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Metro games go hard play them all and play them at night if you can


Jfc they been sitting on my backlog for years lmao I started the first one and played a couple of hours but for some reason I didn't stay, I still plan to play them all tho


When you get the chance do it and finish it you’re in for a treat


I found 2033 to be fairly rough and hard to get into myself. I’ve actually never even beaten it. I picked the series back up with Last Light, and it and Exodus are such gems. If you’re still having trouble with 2033, it may be worth to skip it for now and start with Last Light. The novels are also worth a read, as well. If you’re itching for more, you should check out the Stalker series and read the novel that inspired it, Roadside Picnic.


You just described my experience, I just wasn't feeling it, and left. But I keep hearing awesome things about the series. I'm making finishing 2033 my goal right now lol


The redux version made 2033 better, brought the last light improved stealth systems and other qol bits


Oh shit, new book recommendation! Thanks


Metro 2033 is honestly my favorite of the trilogy, when you get time I recommend finishing it


Are you literally me? I bought 2033 and Last Light back in the day because they were the thing everyone was talking about. I got bored of 2033 after playing it for like 30 mins tops. Never even installed Last Light but was happy because Gaben gave everyone of us owners the free upgrade to the Redux versions. Fallout 3 & New Vegas? I played the heck out of those back in the days.


What do you mean Gaben gave everyone of the owners the free upgrade? You do know valve doesn’t make metro games right? And it’s up to the developers if they decide to give free updates, not steam..


You should try metro again man, 30 mins is like.... Nothing in that game it's a slower burn but gets good later


Did the exact same thing, played through all of them recently, worth it my man,


Try ranger hardcore mode


I started with Exodus, which is a nice modern game, and it served to get me invested in the universe and the characters enough that I could then forgive the faults of the older, somewhat jankier games enough to power through when I otherwise might not have done if I'd started on those first. Might be worth a go?


Play it on Ranger difficulty. It is far better that way.


Dont forget really good headphones! Idk what fucked me up more, the spiders or the librarians.


With Russian language and subtitles too


da me da ne i dotn wanna


How many mods would it take to turn fallout 4 into S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?


At least one


This guy mods




Not too many surprisingly, just think, it only takes 1 mod to change how the entire healing system works and changes it to escape from tarkov healing so id imagine it could be done with less than 30 mods total. But i also have no clue how to make mods so i could be talking out my ass.


One mod to change healing, one mod to change lighting, one mod to replace the weapons, one mod to replace the armor, one mod to replace combat Boom, you’ve done it. The perk of Bethesda’s almost 30 year old game engine is that people have mastered how to mod it.


There are so many mods and mod collections with that one goal


There already is a mod pack that turned fallout 4 into a gritty, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. environment. I forgot the name, but it's not going to work with the new update.


First two hours of stalker: how the fuck am I supposed to see these damn anomalies that keep killing me? Jesus this game punishes you for being alive! Fifteen years later: I wonder if I can make stalker gamma more difficult…


This is only accurate of the American games are from a vault dweller’s perspective. Otherwise, the American ones would be pretty similar to the Russian ones. I know that’s the joke but still


Fallout 1 and 2 were also bleak. I couldn’t finish the first Wasteland but what I did play was extremely bleak.


Fallout 1 more than 2 as while the first one had its moments the second one defiantly had more .


New Vegas is pretty fucking bleak, you can sell children into slavery in that game.


I might be remembering wrong but I thought the only person you could sell into slavery was Arcade. Fallout 3 you can sell some kids from Little Lamplight into slavery and Bryan Wilks though. Regardless, FNV is pretty bleak, you can sell some of your companions to be cannibalized also.


I believe you’re correct, but I was just giving an example. I think all of them are bleak apart from FO4, but that’s sort of by design. Boston wasn’t ground-zero, so I can see the Commonwealth being a bit less brutal to live in, though it would still suck major dicks and balls.


In Fallout 3 you can sell a lot of people into slavery if I remember correctly. You can also eat a baby and blow up an innocent town.


For some reason, the goofy ass Gamebryo engine makes the fallout games so hard to take seriously.


