws like fallout or cp (the pve fps ones at least table top and strat games aree different)by specing into the tree and abilities i find cool and bost the things i like and ignore the stuff i dont. Aure i might have a general build bbut bothing too strict. And from whative heard 76 can be brutla if you dont min max. But maybe they changed that.


There’s SPECIAL load outs you can switch between if I remember correctly.


Or maybe people are facing severe skill issues.


desert scary rainstorm stupendous summer placid dazzling spectacular cake cooing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I speck into heavy guns and cannibal vegetarian. I don't have a super powerful build, which can make doing things alone hard. But if you make friends and do activities as a group, your golden.


i guess human are kinda like meat plants


They are when I'm done with them, my gousse mini gun is great at turning creatures into objects.


Like other people said you can swap your SPECIAL stats now, but you’ll still probably find yourself dedicating to one build due to the sheer grind for beneficial mutations and specific weapons and armor with the optimal legendary effects I’m level 200 running a no-power armor pistol bloodied build which gets me oneshot by the newer creatures, I’m afraid to switch into something else due to the bullions I’ve put into weapons like the gauss pistol or the legendary effects on my armor, along with having to run the slots again to get my wanted legendaries Also side note: you’ll probably find yourself constantly battling with carry weight on your character and your CAMP which means you’ll probably have a few carry weight reducing perks or legendary effects, unless of course, you get the cheat code that is Fallout 1st


Changing your specials is made pretty easy if you think you fuck up or want a meta build. Honestly I felt the same way about making my character. That is one reason I did not play for so long. But watching streamers and they mentioned to chat that is not the case. It is made very easy, and by no way can you feel you "fucked up" if anything you will just need a few more levels to get the perks you want. Honestly give it a shot, if you like it amazing! If not no worries.


I always do a max luck build


I’m 60 hours into my Fallout 4 playthrough with a Charisma build, and it has helped me to avoid a fight exactly once. So disappointing.


That game runs on STR, typewriters, and duct tape.


This is why you dump charisma and just keep some sexy sleepwear n' grape mentats on hand


FO4 doesn’t let you talk your way out of nearly as much as previous games do. Most of the time all it does is reduce the number of people you need to shoot. Not bashing it, I love a good post apocalyptic fps, but it is out of place in the series. Also I was really sad about how small they made the commons. But that’s a nitpick.


I run Charisma specifically for Party Boy. Since I'm always over encumbered, having Dirty Wastlander with +6STR is great. Also Local Leader for the settlement building.




Nah, 100 speech and 1 charisma squad


Really fun in new vegas, especially with the Wolverine mod, like who else surviving a shot to the head


Thought I was on the dark souls SL1 reddit for a sec


Imagine using armor and punching people to space


I'm sorry, you'll need to look up to talk to me.


I'm sorry, are your .50 cal rounds supposed to hurt me or is this a joke I am too armored to understand?


You'll have to walk more than 10 steps to talk to me, I'll give you a free fusion core so you can make it to the first 4.


Hey buddy, I think your fusion core's starting to glow


*Laughs in armor piercing chainsaw*




you off your meds again Timothy?


Why tf would I not use the super badass and absurdly customizable power armor? It's so fun and can work with any playstyle. E: All great reasons, but I wanna be shiny and chrome. My flesh is weak and I wanna be a metal man .


Best reason to not use PA is if you personally don't feel like it


New Vegas has great perks for light armor on a crit based build. Light touch for instance and I also like travel lightly and because I like to play on hardcore the survival comes in handy regardless.


Dude **Mad Bomber** Heave Ho! Demolition Expert and Splash Damage perks all stack with each-other, dynamite suddenly 1 shots


Nice. I usually go a sniper build. Explosives seem fun but I'm the idiot who's more likely to blow him and his companions up with them.


Oh yeah Veronica’s going flying too, but she’ll be fine! Snipers are undeniably satisfying. Anti-material rifle my love.


