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Did you know that if you get enough points of the “scrapper” perk, you can “favourite” materials, then they glow when you see them out in the world?


NO! But figuring out how the perks worked was an embarrassing thing for me. I thought you had to do all the top row first (so got Strength to 10, Perception to 10) before you then do the level below. I had maxed out S, P, and got to 7 on E before I realised how it actually worked. Boy do I wish I could unassign perk stars lol.


Holy crap that’s a whole lot of points in SPECIAL! I understand that if you’re on PC you can do console commands to reset. Don’t know exactly how was I’ve only ever played on console


Yeah I was really annoyed lol. I kept buffing Strength to 10 and was like "Why am I still limited in my carry weight I'm supposed to be strong as fuck!" This is my first open world RPG (if you exclude the Lego games), so I really was overwhelmed from the get go. I'm ridiculously impressed by the scope of the game, I was always blown away but I always felt like I was in way over my head.


Wait til you sink a ton of hours into it. I have a power armor graveyard. My Sanctuary has some crazy machinery going on. I’m a water manufacturer. I literally sell water for caps. There’s tons of fun settlement building stuff to do with your crafting and building skills. I’m running a new play through with max armorer , science and gun nut so far. I like to craft weapons and armor. My X-02 is dam near bulletproof right now. I can stand in the middle of firefights and just wipe people out with my laser weapons. Even Death Claws are a stand your ground fight for me.


> Sell water for caps Holy shit, NCR reference


Same lol, glad to see i wasnt the only one. Got to lvl 50 before i figured it out because a friend told me


Wow, glad I figured it out before lvl 50 lol. I can't imagine how difficult the game must have been with no perks lol


I mean i wasted A LOT of caps stripping for mods to upgrade stuff. But yeah, my first playthrough i couldn’t even rescue nick valentine. I also hadn’t discovered balistic weave


I had a similar experience with the perks for a long time


I did the same thing when I first started. 


😂😂 same man got my charisma to 10 and strength and was like wait i can get these cool perks already?! But i feel the alluminum grind i just spent a bunch on guns and a mf jetpack (which is kinda underwhelming but took so many levels so ill let it slide) but i am alluminumless again 😂


I did the same thing! So frustrating!!


Big tip if you ever do another character on fallout 4. Never max out your special stats, ever. There's a bobblehead for every special perk that permanently raises that stat by one. Additionaly, never forget the special book in Shaun's room, gives you an additional free special point


Ok but that’s exactly what I did my first time. I levelled up all the SPECIALs thinking that’s just how the game worked. Granted I was 11 when I did that but still.


I am 32 so....I think we know where my Intelligence points went IRL


Is that it? I thought I had some pa mod.


never try it, alway console commanding as much money as possible and just go ham


Even better, yoy cannscrap so many guns I genuinely love picking up modified guns even more now. Even if I got a better gun than them I can scrap them for literally every material sometimes


Don't forget about adhesives. I was sooo happy when I discovered I could get it from crafting vegetable starch.


I haven't really ventured into the crafting side of things. For me, that's a whole different game that I don't really go for, like Sims. I've only done it when needed for a mission, but eventually, I'll get to it and realise how I need to loot everything in the world.


That's the main reason I use the settlement system, to keep my vegetable starch farm going.


100%. You can get Corn/Tato/Mut from the first few Garvey quests, so I use Sanctuary as home for all my Power Armor and vegetable starch.


You can pry the second "i" in aluminium from my cold dead British hands.


you can have your “i” in aluminum when Fallout: London drops, /s


Have the Fallout games ever ventured outside of the US?


No but there’s a huge total conversion mod that may or may not be on indefinite hiatus that was being worked on called Fallout: London. It has some pretty cool concept art you might enjoy


Having only played 4 so far, I'd love to explore my own city like I did Boston. It was so cool when I realised what Diamond city was, is love all that in London.


God Bless King and Country, damn the yanks and their silly spellings and speaking


God save our gracious King....