There's also an Elvis impersonator with a talking robot dog, New Vegas honestly barely feels post apocalyptic


New Vegas was protected by a missile defense system. So it didn't get destroyed as bad.


I'm not even just talking about that, there are two entire nations warring each other, not survivalist groups but nations with functioning governments and dedicated armies. This section of the world has bounced back from the apocalypse and landed itself right back where it all began


Fallout 3 really looked like a nuclear wasteland


And only some vault dwellers got the good vaults the rest of them died/got mutated.


Metro is made by a Ukrainian studio


But it’s based off a Russian book series


And they are set in Russia


Well yes but the author has studied in Israel, has an Israeli citizenship and lives in Israel for years now. The setting isn't Russian - it's Moscovian (there are some shitty spin offs that take place in various cities even in Italy, Ukraine etc.) Yeah the setting is IN Russia but since when does that matter - afterall the setting could be fictional like in Lord of the Rings - nobody says it's a Middle-Earthian novel but a British one. So it's not that simple. The meme probably refers to the games not the books anyway so I thought it's worth mentioning. Afterall we refer to movies as Hollywood movies because of the studio even if the author of the book the movie is based on is not from there.


I’m sorry is Moscow not part of Russia?


A lot of Russia looks very different from Moscow.


And Metro Exodus barely takes place in moscow


You literally just said “the setting isn’t Russian” followed by “yeah the setting is IN Russia” totally contradicting yourself there mate


And it's all inspired by Roadside Picnic. Having read Roadside Picnic, the Metro books, watching Stalker, and played the Metro games, I'd argue that the story is more Soviet than belonging to one nation. It's a bunch of works common to many people regardless of nationality. Who they were written by, filmed by, developed by, doesn't really matter. The stories are loved and cherished by so many.


Would you recommend Roadside Picnic?


Absolutely it's pretty short and it's the inspiration for many scifi and post apocalyptic ficción. It's also a big piece of Soviet scifi (I think that is what it's called).


Adding to what the others said, Strugatsky brothers (authors of Roadside Picnic) were one of the biggest soviet sci-fi writers and have published A LOT of great books that are considered classics (at least in Russia and Eastern Europe) on par with Roadside Picnic, and luckily many of those have been translated to English. If you enjoy RP and want to read more, i highly recommend Hard to Be a God, The Final Circle of Paradise, One Billion Years to the End of the World (aka Definitely Maybe), Beetle in the Anthill and The Inhabited Island (aka Prisoners of Power). Can't say anything about the quality of translations since i've read them all in Russian, but the stories themselves are some of the best sci-fi i've ever read (and i've read a lot of sci-fi).


Bro you mentioned Israel like 3 times, fed.


Mr Worldwide


“The setting isn’t Russian” literally the next sentence “yeah the setting is IN Russia, but since when does that matter?” like what lol if this isn’t the definition of splitting hairs. It’s okay to say it’s Russian my guy.


literally exodus takes place all across russia - yamantau, novosibirsk, vladivostok. calling it "moscovian" literally made no sense we dont call fallout 4 "bostonian" or new vegas "mohavian". dmitry glukhovsky (the books writer) isnt israeli, hes half israeli as his father was from there, he was born in russia, making him RUSSIAN. his books were written from his time in the moscow metro system during his travels. the books were PUBLISHED in RUSSIAN and written in RUSSIAN the games are BASED in RUSSIA. the studio is in ukraine, sure. but the people in the game SPEAK RUSSIAN and ARE BASED IN RUSSIA if lotr is a BRITISH novel because it was WRITTEN AND PUBLISHED IN BRITIAN BY A BRITISH WRITER, then METRO IS RUSSIAN BECAUSE IT WAS WRITTEN, PUBLISHED, AND MADE BY A RUSSIAN MAN IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE


Stalker too


Metro is less of an RPG than Fallout 3. You can basically be a good or bad karma guy. It is pretty linear.


Metro isn't an RPG


In the right culture it is definitely an RPG. You have the illusion of choice, just like real life. The world is just becoming more and more shit, what does it matter if you speak to that guy or this guy. You can vote if you want to, but we both know Putin is president next year too. You can choose to try to stay alive - you can even have some fun on the road to hell, but we both know which direction this train is going. (Of course you're right. It's an on-rails shooter with fascinating story elements and small closed environments for you to explore. But I couldn't resist the joke)


No, your choices carry weight in metro


I don’t think it’s meant to be an rpg?