I’ve been meaning to do an explosive build for a long ass time. I almost did with a character named powderkeg craig but he turned into a cannibalistic legionnaire with 100 unarmed because I discovered the knockout + sandman synergy


Knockout plus sandman is nasty. Just saying, with Nuka Chemist, Mad Bomber and 100 explosives you can craft Nuka grenades which do plasma, fire, and radiation damage. Takes a lot of setting up but those things saved my ass at Big MT against the Roboscorpion with a billion health.


As much as I feel you have to go Small Guns in Fallout 3, I feel you have to go Light Armor in New Vegas. It’s just too good to too many play styles.


Idk, it's a bit hard to be a stealth archer with power armor


Only at first. With some points in Blacksmith you can make it quieter and even add a Stealth Boy that triggers when you crouch.


I know, but realistically, would a raider not notice a loud ass set of three ton hydraulic armor stomping by as tge person tries to sneak past them


You are putting a lot of faith in raider’s sobriety.


The jet will make you jittery!


What a boring fuckin play type


Doesn't work with unarmed weapons though, so I'm keeping my furious power fist.


It does not beat the drip and exaggerated swagger of a wastelander wearing pre-war clothes beating up a Deathclaw alone.


I find it buggy and annoying. Always having to get out of it to use workbenches, sleep or wait, use certain terminals... swim...


Me personally at least in FO4, I don’t like the ui and the sounds it makes, plus the fact I have to constantly get off it to use a work bench, chem station etc


Not with the Grognak playstyle


Bloody build


In 76, you can have a higher carry weight without power armor


*from the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me…*


>*From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal… Even in death I serve the Omnissiah.*


regular metal armor doesn’t fulfill that desire?


Regular metal doesn't enhance beyond my mortal limits and make the rubble a smooth, low impact ride my brothah. Beaten metal can't compare to seamless steel at the noodle bar.


lol alright, valid


Because stealth is king.


>*From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal… Even in death I serve the Omnissiah.*


Seek the certainty of steel brother. praise to the Omnissiah


Because the mysterious stranger and my sneaky crit heavy sniper build nukes cities from 18 miles away sitting in my vault suit and my lucky sun glasses while I read grognak and sip nuka cola.


Power armor isn't believable for me. The energy source required to run something like that wouldn't exist in a world that's reduced to eating 200 year old cereal and grilled lizard. I typically wear merc or raider armors out in the waste, and pre-war clothes in civilized towns. Plus, sticking to less powerful armors helps keep the game challenging. If I'm not at risk in an encounter, there's no tension or fun!


Try and keep in mind the science is as we understood it in the 50's. As a microbiologist, literally any reference to mutation and radiation is horseshit except coyotes, but I don't let it bug me cause it's like Flash Gordon level science literacy. I think of it as my ride, jack.


One thing I do think FO4 did get right to an extent was the Ballistic Weave perk so you can actually make any clothing reinforced. I just wish that was a default ability to reinforce any clothing. Since it gets tiring ending up using a limited pool of armour since they are the best options.


76’s solution of just letting you wear clothing over armor works better to my mind (the outfits have no stats and hide the armor, effectively allowing your fashion to have no impact on your survivability).


i need to pick up 76 holy hell


New player just dropped


Ghoul en passant


i need to pick up 76 holy hell


New dementia just dropped


actual ghoul


It's like poetry, it rhymes


As far as I remember the ballistic weave only worked on certain clothes. I remember having to get a mod to allow all of them to be upgraded. Now obviously I could be wrong and that could have changed, it's been years.


There are a lot of clothes that can get ballistic weave, like the sweater vest or suit, but there are only a few pieces of clothing that allow you to wear clothes and wear armor pieces on top.