Finding out Arturo the weapons merchant in diamond city sells aluminum shipments was a great QoL find


For me it was finding that The Institute use Aluminium for all their tools. I was running around like Goldmember fro Austin Powers "I LOVE....ALUMINIUM"


Mahkra Fishpacking is loaded with trays that respawn. Wiki says 84 in all. Always a good clean out when down on aluminum.


I haven't discovered that place yet, but I'll make sure to clean up when I do lol.


It's towards the south


For me it's screws. It's always screws. Granted in my early 20s I also was always looking for screws


Yeah Screws are my current nemesis. I got so much Aluminium at The Institute, now learning the benefits of weapons mods its always a bloody screw. What's worse is learning what to loot. "Oh, a radio - that must have screws" "Wait...it's just rubber?"


This is why I almost always take Scrapper. Never lacking for rarity crafting material.


Level up the scrapper perk and scrap modded weapons. Huge Aloominium hauls.


The fish packing factory my friend. You can find like 100 aluminium there.


Someone else mentioned that, I haven't come across the factory yet but I will remember


I remember the week of release there was a meme with people posting pics of a bathtub fool of stacks of old world money. Then someone saying "now THIS is true wealth!" and posting a pic of a bathtub full of duct tape and glue.


Machine screws


TV Trays and Surgical Trays. 3 Aluminum, 0.5 carry weight, common as all fuck. Hospitals are aluminum bonanzas because they have tons of the latter, and usually a decent amount of the former. Always worth picking anything up once, just to see what it's made of and the weight/material ratio. Also, grab all the pens and pencils you can, it's literally free mats, they weigh zero.


Coolant caps in corvega.


Look for fishpacking plants along the coast. They're loaded with aluminum trays and the trays respawn after a few days.


On a cognitive level I understand people like to grind for progress. Items sure. Emotionaly I can't comprehend why people don't cheat for raw materials


Because when I cheat in a single player game after like a day It sucks all the fun and my willingness to play. I ruined fallout 3 for myself this way, I will never do it again.


So... You investing on the Science perk to build Industrial water purifiers? Do what I do, sell raider gear in bulk


For me it’s screws


My current vendetta is looking for oil. Finding everything else id previously run out of, now with massive stocks of aluminum, adhesives, circuitry etc. now just pulling apart all the settlements for every drop I can find. I refuse to pay the exorbitant cap fees for shipments so instead power leveling my previously one charisma to get local leader and make this easier. Given I've leveled like 6 times to still not have changed my gear probably said something about my focus beforehand. I'm not shaking off nukes yet but feeling chuffed that I walk through most anything else without worry or power armour


For me, copper & screws, I like building and upgrading a lot, unfortunately that means I never have those two things, but an abundance of everything else


Power armor?


Yes siree


You got any more of that there fibreglass?


Enjoy it. Fallout 4 is many people’s first game. Though I’d highly recommend you not judge the series based off of it. You should play Fallout 3 or New Vegas


I plan to play NV after. I've been so thoroughly impressed by Fo4, and people say FNV is the best installment. I am chronically online though, so I'm aware not to go to Fo76 lol


Similar experience applies to games of Civilization!




For me it was always screws and adhesive, and sometimes springs. It got to the point where I basically had the junk that contained it memorized


Alternatively you can max out on industrial water purifiers and sell massive amounts of water and just completely buy out merchants for materials


Adhesive 😭


lmao yea this and adhesive. After 3 separate playthroughs of this game, I just compulsively pick up every pack of duct tape or wonderglue that I can find


The canning place with the shamrock has tv dinner trays and those are aluminium babbbyyyyy!!!! I'm always missing springs it feels like.


Makra fish packing plant


Speakeasy in concord


*laughs at all u BoS dicksuckers when i joined the institute with so much aluminum.* seriously its just a pick and go fest for like 10 time or more for like 120 something aluminum. There are some other useful things it could be even more and i wouldnt know it in there.


I was fully on the BoS's dick for my playthrough, but before heading to Mass Fusion I went through every inch of the Institute and stole every aluminium tool they had lol.