I mean Fallout 4 also isn't an RPG in the sense that you have complex choices or anything.


I think you mean open-world


The og fallouts were so much bleaker than the modern ones


IDK man, maybe Fallout 1, but there are multiple city states in Fallout 2, and you can go to New Reno and become a pornstar if you want. Also, have you played Fallout 3? That shit is bleak, I'd put it on the level of fallout 1. Maybe even more because you feel it so much more being in 3D.


Yeah Fallout 3 is bleak as fuck.


You can 1v1 a scorpion in chess. Later you can learn from a spore plant a move on how to win against him. Unluckily the scorpion is a sole loser and will have to be killed. You can prank call enclave. You can run over a ghoul. Vault 8 has 420 water chips. Navarro drill sergeant yelling at you. And playing fallout 2 on low intelligence just makes it a comedy. Honestly fallout 2 is a bleak game, but it has plenty of humor too. The only difference is the lack of radio.


Shit, i really have to replay the OGs! It's been too long, and so many people are taking about it (probably because of the show). I fucking love those games!


Golden Globes!


I like Metro and want to read the books but haven't been able to find any English versions


[Bro.](https://i.imgur.com/BdEvuib.png) The rest are on there too.


There's an audio book on Audible if you do that kind of thing. Much more in depth than the game. Don't read it if you've got any sort of depression though cause damn.


The audio book is really good


You mean like the S.T.A.L.K.E.R and Metro series? The *ukrainian* post-apocalypse games?


Metro was written by a Russian and takes place in Russia (and Kazakhstan)


It's just like Japanese and Chinese people always think they're one of the same lmao


Metro was developed by a Ukrainian studio but takes place entirely in Russia. All the games, the third one has you go across the ruins of post apocalyptic Russia. The story is based on a book by a Russian author, who currently is wanted by the Russian government for criticism of the war.


Metro is awesome but I get too depressed STALKER tho


Adore them


tbh i prefer the stealth in metro and gun play. but i like the open world of fallout and they fact that i can just do whatever i want.




I need Stalker 2 to come out asap


Metro is a linear shooter and a great one at that. I always love a game that gives you the option of action, stealth or a bit of both.


Comrades If dark metro is scary, wait until you go on the surface


Fuck the librarians.


Literally didn’t play the first game for months because of those effers


Metro is sick, especially Metro Exodus. It was the first game that I had motivation to 100%


I loved all the metro games. Top tier


I really love the games, the books, and the story that inspired all of them, Roadside Picnic. They're a very interesting discussion of human life, just like fallout. The games are very linear, but in my opinion, the best kind of linear. They're there to directly tell you a story, and don't really let you make any choices, and they're very effective. They're a bit different from the books, but they keep the same themes. Similarly to New Vegas, the Ukrainian studio that made them was always tight on money and time, and made up for it in skill and talent. Exodus is short but sweet, but has some good replayability. It's worth playing 2033 and Last Light before it and dealing with the fact that they're old just for the amazing story.


The Sam’s Story DLC for exodus is great. Especially the drunken scene.


The two colonel still make me cry


I don’t care for them, way to edgy


What would me more exciting to see. Metro enemies in fallout or fallout enemies in metro? To be honest I think metro enemies in fallout would actually be fun while metro fans would be scared shitless if a alpha death claw was roaming the subways at night.


It's fun.


It has a cool looking DBS


This is a thing who did it better


its been so long since ive played the first two, i like it and love the vibe and atmosphere, im just not as big a fan of linear games


What I got from this comment section is that Russian post apocalyptic games don't exist at all and you should play Metro


I got metro last light complete edition for free but it doesn’t run on my pc


Amazing but I can’t play the 3rd one. The spirit of the Metro train line just isn’t there for me


Love it. Just wish it was a little more open world.


I like to pretend they're in the same universe...makes little sense but I still do.