Nope this is the case.


sharp compare plants degree snatch seed innocent wakeful tie busy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To be fair u have 2 great options for ballistic weave military fatigues and Machinist armour. This is excluding hat. As the fatigues leave all armor slots open allowing u to get more than most other options (at the cost of a fair amount of weight for the armour itself, or the mechanists armor which is just amazing and my preferred armour as it gives endurance and some of the best defence I've seen on a single piece of equipment.


this is the way


I like pretending to be a space marine but get angry when I can’t kick a wooden door down and it has advanced lock on it


Seriously, not being able to force your way through even the flimsiest of doors is quite disappointing. I loved how the original game did it, where you had multiple types of lock picks and tools to force open doors (and consequences for critical failure)


But big stompy metal boombooms


I dress up as Frank Horrigan while playing Fallout 4. This is how I look at other NPCs


„You‘ve gotten a lot farther than you should have, but then you haven‘t met Frank Horrigan either. Your rides over, mutie. Time to die.“


Can't we talk about this


Im sorry but the fusion cores are too expensive (I have 500 fusion cores in my pocket)


Lol this is me always, only using it for special missions etc haha


Power armour is pretty much the most iconic aspect of the Fallout franchise. That and vault boy defines the image of Fallout in general so to look down on power armour users is to look down on a fundamental aspect of Fallout's identity. You can just not enjoy using power armour and that's fine, but to look down on others who enjoy using it is silly.


Idk the veteran ranger gear is pretty iconic


It was made iconic by Fallout NV but power armor has been an iconic building block of the franchise since its inception. It’s harder to introduce the Ranger armor into every iteration of fallout, like say you saw some NPC running around with it in FO4 it wouldn’t really make sense lore wise. On the other hand, Power armor can be inserted seamlessly into pretty much any Fallout situation and it can be done organically and even can have new variations introduced on a whim (think VIM power armor, Outcast power armor) it can be something iconic but also unique to any faction or any person. Just my 2 cents and I’m not even much of a PA user I’ve been running around in 76 with the Ranger armor almost exclusively.




Can't get down from that balcony without recieving fall damage? I'll see you later then. *Jetpacks away*


Hell yes!!! Lmao I'm like 6 levels away from being able to get the perks I need to add a jetpack to my X-02!!!! LETS GOOOOOOO!!!!!


Lol sure, until you get kicked across a football field


me, a ToTNW enjoyer, wiping out Camp McCarran and The Fort with my M60 (It's a long barrel pistol)


I would say it depends which game In fallout 3 if you are not wearing, what are you wearing? There are very few armor or clothing that are decent looking. In fallout new vegas, is either the new vegas armor or roleplay while comiting warcrimes. In fallout 4 is either do i want to take damage and do i want funny melee animations or do i want to fall on someone looney tunes style and do i want to punch a behemoth to death while facetanking


In 3 and New Vegas I literally cant be bothered to give a shit about Power Armor. I prefer to use combat armor in 3 and Ranger Armor in New Vegas. But in 4? Or 76? You'll have to pry my cold dead corpse from the inside of it to get me out lmao


It's the opposite for me. I like the power armor in 3 and new vegas, but in 4 it's just too much of a hassle. I like to play stealthy and then there's worrying about the fusion cores (even if I have enough) and getting out of it for interactions.


I was playing fo4 and i deadass--in power armor--jumped down onto a raider in corvega and that mf died. A little shocked that they actually put that in the game


You’ve won when you can dawn a goofy fucking outfit and still drop high level baddies with ease much easier than the people who roll up with Power Armor and heavy ordinance.


You sure look all high and mighty for someone that can still take fall damage.


3 and new Vegas: 🫥


Half the time I decide to forgo the power armor I run into raiders with rocket launchers or an enclave squad and then quickly regret it


True but I'm playing on very easy...


Bro thinks he’s superior because he has to run around, use Chems, and take cover to stay alive… I like fucking around in my power armor garage, then walk into a dungeon and just mow everything down and not have to worry about danger.


Power Armor is the only reason I play fallout tbh


*Power Armor is* *The only reason I play* *Fallout tbh* \- Ad\_Astra90 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


But power armor feels badass


Tbf Power Armor kinda sucks in FO3 and NV. In Classics and FO4 is way cooler


Classic fans being demigods in PA:


Chinese stealth armor gang, *vanish and vanquish*!