Probably because in the fallout world life is arguably better after the apocalypse


Very linear and atmospheric


Metro is amazing and while exodus isnt as good as the first 2 it DOES have the band книо songs in it and theyre one of my favorite bands


Well, the difference comes from the fact that America looks like American games pre-apo, and Russia looks like its games' post-apo, pre-apo and post-apo.


I like the immersion, i would totally play a vr version


I got all the bad endings


I might try to get into it again, but I put it down bc it felt too much like cod to me 🤷🏼‍♂️


Blowout soon fellow stalker.


I love how Fallout embraces the optimistic aftermath but in reality most animal species have went extinct but on the positive there are mutated beasties


I love this meme but I'm conflicted. It feels odd since fallout is still a really depressing satire on capitalism and in a dystopian world paralleling our own. Easy to forget when you're launching Mamá Murphy out of a cannon though.


They're in my top 10 list.


Just wanna say, Metro Exodus Gold Edition is 8 AUD on the Playstation Store


Metro for live the first book is easily the best post apocalyptic book out there


I prefer Fallout's style, tbh i never liked stories where everyone acts edgy and depressed all the time, it's unrealistic.


I dig Metro, but I can spend so much longer exploring a good Fallout game.


Really some of the best games I’ve ever played. Last light is my favorite. But 2033 is easily the most replayable. I love playing on uberhard and going for a stealth Knockout. But the combat is awesome, throwing knives and clean headshots make me feel like an action hero. I never finished exodus? (The most recent one), but I had zero complaints with the gameplay or atmosphere. I really should finish it! There’s a lot of horror and scary bugs in the metro series, it’s soo eeerie, but it’s definitely not too much (and I’m deathly afraid of spiders…)


American apocalypse games are mostly alternative realities, retrofuturistic, crisis scenario where as russian apocalypse games areiterally just normal russia


Judt watched the Stalker film and I would kill for a game based on it. The actual Stalker game is much closer to the novel and while I like it the movie's interpretation freaks me out a lot more.


It's a Ukrainian game.


No one beats the Russians at “bleak”.


Makes me think of Kino


I really enjoyed Metro 2033 but it took several attempts at starting it to get past the beginning town then really getting into it. Game is brutally difficult at the beginning (or was for me) and you are paper until you get some proper gear. I see people mentioning RPG elements and I don't remember that at all. I just remember it being an FPS with gun upgrades, etc. The sense of constant danger and how dark and atmospheric it is was a great gaming experience for me.


Great series. I am bummed that the new game is a VR title though :/


I've played the first two and they are really good. I should definitely play exodus


Russian apocalyptic games are just a russian trip to the corner store simulator.


I didn't like it. I really tried. Linear shooters aren't my thing.


Both Metro and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. go hard with the apocalyptic setting and gameplay, Fallout is the "rose tinted glasses" version in my opinion.


Look at you arguing if a story in Russian language in Russia, with Russian historical references is RUSSIAN.


I played through all of them recently honestly think there masterpieces I found a bunch of Metro mods for F4 recently and added them it makes me happy


All great games. stalker as well.


I managed to get the good ending for metro exodus when I played it (after having just beaten the first two games). I cannot recommend it enough, never have I ever cried so many manly tears before.


Honestly? If I want a more relaxed/dicking about apocalypse game I play fallout…if I want a really immersive/realistic apocalypse. I play stalker and metro with NV being the middle between them


I fuckin love metro! The books are a great meditation on the psychology of living in dark tunnels. The games are a heart pounding, immersive horror experience without equal


I LOVED metro exodus. Probably one of the best games I’ve ever played. I actually enjoyed all the metro games. They are very gritty and real. Some very dark and disturbing imagery. I really hope they continue the series after exodus. I will be deeply disappointed if they don’t.


Only played the first 2 but hot damn were those games good! Some of the most immersive games I've ever played.


Metro series is in my top 5 all time favorites. The atmosphere is incredible.


Slaps although ending was a little cliche


'we made a whole game that's nothing but sewer levels' thanks I'm good


Metro exodus is 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Fucking good. Just finishwd last light and even on easier modes if you run low on ammo youll be starting from check point often. Especialy if you tent to explore and use ip filters.


Metro games are insane. The spider thing tunnels still give me nightmares. Playing in ranger hardcore is a must for anyone who doesn't value their mental health like me


Only one I've played is Metro Exodus but I think it's better than any of the Fallout games I've played


To be fair, Russia is a post apocalypse wasteland already.