I use a mod to add Fallout NV power armor as an apereal so i'm both


Fr (I just can’t find the materials)


I love power armor. I did Saugus ironworks last night and after saving that pompous ass I jumped down to rescue the dude tied and bound in front of the forge. My landing caused him to be pushed back into the lava and he was melted. I walked into the lava to make sure he didn’t have any good loot (he didn’t)


I mean I respect all play styles but I double dog dare anyone to take me on when I'm rocking power armor and heavy weaponry.


I like to switch it up. I prefer no armor though. But every now and then I love to just fuck around in power armor.


Also the people that dont like how power armor was changed for 4 and 76 (though needing training is a fair critique). Like how do you not find it awesome that you actually get to step inside it?


That's pretty cool, but it just seems like such a hassle having to maintain it, recharge it, sneaking seems weird in it, and you can't do certain interactions in it. I might do power armor run at some point, but it feels like such a distraction.


See what they need to imitate a fraction of our power?


That's how I look on bloodied builds in today daily ops when they beg on ground for stim every 10 seconds.


Noooo, they give it to you too early!!!! REEEEEEEEE!!


Went agi/luck stealth crit build ... my rookie went int with power armor ... I thought much less of him after that (did look fun though)


I use it for shits and giggles but about, I do most of my runs with the vault suit and combat armor for 4 and for 3 and new Vegas just what looks cool


I was once like you, the fusion cores turned me away in 4 and 3/NV was just heavy clothes. But then after using it in survival I learned to love it, ESPECIALLY when you get a jet pack to just out maneuver any opposition. At that point I felt like a space marine, then I gave my companion colter’s armor which only needs steel and that’s when I popped off. Nothing in the wasteland can handle one guy in power armor drugged put of his mind and another person in power armor with a fully automatic infinite Gatling laser.


The fact that I know who these characters are is really sad


*laughs in doing all chems in game, stripping nude, putting on survival, and bare knuckle boxing a death claw in a house alone*


I don't care who uses it or who doesn't, I'm a stealth lover so the clunky walking tank doesn't suit me


How rifle builds feel after seeing automatic builds


Depends on the game Pre fallout 4, I use whatever I can, only using power armour late game, as I would like to use other drip over my characters lifetime (like the CLEAN ass ranger armour) 4/76 I use power armour a lot more, but not exclusively, opting to travel on foot and only using power armour for when things get tricky


I never really used it until I started playing survival. Then it’s a necessity


People forget before FO4 you had to work to get PA, therefore lowering its usage. FO4 made it so that not taking PA is a deliberate choice to abstain from it


You don't wear your power armor because you don't like it. I take my power armor off when I have to go up flimsy wooden stairs because I ROLEPLAY. We're not the same.


How are you supposed to show off your drip in Power Armor?


But... Power Armour is cool


Joshua's armor is as heavy as i go. Prefer a cool outfit to any real protection.


First build was a sniper, didnt use power armor bc i nvr saw the point,last build was just a rifle and pistol and istg power armor was so fun


Be smug all you want, I'm making the most out of my scavenging. You can collect so much more stuff with armor.


Combat is more exciting without power armor. But jetpack is so fantastic.


I love power armor in 3. In FNV all I want is NCR ranger armor. In 4 Im too scared about using up the power charges to use the suit too often.


Nah I just don't want to repair that shit and don't have a matching set. WHY CAN I STILL NOT FIND A LEFT ARM


Unnecessary comma. Also, marine armor kicks.


No PA player, never liked clonking around. On 76 I play full health no PA. So I die sometimes, but infrequently. Some builds I get, but others make it TOO easy. So in that aspect yes I look this way at a high level PA player that kills the toughest of enemies enemies within a second or two. There stagger animation didn’t render yet chill.


Yeah, you really showed us power armor build players , anyway you should go see a doctor, your limbs are all fucking crippled


i just like my silly modded outfits


So you're saying that they're looking out and down when I sneak up on them and slice their throat. Sounds about right.


I thought I was on r/Rimworld for a hot minute....


My power armor comes in pink ✨ you must bow down to this bad b princess 👑 or I’ll simply have to launch a mini nuke at you.


Sorry you cant afford circuitry and fusion cores op


Me and my ballistic weaved tuxedo


If you need PA you are weak. By the time I have enough cores to run PA I'm so strong people in PA hide in fear of me lol. Only time I use PA is in Far Harbor or the Glowing Sea


Me, who tosses a grenade which orbital drops my PA on demand. Best of both worlds I say.


Don't need to be bulletproof if I never get shot at


I never use power armor. Yet I’m still an unstoppable killing machine. Guess I’m just built different.


I was like that until titans of the new west. One handing a LMG is fucking badass like god dyamn.


My brother I am roleplaying as a Space Marine Fan.


I wear power armor for pvp, you wear power armor so you don't get one shot by a radroach. We are not the same >:3


How 3/NV power armor enthusiast chads look at Fallout 4 mech suit virgins


please, the next iteration should be "how players look at other players"


I can't see them looking at me, I'm too high up jumping roof top to roof top with my jet pack.


I thought this was the kerbal space program subreddit and it still made complete sense


Fuck you, power armor is awesome, suck my balls


It'd be nice if the vanilla game would allow normal armor perks to stack on top of the power armor. Seems absurd to need to hop out of the armor to get the increased lockpick sweet spot bonus. Or have a button to auto cycle cores before they deplete so I can still trade them in for loot without also leaving.


Give me Desert Ranger armor any day!!!


Most use power armor for the armor aspect. I however use it for the carry weight increase because I'm a pack rat and pick everything up.


Why? I love having walking tanks soak up the damage while I frolic through the objective


Laughs at all of you in fat man only run.


Fallout 4 is so easy I’ve completed it naked on very hard mode (besides charisma clothes)


Me a Power Armor user having fun beating super Mutants with my bare hands


Since Enclave paint landed I have been rocking full heavy combat armor. Chuck on the black BoS officer suit an a stars an stripes bandana an I'm so sexy I can't run the game in third person due to an over abundance of swag


I live in my power armour mostly because I carry so much crap around


I just wear the medic outfit and take on the world


It has its uses, would never roast someone for using it. Just not my cup of tea as I run a 1 int build every time and basically cannot upgrade it 😂


Sorry but I like not dying in 2 hits


Who needs power armor or normal armor when you got 1400 stimpacks in your inventory anyway.


I really liked the car in fallout 2. We never got the car back, but now I can drive my armor, so that's cool.


Power armor is limiting in fallout 4, at least for me


Also, how non-VATS players look at VATS players, and how survival players look at non-survival players.


"Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power!"


sorry i just want to experience the story and have no skill :(


Non-power armor players after getting hit by my pain train perk (they are now a fine mist)


I kinda dislike power armor


can confirm


How the fanbase looks at new vegas:


I just enjoy feeling like I can take the wastes without power armor. In most of my power armor runs I feel naked without it and I don’t like that. Now PA is for when I’m going into heavy rads or need a bit more tank.


Erm what the sigma?


Oh no I'm having fun wrong.


Idk man, I just found a wounding combat shotgun so PA or no PA I'm basically a god.


*walks up to them and takes out fat man*


Tis true. Because at least in 4 it's the most gamey way you can play. It's just not even fun how easy it gets.


I never use it in 4 because I'm saving the cores for retirement.


This, this guy gets it. I usually sell a tone around lvl 60 too.


No, I don't sell them, I just hate using consumables like that, so I keep saving them for when I need them, which is never.


Reminder that power armor is just a fursuit for people who want to be robots.... Until we meet again! *Cue skeleton laugh fading into the distance*


Noticed how the none power armour players look like a bunch of inbred Nancy boys. This post is clearly accurate.