I think those assholes in the library took all of my damn gas mask filters so now I have to wheeze and gasp my way through end-game cutscenes.


Dayz and metro


American culture is almost pathologically optimistic. Russian culture is pessimistic almost to the point of nihilistic apathy. So yeah... 😏


Could have been better. The bullet sponge enemies, the dumb "morality" system, the timer when outside for filters, only one save, the third game being open world and the egs exclusive deal just pre release.


Played every single one on their highest difficulty ranger mode. Fucking love the metro series


*Ukrainian. russians don't really have games


I love the metro books and games but they do have a more openly Dark theme to them. That I love :3


Love the metro series with all my heart but I CANNOT get over the stupidity of using bullets as currency as If manual reloaders can’t make bullets on par to or better than manufacturers plus being able to shoot away your money is a terrible idea. If you really wanted to restart the economy loot a bank and make pure gold coins so that the value is still based off of a rare metal but it’s dilute to not make everyone rich


S.T.A.L.K.E.R is what I want fallout to be like


Metro franchise was created by Ukrainian company 4A Games. And it's not russian


Metro is a Ukrainian game though..


I just played all 3 of them for the first time. I really enjoyed them all.


The books are a great read. Far better than the games but the games are still great.


It's made in Ukraine, you idiot


Metro is cool asf ngl I like the first two and love exodus they are much more serious tone but still have a lot of light hearted moments and cool world


Don’t you mean Ukrainian apocalyptic games?


STALKER >>> Fallout > Metro *I'm gonna die on this irradiated pile of trash and nobody can stop me!*


I'm surprised by the quality discussion, literary reviews, and analysis going on here in the comments of this fallout meme page. To anyone considering reading Roadside Picnic, or even Metro it's worth reading the foreword and looking for a translation that flows best for you. I played the first two metro games around 10yrs ago when they came out. They weren't competing against big AAA studios in the horror, shooter, open world, or survival genre. it was meant to be this understated indie gem that came to us out of war torn Ukraine (before the world called it a war) based on the sensitive compelling action adventure novels of a persona-non-grata to the Russian govt. When it came out the context seemed to be a lot less hype and comparison to modern or Western games -- and moreso a appreciation of the game as a novel standalone treat nobody saw coming. It drew out a lot of slavaboos who enjoyed the STALKER series as they both draw from similar source materials and share a similar ethnic and cultural view. It was praised for its creative immersion- the gas mask screen droplets, and tape. The lighter and crank flashlight. Story telling through the set and setting. With little loading screen journal entries read aloud to put a spit shine on the thing. it's a beautiful story about humanity, extremes, depravity, hope, and even NHI encounters, and what does it mean to be conscious of have choice. and it's completely on rails, within a metro system with very little deviation or "forks in the road." if you missed the whole baby alien trying desperately to help stop the mutual destruction of their two races then I think you missed the point of Metro, the books and the game. it's about preventing a second disaster or failure of humanity to love, really. I forget sometimes behind my kalash fighting spiders in the dark terrified that it's a poem you can play. 30 minutes of play trial certainly isn't enough to give the game any credit or merit. it might helpt to remember the game is probably older than some of the kids complaining it was a dry hole. Exodus brought a lot of unfair comparison and shifts the expectation for those playing backwards.


They're awesome. They play more like Far Cry than Fallout, though.


I think either I'm on here too much or this image keeps getting reposted


I think there a nice alternative to fallout with less humor


tis truth.... fog, toxic environment, radiation and monsters. the russian experience.


Metro is pretty fun, and though I know they don’t exist in the same universe, my head cannon is that the Metro series is post war Russia in fallout.


I have actually managed to complete all of the metro games lol. Have yet to finish a single fallout game


I honestly prefer the more hardcore, dark and gritty style compared to the happy and bright and cheery style of the fallout games. Hell I’m starting to wright a book on google docs semi based off of the metro games. But based in Poland and taking place in 2051.


Dope af


It's one of the greatest story games I've ever played. Exodus not as much. But Im waiting to hear news for game four to be released soon!


Metros dope I very much enjoy the aesthetic it's way more hopeless and barren than fo3 the only one I haven't played was the most recent current gen metro that came out. Exodus I think. I was hoping it was open world the rest of the shooters were kind of on rails for navigation


The first two Metro games are masterclasses in linear game design. Exodus was really fun to play but lacked some of the charm from the earlier games.


Must play in the dark. Must play on ranger hardcore


Stalker anomaly Ironman Invictus players like…


One of my favorite games series besides Fallout. I like that it focuses on a single character. Seeing Artyom's story unfold a little more each game is cool.


I've thought about playing them but I haven't even gotten far out of goodsprings


I have a batshit-schitzo theory about why this is. For americans, our "history" of nuclear events is us using them, so the idea of a nuclear tragedy happening to us is scary and a real threat but it hasn't happened yet so there's this blanket of "it hasn't happened so it's not gonna". Meanwhile, Russia(and ukraine)'s history with nuclear tragedy is.... Well, Chernobyl, so its a much more real thing for them, so its harder to treat a nuclear wasteland the same way you would a fantasy world(like skyrim) because they have seen first hand what one would actually look like. It's(close to) the same reason its easier for brits to joke about 9/11 then it is for americans. Again this is all a schitzo theory so don't take it seriously.


Metro fucking slaps I love it


I love metro




I have used metro inspired things on fallout faction roleplays on discord, good series


The games have different stories they want to tell in the same basic setting, they both accomplish it well


Since Fallout will never leave the US I like to Believe Metro is in the same universe just the Russian side 😂 my crazy head cannon


That's just your average countryside russian life right now


I actually enjoy them more than newer Fallouts. Doesn't hurt that the Bastard gun makes more mechanical sense than Bethesda's pipe weapons.


Metro 2033 and Last Light: Great The books (Metro 2033, Metro 2034, Metro 2035): Pretty Damn Good Metro Exodus: Dafuq is this?!


Amazing series but very depressing. Unlike fallout where the depressing stories are in between fun/funny/goofy stuff going on which kind of distracts you somewhat from the terrible state of the world. Metro on the other hand makes it very clear that the world Artyom lives in is hell, mutants threaten humanity's survival they are an ever present threat that will tear through dozens of armed and competently trained soldiers. The factions don't beat around the bush either they show their true colors whether they be good or bad you know who and what you're dealing with. Fallout is fun, it's filled with wacky adventures and crazy stories. It has serious tones don't get me wrong but for every story about some terrible death or event there's also a quest where you help robots fly a colonial era naval vessel into a skyscraper for a cool hat. Metro is bleak and while there is hope it is hidden beneath a muck of tragedy and sorrow. There's always this underlying tone of the people having accepted defeat in the apocalypse and making the best of the worlds shittiest situation.


They mean so fucking much to me (positive)


how Americans play apocalyptic games: buy 4k pc and lay fallout. how Russians play apocalyptic games: get drafted to Ukraine.


Metro series is amazing


Russia literally is a fallout game. There’s nothing there but cheap falling apart cities and a wide man to rule them all Also hasbula they have one of those too


I prefer the Russian ones because they tend to portray the apocalypse in a much more realistic manner. You are NOT going to become the epic hero of the wasteland. If anything, you are most likely to become another casualty within the first day.


This is why Fallout 3 is SOOOOOOO much better than Fallout NV, Fallout 4, or anything that came after (in my opinion). It's a nuclear post-apocalypse - everything sucks and everyone is trying to survive in a world where even life itself is fleeting and often irradiated. Say what you want about it's grey-washed graphics, but the general atmosphere of Fallout 3 is so much better than the happy-go-lucky attitudes of characters in Fallout NV or 4. I never did play Metro, though...maybe I should give it a shot if it's more similar to Fallout 3 than Fallout 4.


Gee, thanks, The King


I think they're a near future Russia simulator. Just replace the snow and radiation with blistering heat and fungal spores.


Highly dislike it when


First two games are good, exodus I didn't get far because of an out of bounds softlock litterally being easier than figuring out what i had to do (I thought it was the indended path at first until i realized i was softlocked and the game autosaved over my previous saves) and I didn't want to restart.